Self Insert as Spider-Man MCU

115 The World Is Safe… For Now


The fire and brimstone was sucked back into the portal and left myself and The Ancient One inside the Mirror Dimension's wrecked room. The damage was acceptable, though. The real room was still completely undamaged.

“I did not foresee our unharmed release from the Dark Dimension and I could not hear your talk with Dormammu.” The Ancient One said as the portal disappeared.

“Even someone as powerful as you can't see past a choice that they don't understand.” I said.

The Ancient One picked up the forbidden Book of Cagliostro and closed it before she peered at me with a penetrating gaze that made my spider-sense tingle minutely.

“At least buy me dinner first.” I joked and she raised a single imperious eyebrow at me. “What? You're examining me like I'm the most interesting thing on the planet and you're probably reading me like a book. I'm usually on a first name basis with a woman before we get to that point.”

“Don't you mean in bed?” The Ancient One corrected.

“That's what I said.” I said with a teasing smile.

“No.” The Ancient One responded to the unasked question.



“Oh, come on!”


“You can't just...”


“At least let me...”


“What if...”


“How about...”


“I need to...”


“I just...”


“Endless Multiverse!” I exclaimed.

“N.... oh, damn.” The Ancient One said and the Eye of Agamotto glowed green and time seemed to slow to a stop. “I've been alive since the 1300s and have completely devoted myself to the protection of Earth. You shouldn't even be thinking about...”

“I know of at least thirty different Spider-Men across the multiverse that would literally jump at the chance to spend time with you, even if it's just a simple date.” I said with a huge grin.

The Ancient One gave me that same penetrating gaze and my spider-sense tingled minutely once more. “It's never just a simple date with you.” She said and then paused as she realized what I said. “You just openly admitted your most precious secret to me.”

“Yes, I did.” I said and shrunk the sceptre to store it inside my gauntlet and then my armored suit folded away and became a backpack that I dropped to the floor. “Out of everyone I've ever met, you are the only one that I trust their integrity completely.”

She looked pleased by that and then her face showed a blank expression. “Ben, I lost interest in doing things like that centuries ago.”

“I know.” I said and started to undress. “It was right after you accepted the permanent link to the Dark Dimension to extend your life into near immortality.”

The Ancient One didn't physically react to my statement. “Be careful about what you say next.”

“I already said that I completely trust your integrity, High Lama.” I said to her slight surprise and I pulled off my pants and only had my boxer shorts left to remove.

The sound of a manly scream echoed in the Mirror Dimension and we both knew it signified excruciating pain. It went on for seemingly forever and also for only a second, thanks to the Eye of Agamotto, then the Dark Dimension symbol burned itself into the center of my chest.

The Ancient One caught her breath and her own symbol in the middle of her forehead appeared.

“Dormammu finally tasted the eternal link that celestially powered plant has to thousands of worlds and to a truly immortal living planet that's been alive for millions of years.” I said and my symbol glowed. “He has sealed the compact to leave this Earth's dimension and it's denizens alone forever in exchange for eternal power.”

“You... you willingly accepted the corruption?” The Ancient One asked in a whisper.

“Partially, my dear Yao.” I whispered and The Ancient One's eyes widened at the use of her given name. I opened my backpack to pull out the contracts and a pen before I stepped close to her. “Sign these.”

The Ancient One signed them without reading them.

“I made a deal similar to the one you established with a ritual from the Book of Cagliostro.” I explained and put the papers into my backpack and then I started to undo her ceremonial robes. “I gain access to exponential mystical powers, which also extend my natural life, and I provide a constant spiritual anchor.”

The Ancient One didn't try to stop me from removing her clothes.

“The difference between our deals is that you can be the spiritual anchor for any person you train in the mystical arts while I do it solely for Dormammu to use if he is ever lost in another dimension or defeated by another immortal being.”

The inner robes dropped to the floor and revealed The Ancient One only wore a traditional monk's underwear, a knotted cloth wrapping, and her large breasts were left bare. The breasts were lower, flatter, and much wider than a more modern and firmer breast would be. I guessed that after centuries of gravity and compressing them within tight robes had made a much greater impact than wearing a supportive and lifting bra would have.

Of course, those kind of things didn't exist in the thirteen hundreds. By the time they had been invented hundreds of years later to help women maintain their looks, the damage had probably already been done and there was no point in trying to fix something that wasn't really broken. Every woman's breasts were different and the ones in front of me were just as nice as any other pair I had seen.

“Your outfit doesn't really do you justice.” I whispered to her and reached up and lightly cupped the sides of her face.

The Ancient One sucked in a sharp breath when the Dark Dimension symbol on her forehead glowed to match mine. “You are not disappointed!”

I gave her my warmest inviting smile. “If you will excuse my crassness.” I said and she nodded. “I'm about to bury Penis Parker inside the most powerful sorceress in this dimension. Powerful beings from other dimensions actively avoid coming here or pissing you off, because you will destroy them.”

The Ancient One looked pleased at my words.

“I could never be disappointed with you, especially with our shared connection.” I said and pulled her down to lightly kiss her on the lips.

Our marks flared and we both felt some of that energy dissipate and return to the Dark Dimension.

“I humbly invite you to help me shake the hell out of the Dark Dimension.” I whispered to her and a smile slowly spread over her lips.

“What is that modern phrase the younger generation is always using?” The Ancient One asked me.

I thought of it right away and grinned. “Payback's a bitch!”

“Yes, let us pay Dormammu back for our borrowed power.” The Ancient One said as she knelt and pulled my boxer shorts down with a quick jerk.

Penis Parker popped out and whacked her on the forehead right on the Dark Dimension symbol. A jolt like lightning, full of sexual energy, went through the both of us.

The Ancient One looked up at me with a startled expression. “I actually felt that!”

“Yes, you really are going to.” I said with a throaty voice and she visibly shivered. I reached down and rubbed the top of her head gently with one hand and guided myself into her quite willing mouth.

We both felt the jolt of power and she gained a determined look in her eyes as she expertly did her best to get me off in record time. Ten seconds.

The immense burst of power between us as I poured myself down her throat, had the both of us trembling with aftershocks of pleasure and extreme desire. We stared at each other and we both desperately needed to feel what it was going to be like when we physically joined together. Since we were in the Mirror Dimension that had been created using Dark Dimension energy, the energy bleed-off was instantaneous and returned to the Dark Dimension.

“I need to prep you first.” I said as she laid down on her discarded robes.

“I am in as much of a hurry as you are.” The Ancient One said and spread her legs for me.

I nodded and knelt to bury my face into her completely bald womanhood. I quickly discerned that her hymen was still intact and paused to look at her face.

“It regrew when I used the body purification ritual that removed all of my body hair.” She explained.

I gave her a huge grin. “We could make a fortune from women if we altered that to leave scalp hair.”

The Eye of Agamotto glowed a bit brighter and The Ancient One smiled.

“You truly are a crazy and creative genius to capitalize on a woman's desire to give her 'first time' to her next lover or to her future husband.” She said and then motioned to her drenched opening. “I'm waiting.”

I smirked at her and dove back between her legs and gave her the best oral sex she would ever experience. I knew this, because every few minutes, she would have a body shaking orgasm and then the Eye of Agamotto would glow and she would gasp and shout at me to keep going.

At the very moment that she had been stretched out enough to make sex pleasurable for her, I was magically lifted and then I was pulled into her and hugged tightly as a magical power explosion enveloped us. The Ancient One screamed with both pain and pleasure as her restored virginity was sacrificed and the power was sent into the Dark Dimension.

We were both quickly filled with brimming energy and jammed our lips together as my hips started to thrust at an insane speed and with increasing strength that we were both perfectly okay with. Because we both had physically resilient bodies, thanks to our sealed bargains with the Dark Dimension, our lovemaking was almost on the same scale that sex between Superman and Wonder Woman would be like if they went all out.

The sex went on forever and ever as we paid back energy burst after energy burst that came with each orgasm from either of us or both of us at the same time. Those blasts would have destroyed the room around us if it hadn't already been destroyed. In fact, every day or so, The Ancient One kept whispering that the energy we were returning was quickly reaching the point that the exchange was going to become equal and balanced.

That was something she had been hungering for, ever since she had made the bargain centuries ago. She had never come across anything that could ever help her do that... until now. The Eye of Agamotto glowed brightly from around her neck as she peered at me.

“Together, Ben! This is the last one! We need to do it together!” The Ancient One said, passionately.

“Your wish... is my... command!” I exclaimed and shoved myself deeply into her as our Dark Dimension symbols glowed almost as brightly as the Eye of Agamotto. “Oh, YAO!”

“Oh, BENJI!” The Ancient One yelled.

We both froze still as we shared an orgasm and we each felt the other pour their energy out. We willingly gave it up to complete the balance and changed the deals we had struck into a true partnership. We were no longer power parasites or power leeches as energy breached the dimensional walls of the Mirror Dimension.

We were covered in energy from the Dark Dimension and neither of us were corrupted by it, because our own energy converted it into positive energy and sent it back. It had become automatic and neither of us had to ever worry about anything trying to damage or infect us negatively. Ever.

Then the moment of stillness and perfect balance was over and we both unfroze. The Ancient One collapsed underneath me and her breath was laboured as sweat poured off of her, despite her body's normally unfathomable resilience.

I pulled out of her and laid down beside her. We both ignored our expulsions as they dribbled off of us and we laid there without saying anything at all for several hours.

“You know you can't change things too drastically.” The Ancient One finally whispered. “The consequences if you meddle too much are too numerous and varied to allow this specific timeline to continue to exist.”

“I know.” I said back. “The most I can do is remove a lot of the known obstacles and change some of the circumstances for the events that need to be pivotal for the world.”

The Ancient One sat up and looked down at me. “I am glad you knew to not interfere with Loki's arrival or the alien invasion, despite the warnings you gave out to prepare everyone.”

“I was sure that it had to happen, if only to become the reason the Avengers were brought together and created as a team.” I said and she nodded.

“They are a pivotal point in several timeline convergences.” The Ancient One said.

“Yeah, I noticed this one was slightly off, because Tony became Iron Man when Peter was a child, just like in the one I witnessed... and yet, Peter was supposed to be a junior in high school only a couple of years later. It didn't make sense.”

The Ancient One smiled down at me. “Who said the things you saw were from the same unaltered timeline?”

I opened my mouth to respond and realized what she meant. I had seen three different people become the Hulk with different origin stories and Thor was completely serious in two movies when in the better ones, he was a happy go lucky guy and a lot more entertaining. Not to mention Stan Lee somehow being different characters all over the place, no matter what hero was nearby, and he also talked openly with a group of Watchers that monitored different multiverses.

“Fuuuuck me.” I whispered and stared at her.

“I already did that, Benji.” The Ancient One said with a smirk. “Perhaps a normal exchange for once?”

“My dearest Yao, I would be honored to take it slow with you, now that the power rush is over.”

The Ancient One climbed on top of me and slid me inside of her. She laid down on top of me and gently kissed me as she slowly rocked her hips to move me in and out of her by only a couple of inches.

I wrapped my arms around her and enjoyed making out with her as we made some of the slowest lovemaking that either of us had ever done. It took a very long time for the both of us to orgasm, considering how many times we had already done so. We didn't care about that, though.

We had all the time in existence to enjoy it, because we knew that as soon as we left this version of the Mirror Dimension, it would be the first and last time. So, we made the most of it and made sure that the both of us were happy about it.


The Ancient One took ten years to teach me how to handle the excessive magical power that the Dark Dimension gave me access to. Books upon books were stacked twenty feet high around the room as we went through everything she decided that I needed to know.

I learned it all eagerly and she had a constantly pleased look on her face, even when we weren't rolling around on conjured beds, cars, desks, counters, tables, and chairs. Yes, we had sex a lot. Like, a lot a lot. There was no television or internet, so we had books and ourselves to keep ourselves occupied.

Funnily enough, when it was getting close to our time to leave, it was her that was constantly indulging herself in carnal delights. Apparently, when you released a woman's centuries long self-imposed and repressed sexuality, she could become an almost completely different woman.

The Ancient One impressed upon me the importance to maintain integrity in the face of the unknown horrors that could be unleashed when casting some of the higher level spells, which I swore I wasn't going to do anyway. She also instilled in me the distinct desire to never, ever, try to breach any dimensional walls by myself, even with a Sling Ring.

That was something only someone as experienced as her could do without fear of causing a systemic breach in the fabric of reality. I completely understood what she meant and agreed that I would never attempt it on my own. I also readily agreed to make myself available to help her defend the Earth when it was necessary.

We exchanged contact numbers and she thanked me when I promised to send her a hundred each of e-readers, tablets, satellite phones, and televisions. I also told her that when she successfully tested the modified ritual for hymen growth, to let me know and we would set it up as a division of Parker Incorporated.

“I can't believe I actually agreed to that.” The Ancient One said as she cleaned her clothes and then dressed for the first time in well over a decade of suspended time.

“It was just too tempting to become a millionaire overnight.” I joked and she smacked my arm. “I know you're not keeping anything past the cost of operating your Sanctums spread around the world.”

The Ancient One nodded and pulled on her outer robes to drape them over her shoulders. “I'll be feeding the hungry locally and also sending food out to the surrounding nations if they need it.”

“I did promise to help with that.” I said and pulled on my pants. “Wow, these feel really tight after so long.”

The Ancient One let out an uncharacteristic chuckle and waved her hands over the cloth to make it expand slightly. “We've both been working out to get you into the proper shape to handle the mystical energies without exploding.”

I glanced down at Penis Parker and then looked back at her face. “Excuse me? Did you just lie?”

The Ancient One laughed and smacked me again. “You know I meant from overloading or storing too much energy inside you for too long.”

I laughed as well and put on my shirt. I stepped close to her and looked up slightly. She was five foot and ten inches tall and I was still five foot and eight inches tall. “Thank you for accepting me, even if you can never admit it or show that you have.”

The Ancient One bent her head slightly and gave me a soft and tender kiss. “I must say the same thing, Benji. I always thought that anyone would reject me because of the taint that my immortality deal gave me.”

I gave her a brief kiss and stepped back. “Now you know why I negotiated in good faith with Dormammu. I couldn't let such a good woman continue to feel shame for deciding to put the safety of the entire Earth before her own well being.”

“B-Benji... you... you really...” The Ancient One stammered.

“Thank you for the Sling Ring. It's going to come in handy.” I said and motioned to the Mirror Dimension around us. “If you would kindly release this, we can both get back to the lives we had built for ourselves to protect those we care about more than we care about ourselves.”

The Ancient One nodded and started to make the appropriate gestures to collapse the dimension. “I am much too old to admit that I love you, Benji.”

“Well, considering I'm like 45 relative years old inside a technically 14 year old body, I'm much too immature to admit that having you fall in love with me was the entire point of me coming here.”

“Wh-what?” The Ancient One asked as she finished the counter spell and the Mirror Dimension collapsed.

“You didn't really have a personal stake in what was happening around you and you were just going through the motions until Doctor Strange seeks you out in a couple of years to become a Master of the Mystical Arts.” I said and she stared at me with wide eyes. “You've been waiting around to die for far too long, my dearest Yao. It's time you start living a bit before your scheduled death, don't you think?”

The Ancient One stood there and didn't say anything as I picked up my backpack and put it on. I was quickly covered in my armored suit and walked over to the door and opened it.

“Give me a call whenever you want to talk.” I said through the suit's voice modulator and walked out of the room. I went down the hallway and retraced my path to where the hole in the wall was. I chuckled at it and engaged my boot and palm thrusters.

I flew out through the several holes I had made and then out and up into the air where apparently nothing was. I flew inside the cloaked ship and Lubila closed the boarding ramp.

“Let's get back to Shuri.” I said and Libula nodded as she engaged the main engine boosters.

We shot off like a rocket and I sat back and enjoyed the flight.

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