Senior brother, stop it, you are the villain!

Chapter 103 Visiting Cards and Invitations

After listening to Chen Ye's request, Jia Chan hesitated for a moment and said, "I can convey your request to the Pavilion Master for you, but I can't guarantee that you can meet the Pavilion Master."

But Chen Ye said confidently, "It doesn't matter. As long as Master Jia can help me introduce him, it's enough. As for this recipe, whether Master Lin is willing to see me or not, I am willing to give this recipe to Qingxing Hall."

These words immediately deepened Jia Chan's favor for him.

Little did he know that the reason why Chen Ye said this was because of his confidence in the recipe of the Soul-Fixing Pill. Such a long-lost recipe is what every big force wants to get. Especially for a big force like Yunjian Pavilion that lacks foundation, it is even more dreaming of this recipe.

I believe that as long as Lin Fengtian sees the recipe of the Soul-Fixing Pill, he will definitely be willing to meet him. After he meets Lin Fengtian, he can propose to give some recipes in the medical classics to Yunjian Pavilion to gain Lin Fengtian's favor. As long as he gets Lin Fengtian's favor, he can take advantage of the situation to propose to cancel Lin Xiaoran's engagement. By that time, he will have a way to win Lin Xiaoran.

Jia Chan didn't know what was going on in Chen Ye's mind. She just felt that this young man could contribute a precious pill formula so generously, which showed that this young man had great ambitions. This not only did not arouse her disgust, but made her more praise out of thin air.

But that's it. As for whether Lin Fengtian is willing to meet this young man, it depends on Lin Fengtian himself.

If Feng Shao knew what Jia Chan was thinking, he would definitely sigh at the protagonist halo of the son of destiny. What scene has the dignified Qingxing Hall master not seen? It's just a recipe for a soul-fixing pill, but it can make her look up to him. It's simply anti-logic.

But Feng Shao has no time to take care of these now. He's been a little busy recently.

Since Lin Fengtian announced the engagement between Lin Xiaoran and Feng Shao, Feng Shao immediately became the most famous person in the entire Dongzhou. The reason why the monks paid so much attention to Feng Shao was not because Feng Shao had any outstanding qualities, but because many people could not help but be curious about how this unknown boy could suddenly become the son-in-law of Yunjian Pavilion?

So for a while, many visiting cards and invitations came in like snowflakes, almost drowning Feng Shao. Among these posts, there were many sons of holy lands and sons of the heads of large sects. They were all the geniuses of Dongzhou, with a certain influence, and countless admirers. And with Feng Shao's fame, he could actually get so much attention from so many people, which was simply smoke coming out of his ancestral grave.

Of course, the premise is that he has to have an ancestral grave.

Looking at the pile of posts on the table, Feng Shao couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He knew why his future father-in-law suddenly pushed him to the surface.

Feng Shao had the ability, and his qualifications were greatly improved after a trip to the Sansheng Tower. Now Feng Shao has almost no shortcomings except for his realm. But his lofty ambitions destined him to walk a thorny road.

Although Lin Fengtian did not have much hope for what Feng Shao wanted to do, he admired people with lofty ambitions. Blindly practicing cultivation can be regarded as a life choice, but this path is still too mediocre for cultivators. Truly outstanding people will want to make a big career. Lin Fengtian is such a person, and Feng Shao is also such a person, so Lin Fengtian can be regarded as a hero cherishing a hero for Feng Shao.

But the biggest problem Feng Shao faces is that his reputation is too low.

Being too low in fame is sometimes a good thing, and sometimes a bad thing. For people who like to hide, not being famous is of course a good thing, which is convenient for secretly shooting. But Feng Shao is not such a person. What he wants to do is destined to make him come to the surface.

At this time, being too low in fame is not a good thing. So Lin Fengtian, as Feng Shao's future father-in-law, decided to give this son-in-law a push. And announcing the engagement between Lin Xiaoran and Feng Shao is undoubtedly the simplest and most reasonable way.

So Feng Shao was forced to become famous.

Being famous has both good and bad sides.

There is no need to say much about the good side. Now the whole Dongzhou knows that Feng Shao is backed by the big tree of Yunjian Pavilion, which directly scares away many people who have conflicts with Feng Shao in the past or in the future. Moreover, many forces will cooperate with Feng Shao to a certain extent for the sake of Yunjian Pavilion, so as to establish a good relationship with Yunjian Pavilion. As long as Feng Shao can handle it well, these people will become his helpers in the future.

The bad point is whether Feng Shao's ability can match his current popularity.

Not to mention Dongzhou, there are many people in the whole Shangyu who want to marry Lin Xiaoran. When Feng Shao took away this delicate flower that made them salivate, it would naturally arouse the jealousy and anger of some people. Due to the power of Yunjian Pavilion, they usually don't openly make things difficult for Feng Shao, but it is hard to guarantee that they will not play some tricks in private. You must know that in Shangyu, there are countless hypocrites who are steady and upright on the surface, but unscrupulous in private. These people are both a threat and a test for Feng Shao. If Feng Shao passes this test, he will soar to the sky.

But if he fails...

Then he can only find a Feng Shui treasure land for Feng Shao in advance.

The current situation Feng Shao is facing is very complicated, and he can get a glimpse of it through these posts.

Most of these posts are visiting cards, and they are from second-rate or third-rate families and sects within a thousand miles around Yunjian Pavilion. They know that they are not worthy of making friends with Yunjian Pavilion, so they want to get in touch with Yunjian Pavilion through Yunjian Pavilion's son-in-law. Even if they can pick up some leftovers from Yunjian Pavilion, it is enough for their whole family to eat.

Among the remaining posts, most are invitations, from first-class and super-first-class forces and families. The people who sent these invitations are divided into two parts.

The first type, they send invitations for the purpose of testing Feng Shao's ability, character and style of doing things. They will decide how to communicate and get along with Feng Shao based on the results of the test. Feng Shao can choose to be gentle or tough, and this requires the right medicine.

Some people are soft and not hard, but some people are hard and not soft. Some people will return you with all their strength if you give them a little kindness; but some people will only push you further if you give them a little kindness.

It is very important to grasp the scale when dealing with this kind of people. It cannot be too soft or too hard. Too soft will be considered weak and vulnerable, and too hard will push the other party into hostility. They are both potential allies and potential enemies. Whether they are allies or enemies depends on how Feng Shao treats them.

And the other type of people, they send invitations for the purpose of provocation.

These people have a common characteristic, that is, they have coveted Lin Xiaoran for a long time, and some people even regard Lin Xiaoran as a forbidden fruit. They cannot tolerate others picking this delicate flower that is about to bloom, and they cannot tolerate that the person who picked this flower is still an unknown person. So they want to provoke Feng Shao, make Feng Shao afraid, and make Feng Shao dare not be the son-in-law of Yunjian Pavilion.

If Feng Shao knows what is good for him and can cancel the marriage by himself, it will be fine, and they don’t mind letting Feng Shao go. But if Feng Shao doesn’t know what is good for him and insists on marrying Lin Xiaoran, then they have to find another way to make Feng Shao disappear.

Some blessings can only be enjoyed by certain people. If a person with a thin fate insists on enjoying blessings that do not belong to him, it will shorten his life.

For this kind of people, of course, the best way is to slap them back, slapping them dizzy and slapping them so that they dare not speak. If possible, it is best to slap the forces behind them together, so that the problem can be solved once and for all.

But this method is not applicable to Feng Shao. The reason is very simple, that is, the strength is not enough.

In the case of insufficient strength, rashly counterattack will only provide the other party with an excuse to attack oneself. Moreover, some people's provocations are quite naive, and such people still have the potential to be won over. Not only that, for Feng Shao who wants to create his own power, making too many enemies is not a wise choice.

He is no longer a child, not the kind of young man who fights back regardless of provocation. Doing so is not called personality, nor is it called toughness, it is called brain damage. Feng Shao believes that he is not the son of luck, and there is no aura of intelligence reduction on his head, so he can't rush forward like the Dragon King, the God of War, the son-in-law, the reborn, the system host, and the descending doctor. He has to respond to these provocations in a smarter and wiser way.

This is a mental job, but it is also a physical job.

After some classification, Feng Shao secretly thought about how to deal with these posts.

Those second- and third-rate families and sects who wanted to connect with Yunjian Pavilion through Feng Shao could be dealt with later. For this kind of people, they could make friends for the sake of profit, and as long as they paid enough money, they could reach most of the cooperation. However, after Feng Shao remembered what he was going to do, he felt that another option might be more appropriate.

That is to tie these families to his chariot so that they can be used by him. These families alone are nothing, but if they can be twisted into a rope, they are also a force that cannot be ignored. As for how to make them willing to follow him wholeheartedly, Feng Shao also had some plans in his mind.

As for those invitations of temptation and provocation, Feng Shao screened them again. Finally, he picked out one of them from these invitations.

This invitation came from Guan Shuo, the son of Taixuan Holy Land.

The reason for choosing this invitation was that Feng Shao had some friendship with Guan Shuo. The two of them had once explored a secret realm at the same time by chance, and in the process of exploration, they caused conflicts because of competing for natural treasures. Later, under the mediation of others, the two shook hands and made peace. But Feng Shao knew that Guan Shuo had to compromise only because of that man's face. In fact, he had always been very dissatisfied with himself!

I remember Guan Shuo said at that time: "Brother Feng has a wide range of friends, which is admirable. If you have time, I hope Brother Feng will come to Taixuan Holy Land to chat with me. I will definitely clean up and wait for you to do my best to be a good host."

Don't look at Guan Shuo's polite words, in fact, the translation means: I am not convinced, if you have the ability, come to Taixuan Holy Land, and we will have another showdown!

Feng Shao agreed, but he was secretly amused in his heart.

Guan Shuo is actually a very good person, at least he has a good reputation. The conflict between the two is just a little conflict in the process of competing for natural materials and treasures. And the reason why Guan Shuo still wants to showdown with Feng Shao is not because he is hostile to Feng Shao, but because he feels that he has lost face and wants to get it back.

This time Guan Shuo will send an invitation, Feng Shao immediately understands that this kid is taking advantage of the topic!

In that case, I might as well visit this old friend first and get this guy on my chariot!

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