Headquarters of the Navy, Marin Fandor.

Naval Academy,

Office of the Chief Instructor.

The cold moonlight in the middle of the night accompanied by the cold sea breeze penetrated the room from the window, filling the entire office with a strange chill.

Zefa slowly put down the file scroll in his hand, held a cigar in one hand, raised his hand to rub his temples with a tired face, and sighed softly.

“It’s not easy…”

“The golden lion runs out of the push city…”

“But the bastard of Whitebeard actually included Fishman Island into his own territory, and now the entrance of the Navy to the New World is completely lost.”

“This sea is really getting more and more chaotic.”

Two years earlier, in 1500, One Piece King Gorre D. Roger was “arrested by the Navy” and then publicly executed in Rogue Town.

The navy that originally wanted to completely end the chaotic era by publicly executing Roger, but did not expect Roger’s words before his death to push the evil and chaos of this sea to a more terrifying climax.

The era of the sea thief has completely arrived.

Every day,


Every minute, countless young people raise the pirate flag of “freedom” and “dreams”, set out from every corner of the world, and set out towards the great waterway.

Their goal is to reach Ralph Drew, the ultimate island of One Piece Roger, and get his buried treasure there, the One-Piece.

Greed and ambition can always arouse the ambition of countless people.

The navy is also becoming anxious because of the impact of this incident.

News of pirate robbery came from all over the sea, not to mention those naval branches that had been corrupted by the nobility for a long time, and even the headquarters was a headache and a worry.

But this is not what worries Zefa the most.

As the chief instructor of the military academy, even if he retired from the position of admiral, his eyes were still as deep and far-sighted as before.

It should be said,

In the first half of the Great Passage, there are also the noisy pirate groups in the four seas, which in his opinion are just like families, ridiculous and naïve.

What is really worth being wary of,

It is the second half of the Great Passage

That area of the sea known as the Pirate Graveyard

New world.

Whitebeard, who once stood shoulders with One Piece King Roger and completely dominated the New World after the latter’s execution, led by the Whitebeard Pirates, became a behemoth in the New World that even the Navy headquarters could not shake.

In addition, the two old members of the original Rocks Pirates, Kaido known as “Hundred Beasts” and Charlotte Lingling of “Big Mom”, are also in the limelight, constantly competing for the territory of the New World.

I heard that recently a little ghost named red-haired has also broken into the new world, and he is quite domineering like his captain Roger.

And now the golden lion has run out of the city from the undersea prison…

Zefa’s eyebrows wrinkled into a “chuan” character, as if it had been filled in with a pen, and it was tightened.

He subconsciously took a deep breath of his cigar and spit out smoke rings one by one in his mouth.

White cigar smoke surrounded his long-suffering face, and the wrinkles were mottled.

“There is a serious shortage of manpower… Although Sakaski and the three of them have grown up, the third generation of the Navy…”

Thinking of this, Zefa’s brows furrowed even tighter, and he couldn’t help but shake his head gently.

The situation in this sea is becoming more and more disturbing, and as the chief instructor of the military academy, it is naturally his greatest duty to train the younger generation of excellent officers, and this is the only government task he is passionate about after retiring from the position of general.

But since the graduation of the three imps of Sakaski, Kuzan and Borusalino, he has not found good seedlings for a long time.

The reason is simple.

Roger’s bastard is shouting for people to run away to be pirates, young people want to go out to sea to find treasure, how can anyone come to such a thankless job as the navy?

If nothing else, at least the enrollment of military schools in recent years, both the quantity and quality of new students have dropped significantly compared with before.

Without fresh blood, the Navy wants to win the protracted battle between good and evil, but it is even more difficult.

“You said you were dead and dead, what are you doing with so much, Roger…”

“You really fucking hollowed out the old base of the Navy for the next hundred years.”

Zefa couldn’t help but scold and grin, his face full of resentment.

The wind outside the window whistled, like a bone-scraping blade, stinging people’s faces.

The wind seemed to blow away the anger in Zefa’s heart slightly, and he walked slowly to the window of the office, wanting to soothe his tense nerves and open his eyes.

Outside the window is the school field for military school training.

He was stunned.

His eyes widened slightly, as if he had seen something incredible.

The night before the wee hours of the morning,

A school that should have been silent

There is a young figure,

Sweating under the moonlight,

Against the wind, gritting his teeth,

Train hard,

The steaming sweat gathered under his feet into a faint mark

That look of struggle and self-discipline…

——Like youth.

··· (Ask for flowers, ask for collections, ask for all support, thank you!!) )···


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