Self-Discipline! Sven Scum At Naval Headquarters

Chapter 119: First Suffer, Then You Can Return To Happiness, Moria's Suffering Is Not Enough! 【

"In the face of evil pirates, as righteous Marine, we must resolutely implement the two-light policy!"

"Search all corners of the pirate ship!"

"Take all the treasures that the pirates have!"

"But anything that leaves a stitch and a thread for a pirate is a blasphemy against the word [justice] behind our Marine cloak!"

"I often say a word! We will never take the name of the masses by stitch a thread, but... Definitely don't leave a stitch or a thread for pirates!"

Moria was handcuffed, and all the subordinates he recruited were captured, and at this moment, they all squatted honestly on the sidelines, waiting for the fall.

Bai Ye, on the other hand, gathered all the existing Marine and started the mobilization meeting.

Bai Ye lit the cigar and took a deep breath.

Immediately looked at Marine, who was standing neatly in front of him, and nodded with satisfaction.



"Everyone followed my first mission and I am very satisfied with the current results!"

"Didn't disgrace me!"

"There is a good saying, one will be successful!"

"But I don't recognize it that way!"

"I believe that life and death have life and wealth in the sky!"

"So, wipe my eyes clean! Don't leave any part of the island behind!"

With that, Bai Ye calmly took a puff of his cigar and slowly spit it out.

With the smoke in the air, Bai Ye's voice came again.

"After the task is done, everyone goes to my treasury to receive a million Baileys!

"At that time, I will give everyone a few days off, and everyone will go home and have a few shots with their wives!"

"You say..."

"Is it good!?"

With that, Bai Ye took another deep puff of his cigar.

Immediately after, there was a loud sound!




"Colonel Bai Ye is right!" 140" Long live Colonel Bai Ye!"

This roar of cheers made Moria's pirates, who were crouching aside, tremble in their hearts.

How is the morale of this batch of Marine completely different from what they usually encounter?

They felt that the void was about to burst into flames.

And in the midst of this loud cheer, Bai Ye calmly raised his hand.

In a flash.

There was silence.

This terrible control of the field made Bai Ye the last focus of the audience.

"Now, go to the island and raid!"


In a flash.

The morale of this group of marines was directly full, and one by one, they rushed towards Moria's island.

Looking at that posture, I didn't know that I thought I was fighting with pirates.

And at this moment, Zephyr, who saw this scene, was confused on the spot.

He was stunned for a while before he couldn't help but speak.


"These are all the old man's subordinates!"

Quan Temo rebelled.

This group of Marines are all soldiers he brought out.

Although he usually obeys his words, compared with Bai Ye in front of him, the gap is bigger.

Whether it was morale or obedience, Zephyr felt as if his subordinates had changed to a different group.

At this moment, Gion stood next to Zephyr and shook his head in silence.

"Teacher Zephyr, I understand your thoughts!"

"Vice Admiral Garp and I took Bai Ye from the 175th branch to the headquarters, and after two days on the way, I and Vice Admiral Garp's subordinates all mutinied!"

"Up to now, many of my subordinates are asking Bai Ye if he has been promoted and wants to be transferred to Bai Ye to do ministry

"Mr. Zephyr, we've been coming to New World for days... I'm afraid that when the time comes, when I return to the headquarters, you will be left alone!"

Hearing Gion's words, the corners of Zephyr's mouth twitched suddenly.

Let's not talk about the main department.

Zephyr feels like he's an empty nester now.

"Give me a good search!"

"Never let go of any dead ends!"

Bai Ye reminded.

The Marines searched more carefully.

"Major Bai Ye, a batch of gold has been found!"

"Here's a piece of jewelry!"

"Wait, this is a treasure map?"

"Found the arsenal... And the food storage room!"

Hearing this, Bai Ye smiled, smoked a cigar and drank red wine, elegant and enjoyable.

"No matter what, as long as it's something valuable, move it out!"

Bai Ye's words made the Moria pirates who were squatting on the side tremble a little.

In particular, those treasures they had painstakingly saved to prepare for the recruitment and Kaido war.

As a result, Quan Temo was raided by Bai Ye.

At this moment, for the first time, they felt that Marine was darker than a pirate!

It's too dark.

"Major Bai Ye, found someone on the island, they seem to be the ones who took the shadow from Moria before!"

Hearing this, Bai Ye waved his hand.

"Leave them alone!"

"The shadow has recovered, and seeing that we Marine still dare not come out, most of them are not good birds!"

"Keep searching!"


At this moment, Zephyr and Gion saw this scene and came over with a gloomy face.

Zephyr looked at Bai Ye with a serious face and couldn't help but speak.

"Bai Ye, we're Marine!"

Bai Ye nodded.

"Well, know!"

"Do you look like Marine?"

"How? I raided the pirate's house and copied it wrong?"

The corners of Zephyr's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but speak.

"That's right, you said..."

"But you really shouldn't ———— this method!"

Is this style different from pirates?

In addition to this military uniform, he looks like a ruffian.

And the only difference between Bai Ye and the ruffian is that the suit and leather shoes disguise him as a Sven nobleman.

Hearing this, Bai Ye smiled.

"Teacher Zephyr!"

"Don't ask for aesthetics in combat!"

"And don't demand that death must obey virtue!"

"Don't ask your own lusts to complete the superficial nitpicking!"

"I never thought [uncompromising means] was an act of lack of justice!"

"Who says that killing an enemy from the front is called being strong? Killing the enemy who should be killed from behind is even more graceful!"

With that, Bai Ye smiled and snapped his fingers.

"Come (baad) people!"

"Take a seat to Zephyr-sensei and Gion Rear Admiral!"

Hearing this, Luo Del, who had become Bai Ye's number one small land next to him, immediately moved two stools.

Zephyr was shocked.

Is this still his own subordinate?

After the two sat down, Bai Ye took out a set of cups and utensils out of nowhere, golden and bright, and he knew that it was worth a lot at a long time.

"Now, let's sit down and have an afternoon tea!"

"Just wait for Moria to succumb to the trick, this [Seven Warlords of the Sea] mission will be complete!"

With that, Bai Ye began to fiddle with his golden tea set.

Even black tea began to be brewed in front of Zephyr and Gion.

The corner of Zephyr's mouth twitched.

"Bai Ye, you use violence to bring Moria to her knees, can he be willing to do this (Seven Warlords of the Sea?"

Hearing this, Bai Ye smiled.

"Mr. Zephyr, you are talking as if we are asking him to be this "Seven Warlords of the Sea" and he is sincere!"


Zephyr was stunned.

That's right.

"Teacher Zephyr, I think Bai Ye is doing the right thing!"

"The other party is a pirate, isn't it normal for us Marine to use some means?"

Gion's words made Zephyr take a deep breath.

"Gion, what do you mean by using some means?"

"Is there a difference between Bai Ye's practice and pirates?"

"If this continues, the atmosphere of the headquarters will bring him bad sooner or later!"

Hearing this, Gion nodded.

She estimated that the atmosphere of the headquarters had begun to deteriorate.

Sooner or later, Bai Ye will be completely crooked.

Bai Ye smiled and began to brew his black tea.

Every word and deed looks elegant.

At this moment, even the two laymen, Gion and Zephyr, saw the professionalism of Bai Ye's methods.

"Do you still know how to make black tea?"

"I thought you liked to drink!"

Gion's words made Bai Ye smile.

"Tea can be a good thing, absorb the essence of heaven and earth, and occupy the five elements Eight Trigrams!"

"However, it has suffered all the sufferings of the world, the wind and the sun and rain, and finally it is fried in an iron pot and blistered with boiling water to emit its own aroma!"

With that, Bai Ye made a cup for Zephyr and Gion, and then pushed the still steaming black tea to the two.

Hearing this, Zephyr glanced at Bai Ye.

"Hehe, old man Ningxia drinking!"

"That said, is this black tea for you to drink?" It's for you to taste..."

"If it weren't for the elegant pretend, then afternoon tea would be meaningless!"


The corners of Zephyr's mouth twitched, what kind of crooked reason is this?

"This thing is not relieving!"

"Teacher Zephyr, where do you get so much anger?"

"I tell you, you have to learn this tea!"

"It suffers so much and breath to get the fragrance to our mouths, do you know what it wants to tell us?"

Zephyr was stunned.


"It's the same as my self-discipline!"

"Bitter first, then reciprocated!"


Why does this wonderful truth of life pop out of the mouth of a scum like you?

Bai Ye took a sip and smiled.


Gion and the two looked at each other, and also picked up the black tea cup and took a sip.

Suddenly his face changed.

At this moment, it seemed that there were countless flavors, impacting their taste buds, and these five grains actually made them have a feeling of feeling the variety of life.

And in the end, this one stumbled and merged into one, and finally returned to the sweetness.

Bitter first, can be reciprocated!

What a good sentence!

At this moment, Gion even felt that he had some experience of his swordsmanship, and Zephyr's understanding of the Black Arm seemed to have risen to a higher level.

"Good tea!"


Laozi's top tea set treasure brewed tea, can it be bad?

There is also this function of realizing the variety of life.

"Look, that's called elegance!"

And then -

A Marine came running.

"Major Bai Ye, Moria promised to be Seven Warlords of the Sea!"

Bai Ye was stunned.

So fast?

"Three rounds full of torture instruments?"

"Eh... Not really!"

Bai Ye nodded.

"Very well, then continue, after three rounds!"

Zephyr, who was narrator, changed his face, and just wanted to speak, Bai Ye took the lead.

"This Moria is the same as this tea!"

"Bitter first, the regiment can return to the sweet!"

"Obviously, what he suffered is not enough!"

"Go, Sven, don't bother us with afternoon tea!"

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