Seeing Ye Chen's distressed eyes, Lin Wanrou felt warm.

She hurriedly said: "My son, I feel a little fat so I lost weight."

Ye Chen didn't speak, he knew that Lin Wanrou was to comfort him.

"My son, the food is going to be cold, eat it now." Lin Wanrou said with a smile.

Ye Chen looked at the table of food that he loved to eat, including sweet and sour pork ribs, steamed sea bass, braised beef, shredded fish-flavored chicken, cumin lamb, and garlic vermicelli shrimp.

As a girl, Lin Wanrou likes to eat vegetables, but there is not a single vegetarian dish on the table.

Lin Wanrou looked at Ye Chen's delay in moving his chopsticks, thinking he didn't like the dishes on the table, and hurriedly said, "My son, if the food is not to your appetite, I'd called you in advance if I knew it."

"No Wanrou, these are my favorites, but I think you have cooked so many dishes, and there is no one that you like, and I feel a little self-blame." Ye Chen said.

"My son, you forgot that I told you just now that I want to lose weight recently, so I can't eat." Lin Wanrou lied.

In Lin Wanrou's heart, only Ye Chen, not herself.

So when she was cooking, all she thought about Ye Chen was what Ye Chen liked to eat and what she would do.

Ye Chen hurriedly picked up the chopsticks and put a piece of sweet and sour ribs in Lin Wanrou's bowl, and said, "Wanrou, you have to eat more. You can't just lose weight."

Then he continued: "You are not fat at all, and even if you are fat, I will not despise you. I only want you to be healthy."

Lin Wanrou nodded and took her chopsticks to eat.

It may be that Ye Chen was a little hungry after running for a day, and he quickly ate all the dishes on the table, while Lin Wanrou just picked up a few chopsticks and fish-flavored shredded pork.

Seeing that the plates were empty, Lin Wanrou smiled happily, because she knew that Ye Chen loved the food she cooked.

"I'm so full today, I'm going to die." Ye Chen said, patted his swollen belly.

"My son, Wanrou will cook for you every day from now on." Lin Wanrou said with a smile.

Actually, it's not that Lin Wanrou doesn't cook, it's mainly because she and Ye Chen rarely have time to eat together, and both of them are very busy.

When Lin Wanrou saw Ye Chen finished eating, she got up to clean up.

Ye Chen got up to stop, pulled Lin Wanrou onto the sofa, turned on the TV and said, "Wanrou, you are exhausted after a busy day. Let me take a rest and I will clean up."

"My son, where do you go, how can you do this kind of work?" Lin Wanrou refused.

"Why can't I?" Ye Chen retorted.

Lin Wanrou hesitated and said, "My son, how can a man do these housework."

"What's wrong with men, you shouldn't have sexism." Ye Chen gave Lin Wanrou a white look.

"Okay, just listen to me and watch TV here for a while, and leave the rest to me." Ye Chen looked at Lin Wanrou and said.

Ye Chen's words were up to this point, and Lin Wanrou couldn't refuse any more, so she had to sit on the sofa and wait.

There was the sound of washing the dishes in the kitchen. Seeing Ye Chen's busy voice, Lin Wanrou was a little obsessed.

Ye Chen's work is even more fascinating.

After a while, Ye Chen cleaned up the dining room and kitchen, came to Lin Wanrou, and warmed Lin Wanrou a glass of milk.

Seeing Ye Chen so careful, she even felt that being with Ye Chen was simply the luckiest thing in her life.

A few days ago, she told Ye Chen that she always had insomnia at night and was very painful.

Ye Chen warmed his milk tonight, knowing that milk has the effect of helping him sleep.

Lin Wanrou didn't expect that it was just a casual sentence, and Ye Chen remembered it in her heart, and she couldn't help but feel a little moved.

After drinking the milk, Lin Wanrou looked at Ye Chen and said, "My son, let me report to you the recent work of the company."

"No, the company has you. I believe in your ability and management level." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"It's getting late, let's rest early." Ye Chen looked at Lin Wanrou with a wicked smile in her eyes.

Of course Lin Wanrou knew what Ye Chen meant, her shy face flushed.

After the two people took a shower, they went to the bedroom, and then the clouds and rain were overwhelming.

The next day, Ye Chen got up early, made breakfast for Lin Wanrou, and then drove Cullinan away.

Ye Chen came to the courier point to pick up the courier and changed to an electric tricycle.

He began to walk the streets and alleys to deliver express life on this day.

When he walked into a community and came to the express cabinet, Ye Chen heard the man next to him making a call.

"Mengmeng, I'm waiting for you downstairs. Didn't we make an appointment to go to the park to play?" The man said with a smile on his face.

"No, I was too tired from work last night and wanted to sleep more." The girl named Mengmeng refused.

"Look at how nice the weather is today, the blue sky and white clouds, it's really suitable for traveling." The man added again.

"I just want to sleep, I don't want to go out. I'm so tired, so don't bother me anymore." The girl obviously said impatiently.

"Mengmeng you will come out? I miss you, let's meet." The man pleaded again.

If it wasn't for Ye Chen that there were four or five couriers who hadn't been put in the courier cabinet, he didn't want to listen to the female chasing drama early in the morning.

From the content of the conversation between the two people, we can know that the man is a licking dog, and the **** the opposite side simply ignores him.

But even so, the man kept chasing after him, making the girl very bored.

"Are you annoying, if there is nothing else, I'll hang up and sleep me to death." The girl said coldly.

There was no trace of emotion in her voice.

Seeing that the phone was hung up, the man was there for a long time.

He didn't expect that it was the girl who said he was going to visit the garden with him, but when he came to look for the girl, the girl changed his mind.

What made him depressed the most was that he had something to say, and the girl hung up the phone and didn't give him a chance to speak at all.

Ye Chen looked at the man in front of him with sympathy.

Obviously, the girl named Mengmeng just used a man as a spare tire, and didn't care about him at all.

Looking at the man's painful expression, Ye Chen said with a smile: "Dude, don't you just want to see your girlfriend? I have a way you want to try."

The man glanced at Ye Chen and looked at the uniform on his body. The young man was clearly a courier.

Even if he can't do anything, how can a courier guy have a solution? He thinks this is simply ridiculous.

"How could my girlfriend listen to a courier brother's words, it is a joke." The man said with a joking expression.

If it wasn't for the man to be too pitiful, Ye Chen wouldn't bother to help the man. He smiled and said, "Brother, you won't lose a try if you try."

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