The head office of Pangguoguo even wants to take the opportunity to hype, so that the ice drink brand Yuanpangpang has no chance of turning over.

Originally being pressed by the other party, they were not convinced.

On the one hand, the head office contacted the media to hype up the food poisoning incident in the ice drink shop, and on the other hand sent Manager Zhou to cheer the couple.

When lawyer Zhang met the woman with heavy makeup again, he smiled and said: "Ms. Chen, your husband and wife are the heroes of the head office. The head office is responsible for all your son's medical expenses, and a special person is also assigned to take care of the child."

The woman with heavy makeup said with gratitude, "Thank you for the head office."

"You don't need to be so polite, it's all your own. The head office promises to refund the franchise fee after the matter is processed, and the cost of the raw materials you use will be waived by half." Lawyer Zhang continued to tell the good news.

When the woman with heavy makeup heard it, her expression became a little excited.

She even regretted why she didn't make a move early, so that she could save a lot of money.

Now women with heavy makeup have even seen that their future is bright, and shop business is in full swing.

Attorney Zhang continued: "If the police can't find evidence, they must release you back. Please wait patiently for your husband and wife, and you will be able to come out soon."

His words obviously gave a woman with heavy makeup a reassurance.


Zhou Susu and the others have been struggling to find no evidence. If there is no progress, the couple must be released.

The above has already ordered the release of people, but there are many suspicious points in this matter. Zhou Susu forced the people to be detained at the police station under pressure.

When Zhou Susu and the girl were both anxious, Ye Chen did have a calm expression and said, "Since they deleted the video, it is obviously a guilty conscience."

Zhou Susu gave Ye Chen a white look: "It's up to you, everyone knows."

The girl saw Zhou Susu and Ye Chen's tone of voice, and she knew that they knew each other.

"Little brother, do you know this police sister?" The girl looked a little surprised.

Now she finally understood who had called the police.

Ye Chen just nodded and didn't speak.

However, Zhou Susu had a solemn expression, and her pressure was really great now.

Seeing Zhou Susu's face so ugly, Ye Chen comforted: "I can find the evidence, don't worry, but I need to go to the ice drink shop run by the husband and wife."

Zhou Susu called a policeman over and said, "Xiao Zhang, you drive Ye Chen to a fat fruit ice drink shop."

The police officer Zhang looked up and down the courier brother in front of him, and said coldly: "Follow me."

He didn't even mean to wait for Ye Chen, and walked straight to the outside.

Ye Chen felt a little speechless. It seemed that the little police officer was very hostile to him, but after thinking about it carefully, he didn't have the impression that he had provoke the little police officer.

He guessed that there was only one possibility that this little police officer was Zhou Susu's admirer. It would be uncomfortable for anyone to see his beloved woman smile at other men.

This is reasonable, but Ye Chen didn't bother to think about it.

He and Officer Xiao Zhang drove to the Pangguoguo Ice Drink Store, and the two got out of the car and walked in.

Officer Xiao Zhang said with a mocking look: "Brother courier, don't try your best here. We can't restore the video. How can you be able to do it as a courier? You should send your courier honestly. Leave the matter to our police."

He didn't believe that a courier brother could do it. After all, their police possessed advanced technology.

"You can't recover, which shows that you are a club." Ye Chen said coldly.

In Ye Chen's dictionary of life, if someone hits you, he must go back fiercely.

Police Officer Xiao Zhang heard Ye Chen's words, his face was a little angry: "How do you scold someone, your kid is too unqualified."

Ye Chen no longer pays attention to this police officer, but concentrates on researching and monitoring.

In fact, he has hacking skills, and it takes minutes to restore the video.

The reason why Ye Chen pretended to be there was because he was afraid that the police officer Xiao Zhang who followed him in would be suspicious.

Originally, Ye Chen wanted to come here alone, but at Zhou Susu's insistence, he had to be accompanied.

Seeing that Ye Chen no longer cared about himself, Officer Xiao Zhang did not continue to speak, he was really afraid that the two would fight at odds for a while.

After all, Zhou Susu sent him over, if that way, his image in the heart of his beloved woman would definitely be greatly reduced.

Seeing Ye Chen sitting in front of the computer and studying for nearly two hours, Officer Xiao Zhang persuaded: "If it doesn't work, let's go, don't waste time here."

Ye Chen ignored him, still focusing on researching. After a while, he let out a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, all the videos are restored."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Officer Xiao Zhang opened his mouth in surprise, and he was even able to stuff a duck egg.

"Are you sure that the video is restored?" Officer Xiao Zhang asked.

Ye Chen shook the U disk in his hand and said, "You are busy tonight, the videos are all here."

"Well, let's go quickly."

Now Police Officer Xiao Zhang's attitude towards Ye Chen has changed a lot, and he even admires this courier brother more in his heart.

The two drove back to the police station.

Seeing the USB flash drive in Ye Chen's hand, Zhou Susu hugged Ye Chen and said, "Ye Chen, you are amazing, I know there is nothing you can't do."

Officer Xiao Zhang watched as the jealous jar was overturned, but he had nothing to do, after all, Ye Chen was really amazing.

Afterwards, Zhou Susu called several policemen and said: "You guys in groups carefully check all the videos inside."

After hearing what Zhou Susu said, the policemen drooped their heads and said, "Captain, when do you have to see this?"

"Anyway, you can't go home if you can't finish it." Zhou Susu said in a commanding tone.

Hearing the captain's order to die, the policemen stopped talking.

Zhou Susu looked at Ye Chen and said, "Ye Chen, you go back first. Let's check the video first. If we find any problems, I will notify you as soon as possible."

As a female captain, there were many male policemen under her hand. The reason Zhou Susu was able to convince the crowd was because she rushed forward every time she had a task.

No matter how urgent and dangerous the job is, she will be with her comrades in arms and will never be watching.

Just when Zhou Susu turned to leave, Ye Chen stopped her: "Wait, you don't have to be so troublesome at all. If you look at the workload like this, it's too much."

"Do you have a way?" Zhou Susu looked at Ye Chen with a puzzled expression.

Know that this was done before, and watch all the videos again.

Ye Chen smiled and whispered a few words in her ear.

The sad look on Zhou Susu's face immediately stretched.

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