Self Insert as Spider-Man MCU

61 Training Intermission


I worked for three solid hours at my construction job and realized that the work was becoming easier and easier. Even though I wasn't using my strength, just my relaxed form was allowing me to do a lot more than I should be able to. I made sure to not show off too much in front of the camera, though.

I went home and laughed when I saw that May was upside down on the couch with her legs over the back and her head hung down where her legs should have been. She was also making loud fake snores.

“I'll be right back, you big ham.” I said and went upstairs, stashed my things in my room, then took a quick shower and put on a full set of pyjamas.

May was still upside down on the couch, so I went to the back of it, sat down on the top, and flopped backwards to copy her.

“Do you hang out here a lot, Miss Bat?” I asked and she let out a girlish giggle.

“You were supposed to struggle trying to pick me up, you nut.” May said.

“Ohhh, okay.” I said and flipped my legs over my head and rolled onto the floor and stood up. “I guess there's nothing on television tonight?”

May shook her head. “We might as well go to bed early and catch up on some sleep.”

“Good idea.” I said and partially knelt on one knee on the couch, put an arm under her shoulders and under her knees, then I stood up using my legs and lifted her.

May stared at me. “You didn't struggle at all.”

“I'll never struggle to take care of you, May.” I said and carried her up the stairs.

May had a slight blush on her face as I carried her into her bedroom.

I put her on her bed and then tucked her under the blanket. “Do you want me to stay for a while to let you fall asleep?”

May gave me an odd look before she shook her head.

“Then I'll wish you a good night and head to bed myself.” I said and kissed her cheek. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Ben.” May said.

I left her room and went to the laundry closet with the stacked machines. I sorted and set the laundry to wash and had some web fluid to brew up while I waited. I had used quite a bit of it the last few days because I had used web swinging exclusively to travel to different places and had used up nearly two cartridges on each wrist. I had four more left on each and I intended to keep them topped off, which meant I should pick up more cartridges and add them to my equipment belt.

I chuckled at the thought of breaking into the school again to get them and more chemicals for my web fluid, because I now had access to several industrial-sized labs with thousands of components and chemicals in stock. Since they were so generic, no one was going to miss them, especially if I updated the ordering schedules to include replacements and add a few extra to cover the difference.

I made the sign to the camera for privacy in my room and covered it, then I brewed up a batch of web fluid, which used up the last of the chemicals I had available. I would have to wait until the morning to pressurize the cartridges, because the compressor was much too loud to use at night. I set the cartridges aside and opened my laptop to begin my research.

Thanks to one of my frequency scanners, I had a much stronger internet signal and didn't have to go to the roof to search the net. It was also untraceable because of the cell phone components I had added, so I didn't have to worry about the signal being tracked, except from a dedicated hacker. I ran a VPN program, or virtual private network, and it provided a false internet signature as well to help cover my tracks.

Once that was done, my search began about spider behavior. My eyes widened when nearly the very first thing that appeared was that male spiders enjoyed performing oral sex on the female... to keep her happy... and to distract her from killing him and to stay alive.

I completely agreed with that reasoning.

The next thing was that a mating could last anywhere from minutes to hours, depending on the female. I also agreed with that, considering my experience with Miss Leyva the chemistry teacher for the minutes version and then with Natasha for the hours version.

When I looked at the ejaculation part, the description of increased blood pressure to create enough power to inject the sperm directly into the female genital structure, that it worked like squeezing liquid through a biological syringe, gave me my explanation as to why I was shooting off like a porn star.

I sat back and stared at the results. My body is changing and adapting in more ways than I thought.

I searched a bit more and a lot of the results didn't apply to me. Severe nearsightedness, produces silk, having venom glands and mandibles for biting, and hydraulic legs. The last kind of explained how they could run so fast and jump so high, though. I thought back to my workout in the gym and had to nod. My legs could definitely take a lot more weight safely than my arms could.

Of course, that immediately made me think about adding another bar to the leg press machine to double the weight capacity. I chuckled at that, because I also had the crazy idea that I could hold the bar from the bench press with my toes and I could use the leg press machine at the same time.

The biggest thing I found, which I wasn't sure applied to me, was that some male spiders produced a pheromone that it used to seduce females. I read about it and the words seemed to echo in my head.

'It caused the female to enter a passive trance-like state and it's not clear whether it's her decision to become passive or whether this male pheromone forced her to enter that trance. But, once she does, the male was able to drag her around the web, position her the way he wanted, and then mated with her'.

I remembered a few of my sexual encounters and chuckled. Okay, maybe it could apply to me.

I erased those search results and started to discreetly look for patents and trademarks for Iron Man, War Machine, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, and a whole bunch of other people and objects. I found one for Captain America and it had expired about fifteen years ago. It was also cheap, so I snatched that up like a Hungry Hungry Hippo grabbing a white marble.

Of course, that reminded me of what Davis had said about filing patents and using a lawyer to handle the paperwork. I did a quick search for local lawyers and several names were prominent, one of which was Jennifer Walters, or Bruce Banner's cousin. She would eventually become the She-Hulk after a transfusion of Bruce's gamma-irradiated blood. It wouldn't happen for another ten years or so, though.

I considered going with her, then shrugged. She was fairly popular already and anything she did might get more attention than I really wanted, so I discarded her as a good choice. I wanted to keep this as low profile as possible and kept searching. I looked at a few more lawyers and each of them were more high profile than necessary for my needs... and near the bottom of the list was the perfect one.

I almost slapped myself on the forehead for not thinking of him right away. Matt Murdock, the blind lawyer that no one wanted to hire. His firm of Nelson and Murdock was struggling and barely paid the bills, as far as I could remember from the television show. He had one or two cases that he did, almost pro-bono, and it gave him a bit of a name in the local area; but, they gained no real money.

It made no difference in the larger scheme of things, which was perfect for me to keep things private. I just hoped he accepted me as a client. I was technically a kid, after all. I chuckled as I thought about the IDs in my leather wallet that I could use and shook my head. I would have to do this the normal way, which meant bringing Aunt May with me as required adult supervision.

Maybe I should make her the CEO of Parker Toys? I asked myself and chuckled. Make that Parker Incorporated. The toy division would just be one of the company's many assets.

I thought about May going from emergency room nurse to the board room and it could be too much of a shock for her. Then again, she would be the CEO in name only and the extra paycheck would be nice for her as well, once everything started coming together.

I nodded and turned off my laptop, because I had to get to bed. I had an early morning, just like May, and I would make her the breakfast bagels that she and the other nurses and workers enjoyed so much. I would include a dozen rice balls as well, just so she could tease them about having me at home to cook for her.

I went to the laundry closet to change the washed clothes to the dryer before I went back into my room, uncovered the camera, then went to bed. I chuckled as I closed my eyes and my head was filled with thoughts of May as she stood on the receptionist's counter and tossed dessert balls into a crowd of people that fought for them like seagulls fought over a french fry.


Nick Fury sat in his personal space and laid back in his plush leather recliner. He watched the footage of Ben's interactions that day and he nodded in approval at the young man's verbal slap to Agent May's face about certain people needing to die. He had tried to tell her the same thing himself and she hadn't listened. It meant something different when Ben had said it, apparently.

He didn't know if it was the delivery or the context of the conversation; but, it worked like a charm. Agent May had been contemplative for the rest of the day and then intentionally went looking for Ben. She rode in that elevator for nearly twenty minutes for him to show up, which really spoke volumes about how much his words had affected her. That they left together wasn't a big deal. He knew Agent May wouldn't do anything, especially since they were meeting Ben's Aunt May.

Fury chuckled at May meeting May, not realizing Ben had made the same joke, and he changed the monitor to show Ben's training with Barton. Another nod of approval was made, because out of all the holds, beatings, grapples, and unnatural stretches, Ben hadn't complained once. He grunted and groaned, he bruised, and he was exhausted; but, he never once asked to stop or for Clint to go easy on him.

“That's it, Agent Parker. Show me what you've got.” Fury said and clicked off the monitor. He picked up a file folder and it was Richard Parker's redacted file. A large printed Agent 111 on the front made him smile. “Show me Agent 111A is an improvement from the old model.”


Natasha rolled around in bed and she couldn't get to sleep. The events of the day just kept haunting her, especially when Ben had dealt her such an emotional blow. He knew. He knew! She thought, almost angrily. How dare he know all about her like that!

It was an extreme invasion of her privacy and that annoyed her greatly, because she was sure that she had purged all physical and electronic records of everything she had been involved in back then. She was positive she had, because her hacking skills were right up there with the best in the world.

The worst part was, she had thought she was the one in control the entire time and it had only been an illusion. Ben knew all about her and had let her play her games and manipulations, while he had probably been laughing at her behind her back. She felt anger try to overwhelm her at that thought and she tamped down on it as quickly as it tried to rise. She was better than that.

Natasha took out her cell phone, fully prepared to start a texting campaign to tear Ben to shreds. When she turned the phone on, it showed a sleeping Ben with a happy smile on his face. He faced the camera and wasn't trying to hide from her, or kept it covered, even though he knew she could be watching him at any time.

She checked the previous streaming files and saw that there was only a brief interruption and he had signed for privacy, then he did whatever he was doing, uncovered the camera and went to bed with a smile on his face. That told her that he had done something to make himself happy and she stopped her thoughts about sex, because the last thing she needed was to think about having sex with him.

Natasha felt herself grow wet anyway and she cursed herself in her mind. She had actually enjoyed having sex for the first time in years and it was with a young man that she didn't know. Of course, she had taught him exactly how she liked to be treated, so it wasn't really her body's fault for reacting like it did. Ben had learned the lessons quickly and had diligently applied them, just how she liked it.

She still felt personally violated and that thought made her remember him violating another part of her body. Her hand went down between her legs and she started to play with herself. She was tempted to text him and let him know what he was missing, then her thumb moved on the phone, almost against her will, and hit send.

Natasha saw him jerk in bed and he leaned over to look at the cell phones on his nightstand. He picked one of them up and smiled, moved the blanket he was under out of the way, and started stroking himself. He was at full mast only a couple of seconds later and then his hand picked up speed.

She matched him automatically and she started panting. Her eyes were locked on his erection and she remembered it plunging in and out of her like a machine. It had felt wonderful and her fingers dug into herself as she sped her hand up and rubbed herself furiously.

The cell phone beeped at her and she read that he was close. Natasha closed the text window to concentrate on the camera's view. She wasn't sure why she was so fascinated by his form, then he suddenly hopped up and ran over to the camera so she could only see his torso and thighs, his hand grabbed several tissues, and he turned to the side for her as he held the tissues about a foot away.

“This is what goes off inside of you, Natasha.” Ben's voice said and then he blew his load.

Natasha gasped as it shot across the distance and splashed on the tissues, then the second did the same, and the last shot almost made it. She loudly moaned as she came as well and her whole body shook from what she had just seen.

“Fuck, that's a huge mess.” Ben said and crumpled the tissues up and wiped at himself. “I need to clean up. Going private for a few minutes.”

Natasha nodded, even though she knew he couldn't see her, and the camera was covered. The microphone was still on, though. The sounds of a carpet being scrubbed came over the microphone and then Ben's soft voice joined them.

“I think I'm starting to get blue balls.” Ben commented.

Natasha laughed, even though she was still angry at him.

“I wonder if I can shoot off that quickly every time I think about Natasha?” Ben asked himself and there were shuffling sounds. “No, I doubt it. She has to participate in some capacity, even if it's just as an observer.”

Things went quiet after that for several minutes, then the camera was uncovered. Ben gave her a little wave, pointed to the tent pole in his pyjamas, and went back to bed. He laid down on his side and faced the camera once more, and closed his eyes.

“Goodnight, Natasha.” Ben said and pulled the blanket tightly around his neck and stopped moving.

Goodnight. Natasha thought and turned off her cell phone before she closed her own eyes.


The next two days had Clint pick me up and I learned from him in the mornings and the afternoons, with my lunch break filled with me eating briefly in the cafeteria and pumping iron like I was Arnold Schwarzenegger. My evenings were filled with working at the construction site and spending time with May.

Saturday was a full day with Bestman Salvage and joking around with the crew while I helped as much as I could. Everyone was in a great mood, because we were way ahead of schedule. Even Adrian looked pleased with how much progress we had made, because he would soon have to bring in the backhoes and tractors to take down the rest of the bottom floor and to load up the dump truck.

I hadn't had to worry about doing it with the wheelbarrow at all, because the guys were going to handle the difficult parts on their own. My night shifts would come to an end when the second floor was gone by the end of the day, because I wasn't licensed for heavy machinery operation. Needless to say, the guys were going to miss me being there to clean up after them.

Of course, this was going to give me a lot of free time in the evenings, which May was happy about. I even mentioned having to go shopping for different suits during supper and she gave me a pointed look.

“Are you asking me to play office dress up with you?” May asked with a serious voice.

“Um... only if you want to?” I asked, a little nervously.

“I'm skipping the bath and taking a shower instead.” May said. “We have important work to do.”

“May?” I asked, curious.

“We haven't gone shopping for clothes together since you bumped your head and wanted a few better things to wear than funny t-shirts.” May said and smiled. “Now I get to make you look all sophisticated! It's going to be so much fun!”

“Did I just unleash a monster?” I asked.

“Maybe a small one. I'm not a fashionista or anything.” May said with a soft laugh.

“Oh! I was told to save the receipts and to submit them to HR for processing and reimbursement.” I said and quickly covered my ears from the excited scream May let out.

“BEN! Get your ass washed and changed right now, mister! We've got some serious shopping to do!” May exclaimed and grabbed my arm before she dragged me away from our half-eaten supper.

I probably should have kept that to myself. I thought with a laugh as May easily pulled me up the stairs.

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