Self-cultivation of the Exorcist

Chapter 104: Lift the table

   When Harry looked directly at the nun, he trembled uncontrollably.

   The humming in his ears was sharp and piercing, and intense pain came from his heart, making him almost unable to breathe.

   Then, he felt damp heat coming from the tip of his nose, and the blood couldn't stop flowing down, his legs bent and he knelt on the ground.

  The water splashes all over...

   is surrounded by large shadows, as if to swallow everything.

   James and Hommier are a little better. They don't have the sharp perception of Harry, but they are holding their heads in discomfort.

   But they have no time to hesitate.

   James looked at Du Wei, gritted his teeth and said sternly: "Go help him, or all of us will die."


   At the entrance of the stairs.

   Du Wei supported with one hand, stood up, glanced at the extremely unbearable three of James not far away, then turned his head and stared at the nun tightly.

   was just inside the stairs. When he walked forward, every time he reached the corner, he would inexplicably return to the far point.

   Moreover, the atmosphere has become more and more depressing.

   The sense of sight that will definitely die is so strong that the soul trembles.

   So Du Wei did not hesitate to set off a fire, igniting all the bone meal on his body, causing the entire staircase to burn.

   After the bone meal is burned, it is more lethal to evil spirits, but it can also cause harm to people.

   Of course, he didn't do this out of helplessness, but because the best way was nothing more than that.

   Before his clothes were wet from the rain, they were not completely dry. Just be careful to avoid being burned by the fire.

   No matter how bad, the holy water on the body can also pour clothes through at the critical moment.

   It's just that, apart from allowing Du Wei to successfully walk out of the patient building, the nun was not affected much either.

  Even, he could clearly feel that at this moment, when he came out, the nun's goal was not shifted because of the three James, and she still stared at him firmly.

   This persistence is not much worse than Sombra...

   Even so, Sombra will not always try to attack Du Wei, as long as the medium is triggered, it will run out to kill others.

   Then, he put the target on Du Wei again.

   But the nun is completely different. I don’t know if it’s because of a curse. Its primary goal is to kill Du Wei. It’s simple and straightforward, but almost incomprehensible.

   Because so far, Du Wei has not discovered the nun's rules, it seems that he can only use some items to fight against it, and after consumption, he can only wait to die.

   At this time, James and others also rushed to Du Wei.

  The relationship between most exorcists is relatively harmonious, because they are all the same kind of people.

   In addition to sharing experiences with each other, when encountering evil events that cannot be dealt with, they can also say hello and solve them together.

   while running.

   James took out his old-fashioned camera and pointed it at the nun.

   His camera has the power to deal with evil spirits. As long as the picture is taken, it is absolutely safe for a period of time.


   He pressed the shutter, and a picture of the nun appeared in the camera.

   Then, James' face instantly became extremely ugly.

   In the entire camera frame, the nun's surroundings seemed to be wrapped in a thick layer of black, blurring at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   The power of the camera seems to be a joke in front of the nun...

   The most important thing is that James saw that the nun's head in the picture seemed to be chopped off, only the part below the neck.

   The nun who can slowly retreat towards the stairs in the shadow, but has a head...

   The camera captured the original appearance of the evil spirits and other things.

What    sees in his eyes is what it appears to the outside world.

   "Is the evil spirit possessed?"

   Du Wei breathed a sigh of relief and looked at James and said: "Yes, it is now possessed by Marilyn Manson, and the original medium has not disappeared. It should still be in the clock tower."

   James hummed, he was about to speak, but he felt a sharp pain in his chest and coughed violently.

   Seeing this, Du Wei frowned and said, "Are you injured?"

   Harry who caught up with him replied for him: "Yes, James was almost killed by a corpse under the clock tower, but fortunately I pushed him."

   Du Wei did not ask about the process, and directly said: "The situation is very troublesome now, we must solve this thing, otherwise, not only will I die, but you will also not be able to escape."

Hearing this, James took a long breath, looked at Du Wei in pain, and said, "What can you do? My camera may not be able to limit it. The captured image is gradually becoming blurred, and soon It's going to expire."

   Even if he is facing such a difficult situation, he doesn't know what to do.

   Relatively, Du Wei, who has been suspected of fighting the nun for a long time, must have his own ideas.

   Du Wei understood what James meant.

   In fact, in the hole cards he prepared, he did consider the situation of facing the nun directly.

   So he is going to lift the table now...

So he calmly looked at the three of them, pointed to his head and said: "You know that weird bus, I want this ghost to get on the bus, and all you have to do is go to the clock tower, Find that head and seal it up."

   This method is very dangerous, almost equivalent to sending death...

  Because it is already late at night at 11 o'clock, according to the rules of the bus, he cannot stay in the bus for long. Once it reaches 12 o'clock, there is no possibility of surviving.

   Just like the former hunter Andrew Dauqui, turned into a human skin...

   James naturally knows about buses. He looked at Du Wei, shook his head and said, "No, that mirror is gone, and we don’t have anything like it that can get you out. You can’t get off after you go up."

   "Besides, how can you be sure that the bus will show up?"

"Let’s go to the clock tower together and close that head in the box. Things can be Hearing this, Du Wei glanced over the three of them calmly, and said coldly: "You don’t understand. Its terrifying place, if we can't distract it, even if we enter the clock tower, there will be unexpected danger, maybe before we find the head, we will be dead. "

After   , he added another sentence: "I know that bus best. It will only appear in the rain. As long as you have an item that serves as a medium for evil spirits and find the bus stop, it will definitely appear."

   "And I have several of these things, there is also one at the bus stop and at the entrance of the hospital..."

   After the voice fell to the ground, the three exorcists looked at Du Wei with complicated eyes.

   James even gritted his teeth: "My camera is also this kind of thing, I can also go, you are better than me to find that head."

   Du Wei looked at him coldly and said: "It's useless, its current target is me..."

   "Go and do what I said. Remember, there is still an evil spirit in the clock tower. The mechanism is that you will die if you open the door. You have to find a way to get in."

   Putting down the last sentence, Du Wei blankly rushed to the stairs and hooked his hand, then carried his bag and rushed towards the door of the psychiatric hospital.

   If it were not for nothing, he really wanted James to distract the nun, but unfortunately, only he could do it.


   Du Wei really wants to verify his ideas on the bus...

   James looked at Du Wei's back and wanted to say something, but the image captured by the camera flickered crazily, and the original image of the nun became completely blurred.

  Restrictions, completely invalidated...

   In horror... James saw that the nun appeared strangely behind Du Wei...


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