Seeing the bottle of wine in Liu Tian's hand, the live broadcast room boiled again.

"This young lady turned out to be the 90-year-old Romani Conti in her hand."

"I heard that the bottle of wine is worth hundreds of thousands."

"It's really too arrogant. The life of the rich is unimaginable for us."

Ye Chen didn't care about these comments at all, because he was used to it.

Yueyue was shocked when she saw it, she covered her mouth and said: "Brother Ye Chen, this bottle of wine is so expensive, let's stop drinking it."

"Money is nothing, as long as you are happy." Ye Chen said with a smile.

He wanted to have a drink, but Liu Tian stopped him and said, "I still have a circle of friends."

Liu Tian held the wine bottle and posted a selfie in the circle of friends with a look of excitement.

As a beauty, many people follow Liu Tian in my circle of friends. After seeing this photo, the comment area exploded.

"Beauty, this is the rich man, this wine is more than 100,000 yuan."

"I envy Sweet Sister, who has such a proud boyfriend."

"Sister Tiantian, wait to come back and bring your boyfriend out for everyone to see."

Even those who admire Liu Tian dare not speak anymore. In front of such a super boss, there is no place for them to speak.

After reading the comment area, Liu Tian glanced at Ye Chen next to her, her mouth raised with an arc.

Ye Chen is handsome and rich, and there are definitely countless people who like him, so naturally there are many competitors.

"Look at what I am doing, hurry up and drink." Ye Chen said lightly when he felt Liu Tian's gaze.

"Oh." Liu Tian opened the wine and poured a glass for everyone.

Originally, Lin Wanrou wanted to pour the wine, but Ye Chen stopped her. He just wanted Liu Tian to recognize her position.

With four people holding their wine glasses, Ye Chen said with a smile: "This first cup allows us to celebrate Miss Liu's blind date failure. I wish her an early date to find someone she likes."

Ye Chen's words made Liu Tian look a little ugly, especially when she found someone she liked as soon as possible, she knew that Ye Chen had deliberately told her.

Lin Wan's soft and Yueyue expression was a bit embarrassed. Ye Chen was indeed shocking about what it meant to celebrate a blind date.

However, the four of them drank all the wine in the glass.

"Good wine is good wine. It is expensive and expensive." Yueyue said with a smile.

If she hadn't known Ye Chen, she wouldn't have been able to drink such expensive wine in her entire life.

Ye Chen poured another glass of red wine for the four people, and then toasted, "This second glass is to celebrate Yueyue and I don’t have to torture my stomach to make money, drink those awful things, and never use it again. The kind of life that pleases others."

Yueyue’s expression was touched. For a girl wandering in another country, only live broadcasting is the fastest way to make money. She can only please fans to drink some ugly things every day, and only she herself knows how many such days are. torment.

I don't remember how many nights she woke up because of stomach discomfort, but even then she still has to continue because she knows that she has no choice if she wants to make money.

"Brother Ye Chen, I respect you for this cup. Thank you for saving me from the sea of ​​suffering." Yueyue drank it as she said, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Lin Wanrou patted the **** the shoulder and said, "Yueyue, today is a happy day, why are you crying?"

"Yueyue, everything is over, from now on you can live a new life." Liu Tian said with a distressed expression.

Yueyue wiped her tears and said: "Brother Ye Chen, two sisters, I cried because of joy, so don't worry."

After a few people finished this glass of wine, they began to taste Yueyue's craftsmanship.

I have to say that the dishes at this table are comparable to the level of a big restaurant, and Yueyue’s cooking skills are really extraordinary.

Soon there was not much food left on the table.

Ye Chen is a very gentleman. After tidying up the table and washing the dishes, he let the three girls watch TV in the living room.

After Ye Chen finished cleaning up, he came to the living room and sat down.

He looked at Yueyue and asked, "Why do you need money so much?"

"I was hospitalized because my parents were sick, and I needed surgery and hospitalization fees." Yueyue's expression became a little sad.

Ye Chen just nodded and didn't speak.

Looking at the watch, it was already late.

Ye Chen suggested taking an early rest, and the three girls agreed very much. After all, the girls need a beauty sleep.

Lin Wanrou helped Liu Tian and Yueyue prepare the house.

Seeing Ye Chen and Lin Wanrou sleeping in the same room, Liu Tian's jealousy came up again.

She felt that she was stronger than Lin Wanrou both in appearance and ability, but why did Ye Chen not even look at her.

People are like this, the less you can get, the more you want to get, especially love.

But Liu Tian is not good to say something to Ye Chen. After all, she is a girl. If she says that, she is too unreserved. On the contrary, it will make Ye Chen feel that she is a very casual girl, let alone take care of her. She's gone.

The next day, after breakfast, Lin Wanrou stayed at home.

Ye Chen sent Liu Tian and Yueyue home respectively.

Liu Tian got out of the car and said, "Ye Chen, what should I do if I want you?"

"I'm the man you can never chase." Ye Chen didn't answer, jokingly said.

After speaking, Ye Chen started the car and drove away, leaving only Liu Tian, ​​whose face was green and white.

Liu Tian stomped her foot and said fiercely, "Ye Chen, you belong to me sooner or later."

Yueyue said with an embarrassed expression: "Brother Ye Chen, I can feel that Sister Liu Tian likes you very much."

"What then?" Ye Chen asked with a smile.

"Of course you should be together." Yueyue said with a glance at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen said with a serious expression: "I just don't want to hurt her. She is a good girl and should look for her happiness."

Seeing that Ye Chen said so, Yueyue couldn't say anything more.

"I'll take you to the hospital now." Ye Chen said with a smile.

He wanted to visit Yueyue's parents to see if he could help.

Ye Chen is not a nosy person, mainly because she feels that it is not easy for a girl to work hard outside, and she is moved by her filial piety.

"I don't have to. I'll just take a taxi to the hospital. Brother Ye Chen, please hurry up." Yueyue refused.

She was really embarrassed to trouble Ye Chen again.

"I hired you. Now you can be said to be your boss. The boss should always care about employees." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Since Ye Chen had already said so, Yueyue couldn't refuse.

Yueyue said with embarrassment, "Brother Ye Chen, thank you then."

"You are too far-sighted, why are you so polite with me." Ye Chen said while looking at Yueyue.

Yueyue lowered her head in embarrassment, she really felt that Ye Chen had already helped her, embarrassed to trouble Ye Chen so much.

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