Net Red looked at Ye Chen with excitement.

"How is it possible? I miss you. I sent you a WeChat message. You have been ignoring me all the time. You are in a busy tone when calling. Do you hate me for not loving me anymore?"

Ye Chen was a little confused.

What's all this and what.

When did I love you?

He just remembered that at that time, it did add the WeChat of female internet celebrities, which was originally used to send and receive express.

In the end, the other party actually sent some ambiguous words, and Ye Chen just deleted it as he didn't see it.

But Ye Chen never dreamed that this female anchor would have found herself.

Ye Chen smiled awkwardly: "I'm sorry, I don't read WeChat much, and if I still have something to do, I will leave first."

This kind of woman is really too difficult, Ye Chen intends to slip away.

As a result, the other party was sitting directly in front of the car.

Ye Chen was speechless: "Sister, what are you going to do?"

"Brother express, since the last time I saw you, your appearance has been echoing in my mind, please don't leave, okay?"

The female anchor fell in front of the car with a pleading expression.

At this time, there were already many passers-by who saw the woman sitting in front of the car.

"What does this eldest sister mean, don't you touch the little brother Porcelain Express?"

"Brother express delivery is already very hard. It's too much to touch porcelain."

Ye Chen was speechless.

This woman is really too difficult.

"Eldest sister, I really want to deliver express, there are still many customers waiting."

"No, you must accompany me well today." The woman said domineeringly.

Ye Chen was speechless.

Why should I accompany you.

"Sister, look at me with so many couriers, the company will deduct money if they are delivered late."

"It's okay, I will raise you." The woman said with a domineering look.

The woman finally gritted her teeth and said: "Well, if you are willing to accompany me to live broadcast, I will let you go."

It turns out that there is another important reason why a woman entangled Ye Chen.

Yesterday, after Ye Chen left, she saw that Ye Chen turned out to be Xiao Di's rumored boyfriend.

This is a very good opportunity for fire.

And this man is still the rich second generation driving a sports car to experience life.

Therefore, she made up her mind to give me a chance.

In order to wait for Ye Chen, she had been here for a day, and finally caught Ye Chen.

The internet celebrities have already thought about it, if they can catch Ye Chen and become Ye Chen's woman, they will have nothing to worry about in the future.

If there is no chance, at least let Ye Chen accompany him to do a live broadcast to make his news hot.

Ye Chen shook his head: "I'm sorry, I don't like to be on the camera, and I don't want to be raised by a woman, so it's better for me to support myself."

At this moment, an Audi suddenly cleared the road and stopped in front of the woman.

Entering Audi, a man in a suit and leather shoes walked off, holding a flower in his hand with a look of excitement.

"Xiaoxue, I miss you so much. Since the last time I met, I have never forgotten you. Please give me a chance to be your boyfriend."

Seeing this posture, Ye Chen was stunned.

He also saw that the identity of this man should be a fan of this Internet celebrity.

And the other party is still a bald old man in his forties.

The internet celebrity was teasing Ye Chen, but an old man appeared out of nowhere.

The atmosphere that she finally brewed, turned out that this old man didn't come early or late, but it happened at this critical time.

The internet celebrity snorted: "Sorry, I don't know you, you know people."

After all, she can't let Ye Chen see that she even likes an old man in her forties.

This is also a bit too hungry.

You know, now she wants to create an image of an innocent lady in front of Ye Chen.

At this time, the old man was anxious.

"Xiaoxue, why don't you know me? I am Ahao. I have been chasing you for more than a year, and I have given you rewards every day, and I have invited you to eat several times. How could you not recognize me?"

The old man spent a lot of money on the Internet celebrity, and he was anxious when he heard that the other party turned his face and did not recognize him.

At this time, the old man paid attention to Ye Chen, who was wearing express clothing.

Ye Chen was so handsome, the old man understood after a glance.

"Xiaoxue, is this man chasing you?"

At this time, the female anchor was very embarrassed, and all of her old ways were exposed by the old man.

She desperately wanted this man to **** off.

But Ye Chen didn't have a good attack on the side.

At this time, the old man thought he already knew the truth.

This courier boy must be pursuing elementary school.

The old man said, "Xiaoxue, this little white face is indeed handsome, but I can give you everything you want, what you want, and what I give you. You have to think clearly. Nowadays society looks at money instead of looking at it. Face, didn’t you say you like money the most? I have it."

This crazy attack left the female Internet celebrities speechless.


Are you here to smash Lao Niang's place?

Originally, she felt that she had almost reached this little brother.

But this old man had a tiger operation...

Ye Chen was even more confused.

But his eyes lit up.

"Big brother, you are awesome, this eldest sister gave it to you."

Saying that Ye Chen turned the front of the car directly, and ran away in a hurry.

The female internet celebrity was silly and crying.

"Brother courier, don't leave, how can I live after you leave."

The female celebrity cried very sad, and all the makeup on her face was spent.

At this moment, all the passers-by around looked stupid.

what's going on?

Ye Chen looked at the car and the female internet celebrity who was still chasing the car behind him. He couldn't help but step on the accelerator.

It’s a sin to let this female internet celebrity waste so long because of the precious time of my own.

Looking at the car driving far away, the female Internet celebrity sat down on the ground.

"Brother express, I don't want to be without you."

Ye Chen delivered the courier when he heard a piece of news on the radio.

"Reward notice: Today, a major criminal case occurred in Jinhai City! Victim: Sun, female, 22 years old, a junior student of Jinhai University in our city, disappeared after a night run. The body was found in the small forest of Jinhai University. , The police offered a reward of one million to collect clues from the society. If clues are found, please call the telephone number for reporting: 138XXXXX, Officer Wang."

Ye Chen just remembered Zhou Susufa's state.

"I haven't been home for three days and three nights in order to catch the murderous madman, **** bastard, God will take you."

At this time, there was a mosquito in Ye Chen's car, flying around on Ye Chen's car window, and was directly caught by Ye Chen.

"System, can this mosquito kill people?"

[Host, with the ten thousand beast system, you can control any animal for your use, these animals will obey your orders 100%, and upgraded animals, even a mosquito, have super combat power, and finally evolved mosquitoes can Killing is invisible. 】

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