Feng Shao never thought that such a thing as time traveling would happen to him.

He didn't expect that not long after traveling, he would face the situation of freezing and starving to death.

Looking up at the sky covered by thick dark clouds, he subconsciously tightened his thin clothes, and in his heart he just wanted to curse this thief.

You dragged me from modern society to this damned plane smoothly. I don’t expect you to let me be the son of destiny, but don’t let me die as soon as I get here!

Five days have passed since time travel. After traveling through time, he found that he had become a little boy of only twelve or thirteen years old, with nothing else on him except a coarse linen clothes.

As for the environment, it was a land of ice and snow. Looking around, there is not a single house in sight for dozens of kilometers around. It seemed like he was the only one left in the world, struggling to survive alone in this world.

In order to survive, Feng Shao had to start a difficult trek in the snow.

He could no longer calculate how far he had walked in this land of ice and snow, and the dark clouds in the sky that never seemed to disperse and the never-ending roaring blizzard made it impossible for him to even identify the direction through the sun. He could only calculate how many days had passed through the changes in the sky.

Due to lack of food and clothing, he felt that the fire of his life was on the verge of extinguishing. He was tired, hungry and sleepy, and the biting cold wind kept taking away the remaining heat from his body through his thin clothes.

He knew he was reaching his limit.

Looking up at the sky, Feng Shao couldn't help but smile bitterly.

I am probably the fastest and most miserable time traveler in history, right?

His feet staggered and he fell involuntarily on the snow. He struggled to get up, but his body, which had not eaten for many days, made it impossible for him to stand.

Oh, that's it, I'm tired. If there is an afterlife, I hope to be reincarnated into a warm family.

When he was dying, he vaguely saw a figure walking in front of him. He couldn't see the whole figure clearly, and could only vaguely hear what the man said.

He said, "Are you willing to become your teacher?"

Feng Shao subconsciously replied in a low voice: "Then...can you save me?"

"If you worship me as your teacher, I will save you."

"What if I don't take you as my teacher?"

"...I will still save you."

"Then I am willing to become your teacher."

It was this brief conversation that changed Feng Shao's life.

Later, Qingyangzi, who had become the head of Taiwei Sect, asked his eldest disciple this question: "What would happen to you if I said at that time that if you don't become a disciple, I won't save you?"

Feng Shao replied: "Of course I am a disciple! After all, I don't want to die!"

"But why do you still ask questions like that?"

"Because I have to find out who my future master is."

"...What's the difference?"

"Of course there is a difference! If you don't save me without becoming a disciple, it means that the master is a very utilitarian person. I will respect you and obey your orders like all disciples, but I will not worship you. And I will not worship you. And Sooner or later, I will stay away from you, because I am worried that Master will sell me out one day."

"...What about now?"

"I will always regard Taiwei Sect as my home and Master as my relative. I will do whatever Master wants to do at all costs. If Master wants to carry forward the sect, then I will I will do my best to help Master fulfill this wish.”

That's what he said.

This is also done.

PS: Realm setting

The next four realms: Qi refining, foundation building, meridians connection, innateness

The six realms of Taoism: Golden Pill, Transformation of Gods, Hedao, Taiqing, Overcoming Tribulation, and True Immortal

Six realms of Buddhism: Dharma, Prajna, Bodhi, True Suchness, Nirvana, Buddha

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