Senior Brother – One is Too Unscrupulous

Vol 10 Chapter 85: i want your life

  Long Xiaotian looked at the group of people who fell to the ground and were seriously injured, and his jaw almost dropped in shock. His eyes shifted to Qin Luoyi, and his eyes became hotter.

After entering this canyon, he was unluckily discovered by Shangguan Nanqi's people. He never thought of getting out alive. He would give Qin Luoyi the map, and even thought of expending his cultivation to lift the seal for her to cover her going out. It's just because seeing her made him think of his sister who also fell into Shangguan Nanqi's hands and is now alive or dead.

   Didn't expect the cultivation of the young girl in front of him to be so powerful, which really surprised him, and his eyes sparkled.

Xuehu stared, and then blinked after a while. Seeing this horrifying scene, it stopped running, grinned, and stood directly at Qin Luoyi's feet, its body shrunk like water. Younger, he nimbly jumped onto Qin Luoyi's hand.

  Qin Luoyi bowed his head, smiled and stroked its head. [

  She knew that the huge figure of Xuehu just now was just a figure that it forcibly transformed with different magic, not that it could really change its body freely.

   Then his eyes fell on Shangguan Nanqi again.

  Shangguan Nan Qi took two deep breaths, and then forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart, waved his hands at the people around him and shouted coldly: "Take her down for me."

There were more than a dozen figures rushing over like arrows from the string, all of them were cultivators from the Zifu. Dare to go up to find death.

   Protecting Shangguan Nan Qi and retreating, he felt relatively safe, so he stopped. Shangguan Nan Qi looked at Qin Luoyi carefully with a gloomy face.

  What kind of cultivation is it that can instantly throw out all the people who besieged Long Xiaotian?

  He thought of Jian Yuyan.

   His complexion was even worse.

  Compared to his gloomy and gloomy expression, Long Xiaotian was suddenly shaken. With a snarl, he met one of the purple mansion cultivators. The purple mansion turned into a long sword and slashed at him fiercely.

   The other people who rushed towards Qin Luoyi only felt a flash of silver light, and before they realized what was going on, they all lost their lives, and their bodies fell to the ground like rags.

"how is this possible?"

  Shangguan Nan Qi was shocked by this scene.

  The rest of the monks didn't dare to rush up again, and stared at the fallen monk, with fatal wounds on their necks. When he looked at Qin Yi again, his eyes became full of fear, and those with lower cultivation levels had already turned paler than others.

These are all cultivators from the Purple Mansion, and any one of them is a famous figure in the Xuantian Continent, and they can dominate one side, but in the hands of Qin Luoyi, these strong men who can dominate one side cannot hide her hit.

At this time, Long Xiaotian's aura was like a rainbow, and he quickly dealt with his opponent. He stood behind Qin Luoyi excitedly and adoringly, his eagle-like eyes swept around, full of evil spirit, when he swept Shangguan Nanqi, that His eyes were so hard that he seemed to eat him raw.

  Qin Luoyi glanced at Long Xiaotian.

  She also felt the hatred in him, and she didn't know what kind of deep hatred this Long Xiaotian had with Shangguan Nanqi.

   Qin Luoyi is not going to let Shangguan Nanqi go.

  She didn't bother to care who he was, the young master of the Shangguan family, and how noble his status was on this continent, anyone who dared to come to her for the Hunyuan Dzi would be killed and pardoned. [

   Lifting her feet, she walked towards Shangguan Nanqi, her meandering figure looked more graceful under the golden sunlight, and the skirt followed her walking posture, drawing a graceful arc around her feet.

  Long Xiaotian followed her and walked over, his gaze was still fixed on Shangguan Nanqi fiercely, but his heart was filled with excitement.

   As long as Shangguan Nanqi is caught, maybe he can find his sister today and rescue her successfully.

   "Activate the array and kill them!"

Shangguan Nanqi watched Qin Luoyi getting closer and closer, and felt a heart that was about to jump out. With a low drink, he led the person back quickly again, angry, startled and fearful in his heart. Unbearable madness.

  Qin Luoyi's powerful cultivation is probably related to the Hunyuan Dzi Bead. If he gets the Hunyuan Dzi Bead, in time, who will still be his opponent?

  He will stand at the pinnacle of this continent!

   The desire to get the Hunyuan Dzi became more urgent.

He didn't kill Qin Luoyi before, one was because of Qin Luoyi's beauty, he just killed someone who hadn't got it yet, no matter how he thought about it, he felt unwilling, and the other was naturally because of the Hunyuan Dzi, he wanted to kill Qin Luoyi first Yi slowly tricked her into his hands. If she could cooperate, he could slowly study the Hunyuan Dzi and find out the safest way to get it.

   But now he has changed his mind.

  Qin Luoyi was terrifyingly powerful.

  People...must be killed!

  Since we have already tore each other apart today, and I think she has come here captive, even if I can't get the Hunyuan Dzi, this woman must be killed, otherwise if she becomes stronger in the future, how can he survive? This canyon is his territory, and the right time and place are in his hands at this time, so I don't believe he can't kill her.

  Shangguan Nan Qi is a cruel person in essence, and he is decisive. At critical moments, he knows how to choose.

   What's more, maybe he can still get Hunyuan Dzi if he kills someone.

   "Girl, don't let them activate the formation!" Long Xiaotian said eagerly to Qin Luoyi, his expression became serious.

   This canyon is a secret forbidden place of the Shangguan family. As far as he knows, the formation formed by the Shangguan family here is so powerful that even the top cultivators of the Purple Mansion will be trapped and difficult to escape.

Looking at the swaying figures around him, there are quite a few Shangguan Nanqi people in the valley. It is impossible to find out the person who activated the formation in a hurry. As fast as lightning, he rushed towards Shangguan Nanqi.

  The little snow fox in Qin Luoyi's hand let out a low cry, and also rushed out.

  Shangguan Nanqi gave a sinister smile and did not back down. A white mist rose from the surrounding area, covering the entire valley in an instant, and Shangguan Nanqi and his party had disappeared.

"Damn it, let them run away!" Long Xiaotian cursed in a low voice anxiously. At this time, the surrounding area was completely shrouded in white mist, and there was a terrifying sound of dragons and tigers roaring in the canyon, accompanied by Hearing that voice, many black shadows rushed towards him viciously, and what made his heart sink even more was that his attack gradually slowed down in this fog.

   That white mist is poisonous! [

  He couldn't help cursing again, and Qin Luoyi's figure, he had already lost sight of it, the fog completely isolated the people inside, and even his spiritual consciousness couldn't be seen a foot away.

Shangguan Nanqi led the people to shuttle quickly through the secret passage. At this time, there was no other sound except the rapid breathing of the people. Although they used the formation to get rid of Qin Luoyi, they still hadn't recovered from the Came back from the shock.

  Especially Shangguan Nanqi, with mixed feelings in his heart.

  Walk for nearly a quarter of an hour in the complex tunnel of the Cuozong, passing through many traps, and came to a very secret stone room. Press the switch to open the stone room, and the inside suddenly opens up.

Although it is an underground stone room, the interior is luxuriously and exquisitely furnished. Shangguan Nanqi went directly to the soft couch and sat down. Formation, if the person inside is dead, notify me immediately... No, that Long Xiaotian doesn't care about him, Qin Luoyi...notify me when she still has one breath left."

  He still didn't want to give up the Hunyuan Dzi.

   The guards responded, and quickly led a few people back out.

Originally, there was a woman in the stone room, with a beautiful appearance, but her expression was very haggard. Seeing Shangguan Nanqi bring a group of people in, there was a flash of anger in her eyes, but she quickly covered it up again, lowered her head and hid in a corner, trying her best Minimize your presence.

Shangguan Nanqi's eyes still fell on her, she stiffened suddenly, her head lowered, Shangguan Nanqi gave a few words to a guard beside her, then walked in front of the woman, holding her hand The chin lifted her head up. She smiled and said, "Lin Yujiao, I haven't seen you in half a month. It seems that your spirit has improved a lot. You really are an excellent stove. I didn't misunderstand you."

Lin Yujiao's chin was pinched, and she was forced to look at Shangguan Nanqi's face. She looked into a pair of sharp and lustful eyes. She had seen those eyes several times. Every time she saw them, her hatred for this man became stronger. a bit.


   He spat heavily on his face.

  Shangguan Nanqi turned his head and dodged it, raised his hand and gave her a slap in the face, showing no pity for her, Lin Yujiao's white and tender face instantly became red and swollen like steamed buns.

   "Beast?" Shangguan Nanqi pinched her chin again, looked down at her, and said with a wicked smile: "Little beauty, if I were a beast, you would be **** by me every day. What are you?"

   "Beast, beast..." Lin Yujiao's eyes were red with anger, and she was so ashamed and angry that she struggled violently while cursing.

Shangguan Nanqi snorted softly, his smile became ferocious, and he fell to the ground directly. With a bang, he tore off the clothes on her body, revealing his snow-white skin, and then pressed her under his body. He opened his belt, separated her legs and rushed in.


Lin Yujiao let out a scream, struggled more violently, and hissed: "Shangguan Nanqi, you beast, let me go, you are not human, I curse you to have no children and grandchildren, you will die badly, and everyone in your Shangguan family will die!" Good death..."

  No matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't break free from Shangguan Nanqi on her body. Shangguan Nanqi's eyes were bloodshot, and he raised his hand to slap her on the face again, but his body galloped even more fiercely on her body.

There is an evil fire burning in his heart here. There are more than a dozen Zifu monks, although many of them are Zifu junior monks, but they are also Zifu monks. He spent a lot of money and material resources to cultivate them. He Shangguan Nanqi's backbone force to dominate the Xuantian Continent in the future, was actually lost in Qin Luoyi's hands today.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and the angrier he moved, the more ruthless his movements became. Gradually, in his eyes, the woman who was struggling on the ground turned into Qin Luoyi, with black hair scattered on the ground, lying on his body. Struggling to beg for mercy, a strange and perverted excitement rose in his heart, turned the person under him over, made her kneel in front of him humble, and then tortured him severely again.

The struggle of the woman under her body gradually became stronger, like a rag doll let him ravage, blood gradually flowed out from under her body, in a trance, Lin Yujiao felt the energy in her body and the power of the mansion, and with a very fast speed The speed elapsed.

  She closed her eyes in despair.

When Shangguan Nanqi got up from her body, Lin Yujiao was already extremely weak. For the past two years, Shangguan Nanqi had used her as a furnace. Every time she bullied her, her cultivation would be sucked away. Up to now, the power in her body is only one out of ten. She was originally a high-level monk in the Yufu, but now she has at most an elementary-level cultivation in the Xuanfu.

  The stone gate was opened.

   "Young master, the person you want has been brought."

  A young girl in a yellow shirt was brought in, and when she saw the woman lying on the ground with bruises all over her body, her face turned pale.

  Shangguan Nanqi stood there, lazily pulling up some messy clothes, looking at the girl who was brought in with a gloomy look in his dark eyes.

  The woman on the ground opened her eyes and saw the woman in yellow standing not far away. She was startled at first, and then smiled miserably: "Long Jin, I didn't expect you to fall into the hands of this devil."

   "Sister Lin?" Long Jin was taken aback by the familiar voice, and then quickly passed by.

  Shangguan Nan Qi stood aside coldly and did not stop her.

   "It's really you, Sister Lin." Running closer, Long Jin had already seen clearly the ravaged woman on the ground, her voice began to tremble.

   Soon realized that besides Shangguan Nanqi, there were quite a few people in the stone room, and hurriedly took out a piece of clothing from the storage space, and put it on the body of the girl Chiguo.

   Shangguan Nan Qi stroked his chin and smiled, then pointed at Lin Yujiao and said to the monks around him: "That woman rewarded you."

  Lin Yujiao screamed and wanted to bite her tongue to kill herself. Someone had already come over and pinched her mouth, and threw another pill into her mouth.

  Long Jin kicked that person.

  Shangguan Nan Qi reached out and grabbed Long Jin. With a crash, the clothes on Long Jin's body were also torn apart, Long Jin was anxious and angry, sacrificed Yufu and attacked Shangguan Nanqi.

   "Shangguan Nanqi, I will kill you!"

  She was not a match for Shangguan Nanqi despite her cultivation level, so she was soon restrained by Shangguan Nanqi and pressed down on the soft couch.

  The eyes of the other monks in the stone room gleamed lewdly, and they walked towards Lin Yujiao who was dying on the ground. Shangguan Nanqi's **** performance in front of them earlier hooked them up.

Seeing those demonic palms about to fall on her body, Lin Yujiao couldn't even die, she closed her eyes in despair, but the disgusting touch did not come as she expected, instead she heard several muffled groans, and immediately There was a scream.

  She opened her eyes abruptly.

  In the stone room, there were suddenly two more people, a young man and a very young girl. The girl was holding a cute... It turned out to be the legendary snow fox!

"Brother! Miss Qin!" Long Jin's clothes had been ripped off by Shangguan Nanqi, and he was pressed under him by Shangguan Nanqi. Fortunately, he was still able to cover his body. When he saw the man and woman appearing, he couldn't help but cried out in surprise. .

  Shangguan Nanqi only felt a buzzing sound in his head, and looked at the people who appeared in front of him in disbelief... The formation in the canyon failed to trap them to death, and Qin Luoyi actually found it here.

  He wanted to run, but he was too far away from the door, and he would have to pass by Qin Luoyi's side when he ran out. With Qin Luoyi's perverted cultivation base, it was impossible for him to run out from there.

The Baiyutai was on top of him, but it was about to tear apart the void. He quickly glanced to the side, and then directly lifted Long Jin up, blocking him in front of him. , let him realize that these two must know each other, and Long Jin is also Long Xiaotian's younger sister.

   "Don't come here, Long Xiaotian, if you come here again I will kill your sister!" Shangguan Nanqi stared at Qin Luoyi and Long Xiaotian and shouted coldly.

  A man with mustache leaned towards him.

  Shangguan Nan Qi's eyes lit up.

  He held on to Long Jin even tighter, hoping that Long Jin could temporarily block the two of them, as long as he could delay for a while.

  Qin Luoyi naturally recognized the woman he captured, Long Jin, Long Xiaotian...they were actually brothers and sisters.

Shangguan Nan Qi is simply lustful. Last time when she met him for the first time in Qiantong Mountain, he sent his minions to capture Long Jin and prepare to insult her. Unexpectedly, he has captured Long Jin again now. Come.

  Long Xiaotian probably entered this canyon because of his sister.

   "Shangguan Nanqi, I'm going to kill you!" Long Xiaotian yelled hoarsely as he looked at Long Jin, who was caught by Shangguan Nanqi's disheveled clothes.

  Shangguan Nan Qi snorted softly: "If you have the ability, kill it. If you are buried with your sister, you will not be alone on the road to Huangquan. Don't come here again. If you come again, I will be rude to your sister."

  Long Xiaotian slapped out his palm, angrily shattering the table next to him, but he stopped under his feet, and Qin Luoyi also stopped.

   Shangguan Nanqi was overjoyed.

   I didn't expect Qin Luoyi to have scruples when a blind cat encounters a dead mouse!

  He tightly pinched Long Jin's neck with one hand, and took out the white jade platform with the other. The middle-aged monk with a mustache carved Dao lines and wanted to cross the void.

When the void began to turbulent, Qin Luoyi made a move. Her body suddenly disappeared from the spot and came to Shangguan Nanqi at an incredible speed. She rescued Long Jin, and then handed Long Jin to Long Xiaotian behind her who was obviously so anxious that his throat was smoldering.

  Long Xiaotian grabbed his younger sister to protect her side, and then took out a shirt and put it on her body.

  Lin Yujiao was lying in the corner with all her strength, biting her lip and looking at this scene in shock. She was covered with the clothes that Long Jin gave her just now, and she could barely cover her body.

The middle-aged monk who was drawing the Dao pattern was slapped away by Long Xiaotian's palm, leaving only Shangguan Nan Qi who was holding the white jade platform standing there alone, with blood gushing from the corners of his lips, obviously seriously injured. But none of the people who followed Shangguan Nanqi dared to come up to help, and some even wanted to sneak away quietly.

   Shangguan Nan Qi was so angry that he vomited blood even more.

  Qin Luoyi glanced at the middle-aged monk with a mustache, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and then quickly looked away, leaving him alone.

Long Xiaotian raised his sword and stopped those who wanted to run by himself. His eyes were bloodshot, and he had only one thought in his mind. He wanted to kill all these beasts. He almost...almost his sister was killed by Shangguan Nanqi and others. The herd was ruined.

  Long Jin also rushed over to help.

   "Qin Luoyi..." Shangguan Nanqi looked at her and said in a hoarse voice: "As long as you exit the canyon, I can give you anything you need."

  Facing Shang Qin Luoyi, he knew that he had no chance of winning.

   This woman is too scary.

   "Anything I need..." Qin Luoyi looked at him with a half-smile: "Does it include your life?"

  Shangguan Nan Qi's face turned livid.

  ------Off topic------

Thank you ong0902 for kissing Huahua, thank you for the sky is blue 123 kissing Huahua (3 flowers), thank you White Lover Caicai kissing Huahua (2 flowers), thank you 709488874 kissing Huahua (6 flowers), thank you Xiaoxiao Yueqin’s Huahua (gl’s kiss’s Huahua (10 flowers), thank you Ru Gelin’s kiss’s Huahua (10 flowers), thank you 13505743081 kiss’s Huahua, thank you lre224 kiss’s Huahua (5 flowers), thank you lukelf dear Dear Huahua (10 flowers)

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