Self Insert as Spider-Man MCU

64 Another Friendly Visit


I knocked on the door to Max's house and waited. When it opened, the glare I received from her mother was ranked right up there with the best of them. She could probably intimidate Nick Fury with it, because it was so pronounced. My spider-sense wasn't going off though, so I knew it was a bluff, just like the last time I had been here and she had wielded a kitchen knife against me.

I walked right up to her and kissed her on the cheek. “Good afternoon, Miss Caufield. Is Max in?”

“Living room!” Max shouted before her mother could speak. “I've got the movie ready!”

I kicked off my shoes, slipped off my backpack, and hung it up with my jacket. I opened my backpack and took out a resealable sandwich baggie with six rice balls in it. “I brought you a peace offering.”

“What is it?” Max's mother asked and I described the mango coconut treat and told her it was an ancient Asian family recipe. She gave me a really odd look and I laughed.

“Not mine, dear lady. I borrowed it from a friend at work.” I said and took out another baggie. “Let me know if you like them.” I said and closed my backpack and walked by her to go into the living room.

The look on Max's face was the same glare as when I had brought a piece of pound cake with butter icing to school and she thought she wasn't going to get any of it. I chuckled and handed her the baggie as I sat down and she tore it open and had a rice ball in her mouth almost instantly.

“Oh, my GOD!” Max shouted and took her time chewing on the thing.

“Does that mean you hate it? Maybe I should take them back.” I said and started to reach for them.

Max snorted a laugh and had to cover her mouth to stop herself from spitting any out as she growled. “Don't you dare!”

I chuckled and put my arm around her shoulders. She started the movie a moment later and of course it was a slasher. To be honest, it was a little tame compared to some of the ones from where I came from. Were there different classes of slasher films? I couldn't remember if there was or even if it mattered.

Thankfully, it was short at barely 80 minutes and we snuck to the front entrance and grabbed two things from my backpack before we went to her room. She locked the door and stuffed a towel under it, as if that would help muffle the sounds she was going to make. I showed her the box of condoms, shaped for her pleasure of course, and an actual ball gag to put in her mouth.

“Ben, I think I love you!” Max exclaimed and tackled me onto the bed as she kissed me. We were soon naked and I had carefully applied the gag to her mouth, ensured it was tight but not restrictive, then we started having fun.

I had never seen evidence of a screaming orgasm before I met Max and she did not disappoint me today. The gag was definitely needed, as was a muffling pillow, because I made sure to use the things Natasha had shown me during our lessons. Max, really, really liked what I had learned during those lessons.

By the time two hours had gone by and half of the box of condoms had been used, Max looked like a gooey puddle in the middle of her bed with a euphoric expression on her face and her sweat soaked short hair was plastered to her head.

I carefully removed the gag from her mouth and put it in the drawer of her nightstand, whispered that she would have to wash it later, and gave her a passionate kiss. I wiped myself off with the towel that had been under the door before I dressed and left her room, went down the hallway, and came face to face with her angry mother as she blocked the front door.

The intimidating glare was back on her face and she looked ready to attack me, only my spider-sense still hadn't gone off. So, I did the only thing I could do in that situation to ensure that I would be allowed back into the house. I relied on my researched spider powers and walked right up to her and gave her a warm smile, then I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her passionately.

She made muffled protesting sounds as her fists lightly hit my back a couple of times. It barely counted as a struggle and only lasted for a few moments, then her arms wrapped around me tightly and she made happy sounds as she kissed me back even more passionately. I did not let my surprise at her enthusiasm distract me, though. I had a point to make.

We stayed like that for several minutes and made out like we were old lovers. She eventually broke the kiss and the disbelieving look on her face was priceless. I couldn't let that stand, so I kissed her again for several more minutes. She didn't protest at all the second time and gave as good as she got. When I finally broke the kiss, her face was more surprised than anything else.

“Thank you for letting me visit again, Denise.” I said. I had used her first name to show her that I was being more familiar with her than when I used only her last name. “I would stay longer if I didn't have to go home to cook supper.”

“Y-you would... stay longer?” Denise asked, definitely surprised.

I reached up and cupped the sides of her face and gave her a soft and tender kiss. “As long as necessary.”

Denise blinked her eyes several times. “Wh-what d-do you mean?”

I had to hold in my laugh at her nervousness. “I mean...” I hugged her again and slid my hands down to cup the cheeks of her fairly firm ass through the skirt she wore, then I whispered in her ear. “...I would bend you over the living room couch and see if you can scream as loudly as Max does while I ram myself into you as hard and as fast as you can stand.”

Denise shivered and let out a shuddering breath. “Y-y-you... can't possibly... mean that. I'm old enough to be your mother.”

I smiled at that comment. “That's not really a deterrent for me.”

Her eyes widened slightly at my words and I combed my fingers through her long dark hair before I eased her backwards against the door. I slipped a hand down to the inside of her thigh and then ran my fingers up her soft skin under her skirt to rub her through her damp underwear.

Denise gasped and clamped her mouth shut, even though her face showed how turned on she was. I was pretty sure that she had been listening at Max's door the entire time we had been in there having sex, because she was much too wet already for the little bit of flirting I had done with her.

“I really am pressed for time today or I would give you the attention you deserve.” I whispered and sped up my finger movements and then dug my thumb into her nub to stimulate it directly.

“HHHHNNNNN!” Denise moaned through her clenched teeth as she came.

I stepped back from her with my theory of her already being horny confirmed, and I showed her my wet fingers before I licked them, to her shock. “I'll be back to visit just after Christmas.”

Denise nodded several times and she seemed too stunned to move, so I fixed her skirt before I eased her away from the door. I put on my jacket, backpack, and shoes, then I gave her a quick kiss goodbye. Her eyes went wide again in surprise and I shut the door behind myself when I left.

I made it home a short time later and May had a look of anticipation on her face, which made me grin widely and I winked at her before I went up the stairs. I took a quick shower and did up her bath how she liked it, and went back downstairs to cook. She helped me make supper and then she had trouble eating, because I massaged her feet on my lap at the same time.

It showed me that when I had done it the last few times, she had been fighting the feelings it had been giving her. With her completely relaxed around me, May's reactions were going to be genuine from now on. By the pleased look on her face, I knew what I thought was true.

I eased off on rubbing her feet for her, that she had taught me to do so well, and she finished eating. I led her up the stairs and into the bathroom and she let me strip off all of her clothes, right down to her underwear.

“Enjoy your bath, Aunt May.” I whispered and left the bathroom. I stood by the closed door and heard her moan as she entered the bath and then she sighed happily. I smiled and went back downstairs to clean up and do the dishes, then I went back up the stairs and entered my room to start working out a few other gadgets that I had ideas for.

The problem was, I would need a lot of components that I just didn't have and probably a lot of chemicals. I thought about the IDs I had and then smiled. If I worked things properly, I could get a lot of materials for free and no one would know or guess what I was doing with them. I just had to draw up a few designs and then I could work on getting the components I would need.

I looked through the specialist packages for the standard one and read through it and nodded when I read that a random office would be assigned upon request. I took out my officially assigned untraceable cell phone and sent in the request by text and added my agent number to it.

I wondered where the office would be located, especially considering I was a brand new hire. It was probably going to be a little closet near the basement. I thought and that made me laugh.

I was surprised when the cell phone beeped at me a few minutes later while I was drawing out an observation and monitoring device. I checked the response on my phone and laughed again, because the office was on the fourteenth floor of the New York office building, which was two down from the top floor, and it had an outside window.

I guessed that it wouldn't be a tiny office if it had a window to show the view, so I opened the data entry package and looked through the documentation and found the order numbers for what I needed. The mainframe at work was really a server farm, or a rack with stacks of shelves inside with computer circuit boards and microchips, memory chips, and hard drives plugged into them.

They were interchangeable and each component was easily pulled and replaced when damaged. A new shelf could be added as well with more components to ease the processing load of the main computer. I ordered a new rack with a stack of six shelves, which was about a third of what the rack could hold. It would be plenty for my needs, so I ordered the extra power runs to be added to the office to handle the load and added a dozen cooling fans.

A partition or something would have to be built to keep the noise down, which meant stopping by the maintenance floor to pick up some sound dampening materials. They were the same things used in the rooms that agents stayed in overnight and probably in the interrogation rooms. Then again, I could probably just ask the maintenance department to build it for me. I would need to see the office before I made that decision.

I was tempted to order a bunch of other things, considering the packages I had access to, and shook my head. I didn't want to bring too much attention to myself too quickly, which meant I had to slowly build up my resources without being greedy about it. That was hard to do, because I had so much right here at my fingertips.

I shook my head again and read through the other packages. I couldn't stop my smile at all of the departments I had access to and I wasn't specifically assigned to any of them. That gave me a versatility that I hadn't realized I needed until I had it. Being locked down to one department could have limited my movements considerably.

I heard the bathroom door open and quickly changed out of my clothes and into comfy pyjamas, because I had an evening to spend with a pretty lady and made hand signs at the camera for apology and sleep before I left the room. I didn't want a repeat of the other night where Natasha was upset that I hadn't returned to my room because I had dozed off and slept on the couch.

Then again, I wasn't sure what she was thinking, now that she knew that I knew about her. It could be over between us before it really began or it could be the start of an epic friendship with lots of benefits. Lots and lots of benefits. I was definitely hoping for the latter, because the former would suck. It was all up to her and how she felt about things and I would wait for her to make the next move.

I chuckled as I met May in the hallway, because she had left her bedroom wearing just the flannel pyjamas and no robe. She gave me a knowing smirk, because we both knew she was wearing skimpy lingerie underneath it. She put an arm around my waist and we went downstairs and plopped onto the plush leather sofa and sunk into its comfort while we hugged each other.

“This couch was the best money we ever spent.” I commented and May nodded.

We spent the rest of the evening cuddled together and watched television, which had become a staple of our spending time together. We both enjoyed it a lot, because we were with family and we were comfortable, which was worth more to the both of us than all of the money in the world.

I wasn't surprised that I actually did eventually drift off to sleep.


I woke up in my room and I wasn't sure what was going on. It was dark, much darker than it should have been, and yet I could still mostly see. It was then that I realized it was my old room and not Peter's. The posters were different, the large laundry hamper was in the corner and it was full of old and dirty clothes, and my desk was there with my old computer on it.

My mind was full of disbelief that I was back here and I scrambled out of bed and went to the bedroom door and opened it. The large set of stairs led me down to the foyer and the house was just as empty as it had always been. I had a weird feeling about that and I wasn't sure why I also felt like I needed to go to the basement.

I walked down the hallway to the basement door and opened it, and it was pitch black inside. I flicked the switch and the bulb at the bottom of the stairs turned on and lit up the stairwell, then it sputtered and started flickering.

“Stupid light.” I whispered and went to the closet to get a replacement and then went down the stairs to where the light was. I started to reach up for it and heard a scuffling foot nearby. I jerked in fright and turned in that direction. The light from the flickering bulb gave me flashes of the recycled electronics packed onto the shelves. Some were torn apart and others were patched and fixed.

There was also a hunched over figure by my old workbench.

“Hey! Who are you?” I asked and hefted the bulb in my hand as if it was a weapon.

The figure grunted and kept working on something.

“I'm talking to you.” I said and slowly walked over to the figure.

Upon closer inspection, the clothes they wore looked like an old suit I used to own and it was ragged and torn in places. I couldn't see skin through the tears, though. It was too dark.

“Hey!” I said as I reached him and I put my hand on his shoulder.

The figure quickly turned at my touch and I suddenly had a giant spider's face staring at me. The mandibles clacked and liquid dripped from the half-human mouth, then the two middle eyes blinked at me.

“BENNNNN!” It said in a growling inhuman voice as its clawed two fingered hands grabbed my arms. It opened its mouth wide and I saw mangled and rotted teeth. “FEEEEED MEEEEEEEE!”

Then it bit my face off.


“BEN!” May yelled and shook me hard.

“AHHH!” I yelled and hopped up like my butt had been burned and I flopped off of the couch and onto the floor. I banged the side of my head against the coffee table and hissed, because the solid wood was as unyielding as solid wood always was.

“Ben!” May gasped and dropped to her knees beside me and checked my head as she rubbed the spot. “Please be okay! Please!”

“I'm... fine.” I lied and held my eyes closed. That last image in my mind was horrible, because I had felt it. I had actually felt my face being bitten off and I didn't know what to do about that.

“You just hit the exact same spot on your head that made you lose your memory.” May said softly and she sighed as she felt the swelling start. “Stay there and I'll get some ice.”

“Not... going anywhere.” I said and shivered, and it wasn't just because of the large humanoid spider that had been wearing my clothes. It was because I had a sudden flood of memories from my old life and I tried to suppress them. I didn't need my old anxieties to surface and I didn't need to remember how alone I had been for years.

I had no friends, no family, and no reason to live. I did not want to remember that dark basement, the feeling of the rope around my neck, or the fact that not one single person was going to miss me when I was gone.

“Here we go.” May said and knelt beside me again as she placed the ice pack against the side of my head.

I put my hand on her hand that held the ice pack. “May, I... I really do love you.” I said as tears came to my eyes. “Thank you for accepting me into your life. Thank you so much for being my family.”

May started to cry, too. “You're welcome, Ben.” She said and her other hand wiped at my face. “I really love you, too.”

We stayed like that for several minutes before May looked at the clock. “We're both going to be late.”

“I'm sorry.” I said and slowly stood up. “I don't know what just happened.”

“I tried to wake you several times, because you were whimpering and looked scared.” May said. “I was starting to get worried when you wouldn't wake up and then I shook you really hard and yelled.”

I took a deep breath and let it out. “I think I... it was a nightmare, and I... I can't...” I couldn't tell her about it. I just couldn't. “...I can't remember what it was about.” I lied, quite badly.

May gave me an odd look for a moment and then she smiled sadly and took me into a hug. “It's okay if you don't want to talk about it, Ben.”

I let out a half-sigh and half-sob as I hugged her back. “I don't want to remember it, May. I don't want it in my head at all.”

May held me for about thirty seconds before she let me go. “We need to change and go. There's no time for breakfast.”

I nodded and went up the stairs to get my packed gym bag and I put on one of the new suits and a stylish shirt that Pepper had bought for me. I went downstairs and quickly did up a lunch for May with the leftovers from supper the night before and handed it to her when she came downstairs.

“Thank you.” May said and we left the apartment together and rode the elevator to the ground floor in silence. We went outside and May gave my cheek a kiss, gave me an intense look, then she walked down the street to the bus stop.

I watched her walk the whole way. Even with other people on the street, I never lost sight of her. May turned to look at me when her bus arrived and I waved to her, which seemed to surprise her that I had noticed. She waved back and stepped onto the bus, then it drove away.

I felt very grateful towards her, because I finally realized it was thanks to her that I no longer felt alone when I was by myself.

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