Senior Brother – One is Too Unscrupulous

Vol 9 Chapter 14: Reward order issued

  【Read the full text of the first novel without errors, 69, your best choice! 】

   It seems that there are quite a lot of people who want to kill him.

  He is like this now, unless he is thrown into the bracelet space, he will definitely not be able to return to Linghang City quietly.

What's more, the two guards of Tuoba Yuanxu are already dead. The master has only one breath left, and he doesn't know if he can survive in the end. She wants to take them back. It’s easy to say, when Tuoba Yuanxu wakes up, she is a sure-fire savior, hehe, even if he becomes the head of the Tuoba family in the future, he must treat himself politely, otherwise a big hat of ungratefulness will overwhelm him Go up, the pressure must crush him to death.

But if she's not impossible. At that time, those people with ulterior motives, especially those who secretly want to kill Tuoba Yuanxu, will beat him up, saying that he killed him, and she will not be able to wash away even if she jumps into the Yellow River. Cleared up.

On that planet in the past, it was not uncommon for people to rely on people for doing good deeds. Although she had a way to plead her innocence, she had to spend money and pills to save people, and in the end she had to try her best to clear her innocence. For myself, I feel tired and flustered just thinking about it.

  Looking in the direction of Linghang City, and then glanced at Tuoba Yuanxu who was lying on the ground, after a little thought, a decision was made in his heart.

Signaling the puppet in Tsing Yi to carefully carry Tuoba Yuanxu, she let go of her senses, walked around this remote mountain range quietly for a while, and finally found it in a very secret place. a cave.

   There are no traces of orcs in the cave, and weeds are overgrown, because the cave is very secret, located in a dark place, and there is a small stream flowing outside, and the cave is very humid.

  Qin Luoyi looked around, although he was dissatisfied, he did not plan to find another place. Although the cave is not good, the terrain is very good, and it is not easy for people to find it.

With a thought, he quickly built a thick defense on his body, covered Tuoba Yuanxu and himself, threw a ball of fire, and with a whoosh, the weeds on the ground were instantly burned to clean, and the water vapor in the cave It is also quickly evaporated and becomes dry and pleasant.

  After taking back the fireball, she removed the defense of Jiajia, threw another blanket and spread it on the ground, and put Tuoba Yuanxu on it.

There was a lot of smoke in the air after the burning. She directly rolled up the smoke with spiritual power and threw it out of the cave. The phantom array hides the entrance of the cave.

   After finishing all this, she squatted down to look at Tuoba Yuanxu.

Tuoba Yuanxu's aura seemed to be absent, blood was still escaping from the corners of his lips, and his internal organs were shattered. Although he took an eleventh-order healing pill, the pill was already repairing his body, but The speed is very slow, so slow that you can hardly see it with your spiritual sense.

   At this rate, even if everything goes well and no one finds them to sneak up on them, within a few months, he might not be able to wake up at all.

   Is she going to stay in this hole for months?

  Qin Luoyi is not willing.

"Tsk, I don't know what kind of deep hatred those people have with you, but they want to kill you with such a heavy hand!" Looking at Tuoba Yuanxu's pale face, Qin Luoyi couldn't help shaking his head. sigh.

   But sighs are sighs, why did those people hunt down Tuoba Yuanxu, the young master of a powerful family, although she was puzzled, she was not interested in finding out.

"To make him wake up quickly, it seems that we can only refine another twelfth-level healing pill." Thinking of refining the twelfth-level healing pill for him, Qin Luoyi felt a little pained, let alone open the furnace to make alchemy Even the cost of the dozens of spiritual plants, which one is not priceless?

She squatted in front of Tuoba Yuanxu and gritted her teeth, and couldn't help but pinched his face fiercely: "Xiaomian, if you dare to be ungrateful and don't repay your savior in the future, I can save you." life, it will take your life."

   Sighed again, looked towards the direction of the cave and muttered to himself: "Damn Mo Xiao, if you hadn't inexplicably entered into a natal contract with this girl, why would I be so deliberate in begging for favors in return?"

   Swearing at Mo Xiao in her heart, she stood up, took out the purple furnace and started alchemy. After nearly ten hours, she finally refined the twelfth-order Yin-Yang Resurrection Pill.

  Looking at Tuoba Yuanxu again, nearly ten hours have passed, and he still looks like he has only one breath left, his face is pale and even tinged with gray.

After giving him the elixir that he had worked so hard to refine, Qin Luoyi sat aside and watched for two hours. He used his spiritual sense to probe into his body, and felt that the recovery in his body began to speed up a lot. Only then did he feel completely relieved, sat cross-legged on the side, and began to **** himself.

  Three days later, Tuoba Yuanxu's eyelids twitched, and Qin Luoyi withdrew from the coma state before he woke up.

Tuoba Yuanxu only felt severe pain all over his body, as if all the bones in his body were broken and reassembled—in fact, it was almost the same. When he opened his eyes vigorously, he looked into a pair of vivid and dark phoenix eyes, A faint fragrance wafts from the nose, captivating the mind.

"You've finally woken up." Looking into his slightly gloomy eyes, Qin Luoyi raised his eyebrows and smiled, but secretly cursed in his heart. After taking an eleventh-level healing pill and a twelve-level healing pill, He should have woken up too. If she didn't wake up, it would have missed the time for her to board the flying boat and leave.

  That impeccably fair and beautiful face and cherry blossom-like red lips made Tuoba Yuanxu finally recall the fact that he was attacked from behind.

"I'm not dead yet?" He opened his mouth, only to feel his throat sore and his voice even hoarse. He struggled to sit up and looked around: "Where is this?" Suddenly it was dark.

   "Bah bah bah! Say something about death." Qin Luoyi glanced at him, and then muttered in a low voice: "If you are really dead, wouldn't you be wasting my Shangqing Dan and Yin-Yang Resurrection Pill?"

  Although it was a low-pitched murmur, the cave was too quiet, and Tuoba Yuanxu could hear every word clearly, so he couldn't help being startled.

The Shangqing Pill is an eleventh-order healing pill, and the Yin-Yang Resurrection Pill is a twelfth-order healing pill... Unexpectedly, in order to save himself, Qin Luoyi would even take out such a precious pill, there are still two, no wonder he didn't die Thinking back to those two slaps taken by surprise at the beginning, he knew that he would definitely die.

   "Thank you." Muttering thanks to her, a trace of something flashed in Tuoba Yuanxu's handsome eyes, which quickly made Qin Luoyi unable to see clearly, and then passed away quickly.

"You are injured too badly and your body is still very weak. Don't waste time, heal your injuries quickly. The flying boat will open tomorrow. I have to go back to Linghang City before it opens." Qin Luoyi waved his hands and said, She is still in a hurry to go back to the Tianlong Mountains. He is also awake now. With him taking the initiative to heal his injuries, and combined with the pill, the injury can recover faster. By noon tomorrow, the injury will definitely be better again. Even though he can't fight with people at the time, Yuhong should have no problem walking or anything.

  She sat on one side and continued to meditate**.

  Tuoba Yuanxu looked at her with weak eyes.

  Wrapped in powder blue clothes, his eyes were gently closed, revealing his graceful snow-white neck. The pleats of the skirt flowed all over the floor like light smoke, making the graceful figure even more exquisite and beautiful. A head of soft blue silk was **** in a unique flying fairy bun, and pearl hairpins were inserted on it. A few plump and round pearls were randomly adorned in the hair, which made the black hair extraordinarily soft and shiny.

  Hearing her mention the flying boat, he remembered that she was going to Xianyang City, and slowly looked away... It was obviously a simple and easy movement, but he found that when he did it, it was actually a little difficult.

  There were mixed feelings in her heart, she was thinking about going to Xianyang City by flying boat, obviously she had very important things to do, but unexpectedly she saved herself, and even used two priceless high-level pills.

He closed his eyes, but the corners of his pale lips could not help but rise slightly, thinking of the two guards who were missing, and the two men who attacked him, the smile on his lips quickly faded away, a cold Killing intent escaped from him.

  Qin Luoyi slightly opened his eyes, Tuoba Yuanxu had closed his eyes, he was meditating to heal his wounds, his face was pale, and the cold killing intent had subsided.

  The next morning, Qin Luoyi stopped sexting, the flying boat departed in the afternoon, so she had to hurry back.

"Are you going back to Linghang City with me or let me notify someone to pick you up?" She asked Tuoba Yuanxu, who looked much better than yesterday, thinking to herself, she didn't know who came to hunt him down a few days ago Man, whether an acquaintance or his enemy.

  Tuoba Yuanxu already knew that this was a mountain range a few kilometers away from Linghang City, so he muttered for a moment and said. "Let's go back to Linghang City together."

  Qin Luoyi nodded: "Since you want to go back... you have to change your face, maybe there are still people looking for you outside, waiting for you to go out."

Tuoba Yuanxu didn't say who was chasing him, and she didn't ask, these may involve any secrets of the Tuoba family, she is not interested in knowing those secrets, she just needs to let Tuoba Yuanxu remember her own The grace of saving lives is.

  Tuoba Yuanxu frowned slightly, a little embarrassed.

   "You don't want to?" Qin Luoyi couldn't help frowning when he saw him like this. Now his skin is pale and his blood is low, and he looks like a seriously injured person.

   His complexion sank, a half-smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and when he was about to speak, Tuoba Yuanxu suddenly said, "I won't make it easy."

"You won't, I will." It turned out that this was what he was struggling with. Qin Luoyihan's face became clearer, and he turned around and took out a lot of things from the storage space. Squeeze the things in your hands.

   It didn't take long for a thin mask like human skin to appear in her hands. The skin on the mask was darker than that of Tuoba Yuanxu. After pinching it, he took out a large mirror from the storage space and placed it in front of him, signaling him to put the mask on his face.

  Tuoba Yuanxu looked at her, then at the mask in her hand, with a strange color in his eyes, he took over the thin mask, and his hands were warm and moist, really delicate and smooth like human skin.

The mask fits well, but the position of the eyebrows and eyes is a bit unnatural, Qin Luoyi asked him to take it off again, change it a little, and put it on again, it is very natural, the originally handsome and pale face turned into a slightly dark one delicate face.

Qin Luoyi circled around him, and was very satisfied with the mask she made. Since she and Bai Yi went to rob the Heavenly Paradise last time, she had the idea of ​​making this kind of mask to change his face. For wiping things, the materials she specially made are much more comfortable and convenient.

Apart from herself, Tuoba Yuanxu was the first person to wear this mask... I looked at it twice more carefully, and there was really no flaws. The more I looked, the more satisfied I was, I couldn't help but smile, and the phoenix eyes flickered With a star-like brilliance.

She signaled him to change another dress, then pinched a mask for herself, and changed her face in front of the mirror. When she took Tuoba Yuanxu away that day, she didn't know if anyone noticed it. Easy.

   Soon she became a long-faced woman.

  It looks a few years older than her actual age, and is about the same age as Tuoba Yuanxu. At first glance, the two are a bit similar. When people on the road see them, they will definitely think they are brother and sister.

   After tidying up the things in the cave, the two left the cave, and Yu Hong left quietly. Of course, before leaving, Qin Luoyi did not forget to remove the phantom array around the cave.

   Tuoba Yuanxu was not healed from his serious injury, but after taking two high-level elixirs, his body was full of spiritual power, and there was no problem walking under the rainbow. The two walked side by side.

  In order to cooperate with him, Qin Luoyi deliberately slowed down, and he didn't go far when he saw many monks wandering nearby. Among them were a few familiar figures, who were the ones who came to meet Tuoba Yuanxu with the city lord of Linghang City.

  Glanced at Tuoba Yuanxu from the corner of his eye.

  Tuoba Yuanxu's eyes were calm, and he passed through the air, obviously not intending to call them.

  Qin Luoyi nodded secretly.

  The two left calmly, faintly feeling that several eyes fell on them, sizing them up carefully.

   Coming out of the mountains, there were more monks flying around, and I also saw the person who followed Tuoba Yuanxu when he entered the fire area.

  Tuoba Yuanxu remained calm.

  Passing by the sky over Yinfeng Mountain, he suddenly exuded an extremely cold killing intent, but it was gone in the blink of an eye. If Qin Luoyi hadn't been so close to him, even she wouldn't have felt it.

  She looked over at him.

  Tuoba Yuanxu was looking back from the pavilion by the lake, his jaw was tense, and his eyes were very dark.

  Qin Luoyi finally realized that the killing intent on Tuoba Yuanxu yesterday was not aimed at her, and he was relieved of being on guard all along.

   Soon entered Linghang City.

The flying boat has already arrived in Linghang City. Apart from the monks who were originally in the city, there are many more monks in the city. They are all planning to go to other places in the flying boat. In a hurry, the entire Linghang City was shrouded in a strange atmosphere.

  A monk who had just entered the city with them noticed something strange, so he stepped forward to inquire. Qin Luoyi stopped and listened with his ears open.

"Something happened. The source of chaos on the tenth floor of the fire domain was taken away, and all the spars in the ninth and tenth fire domains were also taken away. The two masters Liu Qing and Shangguan Lin who made the weapon in the workshop are also missing."

"What? The source of chaos in the tenth layer of fire was taken away by someone? How is it possible! Who has such a great ability? The source of chaos has existed for at least hundreds of thousands of years. There has never been one in the tenth layer of fire." People can go in!"

   The source of chaos is the ultimate treasure, something that can be seized by top powerhouses crazily. With those sources of chaos, even if they can't cultivate into immortals, the whole family can quickly dig up on the Xuantian **.

   "Could it be that the missing Master Liu Zhen and Master Shangguan Lin took it?"

"No. Hey, you don't know, those two are dead now, because of their death, the soul jade slips left in the family were broken, which alarmed the heads of the two families to cross the void and come to the fire area. Shenyi entered the fire domain, and originally wanted to find out the cause of their death, but unexpectedly found that the source of chaos and crystals inside were missing."

   "There is such a thing... How powerful is the person who can take away the source of chaos?" The expression of the newly entered city changed suddenly when he heard this, and he was very shocked.

  Qin Luoyi's face also changed slightly.

   I was secretly surprised, I didn't expect the news of the disappearance of the source of chaos in the fire domain to spread so quickly.

   Listen carefully again.

  The topic has turned to Tuoba Yuanxu.

"Young Master Tuoba has disappeared, and the young master's bodyguard was killed at the foot of Yinfeng Mountain. Three days ago, the city lord has issued a reward order. Anyone who can provide accurate information about the young master will be rewarded with a purple Xuanshi, if anyone can find the young master, he will be rewarded with fifty purple profound stones. This morning, Lord Lifeng arrived in our Linghang City. He learned that the young master was missing and two guards were killed. He issued a reward order again. The amount of the reward is The increase has been doubled, and those who provide information about the young master will be rewarded with two purple mysterious stones, and those who can find the young master will be rewarded with one hundred purple mysterious stones."

   Seeing the monks hurrying in the city, the monks who had just entered the city were even more shocked, and finally understood why the atmosphere in Linghang City was so tense and weird.

  ------Off topic------

  Thank you Yueyan Ai for the diamond (7 diamonds), thank you for the lotus in the rain for the flower (2 flowers), thank you for the sky is blue 123 for the flower, thank you Xiaoxiaoyue for the flower.

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