There was such a thing unexpectedly, Ye Chen thought in his heart.

"Well, let's not talk about this, Ye Dong, what do you want me to do?" Su Qing said calmly.

"You also know that I need to deliver courier, and the group needs to find someone to take care of it." Ye Chen said straightforwardly.

Su Qing persuaded: "Ye Dong, with all due respect, you are not suitable. After all, Zhao Dong is about to retire and he has handed over the position of chairman to you. You will let some people get hold of it if you are the shopkeeper. "

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about me." Ye Chen comforted.

"Okay, then who do you plan to hand over to take care of the group?" Su Qing asked with curiosity.

Ye Chen said with a smirk: "Guess?"

"Ye Dong, how can I guess the mind of a big man like you?" Su Qing said with an aggrieved expression.

"That person is you, surprise or surprise or surprise." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Su Qing was really surprised when she heard these words. She held her pink lips and her eyes widened.

"Ye Dong, you are not joking, how could this be such a sloppy event?" Su Qing said.

"I believe that with your ability, you are completely competent." Ye Chen said firmly in his eyes.

Ye Chen chose Su Qing for two reasons. First, he didn't know many people in the group, only Su Qing and Chen Wan. Second, he had known Su Qing's abilities before.

Seeing Ye Chen believe in herself so much, Su Qing was also very touched and said, "Ye Dong, I, I..."

"I am very optimistic about you, remember that a soldier who does not want to be a general is never a good soldier." Ye Chen comforted.

"Well, since Dong Ye believes in me, I will definitely do it well." Su Qing did not refuse.

She knew that this was also an opportunity to show herself, so that those who made irresponsible remarks would shut down.

"Very good." Ye Chen just likes Su Qing's confidence.

He just learned that someone behind Su Qing was saying bad things about Su Qing, and he wanted to use it to hit those people in the face to let them know that there was someone behind Su Qing.

See who would dare to make irresponsible remarks behind the back, chewing the roots of the tongue.

"Ye Dong, don't worry, I will report to you on time." Su Qing said sincerely.

Ye Chen didn't speak, just nodded.

What he cares about now is not these, but how the group will develop better in the future.

After all, Zhao Dong trusted him to give him the position of chairman of the group, and he could not live up to Zhao Dong's trust.

Su Qing did not leave, but still stayed in the office.

"Is there anything else?" Ye Chen asked, looking at the girl in front of him.

"That's the case. I need to send a personnel announcement about you now. Could you please tell me about your personal situation." Su Qing said.

"Okay, I will send the situation to your mailbox in a moment."

Soon a personnel announcement appeared on the group's official WeChat account.

"Because of Zhao Dong's retirement, the board of directors has unanimously decided that Ye Chen will take over as chairman of the board. I hereby announce that I hope everyone will know. In the future, the group will work together to create brilliant."

The situation of Ye Chen is also attached later.

"Ye Chen, male, 25 years old, chairman of the group, shareholder of Renai Hospital, shareholder of Marriott Group, shareholder of law firm."

Attached is a handsome photo of Ye Chen.

When the company employees saw it, their expressions became a little surprised. Ye Chen already had so many at a young age, and they were only employees of a company.

It's really more popular than people.

Below this Weibo is full of comments.

"Ye Dong has good looks and connotation. He is really handsome, just like a movie star."

"The chairman of the group is so young. The young people are energetic and motivated. I believe the group will develop better and better."

"This young man is so courageous, can Ye Dong teach me the secret of success."

Ye Chen looked at this Weibo but didn't feel anything. Suddenly the office phone rang.

After answering the phone, Su Qing's voice came from inside: "Ye Dong, in order to facilitate work, you need to register a Weibo account."

"Okay, I will do it now."

After hanging up, Ye Chen started to register a Weibo account online.

However, it was sadly discovered that everything related to Ye Chen's name was actually registered.

Ye Chen thought in his heart, it seems that his name is very popular.

In fact, Ye Chen didn't want to think of such a decent name. Young people should have ideas and be different.

He decided to register with the name I am a courier.

"Oh my God."

The certified staff in the office saw the name and suddenly made a shocking noise, scaring the colleague next to him almost jumping out of the chair.

"Xiao Li, you're sick, what did you call in broad daylight, almost scared me to death." The colleague next to him said dissatisfied.

The young man named Xiao Li said: "Brother Chen, hurry up and see, this person who called me the courier brother's username authentication turned out to be the chairman of Yida Group.

"Brother Chen, do you think we should call and ask first."

Another person glanced at him and said, "I heard that Dong Ye is a little brother who delivers express delivery."

"But the Weibo name of a group chairman actually started this, isn't it a bit too serious?" Xiao Li said with a puzzled expression.

"Maybe rich people have more peculiar ideas, let's call and ask."

Su Qing's office phone rang, and the phone was connected: "Okay, I see, I will discuss with Ye Dong, please."

"Su Qing, why are you here again?" Ye Chen asked when he saw Su Qing walking in from the door.

"I don't want to come either, it's mainly about your registered Weibo name." Su Qing said helplessly.

Then she pouted and said, "Even if you leave the group to me to take care of Ye Dong temporarily, you should be more serious when registering your Weibo name. This represents the group."

Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders and said, "I can't help it. The main reason is that my name is too popular. Everything related to my name has been registered. What do you want me to do? Express delivery, this is a fact."

Hearing what Ye Chen said, Su Qing couldn't say anything. After all, this was Ye Chen's business. It would be a little bad if she managed too much.

As Ye Chen's assistant, all she can do is to give proper reminders. As for whether Ye Chen listens or not, it is not her business.

"Okay, Dong Ye, I see, I will convey your meaning to that side." Su Qing walked out of the office after finishing her speech.

"Hello, I just reported this to Ye Dong, because Ye Dong's name is all taken, so he meant to use this Weibo name." Su Qing said Ye Chen's Tell each other.

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