Although Liu Tian wondered about the attitude of the hotel attendant towards Ye Chen, she did not ask Ye Chen.

The two went straight to a position by the window, where a man in a suit and leather shoes was sitting.

Liu Tian knew that it was her blind date, Kang Zhen.

Kang Zhen also saw Liu Tian walking towards this side, but when he saw Ye Chen next to him, his face changed slightly, but it was not easy to be noticed for a moment.

"Miss Liu, hello, this is Kang Zhen." Seeing Liu Tian walking over, Kang Zhen stood up and said.

Liu Tian smiled faintly: "Hello, Mr. Kang, I would like to introduce you this is my boyfriend Ye Chen."

It may be because Liu Tian's mother had already told him about Ye Chen, so Kang Zhen's face did not show displeasure, but kept a smile on his face.

"Hello, Mr. Ye, please sit down. You should be a courier in this outfit. It must be very hard to be a courier. If you go in the wind and rain, you will receive complaints from customers if you are not careful." Kang Zhen said sympathetically.

Ye Chen didn't speak. He knew that Kang Zhen would not be so kind. He wanted to see what this man would say next.

Of course Kang Zhen was going to belittle Ye Chen fiercely and **** Liu Tian from this man.

When he saw Liu Tian for the first time, he felt that this girl was the type he liked, and Kang Zhen had to chase him as long as he was a woman he liked.

He looked at Liu Tian with a smile and said, "Miss Liu, I have been in love with you since I saw you. You are indeed the person I want to find."

Kang Zhen thought he would win Liu Tian's favor, but he did not expect it to be counterproductive.

Liu Tian felt that the man in front of him was very hypocritical, and said lightly: "Mr. Kang, I am sorry that you are not the ideal type in my heart."

Hearing Liu Tian's words, Kang Zhen still smiled.

He said to Ye Chen: "Mr. Ye, I kindly urge you to leave Miss Liu. After all, your status and status are very different. As a man, you definitely cannot accept that a girlfriend is better or stronger than him, right?"

"I don't care." Ye Chen said lightly.

After hearing what Ye Chen said, Kang Zhen thought that this man was too shameless.

"Even if you don’t care right now, but after all, there is too much disparity between the two of you. Marriage is about righteousness. You don’t think it matters. But Ms. Liu is a girl after all. She can’t be surprised by people’s opinions and thoughts. Don't care, what about her parents, have you considered for them."

"You said that you are young and don't know how to work hard, but you are only satisfied with the job of delivering courier. I want to know when you plan to deliver it. Would you like to live like this for the rest of your life?" Kang Zhen is like an elder. The same as an educative tone.

"Tiantian doesn't dislike me, then I don't care, maybe I will change jobs in the future, such as delivering food." Ye Chen shrugged and said.

This sentence was spoken to Kang Zhen for a long time, and this was the aspiration of the young man in front of him.

Ye Chen never made trouble, but gave him a powerful counterattack.

Kang Zhen took a sip of coffee and continued: "You are still young and you don't know the importance of money. This society depends on strength. Men are handsome and cannot be eaten. Strength is the kingly way."

When he saw Ye Chen, Kang Zhen knew that Liu Tian liked this man because of his looks.

Kang Zhen looked at Liu Tian and continued: "Wealth is a sign of a man's success. Girls like men with money and power. My annual salary is only one million yuan. I want a car, a car, a house and a house, as long as Miss Liu is willing. I can make you the happiest woman in the world, and I can satisfy you whatever you want."

Liu Tian looked at Kang Zhen and said with a smile: "I want you to stop bothering me. The two of us are indeed inappropriate."

Kang Zhen ignored it, but his expression became a little awkward.

Afterwards, he said proudly: "Mr. Ye, should you consider for your next generation? Are you going to let him live a humble life? Maybe I say that you can’t understand it, so I’m right now. Let you see the charm of money."

When talking, Kang Zhen's eyes never moved away from Liu Tian. The look in his eyes was not love but wanting to possess.

Being stared at like this, Liu Tian feels uncomfortable

After all, I don't understand this Kang Zhen. I just met this time, and on the surface he said he was so capable. Maybe he was a liar.

"Mr. Kang, you don't need to tell me and Tiantian about this. The love between us is pure and without any impurities."

Kang Zhen felt that no matter what he said, Liu Tian and Ye Chen ignored him. He knew that he had to speak with facts.

So he beckoned, and a waiter came over and said, "Sir, do you have any needs?"

Kang Zhen took out several hundred-yuan bills, placed them in front of the waiter, pointed at Ye Chen and said, "You blast this gentleman out for me."

Seeing that the waiter was not moving, Kang Zhen took out a wad of money and put it on the table, and said to the waiter: "Do as I told you. The money is yours."

"Sir, this..."

The waiter still didn't move. Kang Zhen looked a little ugly after seeing it. He didn't expect that there are people in this world who don't love money.

"Did you not hear what I said? Believe it or not, I will complain to you." Kang Zhen said in a threatening tone.

"Ye Dong, I..." The waiter looked at Ye Chen with a confused expression.

Of course he would not blast Ye Chen out unless he didn't want to do it, but he didn't know whether Ye Chen's identity should be exposed.

Because Ye Chen had told them before, don't reveal your identity.

"Ye Dong?" Liu Tian heard the name again, and now she was sure that Ye Chen's identity was extraordinary.

However, Kang Zhen smiled and said: "Ms. Liu's mother said that her daughter has no boyfriends. I still wonder why there is a boyfriend today. It turned out that I found a boyfriend who was supposed to be a courier. "

Just now Kang Zhen felt depressed, thinking that Liu Tian really had a boyfriend, and she would never give up on this boyfriend.

Now he finally knew that everything was fake, and Liu Tian was just acting in front of him.

That being the case, he is sure to be able to catch Liu Tian.

Afterwards, he looked at Ye Chen and said, "Mr. Ye, you are really working hard. It is not easy not only to deliver express delivery, but also to be a waiter in a hotel in order to make money."

Kang Zhen thought that the waiter had called Ye Chen's name, and mistakenly thought he was the waiter of this hotel.

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