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Demon Xiao was wearing a dark golden wide-sleeved robe, and his whole body was lazily leaning on the soft couch. Only a few strands of his long black crow-like hair were braided at the back of his head, and the rest was casually draped along the shoulder line. Underneath, the beautiful mandible, the forehead with beautiful hairline, the skin as white as condensed suet jade, the whole person is handsome and full of unspeakable charm.

   "The benevolence of a woman." Staring at Qin Luoyi's raised lips, Mo Xiao couldn't help but sneered, and mocked lightly.

  Qin Luoyi didn't take it seriously, and a sly look flashed in his black eyes: "Don't you think doing this...would make her more painful than killing her with a knife?"

Liu Qingcheng never changed her nature, and tried to deal with her again and again on Penglai Xiandao, until she was expelled from the teacher's school, her cultivation base was even abolished, and she was still insecure. After a few years As soon as I met her, I wanted to give her a big gift. If she didn't return the favor well, wouldn't I be too sorry for the idea she thought of?

   To pinch Liu Qingcheng to death, for her, all she has to do is move her fingers, and let her die like this, it is really too cheap for her.

  Mo Xiao raised his eyebrows evilly, and his handsome face was even more evil: "The process is not important, what matters is the result. You have to be ruthless to the enemy, so that they will be driven away, so that no one will dare to fight you easily in the future."

  Qin Luoyi didn't miss the coldness and fierceness in his eyes when he spoke, and her heart skipped a beat. She knew that the wickedness and indifference on this man's usual face were just appearances, and she was afraid that his heart was too dark.

   "The result is very important, and the process is also important..." She blinked, a smoldering light flashed in her phoenix eyes, and she curled her lips into a smile. If she stopped killing with killing, then she wouldn't be a devil? What's more, this is a flying boat, even if she wants to kill Liu Qingcheng, she won't do anything on it, Liu Qingcheng is different from Xiao Liang.

After knocking on the door a few times, Shangguan Wuyou didn't come out. Liu Qingcheng was furious, and stayed nearby to keep an eye on Shangguan Wuyou's movements. After waiting for several hours, she finally waited for him to come out. She took two deep breaths and raised her voice slightly. With a proud face on his chin, he walked out and stopped in front of him.

   "Why are you here?" Shangguan Wuyou saw her, his face sank suddenly, he frowned and looked around quickly, his room was just in the corner, seeing someone nearby, a flash of relief flashed in his eyes.

   "Shangguan Wuyou, are you avoiding me?" Seeing that he was talking to him with a cold face, Liu Qingcheng's anger grew even hotter.

   "What nonsense are you talking...why am I avoiding you? I'm just **** in the house." Bypassing Liu Qingcheng, Shangguan Wuyou was about to leave.

  Liu Qingcheng grabbed his hand.

   "What does it look like to be hands and feet, let go!" Shangguan Wuyou's face turned cold, his eyes became extremely gloomy, and he patted her palm away with the other.

"Shangguan Wuyou, how dare you hit me? You said that you would always treat me well, love me forever, and form a double cultivation with me... It's only been a few days, have you forgotten?" The anger in Liu Qingcheng's heart Unable to suppress it any longer, he let out a low growl. He just felt that the Shangguan Wuyou in front of him was very strange, and there was no half of the care and care he treated him in the past.

   Shangguan Wuyou looked at her with disdain.

Beat her?

   So what if I hit her?

  He said that he should always treat her well, and that he should double cultivate with her. But that was also before. "Liu Qingcheng... Do you think we can still practice dual cultivation now?"

  The scene this morning has been spread all over the flying boat now, and it will spread throughout Xuantian ** in a short time. How could it be possible for him, Shangguan Wuyou, to double cultivate with her? Even if he is not a direct descendant of Shangguan's family, he still has the surname of Shangguan, and he is a double cultivator with her... He can't afford to lose that person.

   "Shuangxiu or something, you should go to Ye Feifei." Shangguan Wuyou looked at her, and said in a strange way.

   "You know that I like you." Liu Qingcheng was so angry that his body began to tremble slightly, wishing he could slap him on the face. She never thought that the man who vowed to love her for the rest of her life this morning would say such a thing to a man who is always obedient to her.

  Shangguan Wuyou sneered and mocked: "You like me but ran to Ye Feifei's bed? Liu Qingcheng, your liking is really strange."

When Liu Qingcheng heard him mention Ye Feifei, he thought he was jealous of himself and Ye Feifei, his face softened, and he explained in a rare way: "You know I am not... It was an accident, I don't know what happened, I just woke up When I came over, I saw people standing outside the house.”

"Accident?" Shangguan Wuyou mocked with disbelief on his face: "Liu Qingcheng, who are you trying to deceive by saying these words? Everyone saw it at the time, and you were soberly with him, and you hugged him tightly, with a cheerful face It's said that Hua Feifei has a lot of things, and he has a lot of tricks on women, hehe, Liu Qingcheng, tell me, have you been coveting him for a long time? That's why you forgot everything and got out with him?"

   Liu Qingcheng stared at him, his eyes straightened.

   Shangguan Wuyou turned around and left.

   "Shangguan Wuyou, if you dare to leave now, I will tell everyone that you killed Xiao Liang."

  Looking at his back, Liu Qingcheng suddenly smiled and spoke softly.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Shangguan Wuyou glanced back at her lightly, and snorted coldly: "I have no grudges against that Xiao Liang, why kill him if I have nothing to do?" Looking at her is like looking at an idiot .

   Liu Qingcheng is in a very good mood.

   "The evidence is on you, and you still want to quibble?" She chuckled, and slowly walked to his side, her expression restored to her usual enchanting arrogance, and she pointed behind him with her slender fingers.

  Shangguan Wuyou didn't believe it at first, but when he saw the determined look, he couldn't help but feel a burst of surprise in his heart. Looking sideways, he saw that two pieces of his shirt were broken at some point.

   "I heard that the fabric in Xiaoliang's house is soft silk from the mountains and lakes, and the fabric of your clothes is also soft silk from the mountains and lakes, and the color is exactly the same..." Liu Qingcheng covered her red lips lightly, smiling enchantingly.

When setting a trap to deal with Qin Luoyi, I remember that he once said that she just needs to find a way to lure Qin Luoyi, and leave the rest to him. He will create opportunities for everyone to go to the theater. Unexpectedly The opportunity he created was actually to kill Xiao Liang, tsk, he was so courageous.

  Shangguan Wuyou knew that the person who killed Xiao Liang had not yet been found. He had been to the scene where Xiao Ran died, and of course he knew that there were two pieces of broken fabric in Xiao Liang's room.

  Before, he didn't take it seriously, thinking it was left behind by the murderer when he killed Xiao Liang, but now that he thinks about it carefully, the appearance of those two pieces of shredded clothes is actually very similar to the tear on his own clothes.

  He broke out in a cold sweat suddenly.

  Xiao Liang didn't kill him.

  This is the flying boat of the Tuoba family, and there are three Zifu monks on board! He wouldn't be so stupid as to pay himself for helping Liu Qingcheng design Qin Luoyi and Ye Feifei's affair.

  Suddenly, Qin Luoyi stood in front of Room 66 with an indifferent face, but a faint smile in his eyes. With a thought, could it be... Qin Luoyi did something to him?

  She was going to frame herself to kill Xiao Liang, and on the flying boat of Tuoba's family? However, he is a junior monk of Yu Mansion and has lived for more than 600 years. If someone touches him, he can't feel it at all.

Seeing the color on his face change several times in an instant, Liu Qingcheng thought she had guessed right, her enchanting phoenix eyes shone brightly, she looked at him with a half-smile, approached him, approached He said in a very low voice: "Wuyou, don't be nervous, I'm not as heartless as you, don't worry, I won't say anything about this."

  Shangguan Wuyou looked at her with a complicated expression.

  How could he feel at ease.

   This woman clearly wanted to use this to threaten herself.

  However... If this matter is really Qin Luoyi's trick and angered Liu Qingcheng, the woman's head became hot and she suddenly yelled, even if he jumped into the Yellow River, he would not be able to clean up.

  The most urgent thing to do now is to appease her. It would be prudent for him to destroy the clothes on his body first, and the expression on his face will be much more relaxed when he thinks about it.

  In the past, she would be with Liu Qingcheng because of her identity—a rising star with amazing talent among the younger generation of the Liu family. Although he is not from the same lineage as the head of the family, Liu Hanfei, his father and Liu Hanfei are also blood brothers, and because she is extremely favored by the ancestors of the Liu family, and she is not bad looking, that's why I am obedient to her. Even if she was expelled from the gate by the Misty Sect and her cultivation base was abolished, and now she is no more than a Martial Saint, because of her status, he did not despise her, but took the opportunity to win her heart, but now... in front of so many people, she made a fool of herself , how could he still double cultivate with her?

  He was disdainful in his heart, but raised his finger, caressed her face, and said hesitantly: "Is it really an accident that you are with him?"

  Liu Qingcheng smiled and nodded: "Wuyou, you have to trust me..." Halfway through speaking, the smile on her face disappeared suddenly, and her eyes showed shock.

  Shangguan Wuyou's heart skipped a beat, and he turned his head abruptly.

  Qin Luoyi was standing not far behind them. Besides her, there were also Tuoba Yuanxu and Li Feng. Tuoba Yuanxu looked at him indifferently, but Li Feng's eyes were extremely severe.

  Shangguan Wuyou's face turned pale instantly, his eyes fell on Qin Luoyi's body, as if about to breathe fire, Qin Luoyi curled his lips, his eyes were cold and mocking.

   Brother Wei will come soon.

"The clothes on Mr. Shangguan's body are torn. Take someone to help him take a look. Find a new set of clothes for Mr. Shangguan and change into it." Tuoba Yuanxu said, his voice was low and there was a touch of innate majesty. and extravagance.

   Xiu Xiu's eyes fell on Shangguan Wuyou. Quickly seeing the crack on his side, he immediately thought of the two cut pieces of clothing in Xiao Liang's house, what is there that he didn't understand?

   soon took Shangguan Wuyou away.

   When Liu Qingcheng woke up, there was no one around except her. She was so angry that her expression was ferocious, Qin Luoyi's appearance was too coincidental... If she still doesn't know that she and Shangguan Wuyou have been tricked by her, she is really a fool.

  But in his heart, he still couldn't figure it out, how could Qin Luoyi know about his plan with Shangguan Wuyou? And not only did she miss the trap she set, but she and Shangguan Wuyou were all calculated by her.

  Qin Luoyi and Tuoba Yuanxu walked up to the outer deck side by side, and cleaned up Shangguan Wuyou and Liu Qingcheng. She was very happy in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face.

Shangguan Wuyou actually teamed up with Liu Qingcheng to design herself, she naturally couldn't let him go, not to mention from the conspiracy of the two, she found out that the two had long been in collusion, and they had dealt with her together when they were in Penglai Xiandao. I can't spare him even more.

There were quite a few people on the deck, and when they saw Tuoba Yuanxu coming out, their eyes suddenly became eager. The young master of the Tuoba family, who left the Yufu at the age of two hundred, was not as good as Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing. The two of them are amazingly talented, and Budi's ** talent is also extremely amazing.

  Many people even thought about how to get young master Tuoba to notice them. Of course, it would be even better if they could get in touch with him.

   "It turns out that you are the mistress of the Piaomiao Sect." Tuoba Yuanxu looked sideways at Qin Luoyi while walking, with a smile on his lips.

The skin on Qin Luoyi's face is as fair as jade, her red lips are slightly pursed, her phoenix eyes are as clear as autumn water, as bright as stars, her half-closed eyes don't know what she is thinking... As long as she thinks that she saved herself, she is not stingy After taking two high-level pills for himself, his heart softened, and a strange feeling spread in his heart.

Although Li Feng gave her two hundred crystal stones as a reward for saving him, he had already made up his mind that when he returned to the family, he must fill her with healing pills. Healing pills are always prepared, and he only carries one tenth-order healing pill with him at any time. She actually has two healing pills on her body. For that healing pill, she must have spent a lot of thought and money in the past. of.

   "Yeah." Qin Luoyi smiled and nodded, and felt a little bit in his heart, it seems that Tuoba Yuanxu also knew the gossip that was rumored on the flying boat.

  Looking out of the flying boat, there are white clouds floating in the blue sky, but at this time the white clouds are not above her head, but at her feet, and the flying boat flies past the clouds.

   "I heard that a wave of monsters broke out in Penglai Xiandao. I don't know what's going on with the wave of monsters now." When mentioning the tide of monsters, Tuoba Yuanxu showed a serious expression in his brows and eyes, and looked in the direction of Penglai Xiandao.

   "It's okay, the tide of monsters has retreated." Qin Luoyi said with a smile: "I came to Xuantian after the tide of monsters is over."

"The tide of monster beasts is over?" Tuoba Yuanxu's eyes lit up, he didn't expect the tide of monster beasts to end so quickly, without even a moment: "Since you have come to Xuantian ** not long ago, have you seen Phoenix?" Feili and Duanmu Changqing? I met them a while ago, they are about to leave for Penglai Xiandao, are they okay?"

Hearing the names of Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing, the smile on Qin Luoyi's face disappeared, his eyes dimmed, and he said immediately: "Well, I see, they are all fine. Where are we now, away from Qingshui City How far is it?" She looked around and talked about it.

  Tuoba Yuanxu was slightly taken aback, and then replied with a smile: "It should be Rui'an City. It's still early to leave Qingshui City, and you should arrive at Qingshui City in five days."

  The flying boat will stop for an hour in Qingshui City, where there is a docking base for the flying boat, where someone will buy a ticket to board the flying boat.

Duanmu Changqing is indifferent and cold by nature, Feng Feili seems to be easy to get along with, but in fact he rejects people thousands of miles away, Liu Qingcheng has been their junior sister for more than ten years, and is also the wife of the Liu family, and they have known each other for decades , They treated Liu Qingcheng better than strangers, but thinking about Qin Luoyi...Duanmu Changqing must have put on his cold face often, so that when he mentioned them, her face changed.

   It's just a little puzzled in my heart. Qin Luoyi can actually fight against the cultivators of the Zifu. Her cultivation must not be weak. When did Wu Shan and Ge Hong accept such a prostitute?

   Arrived in Qingshui City two days later.

  The flying boat was about to stop here for an hour, and then some monks stepped off the flying boat and prepared to go shopping in Qingshui City in groups.

  More people stayed on the flying boat like Qin Luoyi.

   There are a lot of people flying boats in Qingshui City, there are more than two hundred people. Qin Luoyi stood on the deck, not planning to go down.


   More than half an hour later, there was a sudden loud noise on the flying boat, and several figures fought fiercely together, and the purple light illuminated half of the sky.

  Qin Luoyi stared at it.

  The person who did it was just on the flying boat. A middle-aged man with a beard was fighting with Li Feng, and the two fought hard.

Li Feng is the fifth-level cultivation base of the Zifu, and the bearded man fought with him. After several rounds, he was not defeated. Qin Luoyi knew it well. A fifth-order monk in the government.

   Brother Wei and another brown-clothed monk were not idle, and were entangled by an old man in blue. The old man in green was very strong, and he fought against two purple mansion monks alone.

  Tuoba Yuanxu was protected by a group of Yufu monks, his jaw was tense, and he looked coldly at the men in Tsing Yi who besieged Li Feng and Wei Xiu.

Suddenly, the cultivation level of the people on the flying boat is not high. Many people only have the cultivation level of Xuanfu and Qingfu. The battle of Zifu monks is extremely dangerous. They are swept by the dazzling purple light. With their lives at risk, everyone tried to stay away from the battle circle as much as possible.


   At this moment, dozens of people rushed out and killed Tuoba Yuanxu. Because there were too many people, the incident happened suddenly, and the guards protecting Tuoba Yuanxu were scattered away in an instant.

   Li Feng let out a roar, and went towards Tuoba Yuanxu, but was stopped by the bearded man who was fighting with him, and couldn't get close at all.

   Brother Wei and another brown-clothed monk glanced at each other, and tried to draw one person to Tuoba Yuanxu's side, but failed.

   Tuoba Yuanxu was still seriously injured, if any cultivator from the Xuanfu or the Qingfu managed to pounce on him at this time, he would be killed.

   Li Feng and the others understood, and Qin Luoyi understood even more. Seeing a group of monks pressing on, and the guards around him were almost scattered, Qin Luoyi sighed softly, moved his body, and swept over in an instant.

  A purple Fantian seal appeared in Tuoba Yuanxu's hand, staring at the group of assassins rushing towards him, he began to stimulate spiritual power into the Fantian seal.

   "You don't want to die anymore?" Qin Luoyi descended from the sky, landed beside him, and snatched the Fantian Seal to prevent him from injecting spiritual power into it. With his current tofu-like body, if he activates this Heaven Seal once, he will definitely die.

  This Heavenly Seal is nothing ordinary at first glance. As the young master of the Tuoba family, he must have something to protect his life. When he was attacked last time, he probably didn't have time to sacrifice this Heavenly Seal.

  ------Off topic------

Thank you Yuyi Qingwu for kissing Huahua (10 flowers), thank you for the sky is blue 123 kissing Huahua, thank you Zhuzhu Lele for kissing Huahua (5 flowers), thank you for kissing Huahua in the lotus in the rain (2 flowers) , and thank you to Xiao Xiaoyue for kissing Huahua and looking at the world with brilliance and brilliance for kissing Huahua.

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