Self Insert as Spider-Man MCU

119 A Few Last Things


“Now I... understand... the appeal.” Val said between pants of breath. Her short blonde hair was plastered to her head with sweat and she gave me a very happy smile. “You didn't... knock me out.”

“That's because I didn't want to ruin you.” I said with a grin and she barked a laugh. “We've got all night to explore and...”

“You have your... consort duties to perform.” Val said and looked at Jubadi. “I can't really move much right now...”

Jubadi barked her own laugh. “That is not a problem, Valerie.” She said and crawled on top of her to press her chest to Val's and their pelvic mounds touched. “Sithandwa, you may proceed and show her what an experienced warrior can handle.”

“I should warn you that I've done some extensive training lately.” I said and knelt between their legs. “I must say that the contrasts between your skin tones looks absolutely delicious.”

“What did you sa-OHHH!” Val moaned as I licked both her and Jubadi at the same time.

“I believe you understand his point.” Jubadi said and Val nodded.

When Jubadi was only slightly prepped, I climbed on top and then shoved myself right in. Jubadi moaned this time, then she ground herself into Val's mound as I pounded her just as hard as she liked it. I got a good rhythm going and looked at Jubadi's face to see if she was enjoying it, only to see her and Val making out like they were deeply in love.

It was goddamn hot and I picked up speed as I used one of my hands to caress their breasts. The both of them moaned and I kept going. The harder I went, the more they moaned. By the time I eventually blew my load inside Jubadi, both she and Val looked boneless after coming so much.

I pulled out and stood up to admire my handiwork. Val and Jubadi cuddled together and looked pretty content, which let me know I had done a good job with them.

“You don't know how rare it is to successfully satisfy one of the Dora Milaje.” Shuri said and took my hand.

“I do now.” I said and turned to her. “There's no more room on the bed, My Princess. Would you like to join me in the living room?”

“I would be more than happy to, Royal Consort.” Shuri said and we left the bedroom.


The next morning, we were all invited to breakfast in the penthouse. It was both weird and neat to see all the heroes wearing normal clothing as they sat around a large conference table and enjoyed a great breakfast.

“You did a great job with the food, Jarvis.” I complimented him as I sat the four women with me at the table. I did Shuri first, then Jubadi, then Libula, then Val. That was the pecking order until Val completed her training, then she and Libula would switch places.

“Your lessons have settled well and your unique viewpoint of recipe compositions and experimentation intrigued me.” Jarvis said and handed me five plates. “It's buffet style, so help yourself.”

“Thanks.” I said and did just that. I served the women in the correct order first before I served myself, which seemed to amuse a few people at the table.

“I see someone's already whipped.” Tony joked and bit into a piece of toast.

“I'm sorry, Mr. Stark. We usually save the whip for special occasions.” Shuri said with a smile and several others made coughing sounds as they choked on their mouthfuls of food. “I also left it and the chains at home.”

I reached over to lightly stroke Shuri's cheek. “It's only two months until school's out.”

Shuri nodded and went back to eating.

“You're serious?” A female voice asked and I looked over to see Carol Danvers had been the one to speak.

“It's just a bit of spice in the bedroom to keep things interesting.” I said and saw Natasha Romanoff, Maria Hill, and Jennifer Walters nod.

“If you do it all the time, it looses the appeal.” Natasha said. “It's supposed to enhance things occasionally and not stagnate things. That kills a relationship faster than you can say 'uncle'.”

“A bit of role playing is sometimes fun, too.” Jennifer said.

“Oh? What's your best one so far?” Natasha asked.

Jennifer looked over at me and blushed a little. “A corrupted lawyer and a poor guilty client that needs her help... for a price.”

Natasha nodded. “Very nice. I bet that felt great.”

“It... it did.” Jennifer said and blushed harder.

“Mine is a captured terrorist and I get to interrogate them to get them to talk... by any means.” Natasha admitted and then smiled. “They always spill everything they know.”

“That does sound fun.” I said and she looked over at me. “The best one I've experienced so far was being a valiant knight and rescued a damsel in distress. She was very, very grateful.”

Val blushed this time and didn't comment.

“You Midgardians have bedroom games as good as the gods themselves!” Thor said and toasted us with a huge mug of coffee.

“This is the weirdest breakfast conversation I've ever witnessed.” Bruce said and ate a piece of bacon.

“I've had weirder.” Tony said and took a drink of orange juice.

“I totally agree with that.” Scott Lang said. “My wife freaked out when I told her I was coming to New York to fight off an alien horde bent on taking over the world.”

“Wait, you told her and she STILL let you come here?” I asked and he nodded. “Dude, you have got to give her a big diamond ring or something!”

“I was thinking a necklace.” Scott said. “She definitely deserves it.”

“I second that.” Hank said and handed a sugar cube to his ant mount. “Make sure you get a receipt and take pictures of where you got it.”

Scott laughed. “I already did that, sir. No worries.”

“Good man.” Hank said.

I turned and looked at Maria. “Are you starting the physical assessment on the city this morning?”

Maria nodded and swallowed the bite of bagel she had and took a drink of coffee to wash it down. “Thanks to your mostly intact monitoring devices, we can pinpoint a lot of the damage and can focus in those areas first and work our way out.”

“If you need any help, there's a few people around this table that can help speed things along.” I offered.

Maria gave me a rare public smile and then looked around the table at everyone. “You've all done more than enough by stopping as much of the damage as possible and by containing it within the set boundaries. You can leave the drudgery work to the experts.”

“Whew, that's a relief. I need to get back home.” Scott said and looked at me.

“Anytime you want to leave.” I said and glanced at Hank. “Are you sticking around or heading out?”

“I had an idea about putting those ingenious monitoring devices on my swarm and giving you a hand recording all of the damage a flying ant can find.” Hank said.

“That's a great idea, Hank.” I said and looked over at Maria. “How about it, Maria? A personalized army of living drones that can be directed anywhere you want and they will let you know exactly what's damaged and what needs to be done to fix it?”

Maria looked thoughtful for a few seconds and then nodded as she looked at Hank. “It would speed up the inspection teams a lot if they can just stand below a building and have your workers give them a full scan of the building.”

“I can help you with that.” Tony said and smacked Bruce's arm. “Give me a hand making a scanning device that uses visual and audio mapping techniques.”

I put a hand up, as if I was in school. It worked, because everyone turned to look at me. “My virtual tour program already does that.” I said and took out my cell phone. “Hey, Jarvis...”

“I've already sent the request to the computer department to release the lockouts on the program for this use only.” Jarvis said.

“Thanks.” I said and entered my own codes. “Maria, I'm sending you the open-source code file. Please don't let anyone else access it. If anyone gets their hand on it...”

“Your program will become freeware and anyone can use it.” Tony said in understanding. “You'll have dozens of comparable knock-offs on the market within days.”

“Yeah, and that would suck.” I said and sent the file to Maria's secured tablet. “I'll work with Hank and we'll integrate the swarm's monitoring devices into the scanning network and then we'll be in business.”

“Then we better get to work and get this done.” Hank said and stood. “Thanks for breakfast.”

“You are welcome.” Jarvis said.

“It was nice meeting you all like a normal person.” I said and stood as well. “Not that any of us are actually normal. We wouldn't be here saving the world if we had normal lives.”

“That's true.” Carol said and stood up. “Do you mind if I come with you? I want to see some of the tech you said was more advanced than mine.”

“Sure! I needed to talk to you anyway about setting up a communications protocol that we can use when you're off-planet.” I said and her eyebrows rose. “Shuri? Want to give us a hand? Another big brain wouldn't hurt when working out a few things.”

“You just want another chance to stare at me while I work.” Shuri said and stood to take my hand.

“Can you blame me?” I asked with a grin.

“No, I am guilty of it as well.” Shuri admitted and grinned back. “You are quite eye catching. I think it's because of the startling white skin.”

“HA!” I barked and kissed her cheek. “I'll do my best to get a nice tan this summer.”

Shuri nodded and turned to Libula. “Please take Mr. Lang where he needs to go to buy his present and then back to California.”

“Of course, My Princess.” Libula said and stood to bow to her. “I will be discreet about it as well.”

Shuri nodded and I led her, Hank, and Carol to the elevator. Jubadi and Val were right behind us and we piled inside and went down to my rented floor.


It took two days to scan every building and the results were both comprehensive and extensive. Internal and external damage had been found and everyone had been surprised when Maria made the presentation in the large conference room in Stark Tower. The remaining heroes had been impressed at the display and the detail.

The assessment was also complete and the cost for repairs would send some insurance rates through the roof, which was when she showed everyone the Spider-Man Damage Relief Fund and the ridiculous monetary amount that had been invested into it.

Apparently, once word had been released to the public about it, including Parker Incorporated and Stark Industries and their contributions, everyone wanted to help. They had also used the funny picture fundraising idea and that made it fun for everyone and they all participated.

Of course, the internet and news stations had been flooded with footage of the alien invasion almost as soon as it happened, so everyone in the country knew about it by the time Manhattan had been opened up again and the people were allowed to return to their homes and their jobs.

The clean-up was well underway and Bestman Salvage was right there in the thick of it, thanks to Ben's recommendation about how well they had cleaned up several buildings and sites before the invasion. Adrian Toomes had approached him personally and shook his hand as he thanked Ben for giving him the free publicity and all the work.

Ben had just laughed and said he gave a young kid a chance to improve himself when he didn't have to, so he had to return the favor. He also apologized that he couldn't quit his other job to work for him again. That made Adrian laugh, because they both ran companies that employed a bunch of people and had much more responsibility than either of them had expected when they first started out.

Ben also bought the house Val had rented for the next college year and he would put the money she was spending for rent into an account for her to have as a retirement fund. It wasn't like he would ever need money ever again, thanks to his booming company.

Because of all the publicity for the heroes during the invasion where they kicked ass, Parker Incorporated's Toy and Merchandise Division finally released the first round of action figures. They flew of the shelves as the various stores tried to stock them. They were praised for their detail, durability, and versatility. No one had ever seen a simple toy with so much articulation before and adults started to buy them for themselves as well as their kids.

T-shirts, posters, baseball caps, and even plastic props of the weapons and armors that the heroes used, were the hottest sellers on the market. The public couldn't get enough of them, especially because three of the heroes were just people inside armored suits. That sparked everyone's imaginations as they realized that they could be heroes as well, if given the chance and had millions of dollars to spend.

Or they could join The Avengers.

Stark Tower was soon renamed Avengers Tower, because it had been the primary site of the epic world-changing battlefield. Tony was surprisingly okay with it and had the name on the side changed to reflect the building's new status. He would never admit that it was actually nice to have a bunch of people around him that were just as weird and eccentric as he was. They had a lot in common, too.


“I can't believe I'm the best selling figure.” Carol Danvers said as she slipped on her costume. She had just finished a shower after having a very enthusiastic romp in bed with her technically young lover. He had told her that he had spent ten years in a time suppression field as he trained to keep the tesseract safe, so she didn't feel guilty at all that she really enjoyed being with him.

Ben had compared it to her travelling in space and the suspension of her own aging process, so she completely agreed with his reasoning. It wasn't how old they physically were, it was how they felt about themselves and how they treated others that mattered. That he was a very experienced lover was a huge bonus for her and might have skewed her opinion, too.

Carol wasn't sure why it didn't bother her that he had several other lovers, sometimes at the same time in the case of his betrothed and his guards. She had watched them go at it once and she could do nothing but admire his ability to make sure that they all had his attention. He also ensured that they didn't feel neglected and he definitely made sure that they were pleased first.

“Have you looked in the mirror, Carol? You're like a glowing goddess when you power up.” Ben said in admiration. “We're already on a third casting for your Captain Marvel version and second for the pilot and plane.”

Carol walked over to him and gave him a warm smile. “You really should release the Goose plush.”

Ben shook his head. “Fury's kept the Flerkin secret for over twenty years. I'm not going to be responsible for making humanity nervous that their house cats could be aliens.”

Carol gave him a tender kiss. “You really do care about people as a whole.”

“I wouldn't have tried to help them if I didn't.” Ben said and then smirked as they left the room and went to the elevator. “Then again, it did get me a chance to see you in person. That alone made all of my efforts worth it.”

Carol smiled back as the elevator doors opened. “You're such a lying charmer.”

“It's only a lie if it's not true.” Ben said and pulled her inside and gave her another kiss. “Remember to leave the package of food and equipment in storage until you want to have it back to full size. There's no way to return it afterwards.”

“Hank was nice enough to do that for me. I won't abuse his trust.” Carol said as the elevator rose to the penthouse.

“Thank you.” Ben said and cupped the sides of her face. “Are you sure you're up for that side trip?”

Carol put her hands on his and closed her eyes to kiss him for several moments. She broke the kiss when the elevator doors opened and she opened her eyes to see a happy smile on Ben's face.

“They'll never know the difference.” Carol said.

“Then I'll see you again in a month or two.” Ben said and led her across the penthouse and out onto the patio deck. “Do you want me to escort you to the upper atmosphere?”

“It's hard enough saying goodbye to you here where I can still touch you.” Carol whispered.

Ben pulled her close once more. “This isn't goodbye, Carol. We'll see each other again soon.”

“Ben, I...” Carol started and then sighed. “I'm not the kind of girl that wants to be a part of a harem.”

Ben had to smile at that. “Did you know that a true harem is sequestered from the rest of the world, locked in a set of rooms, and are only allowed to interact with other women so they are never tempted or influenced by another man? Not even their own sons?”

Carol blinked her eyes at that. “You're joking.”

“Nope.” Ben said. “Forget all of the false harems like they show in anime and manga. That's not a harem. That's a bunch of horny women chasing an ignorant fool that wouldn't know what to do with one of them, let alone a bunch of them.”

Carol looked confused. “But...”

“A real harem is where one man has multiple wives and they all love him or want to be taken care of, possibly care about each other if the women and the man are lucky, and provide him children. That's it. It's archaic and quite stressful to keep them happy, if the man cared about that, especially once sons are born and they are not allowed to raise them past a certain age.”

“You've done the research on this?” Carol asked.

“Extensively. Dating multiple women, loving multiple women, and even having children with multiple women, doesn't count as a harem. Since multiple marriages are illegal and considered polygamy, an actual harem is not achievable anyway.” Ben said and smiled. “Plus, you signed the contracts. When you want to take a year off from saving the universe...”

Carol felt a bit of pressure and looked down to see him poke her belly button through her new vibranium cloth reinforced costume. She blushed at the implication and lifted her eyes to look into his.

“I believe that we're both going to be around for a very long time.” Ben said. “There's no rush and no pressure.”

“What about Shuri?” Carol asked.

“The arranged marriage is four years away. If you don't want to try before then, an average human's lifespan is about 80 years. That's about 60 years before the clauses in the contract become active again. Planetside, anyway.”

Carol nodded, because she knew that the relative time for her as she travelled through space was different than when she was on a planet.

“Just keep it in mind and don't forget to call.” Ben said and lightly touched the wrist of her suit. “I want to test it at the moon, Jupiter past the asteroid belt, and at the edge of the solar system.”

“I'll remember.” Carol said and gave him another kiss. “Thanks for the upgrades.”

Ben smiled and stepped back. “I wasn't going to let my favorite space babe leave Earth unprotected.”

“Space Babe? Really?” Carol asked and put a hand on her hip to glare at him.

“I'm only quoting the internet.” Ben said with a grin and pointed up. “Go ahead and show everyone that calling you babe is a mistake.”

Carol looked up and saw several news helicopters hovering nearby. She looked at him and grinned back. “Thanks, Ben.”

“You're welcome, Captain Marvel.” Ben said and saluted. “Knock'em dead, ma'am!”

Carol's helmet deployed and she saluted back, then she glowed and shot up into the air to hover in front of the helicopters. She spread her arms to the side and started to glow... and glow... and energy flowed around her like a storm. She let a single small pulse out and a blue ring expanded out and the helicopters were pushed back a hundred feet before they recovered.

The energy flowed back to her and formed a one foot barrier around her, then she looked up into the sky and took off like a rocket.

“She's such a showoff.” Ben said with a chuckle and waved at the cameras before he went inside. He had school next week when it reopened and he had a lot of studying to do as his normal life started up again.

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