After Ye Chen left, he drove straight to Ren'ai Hospital.

After parking the car, take out the fruit from the trunk.

Seeing the packaging, Ye Chen frowned. The packaging was a bit too noble and feared that Fan Ying's family would be embarrassed to accept it.

He unpacked the package three times, then took out a torn bag from the trunk at random, and poured the fruit into it.

After finishing all this, Ye Chen carried a plastic bag and came to the previous ward.

Fan Ying saw the young man walking in and said with a smile: "Brother Ye Chen, you are here."

At this moment Fan's mother had already regained consciousness, and looked at Fan Ying with a scolding expression: "Xiaoying, didn't you tell me, don't let Ye Chen run away."

Fan Ying stuck her tongue out at her mother, without speaking.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "Auntie, don't blame Xiaoying, I have to come to see you, how do you feel better?"

"Well, it's much better, thanks to Ye Chen," Fan said with a grateful expression on her face.

"Xiaoying is my friend. Her business is mine. Don't be so polite to me anymore. Just tell me if you have anything."

Fan mother nodded when she heard Ye Chen's words.

"Xiaoying, you child, you won't let Ye Chen sit down while you speak." Mother Fan blamed her face.

Fan Ying was also a little embarrassed, just because she was too excited to see Ye Chen, she forgot to let someone sit down.

"Brother Ye Chen, sit down quickly." Fan Ying said with a blush.

"By the way, Auntie, I don't know what you like to eat. I bought some fruits." Ye Chen thought that he was still carrying a bag of fruits in his hand, and said hurriedly.

"Come on as your child comes and buy something else."

Ye Chen said with a smile, "It's not a valuable thing, just a little bit of care."

While talking, he put the bag of fruit on the small table next to the hospital bed.

Ye Chen turned around and sat on the sofa, chatting with Fan Ying and her daughter.

At this time, came in from the outside, a girl with two delicate boxes in her hands, dressed in fashion.

Due to the shortage of beds, Fan's mother had to squeeze into the same ward with another patient.

When Ye Chen came in, the middle-aged lady looked down upon seeing his dress and thought: "It's really a poor family."

At the same time, she also felt that living in a ward with someone with this status was completely degrading her status and was an insult to her.

It is even more unclear why the dean arranged such a poor patient in a room with her.

The middle-aged woman was very depressed just now. After seeing her daughter come, she felt a lot better and smiled and said, "Daughter, you can count me as me, but you suffocated me."

"I just know you are bored, so I came to accompany you." The fashion girl said with a smile.

Then she shook the two boxes in front of the middle-aged lady and said, "Guess what delicious food I brought you?"

"Guess it." When the middle-aged lady thought of a hillbilly living next to her, she felt no mood.

"Why are you so unhappy?" the fashionable girl looked at her mother and asked.

"Is it weird to be happy?" the middle-aged lady said with a sad look.

The fashionable girl was a little worried and hurriedly asked: "Mom, what happened?"

In her memory, her mother always had a smile on her face, even this time she was sick.

Something big must have happened that made the mother unhappy.

"Daughter, I want to change the ward." The middle-aged woman said sadly.

The fashionable girl hurriedly comforted her mother and said, "Mom, it's not that I didn't find someone for you, but the ward is not available now."

"I don't want to live with those poor people." The middle-aged woman said bluntly.

Then she glanced at Mother Fan on the next hospital bed with a look of contempt.

"Okay, mom, we don't have the same knowledge as those poor people." The fashion girl carefully took out a golden fruit from the box and said.

Ye Chen and Fan's mother and daughter ignored the middle-aged lady's words.

Mainly during the period when she was admitted to the ward, the middle-aged lady always said that Fan's mother and daughter were used to it.

For Ye Chen, he didn't even bother to look down on these dogs.

Seeing that no one paid any attention, the middle-aged lady looked at the fruit in her daughter's hand and said, "Daughter, this is my favorite golden fruit."

"Yes, mom, this is the golden fruit that has just been picked up by air from Country M, and it still retains the original flavor." The fashion girl said with a smile.

The middle-aged lady said with an arrogant expression: "Hey, the fruits I eat are not more than 24 hours from picking to air transport. They are very fresh, not like those worthless bought from street stalls. Broken fruit."

While she was talking, she looked at the pocket of fruit that Ye Chen had just put on the table with contempt.

"Mom, do you know that this golden fruit is more than a pound?" the fashion girl said in cooperation with her mother.

The middle-aged lady asked: "How much money?"

"Five hundred yuan a catty." The fashion girl looked at Ye Chen with a smug look.

She was also a little surprised when she saw Ye Chen just now.

"This little brother is so handsome."

Originally, she wanted to tease, but found that there was a girl standing beside the man, obviously a boyfriend and girlfriend.

She couldn't help but make her a little jealous. How could this girl find such a handsome boyfriend with ordinary looks and dress.

Ye Chen ignored her, but continued to chat with Fan's mother and daughter.

"Ah, it's so expensive." The middle-aged lady exclaimed with exaggerated expression.

The fashionable girl proudly said: "Of course it will cost you more to eat. This little money is nothing at all."

Then she fed the peeled golden fruit to her mother's mouth.

"It's so sweet, it's so delicious."

"That is, how can this kind of fruit compare with that kind of stall?"

Hearing that the middle-aged woman left one stall and another stall, Fan Ying also had a temper.

"Mom, let me wash the fruit for you to eat." Fan Ying said while looking at her mother.

"Okay, Xiaoying." Fan mother agreed.

Fan Ying got her mother's consent and took out a few from the somewhat torn bag and put them in a basin, then walked to the bathroom to rinse for a while and took them out.

After peeling the small round white fruit, she handed it to her mother and Ye Chen.

"It's really delicious." Mother Fan took a bite after taking the fruit.

All of a sudden, I felt my mouth full of juice, and the aroma filled my mouth.

Fan Ying also took a bite and said with a look of enjoyment: "Brother Ye Chen, it's the first time I have eaten such delicious fruits when I grow up."

"You like it." Ye Chen also took a bite of the fruit.

A refreshing question wafted from his mouth, this fruit is indeed unique.

Seeing Fan's mother and daughter and Ye Chen eating fruit, the middle-aged lady mocked with a contented expression: "It's really a group of guys who haven't seen it before."

At this time, the director came in for rounds and saw the fruits in the hands of Fan's mother and daughter and Ye Chen, with surprised expressions on their faces.

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