Self-Discipline! Sven Scum At Naval Headquarters

Chapter 194 Objective: Thunder Fruit! [Two Changes For Automatic]

A day later, Bai Ye was back in Alabasta!

Bai Ye has only been away for a few days.

However, this desert country has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Before, when Bai Ye entered the country and passed through the major oases, he was still lifeless and could not see any life.

Now, the desertification storm has been treated, soil erosion has been solved, and rainfall has returned to normal, and the major oases have returned to their former vitality.

It became beautiful.

Even outside the desert, you can smell the fragrance of mountain spring water.

At this moment, in the royal capital, Crocodile was still handcuffed by seastone, and he looked at Gion and Yamato with an unhappy face, very helpless.

"I said..."

"In the past few days, I have dealt with the wind and sand problem in the major oases according to your wishes, why don't you let me go!?"

Laozi was recruited to Seven Warlords of the Sea, and is part of the World government, is that how you Marine treat your colleagues?

Hearing this, Gion rubbed his forehead, a little helpless at Crocodile's words.

Indeed, it makes sense that they Marine can't hold Crocodile anymore.

But Bai Ye hasn't come back yet.

When Bai Ye left, he could have specifically instructed him to guard this guy well, and he had to be careful of being yined by him.

So -

In the face of Crocodile's questioning, Gion did not bother to deal with it.


Yamato is different, she is not used to you, watching Crocodile screaming there, she rushes over and punches.

"What are you yelling at!"

"You provoked such a big internal problem in this country before, and I haven't settled accounts with you!"

"But didn't I cooperate with you to solve it?"


Yamato punched again.

"Don't yell at me!"

"You are as bad as the black 107 charcoal snake, so that the people of this country have no water to drink!"

Crocodile looked at Yamato and gritted his teeth.

"Who is Kurozumi serpent? What does it have to do with me?"

Crocodile was really tired.

He really didn't think about Yin people at the moment.

He just wanted to leave!

The people here, he can't beat any of them, even if he has an idea about [Pluton], in a short time, he is afraid that he will not do it.


Why don't these two women Marine understand?

Crocodile has a feeling of playing the piano to a cow.

"How long are you going to stay here!?"

Hearing this, Yamato just wanted to speak.

Suddenly, a dark shadow appeared behind Crocodile, reaching out and pinching his head directly.

"How? Crocodile, want to wait until we're gone and continue to stir up the storm here!?"

Bai Ye's sudden appearance made Gion and Yamato a joy.

"Bai Ye, you're back!?"

Bai Ye nodded.

"Well, the matter is over!"

"You all pack up too, we're ready to leave Alabasta!"

Hearing this, Gion was stunned.

"In such a hurry?"

"The king of Alabasta has returned and said that when you come back you want to feast us!?"

Bai Ye waved his hand.

"Even if the banquet is over, it's just a meal, this kind of entertainment is of little value, moreover, this country is very poor, there is no oil and water to catch!" I also don't bother to make money from poor ghosts.

"Moreover, we are here to solve the problem and publicize the name of the [World government], and after the incident, we can hide the merits and fame, so that we can go deeper into the hearts of the people!"

Hearing this, the corners of Gion's mouth twitched.

Do you really think so?

Nothing is your real (bade) idea!

With that, Bai Ye grabbed Crocodile directly and lifted it up.

"Also, you're with us!"

Hearing this, Crocodile's face changed.

"What! I'm still going to go with you?"

Bai Ye frowned.

"How? Are you afraid?"

"The Seven Warlords of the Sea contract is clearly written, and as the Seven Warlords of the Sea, you must unconditionally accept the response of the Naval Headquarters!"

"Now, you have to respond to me!"

Bai Ye smiled and spoke.

The main thing is that he is also afraid that Crocodile will not be honest.

If Bai Ye and their front foot had just left, Crocodile backhanded began to do things again, and this time under the title of "Seven Warlords of the Sea".

Bai Ye's newly promoted reputation as a "world government" directly had to give Crocodile a stink.


Crocodile was so angry that he couldn't say a word.

Not only could he not beat the other party, but now he was still handcuffed by seastone, and Crocodile was really powerless.

"Come on, take away and take away!"

Soon, Marine left with Crocodile.

At this time, Yamato came over, looked at Bai Ye with an expression of quick praise for me, and said happily.

" Bai Ye!”

"Look, I've taken good care of that bad guy!"

"What happened these days, I keep it in my diary..."

With that, Yamato took out his diary from his clothes with a red face and shook it in front of Bai Ye.

Hearing this, Bai Ye smiled and touched Yamato's head, Taguchi said.

"Well done! Now pack up, we'll get off right away!"


Yamato nodded immediately.

At this time, Bai Ye walked to Gion.

"Gion, this operation, I have a crane on the foundation!"

"Huh? Sister Tsuru?"

Gion was stunned and couldn't help but speak.

"Did she say anything to you?"

"She asked you to slap me!"

Gion: ???

Gion looked at Bai Ye with a confused look.

And Bai Ye, leaning his face, smiled.

"Do you want to fight?"

"Eh... This—"

Gion was stunned.

I didn't know what to do for a while, so I subconsciously raised my hand.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ye was stunned.

"Good fellow, are you really going to fight?"


Hearing Bai Ye say this, Gion panicked in his heart, and quickly withdrew his hand, blushing.

"There is!"


"Don't hide it, I've seen it all!"

Gion hurriedly spoke.

"It's not..."

"So what were you just going to do?"

Hearing this, Gion directly leaned his face over, kissed Bai Ye's face, and hurriedly whispered.

"This, this is also the... Hit it!?"

Bai Ye touched his cheek and smiled.

"Hehe, I'm still better at chess, Chief of Staff Tsuru

Hearing this, Gion paused and couldn't help but ask.

"Bai Ye, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, before I said to Chief of Staff of He, hitting is kissing, scolding is love, she still doesn't believe much, you see, she asked you to beat me, didn't she let you kiss me!?"


Gion's face turned red.

Peng's voice seemed to explode, and white smoke even came out of Gion's head.

“ Bai Ye!”

"Huh? What's wrong!?"

"You hate!"

Soon, Bai Ye left Alabasta with Gion and Yamato to pack up his things.

Of course, Crocodile is still handcuffed at the moment, with Bai Ye.

At this moment, he looked at Bai Ye with an unhappy face, but unfortunately, no one paid attention to him.

Gion came next to Bai Ye.

"Bai Ye, where do you go next, back to the headquarters?"

"No, before that, there is another place, I want to go!"


Bai Ye pointed to the sky.

" Sky Island!"

"I want to go around the sky!"

The main thing is that at this point in time, [Thunder Fruit] may not have been eaten by Enel, and Bai Ye also wants to try his luck.

Moreover, the next stop out of Alabasta is where the updraft of Sky Island is, and Bai Ye wants to see it even if it's along the way.

And hearing this, Gion paused.

"To Sky Island?"

"That's not the right direction, go to Sky Island and pass West Blue!"

Hearing this, Bai Ye smiled.

"You're talking about a regular route, it's too time-consuming, it's faster to take a straight line!"

"Straight line!?"

Gion was stunned for a moment, not immediately understanding what Bai Ye meant, but soon she felt that something was wrong.

"Bai Ye, you don't plan to go to heaven like this, do you!?"

Bai Ye spread his hands.

"Can't you?"


Gion was immediately stunned.

"Bai Ye, you're kidding, right? Sky Island is at an altitude of 10,000 meters, and warships cannot fly

"I will!"

"There are many ways to get to Sky Island, for example, I step on [Moonwalk] all the way to kick the warship up, or directly resist the warship and step on [Moonwalk]..."

There are simpler ones.

With Op-Op Fruit, you can also easily go to Sky Island by constantly transferring space.

And as soon as these words came out, Gion was directly stunned.

"Bai, Bai Ye, you... Are you sure you're not kidding?"

"Resisting the warship to an altitude of 10,000 meters, this is the method that people came up with??"

Bai Ye spread his hands.

"Just as training, what is there to wonder!"

"Of course, if there is an upward current, we can follow it, if not, just be bold!"

Is this called boldness?

That's too bold, isn't it?

At this time, Yamato, who was at the bow of the ship, suddenly spoke.

"Bai Ye, you can already see the island!"

Hearing this, Day and Night smiled.

"Oh!? Has it arrived... Here, it's Gaya Island!"

Bai Ye stood on the bow of the ship, looked from a distance, and saw the land.

In fact, Gaia Island is not complete at the moment.

Four hundred years ago, part of Gaya Island washed up on Sky Island due to huge upwelling currents.

Therefore, at the moment, Gaya Island is only average, and the famous [gold] has also washed to Sky Island.

Because of this, when someone stays on Gaya Island, the record pointer will point to [sky], because half of Gaya Island is in the sky.

Seeing this, Bai Ye smiled.

"If nothing else, Sky Island is in the sky of this sea!"

"Let's go and inquire about the latest upwelling currents! If you don't meet it, you can only be a little more arrogant!"

Bai Ye spread his hands.

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