Senior Brother – One is Too Unscrupulous

Vol 2 Chapter 32: jumping off a cliff

  【Read the full text of the first novel without errors, 69, your best choice! 】

  Shenhong suddenly appeared, Duanmu Changqing took the green-clothed woman who had picked up the jade hairpin, and headed towards Yuzang Mountain like a shooting star. In the blink of an eye, he arrived at the foot of Yuzang Mountain.

   "Where did you get the jade hairpin?" Duanmu Changqing pursed his thin lips and his voice was a little tense as he looked at the lush and towering ancient trees around him with dark eyes.

   "It's on the top of the mountain. I picked it up on the top of the mountain." Qingyi ** said hurriedly.

  Shenhong reappeared, and in the blink of an eye, Duanmu Changqing brought him to the top of the mountain again.

On the top of the mountain, it was peaceful at this time. From the ancient trees that had been smashed down the middle, the broken thorns, and even the blood that had turned black on the ground, it was not difficult to see that not long ago, there had been an accident here. fierce battle.

   "I picked that hairpin here." This time, before Duanmu Changqing could ask again, the woman in Tsing Yi quickly walked to the edge of Xuan Ya, pointing to a pile of grass on the ground.

  As soon as the voice fell, Duanmu Changqing came to his side like light smoke, and then Junyi's face suddenly became extremely pale, with a look of despair.

  Because he not only saw the traces of fighting, but also saw a very familiar paw print, which was Dahei's paw print. He had often seen it in Yuqing Peak for more than a year, so he would never admit his mistake!

Dahei's paw prints, and the familiar jade hairpin, and the jade hairpin was actually picked up at the edge of Xuanya... It can almost be concluded that it is Qin Luoyi who is fighting fiercely on the top of the mountain, and Qin Luoyi is very It may have fallen under the cliff!

  The place below is the famous place where the Piaomiao sect escaped death——Shihuya!

  Thinking of this, Duanmu Changqing clenched his fists hanging by his sides, his dark eyes were full of pain and anger, and a killing intent shot out from his body.

It's been two full days, and he can't imagine what will happen to Qin Luoyi when he falls... As soon as he thinks that something bad happened to her, his heart feels like tens of thousands of needles are pricking his heart, It hurt so badly that he couldn't breathe.

  Looking at Master Duanmu whose expression changed drastically, Mrs. Tsing Yi didn't know what happened, she was uneasy and very uneasy, and she didn't dare to ask, so she just stood there quietly with her hands down.

   "Cuckoo! Cuckoo..."

  A crisp bird song in the distance finally awakened the distraught Duanmu Changqing from the abyss of anger and pain. He looked at the lion and the tiger, pursed his thin lips tightly, and a flash of determination flashed in his black eyes.

  Maybe things are not that bad, Qin Luoyi just fell, he shouldn't think about the worst, maybe she and Dahei are still hiding there, waiting for someone to rescue them.

Thinking of this, the slump on his body was swept away, he clenched his fists, turned around abruptly, took out a jade pendant from his sleeve, handed it to Miss Tsing Yi, and said to him in a stern tone: "You take my jade pendant." Yupei, immediately go to the main peak to find the head, and tell him that Master Qin Luoyi has not been seen for two days, and it is very likely that he fell into Shihuya."

  Tsing Yi's face turned pale: "Uncle Duanmu...Impossible, how can you be sure that it was Uncle Qin who fell!"

Uncle Qin is the closed door of their Piaomiao Zongge sect. I heard that the talent is amazing. More than a year ago, when he first arrived in the sect, he was only a venerable. Sheng Dianfeng... How could she come here, who is so courageous, dare to fight with her privately?

Duanmu Changqing's sharp and painful eyes fell on Dahei's very special footprints, and then moved to the hairpin in his hand, with a hoarse and low voice: "I also hope it's not her...but this jade hairpin is her of."

   "Ah?" Qing Yi's mouth opened wide, and she exclaimed, her expression extremely shocked, the jade hairpin he picked actually belonged to Master Qin, no wonder Master Duanmu was so sure that the person who fell was Master Qin.

   "Go!" Duanmu Changqing frowned slightly, with an extremely stern expression, and said lightly: "Remember, you go directly to the head, don't delay!"


Miss Tsing Yi didn't dare to delay any longer, and quickly ran towards Piao Miao Sect. After running for a few steps, she always felt that something was wrong with Master Duanmu's expression, and went to find the head sect. He could fly with Shenhong, wouldn't that be faster? Well, why did you leave the reporting to him?

   Feeling very puzzled, he turned his head and saw Duanmu Changqing's slender and handsome figure descending lightly towards Shihuya.

   "Uncle Duanmu, what are you going to do?" Tsing Yi was shocked, and ran back in a hurry, lying on the cliff and yelling wildly.

"Go soon? What are you still dawdling about?" Hearing his voice, Duanmu Changqing raised his head and sternly yelled at him, then ignored him, accelerated towards Ya, and in the blink of an eye, The figure became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared.

The lady in Qingyi stood up, her hands and feet were still trembling, and she murmured in shock: "There should be no formations down here, Master Duanmu just jumped down like that, he must be trying to save Master Qin... But, It's too dangerous to just jump down like this... In case no one is rescued, Master Duanmu...or maybe Master Qin didn't fall down the mountain at all, the hairpin just fell here by accident, hey, forget it, Master Duanmu Uncle has already jumped down, I'd better hurry up and find the head of the sect." After stomping his feet, he didn't dare to hesitate any longer, turned around and robbed the Piao Miao sect, using the fastest speed in his life.

After Duanmu Changqing jumped off the mountain, he landed on the ground not long after. This is not the first time he has entered the Shihuya, but it is the first time he has come to the Shihuya at the foot of Yuzang Mountain. It is dangerous and unpredictable , even he did not dare to be careless.

  Looking around with sharp eyes, he soon found two collapsed thorns. Walking along the collapsed thorns, he saw two corpses with only skeletons left. His heart tightened, he held his breath and walked over.

There are traces of being torn by sharp teeth on the skeleton, and there is a large black blood stain under the body, it should not be long after death... Duanmu Changqing's heart hurts, but his observation is still extremely keen, and he can see right away that the two The corpse does not belong to Qin Luoyi, because the skeleton is very big, such a skeleton should belong to a man, and the height is wrong, and both of them were obviously seriously injured before falling down!

   Searched around again, but found no traces of Dahei and Qin Luoyi walking by, not even traces where they should have crushed some thorns and bushes when they fell! There are only two obvious signs of collapse at the scene. Judging from the direction of running, it should be left by the two dead people.

  His anxious heart slowly calmed down... Staring at the two corpses, suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, maybe...Qin Luoyi and Dahei didn't fall down at all?

   "It would be great if that's the case!" He looked around and murmured happily.

However, under Shihuya, although he cannot fly under the rainbow, he can use spiritual power to support the low-altitude flight, so that there will be very few traces left on the ground. Although he hoped that Qin Luoyi would not fall off, but I still haven't stopped looking for it, because I'm afraid that I've neglected something.

   "Hoo! Hoo!"

  After searching for a few miles, suddenly there was a strange noise in front of him, his eyes flashed, and he quietly sneaked over.

  It is a small fox with a long tail, panting heavily while running forward, behind it, there is a wolf-shaped beast chasing after it.

  With a movement of Duanmu Changqing's body, he easily caught the running fox. The wolf didn't expect that there would be someone here, with fierce eyes, screamed, and rushed towards him.

   "Looking for death!"

A cold light flashed in Duanmu Changqing's black eyes, he raised his arm, and a powerful spiritual power shot out, killing it on the spot, and then without even looking at the wolf carcass, he stared coldly at the fox in his hand .

  The fox trembled in fright, knowing that the cultivation level of the man in front of him was much higher than it didn't know, and with a flash of his eyes, he looked at him with a pitiful look, and begged, "Don't kill me."

  Duanmu Changqing was unmoved, and still looked at it coldly: "It's fine if I don't kill you, but you have to find someone for me, and I won't kill you if I find it."

  The fox's eyes lit up, and he said in a hurry: "You tell me, I will definitely help." The aura on this man's body is too terrifying. If it wants to survive, it knows that it can only listen to him.

   "Did a person and a spirit beast fall into it two days ago?" Duanmu Changqing locked its eyes tightly and asked.

   "Yes, yes, someone fell here." The fox blinked and nodded hastily.

Duanmu Changqing's heart sank for a moment, and then he thought of the fox's cunning nature and was afraid that it would lie, so he continued: "Then tell me, is the person who fell down male or female, how old is it, and what does the spirit beast around her look like?" look..."

"It's a woman, very young... That spirit beast has white hair all over, and it's very beautiful..." The little fox rolled his eyes, knowing that the human in front of him didn't believe it, so he hurriedly recounted what he saw two days ago. Qin Luoyi and Dahei described their appearance carefully.

It was not summoned to chase that woman two days ago because its cultivation was too low...but it still followed up quietly to take a look, and was almost angry at the bull king who poisoned them so badly* *Girl, it is very impressive.

  After hearing the little fox's words, Duanmu Changqing's expression changed, unexpectedly Qin Luoyi and Dahei fell down!

   Taking a deep breath secretly, he suppressed the pain and worry in his heart, and said in a deep voice again: "Where is she now? As long as you lead me to find her, I will let you go!"

"Hey, if you ask someone else, they might not know it, so just ask me, but don't kill me, I'll take you to find her." The little fox quietly glanced at the wolf corpse not far away. , said with a smile on his face.

It's just that I can't stop complaining in my heart. Although it knows where the woman is, the bull king has been in a very bad mood these two days. If he knows that he is bringing a human who broke into its territory without authorization, he will go to find the woman... Can this man If you let it go, King Mang Niu might beat it up for meat in a fit of rage! No, it can't take him directly to find someone, it has to think of a way.


   "Haha, this old ginseng must have been around for thousands of years, it's just right for alchemy."

   "Purple Profound Stone... not bad, much bigger than the one we bought last time."

   "Oh, there are also Qiyun fruits here!"

   Accompanied by the most powerful Heidi in Shihuya, Dahei and Qin Luoyi were at ease and bold, wandering around the mountain in a very leisurely manner. It won't be long before they will make amazing discoveries. This Shihuyaxia is simply a treasure trove. Lingguo Lingzhi even has priceless crystals. After wandering around for two days, the harvested things are enough to pile up a small mountain.

   Not only Dahei was so happy that he could not close his mouth from ear to ear, even Qin Luoyi was also very excited. Two days ago, she lost a lot of talismans in order to fight that bull, and there was not much left of the spirit plants and spirit pills on her body. Now that she has these things, even if she can't get out in a short time, she doesn't have to worry. What's more, here, no one dares to attack them now.

  However, compared to their happiness, Hei Di felt a lot of pain in his flesh. It would be fine if those things fell on the body of his other half, Da Hei, but it just didn't! Everything went into that woman Qin Luoyi's pocket!

  Until now, it still couldn’t figure out, how could Dahei, as their incomparably powerful Bi’an clan, be contracted by such a weak human being?

   It's still a soul contract! I have to be subject to that woman for the rest of my life! If not, it would have split Qin Luoyi as early as the first day, and the magical treasure in her body could even shake it away, which really made it very curious.

  Unfortunately, now for the sake of Dahei's life, he had to give up!

   "Snow Ginseng Fruit!"

   After walking for dozens of miles, Dahei suddenly saw a huge snow ginseng tree in front of him, with many fruits like ginseng dolls hanging from the tree, his eyes lit up, and he rushed over quickly.

This snow ginseng fruit is extremely precious, and can be used to refine the twelfth-order snow sage dan, which is a treasure that can be used to nourish the essence of life. In the auction house, one snow shen dan can be sold The sky-high price of nearly ten million taels!

And the reason why its strength has regressed a lot is because its life essence was damaged during the war... With so many snow ginseng fruits, countless snow ginseng pills can be refined. At its peak, at least half of what it was before!

  Qin Luoyi is not yet able to refine the twelfth-level elixir, but not being able to do it now does not mean that she will not be able to refine it in the future. With her alchemy talent, it will not take many years before she can refine the twelfth-level elixir.

  The more I thought about it, the more excited I became, and with a bang, I climbed up the snow ginseng tree and started to pick it up quickly.

  Qin Luoyi, in fluttering white clothes, stood leisurely under the tree, with a smile on his lips, looking at Dahei who was busy on the tree, while the face of Heidi beside her was getting darker and darker.

   Soon, half of the hundreds of fruits on the snow ginseng tree were picked. Dahei still showed no signs of stopping, but Heidi couldn't bear it anymore.

   jumped to its side, persuaded: "Enough, you can't give her all this stuff, this snow ginseng fruit only bears fruit once in three thousand years, so we have to keep some for ourselves!"

Hearing this, Dahei lowered his paws, looked at it faintly with his dark eyes, then looked at Qin Luoyi, and then sighed: "You also know that I can't get out, and her cultivation is not high. If you don't prepare some good things for her, she will die, and I will die too!"

   Actually, it doesn’t want to pick it up, but it has to pick it up. In fact, it’s almost cramp from laughing.

"Then don't let her go. It's safest to stay with me. I still have spiritual fruit here to keep her alive. You don't have to worry about her being snapped by others after she goes up!" A cold light flashed in Hei Di's eyes. , gritted his teeth. It has always felt that it is safe to keep Qin Luoyi under its nose, not to mention that there is a strange thing on her body, after going out, it must be easy to be peeped at!

Dahei sighed again, shook his head and said: "She is my contractor, as you have seen, she keeps saying she wants to go up, her attitude is so firm, if we don't let her go up, if she is upset, she will have a thought. It can blow my mind away!"

  Hei Di's brows were tightly frowned, and he was very depressed... Well, this woman, not only can't be killed, but he has to confess like an ancestor! Looking at the snow ginseng fruit that it had always been very precious on the tree, he gritted his teeth and ruthlessly helped Dahei to pick them together.

Although it is the strongest in this area, but for hundreds of thousands of years, because it can't break through the restriction in the sky, it has been alone, without even a companion, and the heights are extremely cold. It was heartbroken, finally came a companion, it was a mother, it had to help save its life no matter what!

  When they spoke, although their voices were low, Qin Luoyi heard them clearly because they were not far away. He bit his lip and turned his face sideways. It took a lot of effort to resist the urge to laugh wildly.

  She never knew that Dahei was so good at fooling... Two days ago, it tried its best, but it didn't hurt half of the Heidi's hair, so it had to lose in the end. Hearing that Hei Di said that no matter how powerful the beasts are under the Lion and Tiger Cliff, they can only stay and never go up again, then he suddenly changed his attitude and became very friendly to Hei Di.

In the past two days, Hei Di lost a lot of treasures, except that he didn't go into Hei Di's treasury to rob it openly. Under the lion and tiger cliff, as long as it looks good, Da Hei will definitely get it. Of course, the used The reasons are the same, what are they saying so that she can advance quickly and become stronger, so that it can stay at the foot of this lion-tiger cliff with peace of mind...

  Qin Luoyi didn't stay here for a long time, only a short two days, but he also knew a lot about Shihuya.

The Hei Emperor is here, but he is a veritable emperor, his cultivation base is so powerful that no one dares to fight against him, and the ordinary treasures on the ground are nothing. Allowed, no orc would dare to take it privately, but now, for the sake of Dahei, they are willing to give it to her!

  As for Dahei... Dahei will naturally not stay here forever, and she is well aware of what it is up to.

  ------Off topic------

  Thank you aping66 for the diamond (5 diamonds), thank you 02518457 for the diamond (2 diamonds), and thank you Hanamaki Liu for the diamond. Thank you Xuexue for kissing Huahua (5 flowers), thank you for lo8105ve09 kissing Huahua, and thank you for Wufeiyangye kissing Huahua (3 flowers), so many diamonds and Huahua, excited, throwing yourself down, are you group?

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