
I showed up at school the next day and made the front office delivery, which the office workers enjoyed. Mary couldn't tease me, because one of the other women stayed and needed her help with something as they ate the last of the donuts. I tucked the bag of donuts that was for her beside the counter where she could see it and left.

I left the school and ran back to the coffee shop and took out the list that the Latin teacher gave me. The young woman behind the counter beamed a smile at me for coming back so soon, then she laughed as I read off the long list for her that would keep her and the other barista busy. I had them mark each one, so they wouldn't be mixed up, and then I bought three dozen donuts and had her mix them up.

I asked for her to not put in the ones that were almost always left from a normal box when the rest were quickly taken. I had a lot of experience with that now and she really laughed when I told her I was carrying everything by myself and didn't have a car or anything.

“I'm going to let you borrow one of our display trays.” She said and pulled out one that was covered in wax paper and had previously held most of the donuts that I just bought. “Please bring it back as soon as you can.”

“You don't have to do that.” I said and she ignored me.

The two baristas filled the middle of the very large tray, that was the size of a cookie sheet, with the paper holders that held four coffees each, then they put the coffees into them. They then placed the two boxes of donuts on top of the coffees and the last box of donuts on top of the other two boxes.

I picked up the tray to test it and it was firm and well balanced. “Wow, you guys are good!”

They both gave me bright smiles and looked quite happy.

I put the tray down and handed each of them a twenty dollar bill. “Thank you very much for your hard work.”

They both blushed and accepted the large tip.

“See you soon!” I said and picked up the tray and left the shop. With the thing so well balanced, I had no trouble at all getting back to the school. When I approached the front door, one of the guys saw me coming and opened it for me. “Thanks! If you see me at lunch, get my attention and remind me to give you one of my sub sandwiches.”

The guy chuckled and nodded.

I entered the school and quickly made my way to the fabled teacher's lounge where they spent their time before the school day, after the school day, and during lunch or any class they had off. I had to kick the door because my hands were full and I didn't have to wait for more than ten seconds before the door opened and a frowning face greeted me.

“Oh, it's you.” Mr. Harrison said.

“Coffee delivery!” I said loudly and Mr. Harrison was suddenly not blocking the door anymore. It almost looked like he had been tackled and I stepped into the lounge to look, I saw Coach Wilson grin at me and give me a thumbs-up. I chuckled and carried my burden over to the large table at the side of the room. I moved the donut boxes off and stepped out of the way.

“Sweet ambrosia!” Mr. Kinneson said and was the first to come over.

“Second from the back.” I said and pointed.

Mr. Kinneson gave me an odd look, then picked up 'his' latte. He saw his name on it and chuckled. “You're sucking up pretty hard, Ben.”

“Only if I did it from memory, sir.” I said and flashed him a piece of paper. “I had a list.”

Mr. Kinneson barked a laugh and opened the first box of donuts. “Apple fritters?”

“Third box near the back.” I said and he opened it and grabbed two of them.

That apparently was everyone's cue to come over and get their coffee and to raid the donut boxes. I spent the next couple of minutes pointing out the coffees and the donuts for everyone and made sure they were all happy with what they had.

When they coffees were mostly gone and only two of them remained, one was for Mr. Harrison and the other one was for Mrs. Warren, the two classes I had dropped, quantum mechanics (and the academic decathlon) and computer science. I put the coffees into the same paper tray and put it on the center of the table and picked up the large tray I had brought everything on.

Miss Romani saw me preparing to leave and excused herself from talking to a teacher I didn't know. She walked over to me and smiled. “You went even further than I thought you would.”

“My aunt told me that I couldn't half-ass anything.” I said and she chuckled.

“The dish is there at the back of the table near the wall.” Miss Romani whispered.

I made it a point to look over at it and there was quite a pile of change there. I didn't move towards it and smiled as I looked back at her. “Please enjoy the coffee and donuts, compliments of Penis Parker.”

That had several different sounds come from all of the teachers present. A lot of laughs, a spit take from a partial mouthful of coffee, one groan, one slap to the forehead, a guffaw from Coach Wilson, and two half-moans and half-laughs. The last two were from Miss Leyva and Miss Romani.

“I need to get this tray back to the shop before school starts.” I said and tucked it under my arm.

“Ben?” Miss Romani whispered and her eyes told me she was asking me for something important.

“It's too crowded to not be noticed sneaking away.” I whispered back, because my spider-sense was tingling slightly. “I can do this again after new years.”

Miss Romani closed her eyes briefly and nodded.

I walked around her and waved and nodded to the teachers I knew, and left the lounge. I jogged through the starting to get crowded halls and made it outside, then I ran pretty fast across the parking lot and down the street. I entered the shop and the look of relief on the barista's face told me exactly how important returning the tray was.

I walked over to the counter and placed the tray down. “Thanks again for the brief loan. It made all the difference.”

“You're welcome.” She said and accepted it back, quickly wrapped it in wax paper again, and the other barista brought out more donuts. “Shouldn't you be running of again?”

“Yeah.” I said and stared at her.

She had a bright smile on her face as she reached into her pocket and pulled out a piece of paper before she wrote her number on it. She handed it to me without a word and she and the other woman started to load up the display once more.

“Thanks.” I said and then did as she said. I ran.

I made it to English Lit class just as the bell rang and the teacher smiled at me as she tossed her coffee cup into the trash. I easily followed along with the rest of the class because I had read the book already and we all had a discussion about the content. I passed in the completed book report at the end of class and the teacher looked surprised.

“You weren't lying last week?” She asked, surprised.

“Nope! Penis Parker really is my nickname.” I joked and she let out a snort and then laughed. “Have a good holiday break, Miss.”

“You too, Ben.”

I left her class and went to civil engineering and then business economics. When lunch arrived, I went to my locker and grabbed my lunch and dropped off my morning books and picked up my mechanical engineering book and scribbler. I went to the cafeteria and the guy that held the door for me that morning, waved to me.

“Hey, man.” He said as I walked over to his table and he had a couple of other guys with him.

“Hey.” I said and sat. My spider-sense tingled a little and I let my senses follow it to the source. It was the second guy and he looked like he was struggling to keep his face impassive. I opened my backpack and pulled out a large brown paper bag. “As promised.” I said and pulled out a foot long sub sandwich wrapped in wax paper.

“Holy shit!” He exclaimed at the size of the thing.

“It tastes better than it looks.” I said and we all fell silent as we ate. That guy kept giving me odd looks and I wasn't sure why. It wasn't like I had ever done anything to him. Not that I could remember, anyway. I finished eating and packed up, said goodbye to them, and left the table. My spider-sense didn't stop until I had left the cafeteria.

I went to my mechanical engineering class early and I quickly discovered that Spider-Man had pilfered several of the better alloy examples that the teacher had on display. They were strong, lightweight, and didn't rust, which meant they were prime choices for my suit's reinforcements. I had also used the CNC machine to make parts of the casings and structure for my security devices and mounting brackets.

During the class while I worked on the last two projects that would let me catch up to the rest of the class, I tried to figure out what to do about it. I thought about slipping a couple of hundred dollars into his desk drawer, except he would know someone from this class would have done that if he had checked the desk before I came in.

It was then I thought of what to do. I marked it down on my doodles from physics class that I would thank my mechanical engineering professor Mr. Simmons for teaching me what I needed to know to create parts for my security devices. Having his name mentioned along with my new invention should make him pretty happy.

That made me think of Miss Layva, or Selena as she liked to be called in private. I could mention she taught me all about chemistry as well and I hoped that would make her happy. Of course, as soon as I thought about her being happy, I remembered what had happened before chemistry lab yesterday. I was glad that I was standing up and working on a lathe, because my erection rose with a vengeance.

I had been so busy since then that I hadn't had a chance to think about it and now that I did, it was both extremely hot and immoral, which seemed to just add a bit of spice to the whole incident. Both the teacher and I knew it was wrong to do anything like that, and yet, it had happened and she seemed to really enjoy it. The look she had on her face afterwards was a huge turn on, too.

I couldn't quite push those thoughts aside as I continued to work. Luckily, they didn't interfere with creating and machining the parts I needed for the last two projects. I had them both done before the end of class and left them on the teacher's desk. He nodded and smiled at me, which was all the acknowledgement I needed to accept his approval.

I left the mechanical lab and entered the attached classroom, sat at my desk, and returned to working on the new web formula and fleshing out the designs I had created in physics class the day before. It was a fire suppression device that worked in a similar manner, except it would contain the different kinds of fire retardant materials for the different kinds of fires, like grease fires, normal fires, and chemical fires.

The sensor would detect what was needed, or it could be chosen with the phone app, and then only that version of the fire suppressant would be ejected by the mechanism. I had to admit that it was a brilliant adaptation to my security device, even if it was almost three times the size, and I would have to file the patent for it as soon as I could after the security device was accepted.

I packed up when the bell rang and I went to my locker to drop everything off. I didn't bother taking any books home, except for the programming books I had borrowed from Gladys. I needed to surpass the students in the extra credit course and I had some programs of Peter's to pull apart. I doubted I could get it done by Friday, the deadline ended in two days, because I just didn't have the spare time to work on it.

I left the school and went home on the bus, studied the computer books that took a bit more to get through than I expected it should, which meant I was learning new information and not acquiring previous knowledge. That was good, because it meant I was finally surpassing Peter's knowledge in a lot of things.

I set dinner to cooking and cleaned the apartment like a champion. I had been doing it so often and so well, that I barely even used my brain as I worked. I did everything by rote, almost automatically, and I was done long before the food was ready. I chuckled as I looked around the apartment and everything looked crisp, clean, and in some cases, gleamed.

I sat down and relaxed and waited for the food to finish cooking, prepped the date table, and then did up the meal for May and myself. The apartment door opened as I placed the plates on the table and a tired May came in. I walked across the living room and helped her take off her coat and her shoes, gave her feet a bit of a rub, then led her over to the kitchen.

I sat her down and went to my side of the table, ducked under it and grabbed her nylon covered feet, and carefully held on as I half-stood and sat my butt onto my chair. I put her feet on my lap and used one hand to rub them for her as I started to eat. May wasn't moving and I looked up to see a completely shocked face.

“I'm sorry if this is distracting you. You looked like you've been on your feet all day and you needed this.” I said and lightly patted her feet. “Do you want me to stop?”

“No!” May gasped and then blushed. “It's okay. You can do it if you want.”

I chuckled. “It's all right if you enjoy it, May. That's kind of the point. It helps you relax and it eases the tension in your muscles.”

May nodded and started eating.

I took my time to eat and also massaged her feet. I hadn't really done anything like that before and I felt her feet twitch a couple of times. “Tell me what I'm doing wrong.”

May looked a bit surprised, then she blushed a little. “You're applying too much pressure on certain areas. Ease off there and increase in others.”

“Can you show me when we're done eating?” I asked and she nodded. “Thanks, May. I appreciate it.”

“Ben.” May whispered. “You're already doing so much. Teaching you how to massage my feet makes it seem like I'm using you.”

“You've apparently forgotten my words when I first woke up.” I said and she had a thoughtful look on her face. “I told you to abuse the situation and tell me everything you want me to do and not just what I used to do. I was a blank slate and I wouldn't know if it was the truth or not.”

“Ben, I... I couldn't do that to you.” May whispered.

I smiled and held one of her feet and gave it a quick tickle. May barked a laugh and then gasped.

“I wanted you to, May. I want to be everything you need to keep your life running smoothly. Cooking, cleaning, prepping your bath, it's all a part of taking care of you. Massaging your feet... properly... can only make me better at meeting your needs.”

May took a deep breath and let it out. “All right.”

“Thank you.” I said and we finished eating.

What followed was half an hour of me expanding my biology knowledge and learning about pressure points and blood flow. That sparked several thoughts in my head and I would have to do some research on a few things. I left a very happy May relaxing on the couch as I went upstairs and prepared my gym bag.

I added the business suit, the collapsible batons, a pair of handcuffs, my web shooters, a can of pepper spray, the two untraceable cell phones, the sunglasses, an earpiece, a two way radio, my safety equipment for work, the agent handbook, some of the different currencies, and the evidence gathering kit to complete my cover that I was a new agent.

I left the apartment dressed in my work clothes and rode the bus to where I needed to go. I checked the dump truck and everything looked fine, so I entered the building and got to work. My words to the guys on Monday had been accepted as to how they should leave things every night, so I had to laugh and the extra high piles of debris.

I worked my ass off and cleared the place out, loaded the dump truck, and left work. After I stopped at a different pay-per-hour motel to shower and had an almost identical interaction with the guy at the counter as the last time, I made my way to the secret SHIELD training building.

I had a date with a certain secret agent to get to and I was looking forward to it, even if she was going to beat the crap out of me. It was the best way for me to learn quickly, apparently.

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