Standing on the bow, Chi Xuan looked down at the Qingdi City below, with a half-smile on his face.

After a long time, he said, "Brother Xin, have you heard of this person called 'Feng Shao'?"

Xin Ruxiong said calmly, "I heard that Feng Shao was originally the saint of the second-rate sect Taiwei Sect. Later, he left the sect because of a disagreement with the sect leader and is now a wanderer."

"Wanderer? Haha, a mere wanderer can actually win the heart of the little princess of Yunjian Pavilion? Brother Xin, do you think it's possible?"

Xin Ruxiong shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Chi Xuan turned his head and glanced at Xin Ruxiong, and smiled, "I'm afraid it's not that Brother Xin doesn't know, but that Brother Xin doesn't want to say it?"

Xin Ruxiong's expression did not change, and he still said calmly, "I really don't know."

Chi Xuan sighed, "Forget it, forget it, forget it if you don't know. Get ready, let's go into the city!"

Xin Ruxiong said respectfully, "Yes."

The "preparation" that Chi Xuan mentioned is not simple. After more than half an hour, a loud voice came from the spirit boat. The voice spread throughout the city in an instant, and everyone in the city could hear it clearly.

"Chi Xuan, the Holy Son of Jiuyou Holy Land, has arrived in Qingdi City! No one should leave immediately!"

Before the voice fell, the sound of bells, drums, and stringed instruments rang out again, with great momentum. A dozen men in black dragged a long carpet and flew down the spirit boat. At the same time, a gorgeous carriage took off from the spirit boat, and the carriage was pulled by two strange beasts with wings on their armpits. The beasts looked ferocious and had a terrifying aura. It was obvious that they were not good people at first sight. However, such a fierce beast could only become a coolie to pull the carriage, which invisibly enhanced the prestige of the carriage owner.

After a while, the dozen men in black laid the carpet in the city. The two strange beasts pulled the carriage around in the air before slowly landing at the end of the carpet. After landing, the two beasts also let out a deafening roar, which frightened countless people.

After the carriage landed, two men in black immediately ran forward. One opened the door, and the other knelt on the ground. As the door opened, a young man with a strange appearance stepped on the back of the kneeling black man and got off the carriage leisurely. Then, two more pretty women stepped out of the carriage, standing on both sides of the young man.

The young man walked on the carpet with a smile on his face and a lazy look. He looked around the two sides of the street, but saw that the faces of the onlookers were full of awe and curiosity, and he felt a little satisfied. Then, he put his hands behind his back and walked forward with a square step that did not recognize his relatives, and the two maids followed closely behind.

The residents of Qingdi City have seen many people from large sects, but they have never seen such a grand show, so they are more or less curious about Chi Xuan.

However, at this time, there were other geniuses from powerful forces in Qingdi City. They looked at Chi Xuan's grand show and showed disdain.

In a restaurant, a young man in a green robe smiled and shook his head, and said to another young man in front of him: "Brother Yan, this Chi Xuan is still acting like a nouveau riche as always, as if he is afraid that others don't know who he is. Such a person, no matter how high his cultivation is, what is there to fear?"

The young man opposite nodded and said: "The Son of Jiuyou is really going backwards. We practice to seek immortality. People like Chi Xuan who indulge in pleasure are destined to not go far on the road of practice."

Sitting next to the table at this time, in addition to these two young men, there was also a lively and pretty girl. She looked out curiously and murmured, "I didn't expect this Nine Nether Saint to be so handsome!"

The young man surnamed Yan warned, "Little sister, don't be fooled by his appearance. This person is ruthless, cruel and bloodthirsty, and has killed countless souls. If you meet this person, remember to run as far as you can and don't contact him."

The girl waved her hand and said impatiently, "Okay, okay, you have said this to me so many times, can't you change it to something new? My ears are calloused from hearing it!"

The young man in the green robe smiled and said, "Miss Yan, Brother Yan is also thinking about you. Chi Xuan is notorious for his evil deeds, killing people like flies, and his mood is unpredictable. No one knows when he will suddenly draw his sword and kill people, and no one knows why he will kill people. It's best to stay away from people like this."

At the same time, similar conversations were everywhere in the city. They all had no good feelings towards Chi Xuan, but they were also afraid of his perverse behavior, so they all told the people around them to stay away from Chi Xuan to avoid getting into trouble.

But in a restaurant at the end of the street, there was a teenager of seventeen or eighteen who was also observing Chi Xuan from a distance. He had a very strange feeling about Chi Xuan, as if the two were born to be opposites.

"Is it my illusion?" the teenager murmured.

Chi Xuan walked comfortably on the street. He didn't think there was anything wrong with attracting the attention of the whole city, but rather felt a little bit of enjoyment. He had already begun to wonder whether Feng Shao would be frightened by his pomp and take the initiative to withdraw from Lin Xiaoran's engagement.

The best thing about being notorious is that sometimes you don't need to do anything yourself to scare away a lot of people.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came from his mind:

"Ding! The son of luck has been detected nearby."

Chi Xuan was startled, then overjoyed, and quickly said in his heart: "Tongzi, show me the detailed information of this son of luck!"

After a moment, a person's detailed information appeared in his mind:

Name: Chen Ye

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Cultivation: Innate

Constitution: Ancient Battle Body

Qi Luck Value: 2798

Kung Fu: Star Art, Chen Family Kung Fu

Treasures: Mist Purple Pendant, Green Rose Dagger, Tian Fang Ji...

Chi Xuan looked at Chen Ye's personal information, and a smile unconsciously appeared on the corner of his mouth.

No one knew that Chi Xuan was actually a time traveler. And he had been in this world for three years. When he first traveled to this world, he obtained the standard configuration of the time traveler: the system.

It's just that the system he obtained is different, called the "Qi Luck Harvesting System".

The Qi Luck Harvesting System, as the name suggests, is a system that strengthens itself by harvesting Qi Luck.

After a conversation with the system, Chi Xuan realized that he had traveled as a villain in this world. No matter what he did, as a villain, he would provoke those sons of Qi Luck and become their stepping stone.

In order to overturn this inherent fate, he must rely on the system and turn the tide against adversity.

Chi Xuan quickly accepted his identity as a villain and secretly made up his mind to become a hegemon in this world!

The first thing he did was to occupy the saint of Jiuyou Holy Land, Zuo Linglan.

It's no wonder that Chi Xuan was a loser in his previous life, and he was the kind of loser who had never touched a woman. Facing Zuo Linglan, who was more beautiful than the movie stars he had seen in his previous life, how could he control himself?

So he immediately used both soft and hard tactics, both coercion and inducement, and finally forcibly occupied Zuo Linglan.

However, he did this not entirely because of greed for beauty. There was another important reason, that is, Zuo Linglan had a childhood sweetheart, and he was a son of luck.

If nothing unexpected happened, Zuo Linglan should have been paired with the son of luck. But when Chi Xuan came through, the situation changed.

Because of Zuo Linglan's occupation, the son of luck was furious and challenged Chi Xuan. As expected, with the help of the system, the son of luck died in Chi Xuan's hands, and soon after, Chi Xuan used various means to cruelly kill him.

After killing the son of luck, Chi Xuan began to clean up the Jiuyou Holy Land. Anyone who refused to submit to him was assassinated or subdued by him by various means. And the reason why he was able to do all this was entirely with the help of the system.

As a result, the Jiuyou Holy Land almost became Chi Xuan's one-man show. In addition, with the help of the system, practicing and upgrading is easier than eating and drinking, so he became the most famous Tianjiao in the entire Dongzhou.

After that, Chi Xuan completely let himself go. He adhered to the law of "the strong prey on the weak" and killed and set fire everywhere. In his eyes, except for him, everyone is an ant. Since they are ants, there is naturally no need to care about their lives.

During this period, he also met another son of luck. Under his operation, the son of luck also lost his family and even his lover was taken over by Chi Xuan.

The luck harvested from the two sons of luck made Chi Xuan's cultivation rapidly improve without practicing. This made him deeply immersed in the pleasure brought by power, and also made him more obsessed with this feeling of getting something for nothing.

Unfortunately, after that, he never met another son of luck again.

After feeling the benefits brought by the system, Chi Xuan became less willing to work hard, and he despised those who could not catch up with him no matter how hard they tried. He put most of his energy on enjoyment and hardly put any effort into cultivation. Over time, he had forgotten the feeling of hard work and became more dependent on the system. But if he couldn't find the son of luck, no matter how powerful the system was, it would be meaningless to him.

But what he didn't expect was that he came to Qingdi City and actually met the third son of luck!

Looking at Chen Ye's personal information, Chi Xuan almost laughed out loud.

Very good, this son of destiny is mine!

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