Self Insert as Spider-Man MCU

39 Biological Functions


On Friday morning, I made another coffee delivery for the office staff and the teachers, which they all appreciated, and biology lab that morning was a little entertaining because my lab partner Sally looked flustered the entire time. I waited until there was about half an hour before lunch when I discreetly approached the teacher.

“Miss Capstick?” I whispered and she gave me an interested look.

“Ben? Anything wrong?”

I handed her the lab report and then leaned in close. “Sally's looking odd. I think the lab got to her or something.”

Miss Capstick looked over at my assigned table and saw the state Sally was in.

“Do you mind if we leave early? She might tell me what's wrong if we're in the library or something.”

Miss Capstick gave me a slight nod.

“Thank you. I'll have the barista add a double shot to your latte next time.” I whispered and she smiled. I walked back to my desk and packed everything up, did Sally's backpack as well, then I took her hand and led her out of the classroom.

We were halfway down the hallway before Sally finally broke the silence. “This is my last chance.”

I came to a stop and looked at her. “Last chance for what?”

“I won't get to see you again until the new year and everyone's already talking about what happened in the cafeteria yesterday.” Sally said and the she blushed.

“Ah, I see.” I said and led her down the hallway and into the girl's bathroom. “Lights on or off?”

“Wh-what?” Sally asked.

“I can't suckle your breasts or eat you out if you're nervous about me seeing you naked.” I said and she started breathing heavily. “It's okay, Sally. We don't have to do anything...”

“LIGHTS OFF!” Sally yelled and took off her backpack and started scrambling to undress.

I chuckled and walked over to the door where several switches were. I flicked a few off, testing what ones did what, and stopped when there was only light inside the stalls and nowhere else. I reached up and pushed the hydraulic door piston into the locked position and walked over to Sally.

“Um... do we... the floor, or...” Sally's unsure voice whispered.

I quickly did the counter cleaning trick with hand soap and toilet paper, then I kissed her. Sally moaned pretty loudly, which was a little surprising, then she gasped when I pretended to struggle and lifted her up onto the counter.

“Ben! You could have seriously hurt yourself!” Sally exclaimed.

“Studied... weightlifting.” I said and pretended to be a little winded. “Thought you might... ask.”

“Oh, Ben!” Sally said and grabbed me by the neck and pulled me in to kiss me. We did that for several minutes, then I broke the kiss and mounded my hands into her large breasts. “Ohhhh... mmm...”

I held in my chuckle at her feeling good just from that, because she was going to be really surprised when I started to seriously play with her. I pinched her nipples a little to make them pop out, then I pushed her breasts together and sucked on both nipples at the same time.

“OHH!” Sally gasped and came.

“That's one.” I whispered and kissed her breasts all over.

“O-o-one?” Sally asked.

“I should have enough time to get you to four before the lunch bell rings.”

“Four!” Sally gasped.

“At least.” I said and moved down.

She looked reluctant to open her legs and I was pretty sure why. It would be difficult to maintain the area regularly and she had long dark hair, unlike Max who had short curly black hair. Despite having only the soft light from the stalls to look with, I could clearly see everything.

I eased her legs apart and she didn't resist, even as she made a disbelieving sound. She did have a lot of hair down there; but, people were naturally hairy. If you couldn't accept that, with the visible proof on their arms and legs, you were being unrealistic.

Once I moved the hair out of the way to reveal my target, I was surprised by the sight. Even with her extra weight, it seemed to have not suffered from that and was surprisingly pretty. I couldn't tell her that, though. The lights were off for a reason. So, I gave her a lick.

“OHH!” Sally gasped again and then she almost cried. “This is happening. It's really happening.”

I held in my laugh at the disbelief in her voice. She was naked and sat on a bathroom counter, with my fingers holding her open, and she had to wait for me to lick her before she would believe it. I didn't want her to think I was chickening out, though. I dove in there and quickly confirmed that she wasn't a virgin. Or at least, there had been something shoved in there to break her hymen. I wasn't going to ask.

Sally actually came six times as I played with her and made her feel really, really good. Once she got going, it was almost too easy to keep her there on the edge of coming and to stretch it out and out to make it feel that much better. When the bell rang to end morning classes, Sally let out a moan and a sigh.

I quickly washed my hands and my face, then I went back to her. She hadn't moved to clean herself or to dress, which meant she was starting to doubt things. Either that or she was starting to doubt it ever happened and wanted to keep the proof for as long as possible.

“Sally.” I whispered and she turned her head to look at me.

“I'm pathetic.” Sally said and a tear came from her eye.

“Why do you think that?” I asked and hopped up on the counter to sit beside her.

“Look at me. I stripped off at school, where anyone could walk in and see me, and I let a guy I barely know play with me like a toy.” Sally said and let out a sob. “What's wrong with me?”

I took a deep breath and let it out. “There could be several things. I hinted pretty heavily that I don't mind the extra weight. I've been flirting with everyone like it's going out of style, and you know for a fact I have no problems going down on a girl and I don't expect anything in return.”

Sally looked a little surprised. “I asked what was wrong with me, not you.”

I chuckled. “Ah, but that's the problem. You see, I've become a target for your thoughts. What if... will he... would he... can he?” I asked her and her eyes widened. “Temptation is a heavy thing to deal with, especially if you know he's already done it a bunch of times with one girl and just started with another.”

“But, I... am I just another girl?” Sally asked.

“That depends on your own self worth.” I said and she looked shocked. “If you want to feel special I'll tell you that you are an individual and that there's no other girl like you.”

Sally blushed.

“If you want to be compared to other girls, because you think your extra weight makes you stand out, then I'll tell you that you are one of hundreds of girls that I could do this with and that your weight has absolutely no bearing on if I like the taste of your pussy or not.”

“B-BEN!” Sally gasped.

“By the way, I did.” I said and hopped off of the counter to look into her eyes. “I'll also tell you that those are the biggest breasts I've ever seen and your nipples are spectacular. I could suck on them all day.”

“Oh, god.” Sally whispered and stared at me. “You mean that, don't you?”

“I don't have any reason to lie.” I said and handed her some toilet paper. “You need to get cleaned up and we're going to be late for lunch.”

“You want to eat lunch with me again?” Sally asked, surprised.

“Sure. It's not like I don't sit somewhere new every day.”

“But... you and Max...”

“Shh! That's a secret affair! We're just friends!” I said and Sally let out a little laugh. “I'll wait outside for you to get dressed, okay?”

Sally nodded and I started to walk away. “Ben.”

I stopped and went back to her.

“Thanks.” Sally said and blushed.

“I did tell the entire cafeteria that my tongue was back on the market.” I said and leaned in to give her a quick kiss. “It's not your fault that you wanted to take advantage of that.”

“It... it's not?” Sally asked.

“Nope! I'm just too dashing and heroic for a damsel to resist.” I said and struck an exaggerated pose so she could see it in the soft light. “If there is a dry vagina out there, it is my mission to make it wet! I will not rest until vaginal dryness becomes a thing of the past!”

Sally snorted and then laughed pretty hard for a minute as her breasts jiggled nicely.

“I'll be outside.” I said and lightly touched her hand, then went to the door. I let my spider-sense guide me and I waited for a moment as it tingled, there was a soft bump on the door, a light curse, then whoever it was moved on. I popped the piston back into place and slipped outside and reached back to turn the lights on without looking.

Sally came out a few minutes later and she had a blank look on her face.

“Sally! There you are. I've been looking all over for you.” I said and several people walking by glanced at us and continued on. “Lunch awaits!”

Sally nodded and we walked through several hallways to get to the cafeteria. “Ben you don't have to do this.”

I chuckled and walked with her into the cafetera and a bunch of people greeted me. Max waved and I waved back as I went to the lunch line with Sally.

“You're not going over to her?” Sally asked in a whisper.

“We don't own each other.” I commented. “We really are friends.”

“But... what if... she wants you to be there?” Sally asked as she grabbed a prepared meal from the choices available and we moved down to the cashier.

I almost applauded that she didn't grab a dessert. “I'll pop over after I eat. I brought her a piece of pound cake with butter cream icing.”

Sally's mouth drooled and she stared at me.

I chuckled and paid for her lunch. “I'll share some of mine with you.”

“Okay.” Sally said and we went to a table and ate our lunches, talked about the lab that morning, and Sally let out a loud moan when she tasted my light and fluffy pound cake. “It's sinful!”

I laughed and gave her the rest of the piece, because of the attention she just gave us. “Enjoy that, because it's diet.”

Sally's mouth fell open at my words.

“You don't think I'd cook greasy and fatty foods if I want to maintain the guns, do you?” I asked and flexed my arms as I did a double arm curl.

A whistle and a couple of cat-calls came from a table not far away.

“Oops! No need to show off. Sorry, ladies!” I said to them and they laughed. I grabbed my things and lightly touched Sally's shoulder. “Merry Christmas.”

“M-merry Christmas.” Sally said and watched me walk part way across the cafeteria.

I sat next to Max and the glare she gave me was a classic. “Yes, I brought you a piece.” I said and took out the container and handed her several forks. “It's up to you if you want to share.”

“Oh, you bastard.” Max groused and handed the forks to Liz, Val, and Gina.

I chuckled and opened the container to reveal a large piece of cake smothered in icing, then laughed as the four girls dug in and consumed it in only moments. “Now I know why May was angry that I made two of them.”

“You have more?!?” Max growled at me.

“Not on me!” I said and laughed. “We can hang out on Sunday and you can raid my refrigerator.”

“Hey! That's not fair!” Val exclaimed and Gina let out a laugh and Liz looked a little sad. “I thought you said we were all friends?”

I glanced at Max and she shrugged a little. “All right, you can all come over. Is noon okay?”

Max, Val, and Gina nodded and Liz looked unsure.

“It's okay if you can't or if you don't want to. We're just going to hang out and munch on some goodies.” I said and then smiled. “What about watching a movie? I can do up a buffet style on the kitchen table and we can laugh at what passes for an action movie...”

“Tragic love story!” “Romance!” “Slasher!” Val, Gina, and Max interrupted at the same time.

I barked a laugh at their response. “Yep, this is going to be fun.”

Liz gave her friends a look and then looked at me. “I'll be there.”

Her friends hugged her and I nodded as I packed up. When the bell rang to end lunch, I went to geography and then it was time for gym. I entered the large area and the coach waved me over.

“You can go to any of the exercise stations you want, Ben.” Coach Wilson said.

“Thanks, coach!” I said and walked over to Liz and her friends. “Hello, ladies! Long time, no see!”

“Ugh, you're too chipper for gym class, Ben!” Max groused.

“I'm sorry, I'm just pumped I get to spend even more time with the hottest girls in the school.” I said.

Liz blushed, Val looked pleased, Gina blushed and also rolled her eyes, and Max lightly smacked me on the head.

“What? I can't compliment my friends now?” I asked and rubbed the spot.

“You can compliment us when you're being sincere.” Max responded.

I gave her a confused look. “Wait a second. Are you seriously telling me that you're not the hottest girls in the school and that my eyes are deceiving me?”

That had blushes going all around.

Mission accomplished. I thought with a smile. “Who wants to do the rope climb first?”

“You can!” The four girls said as one.

“It's too easy with the knots.” I said and went to the closest one, then pretty much shimmied up the thing like a monkey, touched the tag at the top, and climbed back down.

“Jesus.” Max whispered as I walked back over to them. “How did you do that?”

“The knots are at specific distances to let your hands and feet work in tandem. You just treat it like a shaky ladder, taking it one step at a time, and you're all set.” I said. “Give it a try.”

Max raised her eyebrows at me. “You just want to stare at my butt as I climb.”

I beamed a smile at her. “What a great idea! Thanks, Max! I'll hold the rope steady for you, too!”

Max groaned as Liz, Val, and Gina laughed.


Natasha shoved her electrified baton into the neck of the bastard that had killed several of the hostages. She wasn't allowed to kill him for it, even though she really wanted to. He had vital information that they needed on the operation he was involved in, so he had to stay alive for now.

He was just a middleman that was funded by rich backers and he funnelled that into various crimes, including the terrorist cell she and Clint were tasked to dismantle. She stood above his twitching and unconscious form and worked out in her head what she was going to do to him to make him talk. He would be spilling all of his secrets before he even realized it.

That thought brought Natasha back to her little tryst earlier in the week. She really had let herself go and she used that young man to bring herself to the heights of pleasure that she hadn't felt in a long time. Her feelings in that area had been dulled over the years, because she had seduced more than her fair share of targets. Some for personal reasons and a lot for business.

Natasha remembered one particular position vividly. She had been riding him pretty hard while she faced away from him in a reverse cowgirl position, then he had grabbed her arms and slowly pulled her backwards and bent her back in an arch. He changed his grip to her shoulders and then her head, before he kissed her hard while she still rode him.

She hadn't been in a perfect ballerina bridge pose in quite some time and it felt so natural that they had stayed like that until they both came. It was honestly the sexiest thing she had ever done while sleeping with someone, and she had slept with a lot of people.

“Widow? Did you get the target?” Clint asked over her earpiece.

Natasha pushed her thoughts aside and tapped her earpiece. “Just tasered him. He killed three of the hostages before I could take him down.”

“Fuck.” Clint whispered.

“Yeah.” Natasha whispered back.

“Clean-up crew?” Clint asked.

“Ten minutes. I'll get this guy secured and we can move.” Natasha said.

“Got it.” Clint said and paused. “We got here as soon as we could.”

“I know. Widow out.” Natasha said and tapped her earpiece to end the call. She stared down at the man she was going to work over and she couldn't help but compare him to the young man that she had thoroughly fucked.

Normally, that wouldn't have bothered her. Brief liaisons were expected to happen in the spy business. What bothered her was that he had thanked her for it. He had been genuinely grateful, and that had stuck in her mind, even more than the feeling of him filling her up had.

Natasha used several zip ties on the guy's wrists and ankles, searched him, then grabbed his collar and dragged him roughly out of his panic room. So what if he banged his arms and legs a few extra times on the way out to the extraction vehicle? He wasn't going to be complaining about it. Not for long.

As she handed him to the extraction team and stood off to the side as the clean-up crew went inside the house to get to work, Natasha's mind went to their group's travel plans and she tried to deny that she was looking forward to being back in New York on Saturday night.

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