The store manager took a sigh of relief when he saw this scene.

Fortunately, I came out by myself.

Otherwise, such a big customer might have missed it.

He looked at Xiaomei with approval in his eyes.

The other shop assistants were all stupid seeing this scene.

Their intestines are all regretful.

When Ye Chen first entered the store, they actually had the opportunity to serve Ye Chen.

But they felt that Ye Chen was just a poor **** and didn't waste any time.

So only Xiaomei went to serve Ye Chen.

More than 40 million.

The commission alone is more than four hundred thousand.

That has been their salary for several years.

Xiaomei wrapped her watch in the envious eyes of everyone.

Ye Chen looked at Tengxiang and Zhang Nan jokingly.

"You two haven't chosen a table yet, I think it might not be suitable for you here. If you have money, you can pretend to be awesome, if you don't have money, you can pretend to be a fool."

After being stunned by Ye Chen, Tengxiang and Zhang Nan were speechless, unable to speak a word.

Ye Chen smiled faintly.

It feels really cool.

Zhang Nan said to Tengxiang: "You say you feel like you are awesome every day, and you don't know what your surname is when you earn some money. Let's slap your face this time."

Tengxiang was unhappy when he heard it: "It's not you yet. I love vanity every day. I can't afford it, so I have to try it so I can go back and buy a high copy. If I don't expose you, you will talk about me first."

The two people tore each other.

Everyone realized that it was not Ye Chen who really pretended to be forced, but the two of them.

The store manager said coldly: "You two, if you want to quarrel, please go outside and fry. Don't affect other store staff's shopping."

Two people were blasted out of the shop directly.

Outside the store, the two people quarreled more and more fiercely, and finally tore them up.

Ye Chen couldn't help but shook his head when he saw this scene.

"Why bother?"

At this moment, the store manager looked at Xiaomei and said with a smile: "Xiaomei, you have been in the store for a few months, and you have done a very good job, so that's it, it happens that the position of the deputy store manager is vacant, so let you take it."

Xiaomei was stunned.

She is the youngest among all the shop assistants and the newest newcomer. She unexpectedly received Ye Chen and was promoted directly to the deputy shop manager.

Ye Chen walked out of the shop when the phone rang suddenly.

Looking at the number, Ye Chen frowned.

This phone has been called to him several times.

He felt that he didn't recognize it as a scam call, so he hung up directly.

Unexpectedly, the other party would call over again.

Could someone really call me in a hurry?

Ye Chen answered the phone.

A woman's voice came from inside.

"You are Mr. Ye, why don't you answer the phone?"

Ye Chen was a little confused.

He could hear that the **** the phone was very anxious.

The girl who called was Song Xiaoqi, Qin Qianqian's best friend.

Just now, Song Xiaoqi saw Qin Qianqian being taken away by the company's leaders.

Seeing this scene Song Xiaoqi was anxious, she certainly knew what the company's leaders wanted to do to Qin Qianqian.

Although the company's leader said it nicely, let Qin Qianqian accompany the wine.

In fact, it is to start with Qin Qianqian, the unspoken rule Qin Qianqian.

Although Qin Qianqian is a new employee in the company, she has a beautiful figure and good figure.

In the company, she is a first-class beauty.

As a result, he was also attracted by the company's boss.

"What the **** is going on? You make things clear and don't worry." Ye Chen said.

Ye Chen could tell from the voice on the phone that he had never seen this girl.

But the other party knew that his surname was Ye.

Could it be that this girl knows me?

Ye Chen is still a little curious, who is this girl?

"I am the best friend of Qin Qianqian's colleague, and also a colleague."

Qin Qianqian, Ye Chen was still stunned.

Ye Chen still didn't know this girl.

"Qianqian's dysmenorrhea was cured by you a few days ago."

Ye Chen suddenly remembered the girl.

It turned out to be her.

"What happened to her that made you so anxious?" Ye Chen asked curiously.

"Finally found you, you must be Qianqian's boyfriend, something big happened, Qianqian was dragged to accompany the wine by the company leader."

"The leader of our company is a famous pervert. He takes Qianqian to drink, saying that he is to accompany customers, but in fact he wants to make Qianqian unspoken rules."

"Qianqian just came to the company. She has strong working ability and looks beautiful, but she was taken by the company's boss. This time she deliberately designed the wine bureau. Qianqian is very dangerous now."

"Ye Chen, you must save Qianqian, otherwise she will be in danger."

Song Xiaoqi became more angry as she spoke.

The boss of their company is a famous pervert.

On the surface it is amiable, but in fact it is dirty.

Some time ago, there was a beautiful girl who was ruined by him after drinking with her.

Later, he lost some money from the other party before the matter was settled.

Unexpectedly, this time he actually extended his claws to Qin Qianqian.

Usually, he deliberately gave Qin Qianqian some benefits and took the opportunity to get close to Qin Qianqian.

Later, I deliberately looked for opportunities to distract at the same time, and Qin Qianqian was alone, taking advantage of Qianqian.

But every time, she was cleverly rejected by Qin Qianqian.

Unexpectedly, this guy was so frantic and deceived Qin Qianqian to the hotel on the grounds of accompaniment.

"Oh, I see."

On the phone, Song Xiaoqi said anxiously: "If you are Qianqian's boyfriend, you should hurry and save him."

Ye Chen is actually not Qin Qianqian's boyfriend at all.

Even two people have only one side.

"You... don't you do nothing while watching Qianqian being insulted?"

"You are still not a man."

"You helped Qianqian massage her dysmenorrhea. Who believes you are not Qianqian's boyfriend?"

"You men are all like this, it's really disappointing. You must think that the other party is the leader. Are you afraid?"

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a special mission to rescue Qin Qianqian, who is about to be led by the unspoken rules, and the mission rewards anti-aging beauty ointment. 】

It turned out to be a system task again.

This time the system reward is anti-aging beauty ointment.

There are many women around Ye Chen, and they are all peerless beauties now.

However, even beautiful women will get old.

This ointment was too useful for Ye Chen.

Song Xiaoqi on the phone was still yelling.

What a nice girl Qin Qianqian is, she has just graduated from university and has no friends at all except for her accident.

Now Ye Chen is the only one who can save Qin Qianqian.

Unexpectedly, Qin Qianqian looked away, Ye Chen turned out to be such a cowardly man.

Girls would tell boys about dysmenorrhea, and in Song Xiaoqi's eyes, Ye Chen must be a boyfriend.

"Don't worry, okay, I didn't say that I can't save it, right?"

Although there was a fate, Ye Chen still had a good impression of that girl.

What's more, there is a system mission, Ye Chen of course wants to save it.

"If you are still a man, go to the Marriott Hotel quickly, otherwise Qianqian is really in danger. She is my good sister. I don't want her to be ruined."

Song Xiaoqi said with a sigh on the phone.

Ye Chen nodded and said: "Don't worry, I will bring her back safely." Starting selection The address of the latest chapter of the president of Yiwan Group: opening selection of Yiwan Reading address of the full text of the group president: hundred million group president txt at the beginning Download link: the mobile phone reading of the president of Yiwan Group at the beginning: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below "Record this reading (Chapter 919 I will save her), and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Choose the President of Hundreds of Millions in the Start", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (

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