Somehow, the door almost closed, and Ye Chen hurriedly stretched out his hand to help.

The girl was very close to him, her heart pounding, her pretty face turned red.

Ye Chen could hear the girl's heartbeat, and quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, I'm afraid the door is closed and you won't be able to enter the house."

The girl didn't even dare to look up at Ye Chen's eyes, nodded and said, "I know."

Ye Chen still held the door with his hands, but the girl stood there blankly.

He was very speechless, thinking that sister, you would help me, my arm would be tired.

But even so, Ye Chen didn't dare to let go, because as soon as he let go, the girl would be locked out.

The two people have maintained this posture, but it is easy to cause misunderstanding from the eyes of outsiders.

It's like Ye Chen's girl in Bidong.

Suddenly, a woman's voice sounded: "What are you doing?"

The middle-aged woman suddenly shouted when she saw the ambiguous posture of her daughter and a man.

Look at the thin clothes of the daughter, and the men are already close to each other, which makes the middle-aged women very angry.

Ye Chen and the girl were also taken aback.

He quickly let go of the hand holding the door, and the door closed.

The girl raised her head to look at her angry mother and said, "Mom, you have misunderstood, we did nothing."

"I didn't do anything, then why are you and the man in that posture, and they are still in the corridor"

Without waiting for the girl to speak, the middle-aged woman continued: "Xiaomei, as a girl, you have to be more reserved. You said you dressed like this, and then you were in the corridor with a man. Hey, I was embarrassed to say it."

Ye Chen knew that he had been misunderstood, and quickly explained: "Auntie, you have misunderstood. I am delivering express delivery. The two of us are not what you think."

"You are ashamed to say that you, a courier, would dare to do something to my daughter." The middle-aged woman didn't bother to listen to Ye Chen's explanation.

"Mom, what are you talking about? The courier brother is kind, afraid that the door is closed and I don't have the key to enter the house." The girl looked at her mother with an awkward expression.

She also felt that what her mother said was a bit heavy, and the courier brother was kind, but she was misunderstood by her mother.

And the speech is so ugly, the girl feels it is necessary to explain.

The middle-aged woman didn't listen to the girl at all. She looked at Ye Chen and said, "You, a courier, dare to climb up my daughter. You don't look at what identity it is."

"Mom, can you not speak so badly?" The girl also looked at Ye Chen apologetically when she spoke.

Ye Chen didn't bother to care about middle-aged women at all, so he kept silent.

The girl thought Ye Chen was angry, and looked at Ye Chen and said, "Little brother, don't take it to your heart. My mother speaks like this. I apologize to you for him."

Seeing her daughter still guarding Ye Chen, the middle-aged woman became even more angry.

"Xiaomei, you see how thin you are wearing, so hurry in, and I'll settle accounts with you later." The middle-aged woman walked to her daughter and pushed the girl into the house.

The girl had no choice but to enter the house.

Seeing her daughter enter the house, the middle-aged woman stared at Ye Chen and said, "Boy, I warn you not to pester my daughter anymore, otherwise I will call the police."

"Auntie, I respect you for calling you auntie, since you speak so badly, then I don't have to be polite to you anymore." Ye Chen said coldly.

"You, you..., the little one who delivered the courier dare to talk to me like this." The middle-aged woman was also mad at Ye Chen, and she was a little stuttered.

Ye Chen ignored the middle-aged woman, but turned and left.

Now the middle-aged woman became even more angry, and she shouted: "I haven't finished my words yet, you stop me."

Ye Chen strode into the elevator, exited the door, and the phone rang.

After answering the phone, Yueyue's voice came from inside: "Brother Ye Chen, I can tell you a good news. My parents have been discharged from the hospital. They asked me to invite you to dinner. Thank you."

"Don't worry if you have dinner, I will visit your parents the other day." Ye Chen refused.

"No, if I didn't invite you to dinner, my mother would definitely blame me. Do you want them to talk about me?" Yueyue pouted.

In fact, she just found an excuse to want to meet Ye Chen.

Since meeting Ye Chen that day, she has missed it very much. After all, the dead girl is not too proactive, thinking about it and found a reasonable excuse.

"That's good, it's up to you." Ye Chen felt that Yueyue had already talked about it, and it would be a bit bad for him to decide again.

"Then, let's see you this afternoon, and you can eat at my house tonight." Yueyue said excitedly.

"No problem, when I finish my work this afternoon, I will find you." After Ye Chen finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Ye Chen delivered the courier, and suddenly a system alert sounded in his mind.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for receiving five-star praise and rewarding game master skills. 】

Hearing this reward, Ye Chen frowned, thinking that he didn't like to play games too much. What's the use of rewards, but after all, rewards are better than no rewards.

Yueyue was very happy with her mobile phone, and was finally able to see Ye Chen's brother again.

She opened the Maoya live broadcast platform and started the live broadcast.

Ever since Ye Chen refused to let her eat live broadcast last time, Yueyue has been thinking that she can't always rely on Ye Chen.

Ye Chen had helped her a lot before, and she was really embarrassed to trouble this man anymore, so she wanted to be self-reliant.

Because I have to take care of my parents, the only job is to broadcast live, time is more free, and money comes faster.

After much deliberation, she decided not to do food and broadcast, but to be a game anchor.

Of course, Yueyue playing games is just so-so.

However, because of her sweet looks and humorous speech, she has gained a lot of fans during this time.

Waiting for Ye Chen's effort, Yueyue turned on her phone and started live broadcasting on the Maoya platform.

"Hello everyone, I am your lovely Shui Bingyue." Yueyue said to the platform.

Seeing Yueyue live broadcast, the phone screen is swiping.

"Yueyue, I am so happy to see you again."

"Our humorous Shui Bingyue is here, so in love."

"Yueyue, I am a loyal fan of yours. From watching you eat and broadcast to you being the anchor of the game, quack."

Yueyue looked at the message on the screen and smiled: "Your support and love are the motivation for me not willing to leave the live broadcast platform. I love you and show my heart."

"I like Yueyue, unlike other anchors who will give rewards when they come up, but chat with us."

"Every time I give Yueyue a reward, I don't feel compelled at all."

"My monthly salary is rewarded to Yueyue, and I will work hard to earn more money to reward Yueyue."

Seeing the comments from fans, Yueyue was also moved in her heart.

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