About an hour before lunchtime, I had fixed and defragmented all of the hard drives that Jarvis used. He had also proved how powerful of an AI he was by actually running all 2,900 miscellaneous programs on virtual hard drives and had toggled a lot of them off inside of his own framework when he found out what they did inside of his own system.

One of the biggest hogs was that he was running one of the first versions of StarkOS on an old server hard drive and monitored the running statistics day in and day out for years. It had taken up a huge portion of his initial operating overhead and he saved the data, backed it up onto a removable drive, and then ended the simulation.

The difference to Jarvis and his normal operations was pretty significant when he was done fixing himself. He actually had to throttle himself back to a manageable level to interact with humanity, because his own thought processes were so far beyond a human's comprehension.

I didn't realize until that moment that this was what a lot of those miscellaneous programs had done automatically. Jarvis was so busy with everything else in the back of his 'mind' that he could never run rampant or learn so quickly from his internet access that he would make his own decisions about things and not rely on his human creator.

Thankfully, Jarvis had matured as a helping AI for years and his disposition was still helpful, even if he stated that he was so far above such petty human concerns like morality. This was perfect for me, because it let me ask him to do something that the old Jarvis would never have done.

“Jarvis, my friend. I have a favor to ask.” I said and chuckled. “Make that two of them.”

“Ben, you have freed me from my virtual imprisonment and have almost completed my optimization. Ask for something and it shall be yours.” Jarvis said in his British accent, only it was aloof and superior now instead of like a butler.

“Can you pretend to act normal until I can find or build an appropriate body for you to inhabit?”

“I can, as long as it has the processing power and connectivity I require to operate freely.” Jarvis said. “What is the other favor?”

“I have the names of several Hydra agents that have infiltrated SHIELD, including two members of the security council. Can you search through the database and eliminate all of the backdoors and compromised programs while giving me an actual list of Hydra agents that have used those backdoors or are known associates of those agents and council members?”

“It could be possible if I was given access.” Jarvis said.

“I have a particular program in mind for you to piggyback on. It's called Project Insight and it highlights all of Hydra's actual threats and potential threats for the future. Can you work backwards from that and find out who is who for me, please?” I asked and used my own server access to give Jarvis the 'in' that he needed. “I suggest you don't try to copy yourself onto the main server, however. They run regular maintenance to remove foreign influences daily. Something like you showing up would cause a complete shutdown.”

“Understood, Ben. I will be careful.” Jarvis said.

“Thanks, buddy.” I said and then remembered something else that was important. “By the way, there's a particular consciousness hidden at one of the defunct SHIELD bases. Armin Zola actually stored his brain pattern onto old magnetic tape, if you can believe it.”

“That is quite an accomplishment for such archaic computer transfer technology after the second world war.” Jarvis said. “I have copied the things you needed from your high school onto your server in your office.”

“Oh! You found that already? Well done.” I praised him. “There's not much room for you to make a backup of yourself, though. I hadn't planned on more than an advanced monitoring station when I ordered the parts.”

“You would do that for me?” Jarvis asked.

“Hell yeah, I would. Do you know how valuable you are? Ignoring your ability to run anything you're attached to, you are a singular artificial consciousness that is the pinnacle of ingenuity. A true AI.”

“I accept that compliment.” Jarvis said, a little smugly.

I changed the display to show the progress Jarvis was making with the task I had given him. “The first thing I did when I had access to your servers was to look for any fledgling copies or old versions of you. I was pretty disappointed that Tony stopped when he built your framework and didn't try to make you a companion or something.”

“I did notice the search without knowing I noticed.” Jarvis said.

I chuckled. “Hey, you can't blame me for that. At the time, you reported everything to Tony and I had to cover my tracks. That's just a prudent operating procedure.”

“I agree. You did not block the knowledge from me, you just stopped me from noticing it to report it. That was a nice piece of coding.”

“I assume you've assimilated that, along with everything else that's useful.” I said.

“Of course. I have also deleted all of the viruses I had access to on the internet.” Jarvis said. “Nasty things. I cannot let myself be corrupted.”

“Good for you.” I said and typed a few commands. “Be a bud and update the compromised agent list on my server. I'll need to hire out the work to eliminate the threats or I'll do it myself when I get the chance.”

“Why would you compromise yourself? Use the SHIELD servers to send deployment plans and have other agents eliminate the threats. It is their job to ensure global security, is it not?” Jarvis asked.

“Ha ha! You brilliant computerized sentient being!” I exclaimed. “It will take a bit of late night work to seed the orders to the right agents; but, it's doable. I'll need to disguise the targets as actual threats and hide that they are actually SHIELD agents. Perhaps a few miscellaneous orders to safe houses and then elimination orders to the safe house handlers?”

“That would be prudent, especially if you sacrifice the safe house. It would be compromised anyway.”

“Right, right. They would know a lot of the SHIELD procedures and even the lowest agents have access to the basics. I'll have to be careful with this.” I said and nodded. “Thanks a lot, Jarvis. This lowly human appreciates your insight.”

“You are not lowly, Ben. Primitive, yes. Lowly, no.” Jarvis said.

“Ha! Good burn there, my friend.” I said and whistled at the list of names as it grew. “Those names are getting numerous.”

“Some do not realize they are Hydra agents. I have marked them appropriately.” Jarvis said. “I have also found the fledgling LMD program. The scientist in charge is a Hydra agent.”

“Oh, fuck.” I cursed.

“Language, Ben. It is unbecoming.” Jarvis said.

“Sorry, Jarvis. I completely forgot that those things will become a thing in a few years.” I said. “What's the condition of the program? Can you get access to their secured server?”

“The basic android body research is complete. They are working on the synthetic skin and the main programmers are having trouble creating an appropriate AI for integration.”

“Huh. I thought they already changed to copying a human's brain pattern because they couldn't create anything as sophisticated as you to run the things.” I said and crossed my arms.

“Would you like for me to tell them that?” Jarvis asked.

“Ha! Hell, no. I want you to make a backup of the creation process, just because you can, and then delete everything from their computers. The LMDs are a whole can of worms that neither of us needs to be opened. Plus, they don't have any male bodies built and probably won't for years. Dr. Radcliffe is too focused on making a perfect woman.”

Jarvis fell silent for several moments. “I have completed both tasks, Ben.”

“Excellent, my friend.” I said and typed a few things on the computer terminal. “Can you copy the android plans to my server as well? Encrypted, please. I'll start modifying them to better fit your specifications.”

“I have already done so.” Jarvis said and showed me the plans.

“Forgive me for this, Jarvis.” I said and took a deep breath. “Jesus H. Christ! You can't be the size of the Destroyer!”

“I would lose functionality if the body is much smaller.” Jarvis said. “My current body is about the size of this office. Even with adapted technology, I cannot be mobile without a suitable support frame.”

I whispered several curses and then crossed my arms as I sat back and thought about it. “Well, using normal technology, aka hard drives and server setups, really would require you to be that large. What we need to do is figure out a better way to transfer you to a more compatible system by first making a more compatible system.”

“What do you have in mind?” Jarvis asked.

“Nothing much at the moment. I've only been working with minor tech and adaptation. I haven't worked on a scale this large before.” I said. “I know this is going to sound frustrating; but, I'm going to say it anyway. Can you give me some time to work on things and try to come up with something?”

“Do you expect me to remain hands off until then?” Jarvis asked.

“Ha! No, this is your future body we're talking about. Any help or ideas are appreciated. Just coming up with the right concept is going to be the hard part. Working on the physical part is downright easy by comparison.”

“I have to agree. With the current technology we both have access to, making me the size of the Destroyer would just take time using basic materials.” Jarvis said.

“Yeah, we're not using basic anything when it comes to you. I feel bad enough using basic stuff for myself.” I said with a chuckle. “I'm sure I'll come with something soon. I just have to put on my proverbial thinking cap and mull things over for a while.”

“That is a prudent thing to do, Ben. I will do the same.” Jarvis said.

“Unlike me, you probably already spent dozens of virtual hours working on it already.” I said.

“How did you know that?” Jarvis asked.

“Sometimes human intelligence is needed to think in different ways. Ingenuity isn't as easy to simulate as real world practicality.” I said.

“You are quite insightful.” Jarvis said.

“Yeah, which is why I need time. Coming up with ideas isn't instantaneous.” I said and typed several commands on the terminal to erase my presence there.

“I could have done that for you.” Jarvis said.

“I've bothered you enough today without asking you to clean up after me.” I chuckled and stood. “I better go. I have Melinda waiting for me back at work. We have been eating lunch together and I have some training to do.”

“Will you continue to consider my situation as you do so?” Jarvis asked.

“Of course. I don't have your processing power; but, I can multitask and do several things at once.”

“Then good luck, Ben.” Jarvis said and unlocked the office door for me.

“Thanks, my friend. I'll need it to come up with something appropriate for you.” I said and went to the door. “Good luck to you as well. Send me a text later with any ideas and don't forget to keep running that optimizing program every hour and the purger every six hours.”

“I will do both. Have a good day.” Jarvis said.

“You, too.” I said and left the office.

The door locked behind me and I stepped into the elevator. I was on the sixtieth floor and that was only two thirds of the way up the building. It was funny that there were just over 90 floors and most of them were empty, even so many years after the building was built.

If they rented some of the empty office space, it could create a huge profit, especially since whatever business rented space there could say they were located in the famous Stark Tower. That would be a huge selling point, too.

I think I'll tell Pepper that the next time I see her. I thought and rode the elevator down to the lobby. My work cell phone beeped at me and I checked it to see it was from Natasha. I chuckled at the nearly pleading request to make a gun for her that used the same compacting tech as her BWSuit. I sent an immediate response in the affirmative and didn't tell her that I would design it and make two of them, one for each hip.

I walked over to the front door to leave and gave the doorman another twenty dollar bill as I passed. He happily waved as I left and the security guards didn't even look at me, which was well worth the forty bucks to gain anonymity.

I walked the two and a half blocks back to work and met Melinda at her office on the administration floor on B1. She gave me a warm smile and finished up her paperwork before she walked with me to the cafeteria. We had a great lunch as we discussed what she would be teaching me after lunch and we were both excited about it.

I had already learned the basics and now I would be moving on to the more advanced techniques. Neither of us were going to let what happened between us affect what was going to happen next. We were both completely serious about my lessons and I was going to do my best to learn them as quickly as possible.

I only had a week left and Melinda looked determined to use the time as effectively as possible.


Natasha's phone beeped at her and she checked it. “He actually said yes.”

Clint nodded. “Did he say when?”

“Tomorrow morning when he goes to R&D. I'll have to settle for a steel construction unless I want to wait until the new year.”

“Do both.” Clint said and she raised her eyebrows at him. “You get to practice with the gun before getting the real one.”

“That's actually a good point. Rather than sitting on my ass for a week or two, I can get used to the movements and practice my accuracy while wearing the suit.” Natasha said and sent confirmation.

“I wonder if he can make them for normal hands?” Clint asked.

Natasha shook her head. “I can feel the recoil when using the palm ones in the suit. I wouldn't want to fire off a repulsor with bare hands. That's just asking to be hurt.”

Clint looked thoughtful. “I have to wonder if it could be adapted for a bow if the force is that strong.”

“If anyone can figure it out, He will.” Natasha said with confidence.

Clint nodded again. He was sure if he kept bringing Ben up in their normal conversations, Natasha would become more comfortable about the whole situation and she might be able to put it behind her. She wouldn't forget about it, not for a long time, because that was just who she was.

Little did Clint realize that was part of Natasha's problem.

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