
I easily blew through physics class again and Mr. Morales looked ambivalent about that. At least I'm not disappointing him. I thought and walked through the halls to get to my newly assigned math class. It was the same room as before, so I had to assume it would become my new homeroom period as well.

When I entered the classroom, I saw the seat I last sat in was occupied.

By Liz.

I let a huge smile grow on my face as I walked over to her and her friends. “Somebody better pinch me, because I think I just died and went to heaven.”

Liz blushed and her friends laughed.

“That was pretty cheesy.” Max said with a small smile on her face.

“I'd offer you some wine; but, I'm trying to look cool here.” I said in a whiny voice, which made a few of the guys around them chuckle.

“What are you doing here, besides making a spectacle of yourself?” Val asked.

“I transferred to this class period.” I said and they all looked shocked. “What is it?”

“This is senior year advanced math.” Gina said.

“Yeah?” I asked and looked at Liz. “So?”

“All right, everyone. Take a seat. The bell's about to ring.” The teacher said.

I glanced around and saw that there were no desks near Liz or her friends. “Does anyone want to trade seats with a guy trying to lick Liz's toes?”

“Ben!” Liz gasped and laughs came from nearly everyone. No one volunteered, though.

“Damn, I'll try again later.” I said and winked at Liz before I walked across the classroom and sat at a seat near the back of the room.

The bell rang and the teacher stood up. “As some of you have clearly seen, we have a new student today.”

“Nope, didn't see him.” “Black guy about six feet tall?” “He's pretty cute.” “He's right there.” Was all said at once as a few of the students just said 'yes' while others made sounds of agreement.

“Why don't you introduce yourself, Mr. Parker.” The teacher said.

“Thanks for getting everyone's attention for me, Mr. Fredricks.” I said and stood with a bit of a hop and spread out my arms, to the sound of a few sarcastically clapping hands. “Thank you, Max!”

Max actually barked a laugh, because she wasn't one of the clappers.

“I'm Ben Parker, recovering amnesiac, and I asked to be transferred because I'm operating at a college level in math class and my old homeroom teacher couldn't keep up with me.”

That definitely got everyone's attention.

“I usually ask for proof before approving a transfer. Luckily, I had been called in to check Mr. Parker's work last week. He should be more than capable of keeping up with the rest of you.”

“Thanks for believing in me, Mr. Fredricks. I won't disappoint you.” I said.

“Wonderful.” He said and picked up the different book than the one I had. “Open that to a random chapter and write out the solution on the board to the fourth question.”

“I thought you didn't need proof, sir.” I said and walked up to his desk and did as he asked.

“You had proof of getting into this class. Now you have to prove you can stay here.” Mr. Fredricks said with a smile.

I chuckled and showed him the chapter I chose and then I went to the board to write out the fourth problem. I handed the book back and looked at the board.

“Any time now, Mr. Parker.” The teacher prompted.

“I already have the solution, sir. It just seems wrong, somehow.” I said.

“Show me.” He responded.

I picked up the chalk again and started to work. I went through all the derivatives and constants first, since those were the easiest to cancel out. It was when I reached the main part of the problem that I stopped and pointed.

“This integer shouldn't be applied here inside the brackets.” I said and tapped on it. “With the variable removed, the underlying structure doesn't make sense.” I crossed the integer out and moved it to the outside of the bracket. “This makes sense and the rest works itself out to nothing like it's supposed to.”

The teacher and the class watched as I zeroed everything out and the problem ended with a 0=0 at the end.

“You see? If I go back and put it how the problem was written...” I said and drew a line and started the same process again, only leaving the integer where it was, and I was left with two variables and a numerical value with a decimal point that couldn't be reduced further.

“There's no actual answer.” The teacher whispered.

I drew another line back and marked where the second to last step was with a circle. “Technically, this is the solution, even though it's unfinished.”

Mr. Fredricks looked at the book in his hands and nodded. “That is the solution they present as an answer.”

“Maybe they made the mistake in the problem on purpose.” I said and put the chalk down. “At least, that's what we have to assume, unless you can call the people who wrote it and ask them what they were thinking.”

The man chuckled and closed the book. “Go ahead and sit down, Ben.”

“Yes, sir.” I said and went back to my seat. I did not miss the almost hungry look on Liz's face and I was glad that lunch period was next, because I was pretty sure that she was going to assault me with her lips as soon as we were outside the classroom door.

When the bell rang to end class, I was dragged out of the classroom by Liz. Her friends formed a physical barrier around us and the sultry look Liz had, gave me an erection. She looked down at it and then at my face before she dove for my lips and kissed me deeply. Her tongue was all over the place as she tried tasting every part of the inside of my mouth, so I had to clamp my lips on it to stop her.

Liz broke the kiss and leaned back as she looked at me like I had refused her. “Why did you stop?”

“I want to leave the dental exams for my dentist.” I said.

Max chuckled as Liz's eyes widened.

I reached up and cupped the sides of Liz's face. “This is how you're supposed to kiss someone you like.” I whispered and then I closed my eyes and kissed her with as much tenderness and care as I could. I gently probed her mouth and tongue with my own tongue and Liz moaned as her arms wrapped tightly around my neck.

“Holy shit.” Someone whispered and I couldn't tell who it was.

We stayed there for several minutes and someone tapped my shoulder.

“Teacher down the hall.” Val whispered.

I broke the kiss and Liz still had her eyes closed. “Let's go to lunch.”

Liz nodded her head and kept her eyes closed as she shifted to my side and held onto my neck.

“I don't think you can walk like that.” I commented.

“Then carry me.” Liz said and finally opened her eyes to stare at me.

“If you want me to.” I said and bent slightly to scoop her up into my arms into a princess carry.

“Oh, my god.” Max said and shook her head. “You can't seriously think you can carry her all the way to the cafeteria.”

“Maybe.” I said and winked at Val, who laughed.

“Put her down, Romeo.” Gina said. “Ignoring the tripping hazard you'd cause with everyone staring at you, the teachers would get you in trouble for it.”

I sighed exaggeratedly. “Okay.” I said and carefully put Liz back on her feet.

“We've got a club meeting, so we'll see you later.” Val said and smiled at me before she and Gina left.

“Don't carry her.” Max said and followed the other two.

I chuckled and reached up to take Liz's arms from around my neck. I held onto one of her hands and she was both sad and happy about that. “If we eat quickly, we'll have most of lunch to keep practising.”

Liz nodded several times and we went to lunch. We actually did eat very quickly, since it was just us at the table today. We left to find a nice cubbyhole in a small alcove that a fire extinguisher was stored in and we locked lips for the rest of the lunch period.

I walked Liz to class, which a lot of people noticed, and I went to Modern History class myself. Mr. Jensen was becoming one of my favorite teachers, because he always gave the best lectures about everything that was going on in the world currently. I wrote down everything he said and every so often he would notice and smile.

I went to chemistry next and my prediction had been right. Because I had completed the lab and already submitted it, I didn't have to recreate it during the lab. Unfortunately, I wasn't allowed to leave the lab to go to the library and had to stay around.

So, I cheated and took out the extensive notes I had made on Saturday about spiders and their web properties. I also took out the notes I made on chemical compositions and their related properties. I cross referenced them and eventually found the right balance between the available chemicals I could access in the classroom without arousing suspicion.

It took me the entire two period lab time to work out a viable mix that could be used as a spider silk substitute. I didn't try to make it, however. I didn't have enough time to experiment right there, so I had to sneak a few vials of different compounds into my backpack to try at home. I followed all the appropriate protocols as well, because the last thing I needed was cross-contamination.

I went to the library and Gladys gave me a knowing smile when I entered. “I am at your mercy, noble librarian. Please be gentle. This is my first time.”

Gladys barked a laugh and pointed to several stacks of books beside her chair. “I've already sorted them, so you're just a pack mule today.”

I smiled at her and picked up the first stack. “Carrying I can do! Lead the way, dear lady!”

Gladys nodded and led me around the library and we returned the books back to where they had been taken from. I handed her the last book from the first stack and ran back to grab another stack. I returned to her side and she smiled warmly at me.

We continued our work and managed to return all of the misplaced books before my hour was up. Instead of trying to study, I went back with her to her counter and sat with her to talk about her job. She wasn't nervous as she discussed how she became a librarian and I told her that I respected her dedication to ensuring that the books she had available for the students would actually help them.

“You can't make me like you more by complimenting me so much.” Gladys said.

“Oho! So you DO like me! I knew it!” I exclaimed and she laughed.

“Smart ass.”

“Shhh! That's a secret!” I said and waved her to silence, which made her laugh again.

“You were never this charming before.” Gladys said.

“You would be surprised how much your priorities change when you use your head to make a metal railing ring like the Liberty Bell during an invasion.”

Gladys laughed once more and her hand reached up and touched the bald spot on my head. “I don't want you to hate me for thinking that this was a good thing to happen to you.”

I reached up and took her hand to hug it to my chest. “I believe it was a good thing, too. My life since then has been full of new things, having fun with people I never would have had fun with before, and it's opened new doors for me to step through.” I lifted her hand to my mouth and kissed it. “I don't think I could have asked for anything more.”

Gladys blushed a little. “You should head to the office to meet with Mary.”

“Oh, no! You're kicking me out before I can make a pass at you!” I said with mock horror on my face and she swatted at my head with her free hand.

“Let my hand go and get going.” Gladys said.

“With reluctance.” I said and grinned at her as I leaned forward and kissed her cheek. “I might not see you again for a while, so I hope that will tide you over until I can visit with you again.”

Gladys blushed and waved me away. “Get going, you!”

I nodded and walked around the counter. “I'll always remember our special time together, dear lady!”

Gladys' blush increased and she shook her head at me.

“Too much?” I asked and she nodded. “That's too bad! I already said it! Hahahaha!” I said and ran out of the library.

Mary was waiting for me in front of the office and nodded to me to follow her. I did as she wanted and we left the school and went to the parking lot. She had a moderately nice car, a bit better than a mid-range value in the current market, and she unlocked the passenger door and opened it for me.

“Thank you.” I said and smiled warmly at her.

“It's not a date.” Mary said as I hopped inside. She shut the door and walked around to the driver's side.

I had been tempted to lock the doors on her, then decided not to. A little playing was okay. Teasing more than she would find funny would be a mistake.

We left the parking lot and the flow of traffic through the city was slow at this time of the day, so we didn't get to her apartment for another half an hour. That was okay for me, because I still had plenty of time to put together whatever she needed before I had to catch a cross-city bus to go home.

“I don't want you making jokes about this.” Mary said when she shut the door of her apartment. “The wardrobe you need to put together is in my bedroom.”

I gave her my best innocent face. “I would never joke about a lady's unmentionables... unless it will make her laugh. I can't resist that!”

Mary shook her head and led me to her bedroom and pointed to a large rectangular box. “They said the directions are inside. You shouldn't need any extra tools because it comes with an Allan wrench.”

I groaned. “I have to do it by hand? The whole thing?” I asked and waved at the picture of the large double cabinet on the front of the box.

“I'll tell you what options I want you to assemble and in what order.” Mary said.

“You can customize it?” I asked and she nodded. “Dammit.”

Mary laughed and put a hand on my shoulder briefly. “Open it up and get the pieces out. We can go over the instructions together and plan out what to do first and then we can clear out an appropriate space for it.”

I sighed exaggeratedly and nodded with a sad look on my face.

“I have chocolate chip cookies for a snack later.” Mary said.

I perked up at that. “Why didn't you say so?” I asked and tore open the end of the box and pulled out the bag with the instructions and a pile of screws, bolts, and finish nails inside. “I might need a hammer to apply the back panel if the wood doesn't let me just push the tiny nails into it.”

“I think I have one here somewhere.” Mary said, unsure.

“I can use a thick shoe or a nice boot heel, too.” I said and opened the instructions. “You weren't kidding about the different options! This thing is loaded!”

Mary chuckled and we sat on her bed to look the instructions over. She produced a pencil from somewhere and we marked the different things she wanted and where, which dictated what parts of the instructions I followed. It took us about twenty minutes to get everything sorted, then the arduous task of taking out all of the parts and checking them against the instructions began.

As I predicted, it took about two hours to assemble the thing, even though the instructions claimed that it was 'easily assembled'. I had also cheated near the end, because we had made a mistake with one of the options. She had thought she could get a second metal bar mounted in the bottom half on the left side to hang another row of blouses, except there was only one set of mounting brackets.

I used one of the cross pieces of shelving that she wasn't going to need and made it into a standing wall of the cabinet, making it about a third wider than it was supposed to be, and used the drill she had to cut a hole in it to mount the second metal bar.

With the extra space that created on the side, I also used up the last two pieces of shelving to secure the top and bottom with screws to make a spot that she could hang full dry cleaning bags instead of just her blouses and things. I even turned the back panel to the side and only the very bottom two feet of the wardrobe wasn't covered from the back.

Mary stared at the thing as I sat beside her on the bed. “Ben, how the hell did you do that?”

“Math and mechanical engineering.” I said and she gave me a surprised look. “I knew the size of the metal pole, the extra shelving, and the amount of screws and things I could safely use without compromising the rest of the cabinet. I'll pick up some more screws and a piece of extra panelling tonight from the hardware store and I'll come back tomorrow afternoon to finish things up.”

“Ben, this... this was a lot more than I expected when I tricked you into doing this for me.”

“You didn't trick me.” I said and put an arm around her back to give her a one arm hug. “I offered to help and I won't leave a job partially finished. It doesn't need the extra screws; but, why take the chance that it might?”

Mary nodded. “Thank you, Ben.”

“You're welcome.” I said and stood up. “Thanks for the cookies.”

“I'm sorry I'm out of milk.” Mary said with a smile.

“I am not making a joke about that. Nope, I am not. Nope, nope.” I said and she laughed.

“I'll walk you out.” Mary said and led me out of her bedroom and to her apartment door.

“You do realize I can joke about you having me in your bedroom, don't you?” I joked.

Mary blushed and then gave me a very significant look. “If you even mention you saw my bed to anyone else, you will suddenly find that your name can no longer be found in the Midtown High School records system.”

My mouth dropped open in shock and she laughed before she pushed me out the door and shut it in my face. “Well, damn. That last teasing comment backfired spectacularly.”

“You better believe it!” Mary said through her apartment door.

“It's not nice to eavesdrop!” I said back.

“It's not nice to tease the woman that controls your future.” Mary responded.

“That is an excellent point.” I said. “See you tomorrow.”

“Bye!” Mary said and I heard her walk away.

I did as well and left the building. I had a bus to catch and a take-out supper to eat with May.

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