"I hate it." Su Wanyi said with a blushing face.

Seeing the courier brother and the beauties in the corner look like you and me, really sprinkled a handful of dog food.

The abused single dogs want to cry without tears.

"Look at people, the trenches are inhumane, beautiful women are in my arms, and look at me again, it's really a failure."

"I envy him. If I were half as good as him, I would be able to find a girlfriend."

"God is not fair, why can't I have such a life."

Ye Chen has always been too lazy to pay attention to the surrounding discussions. She looked at Su Wanyi and asked: "Wife, what are you asking me to do? Isn't it nice to meet at home?"

"You'll know in a while." Su Wanyi pretended to be mysterious.

"In that case, just wait." Ye Chen continued to taste the coffee.

After a while, Su Wanyi frowned and said, "Ye Chen, my father said that he would invite you to be a guest at home this week."

Ye Chen just gave a soft "Oh".

Seeing Su Wanyi's nervous expression, Ye Chen said with a smile: "My wife, don't worry, everything can be done for you with me."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Su Wanyi stretched her brows: "Husband, I'll go to the front desk and order a cup of coffee."

"Well, go, I'll wait for you here."

An ordinary-looking man in a high-end suit walked into the cafe.

He walked in the direction of Ye Chen with a look of arrogance.

Seeing the man in front of him, Ye Chen ignored him.

"Ye Chen, I saw you here," the arrogant man said suddenly.

"Are you?" Ye Chen asked, looking at the man in front of him.

"I'm Hao Jian, why don't you recognize me anymore," said the arrogant man.

Seeing Ye Chen's expressionless face, he shook his head.

Hao Jian thought to himself, you don't even know the director of a bank of mine.

Just when he thought about it, Ye Chen suddenly said, "Oh, I remember, you are my college classmate Hao Jian, the one who was beaten by me to run around the playground before."

Ye Chen spoke very loudly, attracting the attention of people around him.

The arrogance exuded just now was obviously reduced by a few points after Ye Chen finished saying this sentence.

Feeling a little embarrassed, Hao Jian hurriedly said: "It was all about school, and he also mentioned what he did."

Looking up and down Ye Chen, Hao Jian asked, "Ye Chen, what are you doing now?"

"Send express delivery." Ye Chen said lightly.

He thought you were blind and didn't see me wearing this express costume.

Hao Jian asked again: "Do you really deliver express?"

"Yes, is there any problem?"

After repeated confirmations, Hao Jian knew that Ye Chen was really delivering the express, and his sense of superiority rose again.

"Why did you deliver the courier? Look at me." Hao Jian said with a smile.

The voice fell, and there was no sound behind. Hao Jianzheng was waiting for Ye Chen to ask, but they were drinking coffee leisurely.

"Hey, in fact, I'm not much better than you. I'm just a bank supervisor, with an annual salary of hundreds of thousands. I bought a house in Magic City and made a beautiful girlfriend..." Hao Jian said to himself.

The more he talked, the more interested he became, and he couldn't even stop.

In college, Hao Jian had pursued several girls, but the reason for compelling him to reject him was that someone already liked him.

Under his investigation, it was discovered that this girl actually liked the same person, and that was the school grass-Ye Chen.

From there, Hao Jian hated Ye Chen and regarded him as an imaginary enemy.

He thought to himself, Ye Chen is not more handsome than him.

Study better than him.

He plays basketball better than him.

Now I heard that Ye Chen turned out to be a courier, and he was the supervisor of the bank. There was a world of difference between the two.

The sense of superiority in the heart is getting stronger and stronger.

While he was talking endlessly, he suddenly realized that the person in front of him had suddenly disappeared.

Ye Chen's voice came from the toilet: "Hao Jian, there is no paper in the toilet. You should be still outside. Bring me some."

After hearing this sentence, Hao Jian's heart was full of grass and mud horses galloping.

He was the one who gave toilet paper in Ye Chen's heart.

Reluctantly, Hao Jian took out toilet paper from his bag and sent it to Ye Chen.

At this time, Chen Jiajia also ran into the coffee shop, maybe just a little anxious, her hair became messy, her sweat was smeared with mascara, her eye circles were like pandas.

"Hani, I'm here." Chen Jiajia said hello.

Hao Jian was also shocked when he saw this woman.

Seeing her boyfriend's expression, Chen Jiajia was puzzled: "Hani, why do you look at me with such a look."

Not only Hao Jian, but even the other people in the cafe were shocked when they saw Chen Jiajia.

"Your hair is messed up and your makeup is spent." Hao Jian reminded.

At this moment, he saw the intoxicating Su Wanyi walking from a distance, thinking that this was the type of girlfriend he wanted.

Feeling the look in Hao Jian's eyes, Chen Jiajia was also a little jealous in her heart.

After Ye Chen resolved it, he walked out of the toilet.

"Ye Chen." Chen Jiajia looked at the man wearing express clothing and shouted.

"Chen Jiajia." Ye Chen nodded.

Hearing the conversation between the two, Hao Jian said to Chen Jiajia: "I just wanted to tell you that I saw Ye Chen."

Chen Jiajia looked at Ye Chen and smiled: "Ye Chen, you are a courier."

"Yes." Ye Chen wondered why these classmates were so blind.

Looking at Ye Chen, who was wearing express clothing in front of him, Chen Jiajia was delighted. Fortunately, Ye Chen rejected her at the beginning, otherwise he would really have to live a hard life with him.

She thought in her heart that men were handsome and could not be eaten, so she felt relieved by Hao Jian's looks.

"Ye Chen, Hao Jian is now my boyfriend. He is now the director of the bank, with an annual salary of several hundred thousand." Chen Jiajia said with a proud face.

To Chen Jiajia's disappointment, there was no envy expression on Ye Chen's face.

Ye Chen just gave a faint "Oh".

Chen Jiajia did not find satisfaction, and continued: "Ye Chen, fortunately, I didn't agree to be with you at the beginning, otherwise I would definitely not be able to buy brand-name bags, drive luxury cars, or live in luxury houses now."

She deliberately said in front of Hao Jian that she had rejected Ye Chen in the first place.

But Ye Chen didn't refute her intention, which made Chen Jiajia breathe out in her heart.

"Jiajia, you have a really good vision. After you are with me, you will be delicious and spicy. Is it handsome and useful? I am a courier who can only earn a few thousand yuan a month. How could it be possible to buy those luxury goods for you? He wants to earn so much money for me to deliver how much express delivery." Hao Jian said with a proud face again.

"Yes, Hani, you are the best in my heart." Chen Jiajia agreed.

Ye Chen watched the two sing and felt very speechless.

Liushui's full free new book: "City: 999 Mansions for Beginning Sign-in" has been released. More exciting stories. Looking forward to the arrival of the old irons, you can find them by searching the title of the book by QQ reading. Waiting for you!

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