Hearing what Ye Chen said, Zhu Wei suddenly.

"What? This kid is the one who rewarded a hundred rockets?"

"I rub, no wonder this kid is so awesome."

"Sure enough it is him."

He had doubted Ye Chen's identity before.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Ye Chen.

This kid, unexpectedly made the first step.

No need to ask, he must have done something like that with Yueyue.

This kid brushed a hundred rockets in one go, so the backstage must be very hard.

What made Zhu Wei unacceptable most about Nima was that the other party turned out to be a courier.

A courier is richer than himself.

Zhu Wei felt like he had been slapped twice in the face.

It's ridiculous to think of buying Ye Chen with one hundred thousand just now.

But the corners of Zhu Wei's mouth raised.

That's right, he doesn't have Ye Chen rich.

But he has the right.

Ye Chen was just a courier, he didn't believe that Ye Chen's rights would be better than his own.

Zhu Wei sneered: "Boy, even if you have money, what do you do? Tell you, I am a high-level member of Maoya.com. I want to close the account of whomever I want. It is useless to complain. General Manager Fang Bin is my brother-in-law. ."

Zhu Wei looked smug, although Ye Chen was rich, but he didn't take Ye Chen into his heart at all.

What can you do if you have money? You don't have to kneel before Lao Tzu's rights.

Ye Chen snorted coldly: "We can't compare money, you have more power than anyone else now."

Zhu Wei looked smug: "Yes, I have power, you have a temper."

Ye Chen sighed helplessly.

"It seems that I will let you know my true strength now."

Ye Chen said lightly: "It's a showdown. I am now the boss of Maoya.com."

"What? You are the owner of Maoya.com?"

Zhu Wei was taken aback for a moment, then laughed arrogantly.

"You are the owner of Maoya.com, who are you fooling? You laughed at me."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "By the way, my name is Ye Chen."

After speaking, Ye Chen hung up the phone directly.

Zhu Wei snorted coldly: "Boy, dare to defraud me."

However, Zhu Wei suddenly remembered something.

Fuck, I remembered that Maoya.com was just bought by a young boss, isn't the other party's name Ye Chen?

Suddenly, Zhu Wei's whole person was not well.

He knew very well that if Ye Chen were the boss, he would definitely be over.

After all, if you squeeze the anchor through your identity, if you let the boss know about this kind of thing, you must be dead.

But Zhu Wei was still comforting himself.

Impossible, that kid is just a takeaway, how could he be the boss.

This kid must have lied to me.

At this moment, Fang Bin rushed into the office suddenly.

"Zhu Wei, did you offend someone today?"

Zhu Wei was taken aback for a moment.

"I do not have it."

Suddenly, Zhu Wei's expression changed, and the cold sweat suddenly shed.

Is it true that the express delivery said?

Is he really the owner of Maoya.com?

Seeing Zhu Wei's nervous look, Fang Bin understood everything.

"Zhu Wei, you are really a pig, you are not annoyed by someone, you even annoyed Boss Ye."

Fang Bin got more angry as he talked, and directly slapped Zhu Wei.

Zhu Wei covered his face and was very aggrieved.

"Fang Bin, I really don't know that he is the boss. I want to know how to offend him."

Fang Bin was going crazy: "The boss just called me and told me to get out."

"Ah!" Zhu Wei was immediately silly.

His patron at Maoya.com is Fang Bin.

If Fang Bin was fired, how could he still be in Maoyawang.

Fang Bin pointed at Zhu Wei: "You, how did you mess with Boss Ye?"

Zhu Wei told the story with an embarrassed expression.

Fang Bin became anxious after hearing this.

"What's the matter, you stupid, you know women every day, you still want to **** women from your boss, do you want to kill me and drag me?"

Fang Bin really wanted to kill this idiot right now.

He rushed forward, punching and kicking Zhu Wei again.

Zhu Wei was also stupid at the moment.

He never thought that Ye Chen turned out to be the boss of Maoya.com.

He had to know this, he wouldn't provoke Ye Chen if he was killed.

Now that I dare to **** the boss's woman, isn't this a case of death?

Zhu Wei's intestines were regretful at this moment.

Unfortunately, it is too late to regret now.

At this time, Zhu Wei called.

"My husband is okay. The police came to our house just now and directly sealed up our house and car, saying that you were taking bribes and embezzlement."

"What corruption and bribery?" Zhu Wei's cold sweat suddenly came out.

In recent years, he has indeed done a lot of corruption to recommend positions to Internet celebrities.

Now it is obvious that these things of myself are exposed.

The police directly sealed the house, which shows that they have enough evidence.

At this moment, suddenly the office door was pushed open and several police officers rushed in.

"Zhu Wei, Fang Bin, you two have been arrested on suspicion of corruption, please go back with us for investigation."

Zhu Wei suddenly became stupid, thumped, and limp to the ground.

Fang Bin on the side was even more angry and going crazy.

If he knew that Zhu Wei was so stupid, he wouldn't have transferred him to him in the first place anyway.

It's alright now, even he was dragged into the water by Zhu Wei, a pig teammate.

Fang Bin really couldn't bear it.

He rushed forward and kicked Zhu Wei.

"This time, how satisfied are you? You look for a woman again."

Soon Zhu Wei and Fang Bin were taken away by the police.

What awaits them is the severe punishment of the law.


At this time, Yueyue was still worried.

Ye Chen smiled, "Okay, don't worry, I've taken care of everything for you."

Yueyue was stunned after hearing what Ye Chen said.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "I met their boss on Maoya.com, so I was asked to check them, and it turned out that a lot of things were found."

With that, Ye Chen took out his mobile phone.

Inside, it was the video of Zhu Wei and Fang Bin being arrested by the police.

Seeing the video, Yueyue let out a sigh, and the stone in her heart finally fell to the ground.

She hugged Ye Chen and couldn't help crying.

"Ye Chen, thank you so much, if it weren't for you, I don't know what would happen."

Feeling the beauty in his arms, Ye Chen was also extremely comfortable.

This kind of touch is simply wonderful.

Yueyue suddenly remembered something.

"Ye Chen, I can't ask for the rocket you gave me a reward. I will return the money to you when I look back."

Ye Chen shook his head: "No, I gave this to you. Auntie has just been discharged from the hospital, and you are in need of money."

Yueyue was really moved when she heard Ye Chen's words.

He felt that his luck was so good that he even met Ye Chen.

Not only was Ye Chen handsome, but he was really kind to her.

Yueyue Qiao blushed and said, "Brother Ye Chen, can you wait for me here."

Ye Chen was stunned: "What are you waiting for?"

Yueyue Qiao blushed and said, "I want to give you the most precious thing to repay your kindness."

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