
With Jarvis completed and myself being suspended from work, I had a lot of free time on my hands. So, I studied a lot, I worked out using my fake mechanical suit, and spent time with May. I also managed to create a dozen electronic readers and personal tablets to test and give out to friends and family before I finally worked out the manufacturing process for creating action figures.

Applying paint to the inside of the mold before adding the melted plastic was a stroke of genius on my part. The paint bonded to the plastic immediately and then set. All that was needed after that was to assemble the pieces and add the accessories. Packaging was as simple as shrink wrapping them in plastic and gluing it to a cardboard backboard with a printed image on it.

With Jarvis to help me, we built robotic arms to perform all of the automated processes and programmed them appropriately. Since each only had a simple job to perform, it went very quickly.

By the middle of the second week of my suspension, I had a mold prepared for each action figure I envisioned and had produced one of each for testing and quality control. I had also raised my personal lifting capacity to over five tons for my arms and eight tons for my legs. Having a healing factor that healed torn muscles every night was a cheat that I had exploited as much as possible.

At the moment, Jubadi and I were on our way to Wakanda for the weekend. Valentine's Day wasn't until Wednesday and that was the end of my suspension, so we made the trip early to surprise Shuri. Mind you, they didn't really celebrate things like that and were indulging me, which was okay with me. It gave me an excuse to visit her much earlier than either of us had previously planned.

I was barely down the ramp of the Quinjet before Shuri tackled me to the floor of the hangar and almost sucked my face off from kissing me so hard. It had the both of us laughing by the time we broke the kiss and after I helped her stand, I waved at the ramp. Shuri gave me a questioning look before she ran up the ramp and then let out a happy squeal of delight.

“I told you she would like it, sithandwa.” Jubadi whispered to me.

I nodded and we watched as Shuri hopped up and down as the guards put the crate onto a cart for her and we all made the trek through the city. She couldn't wait to get the drone into her lab to tear it apart. I was requested to accompany her and instead of working on the drone first, I was worked on instead. Neither I nor Penis Parker minded in the least.

We had the drone torn apart that evening and it sparked dozens of ideas and modifications that Shuri would get to as soon as she could. We tumbled into bed after that and enjoyed each other once more before we slept for the rest of the night.

The king was too busy to see me the next day. However, the queen was gracious enough to allow me a brief audience. I informed her of the contracts I had already signed with Pepper Potts and Jennifer Walters for future children that would also become Wakandan citizens.

Rolanda wasn't impressed until I reminded her that Pepper's child would inherit a multi-billion dollar tech company and then informed her that Jennifer Walters was a super-powered individual named Power Woman. Any children would inherit her powers and they would also be Wakandan citizens and bound to defend the land and the people. That had gotten her attention and she looked pleased.

I spent another great night with Shuri and then Jubadi and I flew home. Shuri was saddened until I told her that the personal tablet would let us talk face to face much easier than her phone's little screen did. I also reminded her that June wasn't that far away and that I could visit a lot by then. That mollified her somewhat and she had lightly touched the bite mark on my cheek.

“Yes, I'm leaving it for a while.” I had whispered to her and that had made her very happy.

May wasn't as happy to see it, even after I had explained what it meant. “Ben, the human mouth has more germs in it than a dog's.”

I gave her a surprised look. “I would rather have Shuri bite my face affectionately instead of a dog.”

May sighed. “That's not what I meant.”

“I know. I just wanted you to hear my preference of being bitten by someone because they love me instead of being mauled by a vicious dog because you think it's less dangerous.”

May sighed again and walked towards the kitchen.

“That was a little harsh.” Jubadi said.

It was my turn to sigh. “Yes, because I wanted her to realize that just because a dog's saliva has less harmful bacteria, that doesn't mean the delivery of a dog's saliva is going to be safer when they bite you.”

Jubadi nodded and we both went to the kitchen to cook supper. May must have heard what I said, because she put a hand on my arm and gave me a nod before she started chopping the carrots for the soup.


When I returned to work, I found out that Jennifer Walters had barely passed the competency tests to be an agent and Power Woman surpassed everyone's expectations, except mine. She actually under-performed, which meant my words before about her working up to her maximum lifting capacity was right on the money.

Jennifer told me she had already hired a staff and secured hundreds of expired patents for books and also ensured that anything that was considered public domain was checked and double checked to ensure that their patents were no longer in effect. The best part? Any story made with those characters or based on the original story, were also considered public domain and she secured them as well.

Jennifer's agent training would be handled by an experienced agent and I made sure that she was assigned to Melinda May. Of course, I had visited her and told her about hiring Jennifer and for what. The look on Melinda's face was hard to read, until I produced two similar contracts for her.

Without a word, she locked her office door, signed both contracts, and took me right there on her desk. Jubadi actually looked on in approval and had no complaint about Melinda's treatment of me, which was saying something, considering how her people approached the act of sex.

I finally made it to my office and I didn't let anyone know how surprised I was that Maria Hill hadn't contacted me for the entire two weeks I was off the books to get me to do a mission. I was sure that there would have been something SHIELD would have wanted me to handle. I hadn't even been asked to come in to do any data entry projects.

School was just as bland as it was before, even though I had sent chocolates and flowers to the few women that were still talking to me. I did my best to ignore how lonely it was with no one speaking to me in class. I knew Val's quietness was because she didn't want to influence the others into apologizing and she didn't want to make them feel guilty that she was the only one acknowledging me.

The days went by with me going to school, with studying and chores in the afternoons, with work and working out in the evenings, and with late nights with May on the couch. My days were both full and empty at the same time, because I was caught in a rut. I wasn't going to let that get me down, because things were about to get interesting.

That weekend, I made my trip to visit Hank and Scott to work on making the tools to build the Quantum Tunnelling machine. While there, I made a quick side trip to Advanced Idea Mechanics and visited Adrian Killian's office. He wasn't in, as I had planned, and I used his computer to send out a fake message to all of his operatives that had been exposed to Extremis.

I included doctored orders about having their families killed to have complete control of them and their lives, including the doctor that had invented the serum in the first place. I also had Jarvis ransack the man's computers, now that he had a direct access point to them.

When Jarvis was done, I sent the message and the faked orders, after ensuring that no actual kill orders were being sent for their family and friends. I beat feet out of there and retreated to the best sniping spot that I had previously picked and debated watching the fallout personally before I shrugged. In any case, I would take my shot at the guy and his own 'betrayed' people would take care of the rest.

Two hours later, explosions lit up the Los Angeles skyline as those agents literally blew their top to take down AIM and every building and business it owned. The largest congregation ended up at his main office building and I was happy to see Killian himself trying to fight them off. I took my time as I aimed and pulled the trigger.

The man's head exploded and his agents cheered, then the man's body exploded and took them all out. Their combined explosion blew up the first six floors of the office building and the whole thing went up in flames before it collapsed in on itself. With a job well done, I went back to the Quinjet and Jubadi smiled and nodded to me.

I kissed her hard and took off, set the autopilot when we were at the right height, and Jubadi ravaged me for the entire flight back to New York. All in all, it was a great weekend, because both my electronic book reader and personal tablets were about to hit the market the next day. Having access to already established production lines for electronics with Stark Industries, really was the best thing.

On the following Friday's biology lab, a fairly thin-looking Sally finally showed up at school. She didn't really say anything to me until she sat down next to me.

“So, are we going to try what I joked about the first time we met?” Sally asked me with a smirk.

“Do you mean jerking me off in the supplies closet during gym class or how angry you actually were that I dropped the academic decathlon?” I asked and smirked right back.

Sally chuckled and bumped my elbow with hers. “Gentleman's choice.”

I glanced at Jubadi and she nodded. “I've got a few things to tell you and I might have some forms for you to sign.”


In mid-March, Director of SHIELD Nick Fury had another meeting with his top agents and department heads.

“Jesus H. Fucking Christ.” Fury said at the report that his Deputy Director had handed him about the two revolutionary tech products that Parker Incorporated and Stark Industries had released. “I thought you were getting close to Agent Parker so we could get a heads up about things like this?”

Maria's mouth formed a thin like. “I screwed up.” She said and glanced at Natasha. “I tried to manipulate him and ended up pushing him away before I had secured his loyalty.”

Natasha gave her an understanding look and nodded slightly.

“What are the projections for the financial impact?” The head of the finance department asked.

“It's... staggering.” Maria said and hit the button to change the wall monitor to display the projected sales and profits.

“Oh, sweet lord.” The woman whispered as she looked at the numbers. “I suppose I shouldn't have worried that our shared patent payments were going to go to Agent Parker's head.”

“They are a drop in the bucket in comparison.” Fury said and didn't bother looking at the display. “How many of the personal tablets have we ordered?”

“Ten thousand, sir.” The head of R&D said. “The first shipment should arrive by the end of the week.”

“You're not going to copy it, are you?” Fury asked.

“No, sir. We were planning on making them bigger.” The man said and pointed to the wall. “Instead of monitors all over the place, we would have interactive and connected displays that can share information like our cell phones and ear pieces.”

“That still violates the filed patent.” The financial department head said and she sighed. “Even if we keep it internal, Agent Parker will see it as soon as it is out on display.”

“Hill, get on the phone and politely ask...” Fury started to say when Maria's cell phone rang.

Maria opened it and saw who the caller was. She put it on speaker before she spoke. “Hello, Ben.”

“Hello, Deputy Director Hill, Director Fury, department heads, special agents, and people I won't acknowledge because they tried to screw me over too many times.” Ben's voice said.

Both Clint and Natasha let out quiet sighs.

“To what do I owe the pleasure of this call?” Maria asked.

“Jarvis just finished the first production model of the Smart Television for me.” Ben said and everyone in the room perked up at that. “It works just like a tablet and is also a television. Really, its a thing of beauty.”

“And why are you telling me this?” Maria asked.

The intercom on the meeting table buzzed and Fury hit the button. “We're in a meeting!”

“Sir, there's a delivery here for you. Prepaid.” A woman's voice said. “The others are being delivered to each department.”

“Oh, they arrived! Great.” Ben's voice said from the phone. “That's why I called. I hope you enjoy the presents. Karen, I'll see you at work tonight. Have a good day, everyone.”

The call ended and Fury nodded at Clint and he went to the door and opened it. A delivery man brought in a huge box that had a flat panel television inside. It only took him a few minutes to unpack it and he asked Clint to help him replace the old monitor. Twenty minutes later, they had a television sized tablet on the wall and it worked by touch, voice command, and by remote. It really was a thing of beauty.

“Well, fuck.” Fury said and sat down after playing with the thing. “Any ideas what impact this is going to have?”

“I doubt he'll release it so soon after the tablets.” Maria said. “He wouldn't want to saturate the market. That causes less sales and a back-load of products not being sold.”

“He'll need to build up a stock to sell as well, especially if he plans on distributing them like he did with the tablets.” The head of the finance department said. “I'll say two to three months. The start of summer when all the schools let out would be a perfect time to market a new television.”

Both Fury and Maria nodded.

“It looks like you need to find something else to do.” One of the men said to the head of R&D.

“I was looking forward to pulling one of them apart.” The man said, sadly.

“You still can. It will only be for your own curiosity and not for a project.” The other man said.

“It's not the same.” The head of R&D said.

Fury looked at everyone. “Is there anything else I need to know?”

No one said anything and a few shook their heads.

“No signs of Spider-Man?” Fury asked and more shaken heads responded. “All right. Keep an eye out for him and any important information.”

Everyone nodded and they all started to stand when a loud beeping came from the new television. They all turned and looked at it.

'First Incursion: 2 Weeks, 1 day, 4 hours, 36 minutes, 12 seconds.'

Then it started counting down.

“What the hell is that?” Fury asked as everyone's cell phones made the same beep and they all checked them. It showed the same countdown. “Someone tell me this isn't a trick or being broadcast.”

The counter reduced in size and went to the top corner as the television changed to a news station.

“This just in. A countdown has appeared on everyone's cell phones. Whatever an Incursion is, it's going to happen in two weeks.” The female news reporter said. “We have our analysts studying it and...”

Fury turned the television off and turned around to give everyone a good glare. “I want our own people on this.”

“Yes sir.” They all said and quickly left the room.

“Hill?” Fury asked and looked at her when they were alone.

“If this incursion actually happens at the zero mark, that will be approximately two weeks before what Spider-Man wrote on Stark Tower that marks the full invasion, sir.” Maria said.

Fury thought about that. “A probe, perhaps?”

“It could be a scout or a preliminary attack.” Maria said. “The problem is, there are no details this time. It could happen anywhere.”

Fury nodded. “Either they don't know where it is or they know that they can't stop it.”

Maria's eyes widened slightly. “Sir, are you implying that it might be inevitable?”

Fury looked at the television and the countdown. “Someone apparently thinks it is.”

The both of them sat there quietly for several minutes as they contemplated that tidbit of information.

“Do you have the evacuation plans prepared for Manhattan?” Fury asked and Maria nodded. “Raise them from Yellow priority to Orange, please.”

Maria nodded again and made note of it.

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