Select the President of the Billionaire Group at the Beginning

Chapter 830: But was arrested to the police station

"Ah? There is such a thing, this Yueyue is really too shameful." Aunt Zhang said angrily.

Then she comforted: "Ye Chen, don't be angry, turn around and I will talk about this child and arrange for you to meet again."

Ye Chen said with a smile: "Aunt Zhang, no need, Miss Zhao is just because I am a courier and feels that I have lost status on a blind date..."

Hearing what Ye Chen said, Aunt Zhang also said: "Yeah, since I love the poor and love the rich, it's right to not meet, even if it is, this kind of girl won't live a safe life."

"Yes, so I am not interested in this green tea at all." Ye Chen laughed.

"What green tea?" Aunt Zhang asked with a look of confusion.

How could someone her age have heard such new words.

Ye Chen was too lazy to explain, and said, "Nothing, Aunt Zhang, I'll hang up if I have things left."

"Ye Chen, don't worry, wait for Aunt Zhang to introduce you some good ones." Aunt Zhang said with a smile.

"Okay." Ye Chen smiled and hung up the phone.

He wanted to introduce that it was Aunt Zhang's business whether or not to introduce it, but it was his business if he didn't see it.

Hanging up, Ye Chen wandered in the street bored.

Suddenly, someone yelled "Robbery, someone robbed."

Ye Chen is not a person who likes to watch the excitement, and of course he doesn't bother to be nosy.

Robbers like this would have guys on them, so he didn't want to take risks.

A man ran towards him, hit him hard, and said viciously: "Boy, get out of the way, don't get in the way."

Ye Chen saw that this person was like a bad person, stretched out his foot and tripped him: "Walk and watch."

Because there was a police chasing after him, the man got up and glared at Ye Chen and ran away.

Then a little policewoman ran over and was taken aback when she saw Ye Chen.

The little brother in front of him is so handsome, and the male celebrities in the movie are nothing more than that, but he is more handsome than the male celebrities.

"Love, love." The girl thought in her heart.

Ye Chen looked at the lovely beauty in front of him and smiled.

The girl suddenly said: "Don't move, raise your hand."

When she saw Ye Chen, the girl had forgotten what she was doing, and now suddenly remembered that she was still performing the task.

Ye Chen just thought that the little policewoman was cute, but now she suddenly seemed to be a different person.

Before Ye Chen could react, he found that his hands had been handcuffed.

"Police sister, what are you doing? I'm a good person, hey, why are you looking through my pockets?" Ye Chen said helplessly.

Now that his hands were handcuffed, he couldn't resist at all, and the hands of the little policeman in front of him were still turning around on him.

"Haha, I found it, the person got the stolen goods, you have nothing to say." The little policewoman took out a necklace from Ye Chen's pocket and shook it before his eyes.

"This necklace is not mine." Ye Chen denied.

The little policewoman's voice was a little chilly and said, "Yes, of course this necklace is not yours anymore. You stole it from the jewelry store."

"Sister, which eye did you see me stealing? It was clearly put in my pocket when the person hit me just now." Ye Chen said silently.

The man just hit him on purpose, and then

"Yes, you are accomplices." The little policewoman said firmly.

"Sister, which one of your eyes sees that we are accomplices, and I obviously tripped him just now."

The little policewoman retorted, "Then why don't you just grab him?"

After asking this question, Ye Chen really had nothing to say, he couldn't say that he didn't want to make trouble, even if he said it, no one would believe it.

"There is nothing to say now," said the little policewoman proudly.

This is the first time she has been on a mission since she went to work. Wouldn't it be a joke if she catches the wrong person.

"Sister Jinghua, you think I am so handsome, how can I do bad things?" Ye Chen asked.

Xiao Jinghua did admit that although the boy in front of him was dressed in ordinary clothes, he was indeed very handsome.

"Handsome, does it have anything to do with whether you do bad things?" The little policewoman retorted again.

Ye Chen wanted to tease the policeman, but his colleague had already ran over.

"Xiao Jing, are you okay." A male policeman asked nervously.

Seeing Ye Chen behind the girl, he asked, "Who is this man?"

"He is an accomplice of the robber, and we are not afraid that his comrade will be on the road if we catch him." The little policewoman said with a smug look.

You know, this is the first time he caught the bad guys on a mission, he would definitely be praised when he returned to the police station.

"What about you?" the little policewoman asked.

Then I saw four men handcuffed behind him and said, "Is this the robber you caught?"

"Yes." The man just scratched his head and said.

The main reason was that everyone came and went in this street. Just now the jewelry store was stolen, but these people were running fast, so they caught these four people back.

Ye Chen knew from the psychology of these people that the robber was indeed among the four.

"Well, let's not talk about it, let's take them back to the police station first." The little policewoman said hurriedly.

The police even took the suspect in the police car and drove in the direction of the police station.

Ye Chen was really speechless: "Police sister, I am a good person, why are you arresting me? You should arrest the real robber."

"If you make trouble anymore, I'll be rude to you." Xiao Jinghua said with a fierce expression on her face.

Her appearance didn't make Ye Chen scared, but she felt amused.

Ye Chen didn't speak, just smiled.

He felt that the little policeman in front of him was really confused. If they were like her, how many good people would have been wronged.

"Why are you smiling?" Xiao Jinghua felt ignored, a little angry.

Ye Chen knew that no matter what they said, they would definitely not let him go, they could only follow him back to the police station.

The police car came to the police station and a few people got off the car.

Xiao police flower escorted Ye Chen out of the car and walked into the police station first.

"Xiaojing, you are so amazing. The bad guy was caught the first time you left the police." The oncoming colleague looked at the little policewoman and said.

Hearing the compliments of her colleagues, the little policewoman looked smug. She had always used her sister as an example and wanted to be as good as her, but she finally did it today.

But Ye Chen was speechless for a while, this girl was obviously smug when she caught the wrong person.

Seeing the playful smile on Ye Chen's face, the little policewoman said, "Huh, what are you smiling at? There will be a time when you cry."

Not only did they bring the suspect back, but the clerk at the jewelry store also followed them back.

The female clerk has just seen the appearance of the robbers and heard their voices, and just ask the female clerk to identify them in a moment. I believe that the robber will be found.

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