Self Insert as Spider-Man MCU

103 Another Encounter Intermission


“Your arousal is distracting, sithandwa.” Jubadi said as she changed poses to the fifth attack form.

“I would apologize if I thought it would make any difference.” I said and saw Val try to mimic Jubadi. “Your feet need to be aligned with your shoulders and your right foot should be turned to the side.”

Val gave me a surprised look. “You know how to do this already?”

“Yes.” I said with a smile. “No, I can't show you. I don't have hips like yours.”

Val looked confused and glanced at Jubadi.

“Male forms are slightly different. They are inherently sturdier than females and not nearly as flexible.” Jubadi explained. “Both styles have strengths and weaknesses.”

“Which their armor compensates for.” I said. “We need to finish up soon. I want to cook a nice roast for May, so she's full and relaxed for tonight.”

“Half an hour more. Val needs to feel the strain.” Jubadi said.

I nodded. “I'll try to keep myself busy until then.” I said and didn't move from where I stood.

Without pausing her movement, Jubadi flowed into the sixth form as she grabbed a bar of soap. She whipped it at my head and I caught it with a slap of soap on skin. Val stared at me and I dropped the soap as I pretended to shake my hand from the sting.

“You could just say 'go away'.” I said with a smile.

“You would not think I was serious.” Jubadi said with a smile back.

I chuckled and bowed slightly, then walked out of the area and over to the weight machines. I thought about doing a quick workout, then realized I couldn't hide my strength without some cover. I left the room again and went to the lab. I quickly constructed a fake mechanical apparatus to make it seem like I was using it to lift a lot more weight than I could handle, when in fact it actually added resistance.

When it was done, I brought it over to the training room and stood it in the corner. It would only work for me, so I wasn't worried about anyone else trying to use it. I didn't turn around when I heard Val and Jubadi walk by and they talked about enjoying a shower after their workout.

I stayed where I was and waited patiently for them, because the evening was going to be interesting. I had May's gift to deliver, had Val to entertain, and had an anonymous date with a woman that apparently liked the sound of a fake southern drawl giving her compliments. All I had to do was figure out how to ditch Jubadi and then borrow the work truck Adrian Toomes used before nine o'clock.


May Parker had been excited the entire day as she worked. She had a very special treat waiting for her at home and she couldn't wait to get it. Her eyes kept going to her watch or a nearby clock if her hands were busy. She still performed her job perfectly, even though she was so distracted, which proved how dedicated she was to helping people.

When the clock chimed the end of her shift, she quickly cleaned up her station, put the various folders away, and clocked out. She had her coat on a second later and was out through the hospital doors before anyone realized she was gone.

May almost vibrated in her seat on the bus and she mentally urged it to drive faster. If she ate supper quickly and then went for a shower instead of taking a bath afterwards, she could receive her present that much sooner.

She just couldn't wait! She. Couldn't. WAIT!

After what seemed like an agonizingly long time, the bus came to a stop and May ran down the street to her apartment building. She ignored the looks she received from everyone and went to the elevator.

May had a quick debate with herself about taking the stairs, then decided the elevator would get her there faster, even if she had to wait for it to arrive. The doors opened and May hopped in and tapped the door close button several times to try and make them go faster.

“Hold the doors, please!” A man's voice said from across the lobby.

“NO! I CAN'T WAIT!” May yelled and kept pushing the button as the doors closed on the man's surprised face. She let out a sigh of relief for not having to wait another minute and the elevator rose to her floor. She ran out when the doors opened and had her keys in her hand and the key in the lock before she came to a stop.

The door swung open and May lunged into the apartment as she slammed the door behind her. Three startled faces greeted her and then Ben started laughing. Val soon joined in and Jubadi let out a soft laugh.

“S-someone... is a bit eager... for supper.” Ben said between laughs.

“It better be on the table!” May exclaimed as she threw her coat at the hanger and kicked off her shoes. She stalked over to the table and sat in her chair before she started eating like her life depended on it. Ben and Val calmed down and started eating and Jubadi joined in as well.

Of course, May was the first one done. She had cleaned her plate and hadn't really tasted it or saw what she ate. She stood up and started walking towards the stairs, only for the heavy food she had pretty much swallowed without chewing it, settled in her stomach.

She felt a little sluggish by the time she reached the bathroom. After she had stripped off, she looked at the filled tub and her mind told her that she needed to climb into the nice relaxing bath. Thoughts of a quick shower had fled with her energy and she climbed into the bath and let out a long and happy sigh.

May hadn't realized how hard she had worked all day and it finally hit her as her mind and body relaxed. The little aches here and there were soothed and she slid deeper into the tub as she closed her eyes. Being pampered had been something she had missed a lot while Ben had been out and she had quickly fallen right back into the trap that she knew it was. She didn't care, though.

She realized Ben had tricked her into relaxing before he would give her the gift and she lightly laughed as she washed herself. She didn't bother taking care of other things that she usually did on the weekend after a bath or a shower. She dried herself off well and put on a thick robe... and nothing else.

For some reason, May wasn't uncomfortable about what was going to happen next, even though she knew what it entailed. The probably intense and potentially intimate atmosphere didn't bother her or make her hesitate, which let her know for a fact that she really had accepted Ben as a completely different person from Peter, whom she would never contemplate being around in her underwear and never completely naked.

May left the bathroom and went downstairs to see the comfy couch had been moved aside and a padded massage table had been put in its place. There was even a face hole for when you were on your stomach and didn't want to get a crick in your neck from having your head turned to the side. She also saw that Jubadi and Val were nowhere to be seen and the crate with her present inside was beside the table.

“They're in my room resting.” Ben said, as if he knew what she was thinking, and he took a deep breath and let it out. “Remember when I mentioned a... restraint... that you need to wear?”

May nodded and looked at the table closely. “I don't see any straps or anything to hold me still.”

“Um... it's not that kind of restraint.” Ben said and reached into the crate. He took out a small box about four inches long and three inches wide and handed it to her. “It's this.”

May accepted the box and opened it. She couldn't make sense of it for several seconds, then she caught her breath. It was an almost four inch long silvery metal protrusion with a curved rectangle on the end.

“You... ah... insert it and... the rectangle covers your... intimate part.” Ben said without looking at her.

“You can't be serious.” May said and gave him a pointed look.

“It's made of vibranium and all of the Dora Milage wear it. It protects them if anyone is stupid enough to kick them between the legs.” Ben said. “It absorbs the impact and stops them from being hurt.”

May gave him a pointed look. “Are you planning on punching or kicking me down there for it to be needed?”

“Wh-what? No!” Ben exclaimed. “No, I... when I made your present, I tried to come up with some way to stop from seeing... I saw one while in Wakanda and... it should cover you enough that you shouldn't be embarrassed while I work down there.”

May closed the box and handed it back. “You don't seriously think I can cover myself when I get a bikini wax, do you? Or...” She smiled smugly. “...a Brazilian wax?”

Ben blinked his eyes at her. “A... a Brazilian.”

“Yes, Ben. Sometimes I don't want to feel itchy, especially when it's excessively hot. Getting all of the hair ripped out is the only way.” May said and Ben winced. “Damn right it hurt like you wouldn't believe. Now I will never have to worry about excessive hair growth because I have a wonderful nephew that's going to remove the hair permanently for me.”

“But... but, May... I...” Ben started to protest.

May put a finger on his lips. “If I wasn't okay with you seeing it, I could have covered it with a band-aid, a trimmed panty liner, or something else.”

Ben looked at a loss for what to say.

“I'm not going to insult you and say I'm treating you like a beauty shop employee. I'm not and you aren't. You are my nephew and I've fully accepted you into my life. Having you see me naked isn't bothering me, just like it didn't bother me when Melinda and I teased you with those scandalous bikinis.” May said. “We are both mature enough to know this isn't a sexual or even a sensual act. Neither of us are thinking things like that and I doubt having my hair removed is going to change that.”

“What if it does?” Ben asked right away. “I will need to... touch you, and...”

“If you dare try coping a feel, you'll be out on your ass and cut off from everything before you can say CEO of Parker Incorporated.” May said with squinted eyes.

“NO! I didn't mean...” Ben started to defend himself.

May laughed and lightly patted Ben's shoulder. “There! You just proved you aren't thinking it, which also proves I'm right about trusting you.” She said and carefully climbed onto the table. “Do you want to do the front of my legs first or the back?”

Ben didn't even have to think about it. “Back. There's more flesh to work with and I can work faster. The shin bone and feet are going to be fairly difficult to do, because I have to be so careful. I'll save them for last.”

May nodded and slowly rolled over and then pulled the robe up to uncover her calves. “Ben, I love you and I completely trust you. Please take care of me like you always do.”

“I will always do my best to take care of you, just like I promised.” Ben said and quickly set up the electrolysis machine and started working. “By the way, this is the only one on the planet. I didn't record the plans and I didn't patent it. I made this for you and for you alone.”

May was deeply touched by the sentiment. “Th-thank you, Ben. That means a lot to me.”

“May, you've been wonderful about all of this. You knew I was going to make it for you eventually and I just so happened to meet a brilliant girl that had access to an advanced science lab. She let me do months of work and planning in only a few hours and we achieved so much in so short a time.”

May nodded, even though her face was down through the hole in the padded table. “You've already told me about increasing their food production to help nearby countries and I couldn't be prouder of you.” She said. “I've already put together most of the shipment of goods and donations to send. It should be ready by next week.”

“That's great, May. I'll have a truck pick it up and deliver it to the Wakandan transport. It will cross the sea and be in their country by the end of the day.”

“That fast?” May asked. “I thought it was in South Africa.”

“It is.” Ben responded. “They have a fast transport assigned exclusively to the ambassador and it bypasses customs.”

May was quiet for a moment and then started to chuckle. “You better not be running drugs across the border, Ben!”

“May! What a wonderful idea! I could make hundreds or even thousands of dollars a week if I did that!” Ben said with fake enthusiasm.

May laughed and gripped the table edges with her hands to hold herself steady. “You make... more than that... in an hour!” She said between laughs.

“SHH! The IRS might hear you and they're gonna want their cut of my illegal drug operation!”

May laughed and laughed and didn't notice that Ben had moved up to the middle of her thighs already and he kept working. Thanks to his spider-sense and his ridiculous dexterity and flexibility, he was shocking two and sometimes three hair follicles a second and removing the hairs.

Ben soon came to the crest of May's ass cheeks and he stopped working. “May? Do you want the hairs on your butt gone, too?”

“What?” May asked and lifted her head to look at him. “There's hair on my butt?!?”

Ben smirked at her and reached down and grabbed one of the fine and nearly invisible vellus hairs to give it a little tug.

“AHH!” May yelped and clenched her cheeks together.

“Proof enough?” Ben asked.

“Yes.” May said, almost in a growl, then she sighed. “What do you think?”

Ben actually paused to think about it. “Honestly? I think the hairs are there to ease chafing from clothing, like a natural barrier. It's not too bad to remove the leg and arm hairs, because you're either leaving them uncovered anyway or you wear hose to protect your legs, even when wearing jeans.”

May actually looked thoughtful. “I'm also sitting on it a lot, so I need all the protection down there that I can get.” She said and nodded. “Leave it for now and finish off my legs.”

Ben opened his mouth to tell her to hold her robe closed as she rolled over, then he suddenly had a complete eyeful of May's well tended and grown in garden flower. Before he could ask her to wait and give him a chance to adjust to seeing the sight with her legs together, she had already assumed the same pose she would for someone waxing her down there.

May had bent her knees to bring her feet up close to her butt and then spread her legs to give him a full and complete view of her. Like, everything. Ben, being the full blooded male that he was, immediately memorized everything he saw and admired it at the same time. The hair was fairly thick in the middle, as she had warned him before.

However, because of her bent knees and spread leg state, he could easily see her labia, her slightly protruding clitoris, and the main entrance to where any respectable man... and degenerate men... and probably quite a lot of women... would love to be.

Ben closed his eyes and took a long deep breath. He slowly let it out and opened his eyes.

May smiled at him and nodded at his waist. “You don't know how happy I am that Penis Parker hasn't made an appearance.”

Ben's mouth dropped open from shock and May laughed at his expression.

“Really, Ben? You don't think I wouldn't have heard your nickname at least once in the last three months?” May asked him and he didn't respond and just stared at her. “You know what? Why don't you start in the middle and work your way out?”

Ben opened and closed his mouth several times and still didn't know what to say. May didn't say anything else as she laid back onto the table and closed her eyes. She did tap her toes in a clear indication for him to hurry up.

“If I didn't love you so much, I'd be tempted to tickle you right now for springing that on me.” Ben grumbled and leaned in close. His nose caught two scents, one was May's bath soap and the other was a light musk that was also quite pleasant. He ignored that as best as he could and lightly placed the fingertips of his left hand in 'safe' spots around her most sensitive area, then he started to work.

“I can't even feel it working.” May whispered.

I sure can. Ben thought and started to deftly remove the thicker and clumped together pubic hairs. As he finished the left side, he had a really amusing idea to do with the top part. He held in his chuckle and reluctantly moved his fingers from their safe spots to very gently close May's opening and held it closed to keep the skin taut and started to clear out the right side.

Ben was quite relieved that May wasn't excited by him touching her like that and she wasn't getting wet or had extra blood flowing to the area. She really was completely okay with him doing this for her and that touched him deeply. It was a huge step in deepening their relationship, that was for sure. He was sure it wasn't his pheromones making her this agreeable, those were solely for mating, according to his research.

Also, it had been May's idea to not wear the covering and gave him permission to look at her and carefully touch her. Her words about him groping her came to Ben's mind at that point, because one of the first things he had told her after he woke up was that he had plenty of chances to grope her or feel her up, and he never did.

Considering where Ben was touching her now, he knew he never would break her trust like that. He let a smile form on his face and he continued to work. His little idea of how to style the hair on her mons pubis, or pubic mound, would be a great way to thank her for trusting him so much.

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