Hearing what his mother said, Liu Wei came back to his senses.

Liu Wei's family walked out of the ward with pride, and Ye Chen and Yueyue followed.

The medical staff carried Yueyue's parents into the car, and Yueyue was also sitting in the car as a family member.

Seeing Yueyue leaving, Liu Wei looked at Ye Chen jokingly and said, "Boy, I advise you to send the courier honestly and stop pestering Yueyue."

Ye Chen ignored him, but walked towards the parking lot.

Liu Wei wondered why Ye Chen would walk in the direction of the parking lot, but he did not see Ye Chen when he arrived at the parking lot.

"This kid is just pretending to be coercive." Liu Wei said, looking at his parents.

Liu Wei can see the courier brother on the road every day. They are either riding an electric bike or riding an electric tricycle.

He thought that Ye Chen came to the parking lot because he was afraid of being seen riding an electric car.

"Xiaowei, you can rest assured that Yueyue is yours. That kid is just a courier who is fighting with you for what." Zhou Xia said while walking.

"Yeah, if he is really stubbornly following, then I will let him know the gap between the rich and the poor today." Liu Wei said jokingly.

Several people came to a BMW 740 and stopped. Liu Wei opened the door and sat in the cab, while Liu Wei's parents sat in the back seat.

Liu Wei whistled away in his BMW car.

In fact, Ye Chen had been sitting next to Cullinan, so he heard the conversation with Liu Wei's family just now.

The best way to deal with this kind of person is to slap your face severely.

A wicked smile appeared at the corner of Ye Chen's mouth, and he also started the car.

The convoy of the General Hospital drove on the road, attracting the attention of people around.

"Good guy, what's the situation? The General Hospital has sent so many cars."

"Looking at the direction of the convoy, it should be Ren'ai Hospital. It seems that the patient in the car must be a rich man."

"Ren'ai Hospital is not accessible to ordinary people. The medical equipment there is the most advanced."

Liu Wei's BMW car followed behind the team, also proud of his face.

If his friends knew this, they would definitely admire him.

"Son, you are really getting more and more capable now." Zhou Xia said with a smile.

In the past, she thought that her son would only cause trouble to her, but she didn't think she had such a great ability to know the senior staff of Ren'ai Hospital.

Zhou Xia once heard from a friend that if you want to see a doctor in Ren'ai Hospital, you can't get in with ordinary relationships.

"That's why you don't look at who gave birth to Xiaowei, is it true that the tiger father has no dogs?" Liu Dazhuang, Liu Wei's father, also boasted.

The motorcade stopped in front of Ren'ai Hospital, followed by Liu Wei's BMW.

Seeing a middle-aged man wearing glasses and a white coat standing at the door, Liu Wei knew that it must be the Director Zhou Ming that his friend was looking for.

After Liu Wei parked the car, he hurriedly walked over, stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "Hello, Director Zhou Ming, it's really hard work. You are still waiting at the door."

The middle-aged man ignored Liu Wei, but told the people around him about related matters.

Liu Wei retracted his hand with an awkward expression, he thought maybe Director Zhou Ming wanted to avoid suspicion.

If you are too enthusiastic with him, you will definitely let the medical staff around you gossiping.

Yueyue's parents were carried down, and the medical team was busy around them.

The general hospital car left, and Ye Chen dared to come in the car.

Although Liu Wei was surprised to see Cullinan driven by Ye Chen, he did feel that there was nothing. Even if Ye Chen could drive a luxury car, he did not know the senior staff of Ren'ai Hospital.

Thinking about it this way, Liu Wei felt even more superior.

After Ye Chen parked the car, he walked towards the entrance of the hospital.

After seeing Ye Chen, the middle-aged man said respectfully, "Mr. Ye, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Dean Chen, you are polite, I'm really sorry to trouble you again." Ye Chen said with an apologetic expression.

Because he remembered that he had approached Dean Chen because of Fan Ying's family before, and now he was looking for him again for Yueyue's family.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen felt a little embarrassed in his heart.

"Mr. Ye, you must never say that. You are the major shareholder of the hospital. It is our honor to bring people to the hospital for treatment." Dean Chen said with a smile.

Listening to the conversation between Ye Chen and the middle-aged man, Liu Wei's heart sank, and the sense of superiority just disappeared instantly.

He never dreamed that a little brother who delivered a courier would be a shareholder of Ren'ai Hospital. This is unscientific.

Dean Chen and Ye Chen walked in together, leaving Liu Wei messy in the wind.

Seeing that Liu Wei was not in the ward, Zhou Xia looked at Liu Dazhuang and asked, "Husband, where did Xiao Wei go?"

Liu Dazhuang smiled and said, "My son must have gone to find that friend."

Zhou Xia thought that her husband was right, and her son must have gone to thank that friend.

"Yueyue, you go find Liu Weige." Song Jun said while looking at his daughter.

She is very satisfied with this ward, which is much more upscale than the ward in the general hospital.

Then she looked at her wife and said, "Old man, you see that this is the advantage of being rich. How advanced is this ward."

Yueyue's father ignored her, but kept sighing.

He didn't know when his wife became like this. He loves money like his life, and he wants to marry his daughter to a rich man so that he can enjoy the happiness along with him.

Seeing that his wife ignored him, she found that Yueyue hadn't moved.

Song Jun said with an ugly expression: "I can walk and move, and your father and daughter will ignore me. When I am old and can't move, you still have to sweep me out."

"Yueyue, I'm asking you to go out and look for Liu Weige, do you put my words on your ears?" Song Jun continued to ask.

Mother loves face the most. Since she has said so, it would be too bad for her if she doesn't go out and look for it.

Just when she was about to walk out of the ward, she saw three people walking in the distance.

That was Ye Chen, Liu Wei, and a middle-aged person she didn't know.

Ye Chen and the middle-aged man talked and laughed, but Liu Wei followed them in a listless manner.

Yueyue did not call Ye Chen, but retreated to the ward.

Song Jun was about to get angry, but saw the three of them come in.

Seeing a middle-aged man in a white lab coat and glasses, Song Jun looked at Liu Wei with a puzzled look and asked, "This is?"

Liu Wei said blankly: "This is Dean Chen of Ren'ai Hospital."

Upon hearing Liu Wei's words, Song Jun and Liu Wei's parents became a little alarmed, and said in unison: "Hello Dean Chen, thank you so much."

They all thought that the friend Liu Wei was talking about was Dean Chen, but they didn't expect Liu Wei to be so capable.

In fact, Liu Wei knew Dean Chen because he heard the conversation between Ye Chen and the middle-aged man.

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