She told Tian Ya what happened.

Tian Ya's eyes lit up when she heard it.

"Is that boy handsome?"

"Have you asked for his WeChat and contact information?"

Tian Ya was very excited.

Cao Xueyao said, "We want it."

"Ah, why are you so stupid? You finally met a handsome Bai Fushuai. By the way, does he have a girlfriend?"

"It doesn't seem to be right. How can you go shopping alone if you have a girlfriend."

Tian Ya said, "Yes, I think you can work hard. You are so handsome, you have money, you have such a sense of justice, and you don’t have a girlfriend. If you don’t say yes, you can directly enter the rich. It."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Cao Xueqiao blushed.

The two men clamored and walked towards the community.

Ye Chen returned to the room.

Lin Wanrou was not at home because she had been talking about business outside.

Now the home has been messed up by myself.

"Otherwise, please have a housekeeper."

Ye Chen thought about it and sent a message directly to the circle of friends.

"I want to hire a housekeeper with a monthly salary of 50,000 yuan. I need a young and beautiful woman. It is best to have hotel management experience. If you are interested, or if you have friends who are interested, you can introduce me."

After Ye Chen's introduction, he directly sent it to Moments.

Cao Xue has nothing to do in her spare time, and is constantly browsing the circle of friends.

At this time, she suddenly saw the circle of friends that Ye Chen had just posted.

"Oh my god, she has a monthly salary of 50,000 yuan, and she is still a woman. Although she has no experience in hotel management, she has done management."

This works well.

Cao Xue was immediately excited.

She quickly sent a text message to Ye Chen: "Can I?

Ye Chen was stunned when he saw the text message from Cao Xue.

Cao Xue is a graduate student, so she has to apply for a housekeeper.

"Are you sure you want to be a housekeeper?" Ye Chen asked.

Cao Xue nodded: "Well, I will definitely work hard."

Ye Chen nodded after hearing this: "Okay, come over for an interview tomorrow. When you arrive, you call me ahead of time."

After speaking, Ye Chen hung up the phone.

The next day, after Ye Chen got up and exercised for a while, the phone rang.

Ye Chen opened the door and received a call from Cao Xue.

At the door, Ye Chen took Cao Xue in.

Cao Xue was shocked by the environment here.

Oh my God, this environment is great too.

Cao Xue had never thought that there would be such a luxurious villa.

At this time, Cao Xue blushed and took out a resume.

Ye Chen took it over and looked at it and said, "You are a graduate student. It's too bad to be my secretary."

Cao Xue shook her head: "No, I work to make money. You make a lot of money."

Ye Chen nodded helplessly after hearing this.

This girl is quite real.

Ye Chen said: "Okay, you are hired."

"In this way, your salary is 100,000 yuan, and you are open throughout the year, but you can ask me for leave if you have something, don't you have any comments."

After hearing this, Cao Xue nodded and said, "I have no opinion."

Ye Chen finished saying: "Okay, then I will pay you two months' salary, 200,000 yuan, and tell me your bank card number."

Hearing what Ye Chen said, Cao Xue was stunned.

This is too random. If you don't sign a contract, you will give her 200,000 yuan.

Isn't he afraid of running away with the money?

Moreover, it seems that wages have never been paid in advance like this.

Suddenly, Cao Xueqiao blushed.

"He doesn't have any other thoughts about me, right."

Even Cao Xue had an ominous feeling.

He doesn't want to support himself.

Cao Xueqiao blushed: "Mr. Ye, I can be your housekeeper, but I don't know how to do that kind of thing."

Ye Chen was stunned for a while, then smiled.

He deliberately laughed and said, "What kind of service is the kind of service you are talking about? Is it a service where two people are together and then do that kind of thing?"

Cao Xue's pretty face flushed.

Seeing Cao Xue's appearance, Ye Chen couldn't help being amused.

"Well, funny, your service is sweeping the floor, cooking, and trimming the garden."

Cao Xue let out a sigh of relief when he heard Ye Chen's words.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "In addition to these services, I won't refuse the kind of service you want."

After listening to Ye Chen's words, Cao Xue knew that this guy was making fun of him and his pretty face suddenly blushed.

Ye Chen said, "Well, it's time for dinner. I invite you to eat out, but you can cook for me in the future."

Cao Xue nodded after hearing this.

Ye Chen drove the car and brought Cao Xue to a western restaurant.

He parked the car in the parking space and went in with Cao Xue.

Ye Chen ordered steak and pizza, and some small desserts.

The two talked while eating.

At this moment, a joking voice suddenly sounded.

"Yeah, isn't this Cao Xue?"

Cao Xue's face changed abruptly when she saw the person coming.

The person who came was no one else. It was Hu Yong, the manager who asked her to make false accounts and blocked her from resigning.

Hu Yong changed to a junior this time, and looked at Cao Xue with a smug look on his face.

Cao Xue ignored him and ate by herself.

Hu Yong laughed jokingly: "Cao Xue, I heard that you have been very bad recently. After interviewing many companies, no one wants you."

Cao Xue stared at Hu Yong angrily: "Isn't this all thanks to you?"

Hu Yong smiled; "Xiaoxue, I actually admire you very much. I can give you a chance. As long as you are my junior, I can get you back to work and double your salary."

Cao Xue looked at the disgusting face and snorted coldly and said, "Please don't be nauseated, okay?"

After hearing what Cao Xue said, Hu Yong's expression became cold: "What did you say?"

Cao Xue coldly snorted: "Even if I starve to death, I won't be **** like you."

Hu Yong's face was hideous: "Dead girl, I can tell you, you don't even want to find a decent job with me in your life."

Ye Chen sneered from the side: "Man, you are crazy, have you heard a word? People have to be low-key, pretending to be forced to die quickly."

Hu Yong only noticed Ye Chen on the side.

Seeing Ye Chen, Hu Yong’s face showed a playful smile: "Boy, you are Cao Xue’s boyfriend. I suggest you stay away from her. She has been blacklisted and wants to be in the magic city. It's impossible to find a job."

Ye Chen smiled after hearing this: "Really? But I didn't want her to find a job. What happened to me raising her?"

"You..." Hu Yong's face flushed.

The woman on the side pulled Hu Yong: "Alright, Brother Yong, let's go to the bar and ignore them."

Hu Yong snorted coldly, "Boy, wait, we're never finished."

With that, Hu Yong hummed away.

Ye Chen and Cao Xue finished their meal and prepared to leave.

Ye Chen was dumbfounded when he arrived at the parking lot.

His car was blocked by a BMW 740.

Logically, Ye Chen's car was parked on the parking line, but the BMW car directly crossed the front of Ye Chen's car, and his car couldn't get out at all.

When Cao Xue saw this car, her expression changed slightly: "This car belongs to Hu Yong."

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