"This is impossible!"

Due to the huge reversal, Hao Jian couldn't accept it for a while, and exclaimed in a very gaffe.

This courier brother Ye Chen, who made him despise, would have so many assets.

Look at other people's financial management is ten billion billion, and then look at his annual salary is hundreds of thousands, this is money that he can't make in his entire life.

As the director of China Construction Bank, Hao Jian is very clear in his mind that one billion financial management and one billion ownership are clearly two concepts.

Ye Chen is obviously a huge rich.

If you know that Ye Chen can spend one billion in financial management, then the wealth he possesses will be incalculable.

Most importantly, Wang Yang, the president of CCB, who made Hao Jian very jealous, turned into a dog lick in front of Ye Chen.

Thinking about the superiority he had in front of Ye Chen just now, Hao Jian felt a little blush.

Now Hao Jian finally knew why Ye Chen was so dismissive of his attitude.

You must know that the president of CCB is Ye Chen's licking dog, and he is nothing in front of him.

If there is a hole now, Hao Jian can't wait to get in quickly.

Suddenly, a bad thought flashed in his mind: "Since Wang Yang treats Ye Chen respectfully, if Ye Chen sue him, then not only will his position as a bank supervisor be insecure, he may also leave behind. "

At the thought of this, Hao Jian's expression turned a little bad.

Wang Yang also saw the change in Hao Jian's face. He wondered if this guy was here to grab customers from him.

"Hao Jian, what are you doing here? Did you do something sorry for me behind your back."

"What did you do to sorry me?"

After hearing these words, Ye Chen fought a cold war all over, feeling a little strange.

How do you feel that the relationship between Wang Yang and Hao Jian is not normal.

Hao Jian became more nervous, even cold sweat.

Seeing what his subordinates look like now, Wang Yang is even more convinced that Hao Jian has done something sorry for him.

Hao Jian became a little nervous and stammered: "I...I..."

He really doesn't know how to explain it now.

At this moment, Hao Jian was deeply regretful, thinking about how he acted in front of Ye Chen just now. Isn't he looking for death?

Originally wanted to show off that he was a bank supervisor and mocked Ye Chen as just a courier, but he did not expect that his leader would instantly become a licking dog in front of Ye Chen.

Thinking of showing off her beautiful girlfriend, who knows that Ye Chen's girlfriend is not only a goddess but also understanding.

He suddenly felt that he didn't read the almanac when he went out today.

"What are you? Say it quickly." Wang Yang became a little impatient.

Before Hao Jian could speak, Ye Chen said with a smile: "President Wang, do you know my college classmates?"

Hearing the words "college classmate", Wang Yang's attitude towards Hao Jian eased a lot, and he smiled and said, "Yes, Hao Jian is under me."

It was so good in his mind that his subordinates and Ye Dong were college classmates. With this relationship, Ye Dong will definitely take care of their bank more.

Wang Yang patted Hao Jian on the shoulder and smiled and said, "Hao Jian, your kid is really hidden, and you know someone like Ye Dong."

Even Wang Yang had already thought that in order to please Ye Chen, he would give Hao Jian a promotion and a salary increase when he returned.

Hao Jian barely pulled a smile on his face, and his heart felt bitter.

With his understanding of Ye Chen, he had just mocked Ye Chen so much, Ye Chen couldn't give up.

Sure enough, the words below Ye Chen made Wang Yang's face an angry expression.

"President Wang, all the staff in your bank look at people with colored glasses." Ye Chen said lightly.

When Wang Yang heard these words, he glared at Hao Jian beside him.

He knew that it must be his own subordinate, who had offended Ye Chen.

"Hao Jian, can you tell me clearly what is going on?" Wang Yang asked angrily.

"President Wang, I didn't know that Ye Chen was a major customer of our bank, so..." Hao Jian said vaguely.

Wang Yang was also a little anxious. He knew that it was very likely that Hao Jian's affairs would hurt himself.

"Hao Jian, hurry up and tell me clearly." Wang Yang's tone was cold.

"I thought Ye Chen was just a courier, so I still showed off in front of him and mocked him." Hao Jian had to bite the bullet and said.

Hearing what Hao Jian said, Wang Yang said, "What kind of face does your kid show off in front of Ye Dong."

"Yes, yes, I know I was wrong, it's all I cannot do," Hao Jian said with regret.

Wang Yang hummed and said, "Since I know that I was wrong, I don't have to apologize to Ye Dong."

Hao Jian stood still. Although he knew he was wrong, he really couldn't show his face.

"What are you doing here, don't hurry up."

Hearing Wang Yang's order, Hao Jian raised his head reluctantly, looked at Ye Chen and said, "Ye Dong, I'm sorry, please forgive me for my stupid behavior just now."

Ye Chen didn't speak, but just looked at him with a smile.

Seeing Ye Chen's performance, Wang Yang knew that Ye Chen didn't mean to forgive Hao Jian.

As the bank president, even if Ye Chen didn't make it clear, Wang Yang knew what it meant.

"Hao Jian, you won't be using the bank tomorrow, and you have been fired." Wang Yang said in a polite tone.

"President Wang, I really know that I was wrong, and I blame my dog ​​to look down on people." Hao Jian once again admitted the mistake.

Wang Yang said, "It's no use confessing your mistakes to me. Dong Ye needs to forgive you."

"Ye Dong, Ye Dong, I beg you to forget the villain's life." Hao Jian pleaded in front of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen shook his head and said, "What's the use of you begging me, I'm just a courier."

This is obviously a mockery of Hao Jian.

"Ye Dong, it is not. Your word determines my destiny." Hao Jian said tremblingly.

He knew that his destiny was now in the hands of Ye Chen, as long as he said a word, he would probably have nothing.

Ye Chen no longer said anything, but continued to chat with Wang Yang about financial management.

Although Wang Yang cherishes Hao Jian very much and feels that he works hard and is capable, but what use is this?

After all, his arms can't twist his thighs, Ye Chen is his father, and even if he cherishes his talent, he will have to cut his love.

"Hao Jian, you go, you won't use it in the bank tomorrow." Wang Yang said in a chilly voice.

"President Wang, please help me, I really can't lose this job." Hao Jian looked at Wang Yang pleadingly.

Wang Yang said helplessly, "Ye Dong disagrees, it's no use begging me."

After hearing these words, Hao Jian's head drooped.

He knew that he was really over now. Not only did he lose his position as a bank supervisor, but he even lost his job. How can he live after that?

But it was not this that made him the most depressed. What happened next made him almost collapsed.

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