Self-Discipline! Sven Scum At Naval Headquarters

Chapter 258 Relying On The Ship King [Drought] Jack! 【Seeking Automatic】

At this moment, the densely packed Kaido's pirate fleet slowly came from the sea level.

At the bow of a pirate ship at the very front, a tall figure stands.

"Lord Jack, are we really going to land on that island?"

【Drought】 Next to Jack, his little brother looked at Thor Island in the distance, densely packed with thunder, and couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of water, a little frightened.

"Of course!"

Jack sneered.

"That scientist said, on the other side of Thor Island, there is a place where the thunder is not covered, and that is the entrance to the [Science Department]!"

Hearing this, the little brother was still a little afraid.

"Lord Jack, is it really appropriate to believe that inexplicable scientist?"

"Guy that guy used to be from Naval Headquarters too, right?"

Hearing this, Jack glanced at his little brother, grabbed him casually, and snorted.

"How? Are you afraid of death!?"


Who is not afraid of death!

Then Thor Island is all thunder, whoever goes to the island dies!

You Jack is one of the three major disasters, of course, thick skin and flesh, not afraid, but Laozi is afraid!

Although he thought so in his heart, he actually hurriedly showed weakness.

"Dang, of course not afraid!"

"We Beasts Pirates are not afraid of death!"

Hearing this, Jack's face improved a lot, and he casually kept it aside.

"Hmph, you kid knows each other!

"Full speed ahead!"

"Who do you think Laozi is? Give me the boat!"

By the ship king, I Jack is determined.

Moreover, Jack looked back at the tall giants above the fleet, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

These are all monsters!

They looked like giants, but Jack knew that these guys weren't human at all.

He doesn't know where his boss got it from, but these guys are so strong, the skin is thick, even if they don't do anything, used as a tank, it is also a batch of meat!

With these forces, those [science departments], the heavy damage to the Naval Headquarters is not captured?

At this moment, his subordinates received an order and immediately ordered to advance at full speed and prepare to land on Thor Island.

And on the other side, at the entrance (of the Ministry of Science).

Gion and Yamato had long been waiting here with the [Science Department] itself.

Holding a telescope, Seimomaru's face changed as he watched Kaido's fleet sail towards the entrance precisely.

"Sure enough, they know the specific location of our [Science Department] base, and the eight achievements are leaked by the guy Guy Sakron!"

Speaking, he looked at the tall and burly bodies behind the fleet, and Senmomaru was a little frightened.

"Gion Rear Admiral, Adjutant Yamato... With us alone, we can really stop Kaido's captain."

Gion spread his hands.

"Just try it?"

"If you can't stop it, you have to stop it!"

Yamato, on the other hand, is done with his sleeves.

"No problem, as long as it's old... No, as long as Kaido doesn't come in person, I can stop it

Having said that, Senmomaru was still very uneasy.

After all, inside the [Science Department] base, it's Vegapunk.

At this time, someone inside the base came, and Senmomaru immediately asked when he saw this.

"How is Vegapunk?"

"No, no, Captain Senmomaru, Vegapunk seems to be terrified, and has been calculating something, just like Inspector Bai Ye the other day!"

Hearing this, the corners of Senmomomaru's mouth twitched.


These scientists are really a virtue, and they are desperate to study them.

"Since when?"

"It seems that since I met Inspector Bai Ye, it seems that Inspector General Day and Night gave Vegapunk some kind of formula——

Senmomaru was killed on the spot.

The two scientists also communicated.

Vegapunk gave Bai Ye [life design drawing], which made Bai Ye frightened for several days, and Bai Ye gave Vegapunk I don't know what to do, and Vegapunk is still in the magic now

"Okay, I see!"

"Send someone to take a good look, if something goes wrong with Vegapunk, we will be the great sinners of the Naval Headquarters!"


After that, the guard directly pushed down.

At this time, with the approach of the Kaido fleet, Senmomaru finally saw the person clearly.


"That's [Drought] Jack, one of Kaido's three major disasters!"

The voice just fell.

A burst of purple gas drifted in from a distance, and soon began to spread on Thor Island.

Seeing this scene, Senmomaru's face changed.

"Poison gas!?"

On the other hand, the order has already been given to start the attack.

Dense gas bombs were released.

Although Thor Island is still outside the range, the poisonous gas released floats to Thor Island along the sea breeze.

"Everyone, put on a gas mask!"


Jack smiled.

"Hehe, Quinn's poisonous gas is still good!"

"With these poisonous gases, anyone who comes will die!"

Jack was ambitious, and felt that a [science department] base was not a matter of anything.

At this moment, the relief that drifted along the purple poisonous gas quickly touched it, although the visibility was much lower, but it could poison a group of people and save the effort of fighting.

However, the moment they entered the range of the archipelago.

With a sigh.

A golden laser burst out instantly, directly bursting in the center of the fleet.

Not only that, dense lava shot out, outlining an arc in the air, directly hitting a pirate ship, and the flames surged away.

There is also a dense impact void explosion, and the sea level is trembling.

Jack was dumbfounded.

"What's going on?"

"Poison gas has no effect? Quinn that guy, what bullshit stuff to study!"

The voice just fell.

Dense attacks followed, directly stunning Jack's fleet.

Sparkling fruit and lava fruit elemental attacks, one bombardment after another, coupled with the release of impact shells, hit Jack dizzy.

With the poison gas reducing visibility, they couldn't even see the situation on Thor Island clearly!

"Fight back! Fight back!"

"No, Lord Jack, the gas is too dense, we can't see each other!"


"Don't (Li Zhao) release poison gas bombs again, disperse the gas and hate!"

Everyone hurriedly dispersed the poisonous gas, the visibility improved a lot, and then saw the dense [Science Department] guards on Thor Island.

They wore gas masks one by one, and the gas had no effect on them at all, not only that, they even had a scanner on the gas mask, and the gas had no effect on their vision at all.

Seeing this scene, Jack immediately scolded.

"Why do they have gas masks!"

Hearing this, Gion couldn't help but mock.


"This is the [Science Department] of Naval Headquarters! How many face shields are there?"

Ma Deqing!

Gion suddenly felt that this Jack was especially with a mentally retarded!

What did he think about gassing the Naval Headquarters?

Isn't the equipment here better than his pirates?

Is this guy really a big Kanban under Kaido?

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for tickets!!!!。

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