"Thank you then." Mother Fan said with a grateful expression.

You should know that having surgery one day earlier is very good for your own condition.

Director Zhou smiled and said, "Ms. Fan, don't be so polite to me. This is what we should do."

"Director Zhou, she went to the hospital later than me, so why should I perform surgery on her tonight, and I will be in a month's time." Hearing the conversation between the two, the middle-aged lady was reluctant.

"You can ask Dean Chen about this question." Director Zhou said with a smile on his face.

After hearing Director Zhou's words, the middle-aged lady was choked with nothing to say.

She also heard the conversation between Ye Chen and Dean Chen just now, and the person who could make Dean Chen so jealous would certainly not be an ordinary person.

Even if the son asked, it was of no avail.

"Mr. Ye, if nothing happens, I will leave first." Director Zhou said with a smile.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Okay, thank you."

After Director Zhou left the ward, the middle-aged lady looked at Ye Chen and said with a plea: "Mr. Ye, can you say hello to the dean so that I can perform some operations in advance."

What just happened made the lady no longer feel superior, and she didn't dare to underestimate Ye Chen, so her current attitude has changed.

"Your son doesn't know the senior in the hospital, let him find him." Ye Chen said with a smile without even looking at her.

The middle-aged lady is the most life-saving. I just heard that the operation will not be done until a month later, and she almost collapsed.

After hearing Ye Chen's words, the lady said modestly: "My son, Mr. Ye, you are so good, please help me with this."

In fact, Ye Chen is a one-sentence thing. It’s not impossible to help the noble lady. Just thinking of her ridicule to Fan’s mother and daughter in the past two days, Ye Chen wanted to teach her a lesson and let her know not to look down on others reason.

Ye Chen ignored the lady's words and smiled and said to Fan's mother: "Auntie, I'll leave first, let Xiaoying contact me if I need anything."

"Okay, Ye Chen, thank you." Fan Mu smiled.

Seeing Ye Chen ignored her, the middle-aged lady felt depressed. Not only did she not eat pearl fruit today, but the operation was delayed until a month later.

Ye Chen walked out of the ward, and Fan Ying followed along to the parking lot.

"Xiaoying, go back and take care of Auntie."

Fan Ying stood on tiptoe, caught a kiss on Ye Chen's cheek unexpectedly, then turned and ran away blushing.

Feeling the sudden sweet kiss, Ye Chen was taken aback for a moment, then touched the place where he was kissed, with a burst of laughter in his heart.

Ye Chen drove Pagani and continued to deliver the express.

He came to the delivery location, Wanda Mansion.

At this moment, the two security guards at the door used their sharp eyes to observe the people passing by, and they were very dedicated to their duties.

Suddenly, they saw the people who wanted to enter the mansion to deliver the courier.

Two security guards walked in front of him and immediately stopped him: "Sir, sorry, we are a high-end residence here, so strangers are not allowed to enter."

The chubby who was stopped was dejected.

It takes at least an hour to wait for the boss of the high-end villa to come out, and all time is wasted.

This time Xiaopang was not lucky, and there was a courier service from Wanda Mansion.

He took out his cell phone and dialed the contact number on the courier: "Ms. Wang? I deliver the courier. Here is one of your courier, please come down and get it."

"Oh, I see." A woman's voice came from inside.

"When can you get off..." Before Xiaopang could finish speaking, the phone was hung up.

He had no choice but to ask how long it would take to get down, maybe he could go to the next courier point to deliver the courier first.

But now he doesn't know, he can only wait here.

If Ms. Wang didn't see him down, she would definitely be complained.

Although reluctant, there is no alternative.

When Ye Chen drove Pagani and was about to enter the Wanda Mansion, he saw Little Fatty waiting anxiously at the gate.

Xiaopang is Han Cong who helped Yechen to deliver him the courier before. Because he ate a lot and was fatter, everyone called him Xiaopang.

Although he is young, he is very hardworking and can endure hardships, and he has a particularly good relationship with Ye Chen.

Ye Chen opened the car window and asked, "Fat, why are you being stopped outside again?"

Xiaopang heard the familiar voice, rubbed his eyes, and couldn't believe what he saw.

"Brother Chen, it turned out to be you."

"Yes, are you surprised?" Ye Chen asked with a smile.

Look at the cool Pagani sports car in front of you.

When he saw Ye Chen sitting in the cab, Xiao Pang's eyes widened in surprise.

"Damn! Brother Chen turns out to be your luxury car?"

Ye Chen nodded: "That's right."

Usually, Xiaopang sees Ye Chen as auspicious.

I didn't expect that this little brother turned out to be the rich second generation who experienced life in the legend.

Xiaopang still didn't believe it, and was stunned.

"Fat, come up, I will take you in with you." Ye Chen said.

Seeing that Xiaopang didn't move, Ye Chen said with a smile on his face, "Fang Er, if you don't want to, then wait here, I'll go in first."

Ye Chen pretended to drive in, just to shake him.

Xiaopang came back to his senses and hurriedly said, "Brother Chen, wait for me."

He didn't want to wait here anymore, maybe when the lady Wang could come down.

When the two security guards with sharp eyes saw Pagani, they hurriedly raised their heads and tucked their abdomen, making a standard salute.

The status of being able to drive tens of millions of sports cars is definitely not ordinary, how dare they neglect.

This is the top boss of luxury houses.

If you offend such a person, maybe their jobs will be lost.

The two security guards didn't mean to stop Ye Chen, but with respectful expressions, they let go of the road ahead.

Xiaopang was also surprised when he saw it. Ye Chen, who was also the courier, let in in a luxury car.

"Brother Chen, you are too uninteresting, you just hide it deeply." Xiaopang blamed.

In front of him, Ye Chen behaved like an ordinary person, and he couldn't tell that he was the rich second generation in his clothes.

But he was wrong, Ye Chen was not the rich second generation at all, but the rich generation.

"Low-key, low-key, be a low-key person."

Xiaopang slapped his tongue for a while, you are driving tens of millions of sports cars to deliver couriers, and you are embarrassed to say that you should be low-key.

But of course he would not say such a thing.

If it weren't for Ye Chen, he would have to wait for Miss Wang sadly at the door, which would definitely delay his delivery of the express.

This is great. After he has delivered the courier, he can go to the next courier point. This is all Ye Chen's credit.

Ye Chen drove into the residential area and stopped the car.

The two got off the car and went to deliver the express separately.

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