Self-Discipline! Sven Scum At Naval Headquarters

Chapter 252 The Essence Of Devil Fruit! 【One More Request For Automatic】

Treasure: Life Design Drawing

Rating: EX

Category: Inherent treasure

Liberation: theoretical knowledge of life design diagrams; Calculus power MAX!

When this note of Vegapunk's life design was incorporated into Bai Ye's treasure.

In an instant, a large amount of information poured into Bai Ye's mind, and this information was by no means just a life design map.

The theory of the ancestry factor, Devil Fruit's research, life sciences, and even human modification... At this moment, all of this entered Bai Ye's mind.

This knowledge was so huge that Bai Yeleng couldn't react in place for a long time.

A large amount of knowledge is centered on [Life Design Map], like a spider's web, constantly extending and spreading, forming a complete set of knowledge theory.


“ Vegapunk... Everything you're studying right now is based on this blueprint of life

Hearing this, the projected Vegapunk was stunned for a moment, smiled and said.

"Of course!"

"Isn't the topic of your research the ancestry factor?"

"Ancestry factor?"

Vegapunk waved his hand. 10 "You say that, that's just a superficial thing!"

"Indeed, the theory of the ancestry factor is somewhat confusing, and on the surface alone, most of my research at the moment is based on the pedigree factor!"

"However, in fact, the core thing is the life design diagram, which is the core transformation of life!"

"Whether it is artificial Devil Fruit, mechanical life research, or even the transformation of people, in fact, the most important core is the life design drawing..."

Hearing this, Bai Ye's pupils couldn't help but shrink.


"That dragon is the real core of your research?"

"Oh? Inspector Bai Ye, have you seen that dragon?"

Now, after gaining the theoretical knowledge of the [Life Design Map], Bai Ye finally understood what Vegapunk was doing.

Whether it is the modification of the life of the Bartholomew bear, or the ability of life and non-life to use part of the Devil Fruit, or even the non-raw directly eat the Devil Fruit and research

In fact, they are all about designing life and collecting the necessary research intelligence.

Taking [life design drawings] as the core to design real ultimate organisms may be the theme of Vegapunk's research.

The dragon that Bai Ye encountered on Thor Island before should be the failure of Vegapunk's research.

No wonder Bai Ye thinks that the dragon is a stitching monster, isn't this stitching monster, fusing the life designs of various lives together, and even adding the elemental ability of Devil Fruit's ability, thus giving birth to a fantasy creature.

Or is it...

What Vegapunk wants to make is actually a phantom beast?

Not a phantom beast like Devil Fruit, but a real phantom beast?

The words of the sheep seem to make sense.

Because Vegapunk has not really studied artificial Devil Fruit, but has made an artificial Devil Fruit in the form of a fish fruit and a green dragon.

This is a clinical experiment of the phantom beast species?

From pure mechanical to Devil Fruit ability, to bears such cyborg life to obtain Devil Fruit ability, to pure design life to obtain Devil Fruit ability.

This is simply the direction of life evolution that is designed to be designed.

At this moment, Bai Ye felt that Vegapunk was on the next big set.

“ Vegapunk... You don't want to make real phantoms, do you? Or is it the ultimate lifeform?"

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

Hearing this, Bai Ye's eyes narrowed slightly and he smiled.

"You didn't refute it!"

Vegapunk was stunned.

"Hehe, what a defeat to you, Chief Inspector Bai Ye... I did have the concept of ultimate life a long time ago!"

"No, to be precise, it was there when the life design diagram occurred!"

"However, to really achieve it, to be honest, it is a bit difficult!"

"Is Inspector Bai Ye interested in my subject?"

Bai Ye smiled, spread his hands and said.

"I just took a look at your life map design question, I think it's quite interesting!"

Hearing this, the four plus punk suddenly became a little excited.

"Is it? Are you also grateful for my project?"

"No problem, I can tell you anything you want to know!"

At the moment, Vegapunk looks like a child who can't wait to share his toys.

He possessed knowledge that transcended this world for five hundred years, but no one but him could understand this knowledge.

He was number one, but there was a huge gap between him and second place.

So -

He was lonely because no one could understand him, not even anyone who listened to him.

Because of this, Bai Ye's words at the moment make Vegapunk a little excited.

The last time he shared his research, it was a few years ago, and Vegapunk himself can't remember exactly.

"Before you want to figure out the design of life, Bai Ye urges Chang, do you know what the essence of Devil Fruit is?"

Bai Ye was stunned for a moment.

The nature of Devil Fruit, he really hadn't thought about it.

"It won't be [Life Design Drawing], right?"

"That's right!"

"Eating Devil Fruit is actually a redesign of the life of the living body, so that ordinary life forms can obtain magical abilities!

"And the man-made Devil Fruit is actually recreated based on this idea!"

"Therefore, a person can only eat one Devil Fruit, because a person's bloodline factor will generally only accept a life design once, and a negative proof design will make the bloodline factor of life chaotic and eventually collapse!"

Bai Ye was stunned for a moment.


Is Vegapunk really a genius, which explains the nature of Devil Fruit?

"So, the man-made Devil Fruit is based on this!?"

Vegapunk nodded.

"That's right, first detect an ordinary life body bloodline factor, then let him eat Devil Fruit, and then test the bloodline factor after he eats Devil Fruit!"

"By comparing the two results, the process of life design can be reproduced to the greatest extent!"

"Then, imitate the structure of Devil Fruit and write this [life design diagram] into a carrier, you can reproduce the artificial Devil Fruit!"

Vegapunk is easy to say, but it actually requires a lot of calculations and verifications to complete this process.

883 This reminds Bai Ye of Guysa's man-made Devil Fruit.

"I remember Guy Sakron seems to be doing research on artificial Devil Fruit, and he made a substance called SAD to make artificial Devil Fruit!"

Hearing this, Vegapunk smiled and scoffed at it.

"Hehe, SAD, I know that thing, it's essentially the same as Devil Fruit's life-transforming design!"

"The design of this thing is random, though, and... At the level of Guysa, he can't understand my [Life Design Map], so he at most writes the animal's life lineage factor and imitates some of the animal's bloodline factors poorly!"

"So, the Devil Fruit made in this way is only Zoan, and the final artificial Devil Fruit is estimated to have great side effects!"

"For example, a person who eats this artificial Devil Fruit may only have part of his body turned into an animal, and it should not change back... Because what Guy Sa does is not a life design at all, but directly forces the bloodline factor of animals into other lives!"

"Moreover, if there is a conflict between the bloodline factors, maybe the person who eats it will die or become a monster... In short, anything can happen!"


Bai Ye directly a good guy!

Although Vegapunk is a little different from the real Guy's artificial Devil Fruit, it is really inseparable.

It's just that the side effects are not quite right.

People who eat Guy Sasa artificial Devil Fruit will not die, and if it does not work, they will lose their other expressions, leaving only a smile.

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