Self-cultivation of the Exorcist

Chapter 307: Church rewards

7:30 in the morning.

The torrential rain that had been raining for several days has ceased.

But the sky was still slightly gloomy.

Du Wei took the car to a nearby chain car rental agency and took a taxi to the church in Northbrook.

His McLaren GT parked at the door of the church, causing the pedestrians passing by to pay attention.

In the church.

Father Tony and others looked at Du Wei with complicated eyes.

They don't know how the Vinda people were resolved.

But no matter how you think about it, Du Wei has nothing to do with it.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

Du Wei looked at Father Tony and Harry and his subordinates.

He said in a flat tone: "I know what you are thinking, and I can tell you the general story, but it is meaningless because the matter has been resolved."

Harry and others would naturally not talk too much, after all, Du Wei was their boss.

How can a subordinate ask the boss?

Only Father Tony is different. He has to summarize the incident and report it to the church.

Therefore, he said: "Mr. Du Wei, if it is convenient, you should explain a little bit."

The tone was very helpless, and there was no thought of questioning.

Du Wei understood this, and said lightly: "Actually, I returned to New York yesterday morning, and then I sat in the cafe opposite the counseling clinic for a morning, waiting for the Vinda people to show their feet."

Father Tony asked in surprise: "Why can you be sure that Vinda people will go to your house?"

Du Wei calmly said: "Is this weird? The Vinda people know my home. They will definitely visit my home without knowing my specific location."

Father Tony scratched his head: "So you found the Vinda people so easily?"

Du Wei nodded and said: "Yes, so I followed their people and found a gathering point of Vinda, and then I chose to call the police and let them flee by themselves."

"In the end they went to the Goliath Winery, and then what happened, I don't know what happened, I just called and called the police again."

Duvet didn't mention important details.

But Father Tony didn't seem to notice.

He took a deep look at Du Wei: "I will report your original words to the church, but those people will definitely be very depressed. Vinda has made such a big noise in New York and sent four bishops. As a result, it was really ironic that I had to say that the two alarm calls went down."

With that, Father Tony shrugged at Du Wei and said in a joke: "After all, this is New York."

Du Wei smiled: "Yes."

Harry and others on the side were baffled by the last dialogue between the two.

And at this moment.

Du Wei turned his head and asked them: "New York's matter has basically been settled. Are you going back to church or staying in New York next?"

Harry said solemnly: "The church is currently very short of manpower, so we will take the noon flight to other cities to deal with evil incidents."

This was expected by Du Wei, so he symbolically exhorted a few words: "Remember to report your work to me in time."

Harry said seriously: "As you wish."

Next, Du Wei and Harry and others talked about some ways to deal with the evil spirit incident, as well as some of his own experience.

After all, Harry and others are his subordinates. If the relationship is maintained well, it can also help him a lot.

of course……

The most important thing is that Du Wei's current identity is different. He has to act as a leader.


after an hour.

Harry and others left the church.

Du Wei chatted with Father Tony about other things.

It is a reward for the evil spirit incident in Sikelin City.

After all, in the eyes of the church, Du Wei took the lead and single-handedly shattered the evil plan of Vaderism.

There is a reward for what you pay.

This is the church's long-standing rule for exorcists.

"Mr. Du Wei, you have handled the matter of Sikelin City very well. The church has already credited 5 million to your account, although I think you don't think this amount of money is worth it."

"After all, your girlfriend is too rich..."

In the reception room, Father Tony poured a cup of coffee for Du Wei: "Otherwise, do you need anything else? For example, special items that can deal with evil spirits. Although you have already got the flintlock, I I think I can fight for you. After all, you have solved the Vinda religion beautifully."

Heard this.

Du Wei weighed the words of Father Tony and felt that the chance of success was not great.

Moreover, ordinary things are no longer useful to oneself.

So he said: "You can help me fight for it. If the church doesn't agree, then save it first, and I will talk later when I need it."

Father Tony nodded: "This is a good way."

As he said, he added another sentence: "By the way, I personally think you should take a few days off. After all, you don't seem to have a good rest for a long time, and dark circles are heavy."

Du Wei raised his eyebrows: "I think so too, and tonight my girlfriend's parents are in New York this evening, I have to live a few days of ordinary life."

Father Tony smiled and said, "Then, I wish you a happy holiday."

Du Wei smiled faintly: "Thank you."


After leaving the church.

Du Wei did not go to Furman community immediately, but went to the psychological counseling clinic.

He and Alex made an appointment to pick up the plane at 7 o'clock in the evening, and it was still early.

More than ten minutes later.

Du Wei parked the McLaren GT at the door of his house, then carried his backpack and walked in with the black umbrella.

The air is a little stuffy.

But Du Wei didn't care. As soon as he entered the door, he threw his backpack on the sofa and kept staring at the antique clocks hanging on the wall.

There is no change to the antique clocks and watches before.

The hands are still overlapping, rotating mechanically.

"I thought before that the mask was made in imitation of you, but as I contacted the vanity sect, I realized that it was not."

"The 13 masks of the Vanity Sect are the prototypes of my mask."

"This time I got an oil painting."

"I think the people who make oil paintings and masks are also the ones who make you."

Du Wei stared at the hands of the antique clock and took out a ring engraved with val... from his wallet.

"Valk...I already know the four letters, but I did not find the remaining letters from the oil paintings, because the things it holds may have been taken away by but I I know, if you classify prisoners like you into one level, you should be the most powerful one."

"So, I decided to tag you."

Du Wei looked at the antique clock earnestly, his right hand went into evil spirits, and slowly stretched over to it.

He wants to establish a controllable evil spirit power, and needs an absolute suppressor to protect his own safety.

Antique clocks are powerful and mysterious, and in a sense, it is holding Du Wei, a cursed person.

For a long time, antique clocks and watches have a high status in the clinic and can suppress all evil spirits.

It is the key to balance.

There is nothing more appropriate than it.

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