Liu Fei was not angry, but said with a smile: "Wanyi, Ye Chen, let's go in quickly, everyone is waiting in a hurry."

Su Wanyi took Ye Chen into the banquet hall, attracting everyone's attention.

I have to say that the two are very good together, the female is gentle and elegant, and the male is handsome and radiant.

"Wan Yi, we sisters must have not seen each other for many years, but I really want to kill me." The one who was speaking was a girl with loose hair in a pink dress.

Although the girl in front of her looks sweet and lovely, she is far from Su Wanyi.

"Xiaojing, you have been living abroad for these years, it is not easy to see you." Su Wanyi said with a smile.

"It's better at home. This time my husband returns to work in China, we will settle in the country and not leave." Su Jing said with a smile.

Although she kept smiling, she was very jealous in her heart. Just now everyone praised her for being beautiful and well-maintained, but when she saw Su Wanyi, she was no longer the focus, and everyone saw Su Wanyi.

"Xiaojing, I heard that your husband works for one of the few big companies in the city, with an annual salary of over one million. You are really blessed to marry such a good husband."

At this time, a woman said suddenly.

Hearing this, everyone was also talking about it.

"It's better for Xiaojing's life, her husband is so capable."

"That's right, no matter how strong a woman is, it's better to marry a good husband."

"Xiaojing, I really envy you. If there is a rich man like your husband, you must introduce it to me. My happiness is in your hands."

Listening to the compliments of your sisters, Su Jing's face showed a smug.

It is true that she has always been proud of her husband. Although she is not handsome, she is very rich.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about me, you think the person next to Wanyi should be even better." Su Jing said with a smile.

She had heard the conversation between Liu Fei and Ye Chen just now, and knew that Ye Chen's work could not be on the stage, so she would be laughed at by others.

"Wan Yi, you don't want to introduce this handsome guy to us." Su Jing continued.

Before Ye Chen could speak, Liu Fei smiled and said, "Xiaojing, your eyes are really too poisonous. This Mr. Ye is indeed very good, he is..."

Liu Fei deliberately bluntly said half way, just to attract everyone.

Only in this way can Ye Chen feel even more embarrassed when the secret is revealed.

"Liu Fei, don't sell it here." Su Jing gave him a white glance and said.

Seeing Liu Fei's smile, Su Wanyi's heart sank. She knew that this guy would not be so kind.

Just as Su Wanyi was about to speak, Ye Chen took her hand and motioned her not to speak.

"This Mr. Ye is greater than all of us here, and we cannot live without him." Liu Fei left another suspense.

"Ah, it's still closely related to our lives. It's really amazing." Su Jing said with a shocked expression on her face.

Ye Chen stared blankly at the performance of the two singing and playing together, thinking that these two improper actors are really bad talents.

"Okay, okay, let me tell everyone, in fact, Mr. Ye Chen is delivering express delivery, is it very powerful?" Liu Fei said with a smile.

After hearing Liu Fei's words, everyone showed shocked eyes.

Looking at Ye Chen's dress, no one would associate it with the courier brother.

Besides, Su Wanyi is famous for his high-sightedness, so why would he fall in love with a courier delivery boy.

"Wan Yi, your vision has deteriorated." Su Jing said jokingly.

Now she finally found the opportunity to step on Su Wanyi, she must seize it.

"Ye Chen is real, not like those polite hypocrites." Su Wanyi said while looking at Liu Fei.

Liu Fei looked worried and said, "Wan Yi, I really feel sorry for you. How can you be happy with such a person."

"I feel very happy, don't bother you." Su Wanyi said politely.

After all, Su Wanyi, who has been educated for many years, has not lost his temper.

"Mr. Ye Chen, I think if you really love Wanyi, you should let her go and let her be with someone who can give her happiness." Liu Fei saw that Su Wanyi was unsuccessful in persuading Su Wanyi, and turned to work for Ye Chen.

"Wan Yi is very happy with me." Ye Chen said with a smile.

After listening to Ye Chen's words, everyone whispered.

"Does this man have no points in his heart? He can only earn enough for what he can do."

"I think this is a little white face, you see how handsome he is."

"You're right. I guess he has relied on Wanyi. I really feel sorry for the goddess Su Wanyi in my heart."

Su Wanyi felt very harsh, her eyebrows frowned slightly, but she didn't say anything.

Seeing that Ye Chen didn't speak, everyone thought he was guilty of conscience and was stressed.

A young man in casual clothes walked towards this side, and saw that everyone was gathered together, and he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

He frowned and said, "Everyone is here, what are you doing, why haven't you eaten yet?"

Hearing this man's voice, Liu Fei hurriedly walked out of the crowd and said respectfully: "Brother Chuang, you are finally here, you made everyone wait so hard."

Yan Chuang scratched his head and said, "There is something wrong with the company, so I'm late."

Then he looked at Liu Fei and asked, "What are you all doing around here?"

"Haha, that's the case. We have a little white face here, who specializes in soft rice, and also wears a fake brand. You say it's funny or not."

When everyone saw Yan Chuang coming, they quickly dispersed.

"Brother Chen, why are you here? If I know that something big is going on when you come here, I will also push it." Yan Chuang said while looking at Ye Chen who had just been surrounded by everyone.

"Brother Chen?"

After hearing Yan Chuang's address to Ye Chen and his respectful attitude, everyone gasped.

We must know that the Yan family is one of the best in the magic city, and Yan Chuang is the owner of no one in his eyes.

The person who can make Yan Chuang treat so respectfully must be a big person that everyone in the room can't afford.

Seeing that Ye Chen ignored him, Yan Chuang knew that Liu Fei was the fault.

"Liu Fei, your kid really can't spit out ivory, so quickly apologize to my elder brother." Yan Chuang said angrily.

At this moment Liu Fei was so scared that his legs trembled. He did not expect to provoke such a big man.

"Brother Chen, I'm sorry, it's all my fault." Liu Fei paled with fright.

Yan Chuang stepped forward and slapped him: "Brother Chen is also worthy of you, so you don't look at your identity."

"Brother Chuang taught that." Liu Fei was suddenly slapped, and standing aside with his red face, whispered.

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