Ye Chen heard what the young man said, and suddenly remembered that this woman in short skirt was the red face before.

He looked at the young man with sympathy on his face. This man was really pitiful. It was obvious that the Internet celebrity girl regarded it as a long-term meal ticket.

This net red face is not sincere to young men at all, but it's a pity for men's feelings.

"Sir, I'm sorry, the person I like is this gentleman." Said the net red face and walked to Ye Chen's face, and kissed him on tiptoe.

The young man looked in disbelief when he saw it.

You know that he spent so much money on this woman, but he didn't even hold a small hand.

And compared with Ye Chen, his status is much higher, and this woman would actually take the initiative to kiss one and deliver the courier.

"Yueyue, what did you say? Didn't you say that you love me?" The young man showed a pained expression on his face.

Ye Chen shook his head and thought, this is really a drama of an infatuated man and a heartless woman.

But he was not interested in this at all, just wanted to leave quickly and continue to deliver the express.

Net Red Face didn't want the young man to ruin her plan, and wanted to drive the man away quickly, so he walked to the man and was about to say something.

I found that Ye Chen had already taken the opportunity to ride a tricycle and left.

Seeing this handsome guy run away from her palm again, the net red face whined in his voice: "Little handsome guy, wait for me, you are mine."

She said that she didn't care about her image, stepping on high heels to chase Ye Chen's tricycle.

"Little handsome guy, my heart is yours, and mine is yours."

"Little handsome boy, don't go, don't leave me."

Because of the running, the hair of the net red face was also messed up by the wind, and the high-heeled shoes on his feet were also adjusted, which looked more embarrassed and embarrassed.

But no matter how she chased her, the tricycle was indeed getting farther and farther away from her.

Knowing that she had no strength, she squatted on the side of the road and cried, the makeup on her face was also crying.

People on the roadside around saw this look, scared to hide from her.

The young man was heartbroken when he saw Yueyue in his heart chasing the tricycle so madly.

He threw the rose in his hand into the trash can in a huff, and left desperately.

Ye Chen continued to hum a little song, riding a tricycle leisurely on the road, crossing the streets and alleys.

After sending a courier, Ye Chen's cell phone rang.

He glanced at the unfamiliar number, Ye Chen ignored it, the phone rang again, and he connected.

A man's voice came on the other end of the phone: "Brother Chen, you finally answered the phone."

Ye Chen heard the man's voice and knew that it was Xiaopang who was calling, and he was a good buddy who delivered the courier just like him.

"Little fat, something?" Ye Chen asked.

"Brother Ye, I might have eaten something bad at noon and have been having diarrhea, and now I can't get out of the toilet. Can you send it to me?" Xiaopang said embarrassedly.

"Yes, you can tell me your address, and I will look for you now."

Ye Chen found him according to Xiao Pangfa's address.

At the moment Xiaopang was sweating profusely and saw Ye Chen smile and said, "Brother Chen, thank you, this will trouble you."

"You kid can't eat spicy food, so don't force yourself." Ye Chen said helplessly.

He knows that Xiaopang loves spicy food the most, but he will have a stomachache every time he eats spicy food.

"Brother Chen, you also know that I am the kind of non-spicy..." Xiaopang scratched his head and said.

Before he finished speaking, there was a painful expression on Xiao Chuan's face, and he hurriedly ran towards the toilet.

"Brother Chen, please." Xiaopang said as he ran.

Ye Chen shook his head, this little fat guy always misled things because of his gluttony.

He also moved the courier that Xiaopang was going to deliver to the car, feeling a little hungry, so he entered a nearby restaurant for dinner.

The waiter at the door saw Ye Chen wearing express clothing, but did not respond to him.

Ye Chen found a place to sit down, looked at the menu, and called a waiter and said, "Excuse me, please introduce the characteristics of our store."

The waitress didn't look directly at Ye Chen, and said with displeasure on her face: "There is a menu here, you don't have eyes, you don't know how to look at it yourself."

Before Ye Chen could speak, the waitress turned and left.

Ye Chen thought to himself what kind of attitude it was, but he didn't bother to be familiar with this kind of person.

He took a good look at the menu, and waited for a long time without anyone coming.

At this time, a sweet and lovely waiter with two pigtails walked towards him.

The girl smiled and said, "Sir, do you need to order now?"

Ye Chen looked at the girl without speaking, and felt that she was different from the other waiters who looked at people with colored eyes.

The girl was a little embarrassed by Ye Chen's look, and said shyly, "Sir, is there any problem? Why do you look at me like this."

Ye Chen also felt it was rude to look at a girl like this, scratching his head and said, "It's nothing, can you tell me about the characteristics of this store?"

The girl pointed to the menu and said with a smile: "This crispy meat is a specialty of my house, and this, this..."

Then the girl said: "Sir, you are alone. I think one order of meat and one vegetarian is enough."

Ye Chen ordered one meat and one vegetarian as the girl said, and then ordered another bowl of rice.

The girl served the whole journey and had a very good attitude.

After Ye Chen finished eating, he smiled and asked the girl: "Look at your age, why come here to be a waiter?"

"I'm in my freshman year, and the conditions at home are not very good, so I work part-time to earn tuition." The girl said.

"What is your salary here?"

"2000 yuan a month"

"Oh, what's your name?" Ye Chen asked with a smile.

The girl hesitated and said, "Sir, you can call me Yingxue."

"What a nice name." Ye Chen praised.

Afterwards, he handed the girl a business card: "You contact the person above and tell him that I asked you to call, and he will naturally understand what it means."

The girl hesitantly took the business card in Ye Chen's hand, and then left.

She also didn't know what the man meant by giving her a business card, but she was not good to refuse it out of politeness.

"Sir, you go slowly, and you are welcome to come again next time." The girl said politely.

After Ye Chen left, the girl cleaned up the table and came to the front desk.

The waitress just saw the business card in the girl's hand and said, "Xiaoxue, there are many bad guys now. Don't be deceived when you are young."

She just saw Ye Chen chatting with the girl.

"Thank you, Sister Zhou."

Seeing the business card in the girl's hand, the waitress laughed jokingly: "How can a courier know this kind of character? Now the scammer's methods have been renovated."

This time sister Zhou saw the content printed on the business card with an incredible expression on her face.

She wouldn't believe that the little brother who just delivered the courier would know people of this level.

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