Senior brother, stop it, you are the villain!

Chapter 126: Cleaning Up the House

Feng Shao's words were tantamount to a declaration of war.

Chi Xuan is also a decisive person. He immediately pulled out his sword, pointed it at Feng Shao, and said coldly: "What? Are you going to take action if you don't agree with your words? Don't think that I am afraid of you because you have Jiutian Lihuo Cauldron! I am a systematic person! "

Feng Shao smiled faintly: "It's just a system. Don't you think of the system as a universal cheat?"

Chi Xuan sneered: "You will know if you try it or not!"

With that said, Chi Xuan summoned up his spiritual power and prepared to fight Feng Shao to the death. However, before he could swing the sword down, he felt the breath in his Dantian jump, and his true energy was somewhat out of control for a moment.

Chi Xuan's face was shocked and angry, and he couldn't help shouting: "You...what on earth did you do to me?"

Feng Shao smiled and said: "Chi Xuan, you have to understand one thing. Both you and your system are outsiders to this world. Since you are outsiders, under certain circumstances, you You will naturally be suppressed by the rules. Don’t tell me that you have traveled through time and you don’t even know such a simple truth.”

Chi Xuan really doesn’t know! After he traveled through time, he just pretended to be cool, slapped people in the face, killed people, and set fires. How could he have time to think about this problem?

Besides, who would have thought that time travelers would be suppressed by the rules of the world?

Chi Xuan tried his best to control the energy in his body, gritted his teeth and said: "I don't believe it! You are also a time traveler, how come you are not suppressed by the rules?"

"Of course I have my reasons. But sorry, I don't have the habit of revealing my trump cards at critical moments, so you are destined to not know the specific reasons." Feng Shao said with a smile.

"You!" Chi Xuan was furious.

Feng Shao's sarcasm made him angry. He desperately called the system in his mind, but to his surprise, the system that usually responded to requests seemed to be frozen at this time, without any response.

Feng Shao, on the other hand, sat quietly at the table, watching Chi Xuan's futile efforts, but for a moment he had no intention of taking action.

After a long time, Feng Shao had finished drinking a cup of tea. He poured himself another glass and said leisurely: "Did you find that your system is not working properly?"

Chi Xuan was shocked and lost his voice: "Did you do it?"

Feng Shao nodded: "You are finally smart for once."

"But how is this possible? How did you do it?" Chi Xuan was puzzled. In his understanding, the system is omnipotent, so how can it be easily restricted by another person?

He suddenly thought of a possibility and couldn't help but ask: "Do you also have a system?"

Feng Shao sneered: "System? Who would need that kind of thing? But I really want to know, how are you going to deal with me when you find that the system can't be used?"

Chi Xuan suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

Isn't the reason why he is so domineering in this world just relying on the system? Now that the system is not responding and the true energy in his body is not responding, what else can he rely on to fight against Feng Shao?

He subconsciously thought of running away.

But...will Feng Shao give him this chance to escape?

Feng Shao seemed to have noticed his thoughts and said with a smile: "Want to escape? Then you might as well give it a try and see if you can escape from here."

Chi Xuan looked at Feng Shao's warm smile, but felt that it was more ferocious and hateful than the devil. But now he had nothing to rely on, and a feeling of guilt came over him. He suddenly realized that if there was no system, then he would have no power to resist in front of Feng Shao!

Am I going to die here?

No! no! I can't die! I am a time traveler, and I have a system with me. I am destined to become the king of this world, and I must not die here easily!

But how to save your own life? Do you want to... beg for mercy?

There was more and more cold sweat on his body. After staring blankly at Feng Shao for a while, Chi Xuan's knees suddenly softened and he knelt on the ground.

He wailed: "Don't kill me! For the sake of us being fellow villagers, let me live!"

As he said this, he kowtowed to Feng Shao several times, for fear that Feng Shao would not let him go.

Feng Shao was also shocked by Chi Xuan's begging for mercy. He looked at Chi Xuan with a complicated expression and asked, "Chi Shengzi, since you want to survive, you might as well answer my two questions."

Chi Xuan suddenly beamed with joy: "Excuse me! Excuse me! Whatever I know, I will tell you everything I know!"

Feng Shao looked into his eyes and asked seriously: "After you traveled through time, how many people knelt down and begged for mercy like you did today? And have you let them go?"

Chi Xuan stared at Feng Shao blankly, his heart feeling cold for a moment.

Seeing that Chi Xuan was speechless for a long time, Feng Shao shook his head and said: "I won't kill you either. Someone will judge you. You will soon know what it is like to be treated like an ant. Such a feeling.”

But before Chi Xuan could be happy, he heard Feng Shao continue: "But I will take away your system!"

With that said, Feng Shao reached out and pressed Chi Xuan on the head. Chi Xuan wanted to dodge, but with his true energy out of control, he couldn't dodge at all. He watched helplessly as Feng Shao pinned him on top of his head.

"No! No! You can't take away my system! You can't..."

Amid Chi Xuan's panicked cry, Feng Shao had already activated the Tianhua Jade Slip. Immediately, he saw the system that was like a black air mass entrenched in Chi Xuan's mind.

The system seemed to have sensed Feng Shao's intention and immediately struggled to escape. However, Feng Shao snorted coldly and activated another ability of the Tianhua Jade Slip.

Then, a faint white light rushed into Chi Xuan's brain along Feng Shao's arm, wrapping the system. The system rushed left and right under the confinement of the white light, but it could not break out of the cage formed by the white light.

Seeing this scene, Feng Shao secretly wiped a cold sweat.

This time, it was indeed the right bet!

As early as when he realized that Chi Xuan was a time traveler with a system, Feng Shao began to consider how to deal with him. And the first thing to do is to determine what type of system he has obtained.

Feng Shao had read a lot of novels in his previous life and was not unfamiliar with the system. Among the systems he knew, there were task systems, sign-in systems, life simulation systems, luck harvesting systems, and some miscellaneous alternative systems. After some analysis, Feng Shao believed that Chi Xuan's system was most likely a luck harvesting system.

Chi Xuan went to find Chen Ye for no reason, which was the basis.

Since it was a luck harvesting system, it would be easy to deal with. Because Feng Shao also had something that could harvest luck, but it was not a system, but a magic weapon.

So next, Feng Shao had to test whether the system was more powerful or the Tianhua Jade Slip was more powerful in harvesting luck.

If the Tianhua Jade Slip was more powerful, then there was no need to say more, just take it down and be done. If the system was more powerful, Feng Shao would take advantage of the confrontation between the Tianhua Jade Slip and the system to kill Chi Xuan first. As long as there was no host, this system would be like duckweed, unable to stir up any waves.

Originally, Feng Shao expected that even if the Tianhua Jade Slip could gain the upper hand, the two sides would have to engage in a tug-of-war first. But he did not expect that he only slightly activated the Tianhua Jade Slip, and Chi Xuan's system immediately shrank. He had some guesses about this in his heart.

Perhaps, the Tianhua Jade Slip was born to be the nemesis of these systems.

As for the new ability of Tianhua Jade Slip, Feng Shao discovered it some time ago.

While Chi Xuan continued to attack Chen Ye, Tianhua Jade Slip also received some luck in return. Originally, Tianhua Jade Slip had a faint sign of advancement because of the luck it harvested previously. After obtaining these lucks, it finally completed the first advancement.

After the advancement, Tianhua Jade Slip had a new ability: to call on the luck of the Heavenly Dao.

The luck of the Heavenly Dao is somewhat different from the luck of the Son of Luck. The luck of the Heavenly Dao is more like the luck of the Heavenly Dao itself, while the luck of the Son of Luck is given by the Heavenly Dao. In simple terms, the former is held by the Heavenly Dao itself, while the latter is given by the Heavenly Dao.

The luck of the Heavenly Dao is certainly not comparable to the luck of the Son of Luck. The system can harvest the luck of the Son of Luck, but it cannot harvest the luck of the Heavenly Dao. Not only can it not harvest, it is even suppressed by the luck of the Heavenly Dao, and has almost no power to resist.

But Feng Shao still has some doubts in his heart. Why can the Tianhua Jade Slip call on the power of the Heavenly Dao? Could it be that this Tianhua Jade Slip was actually created by the Heavenly Dao?

However, the answer to this question can only be explored by himself.

At the same time, Chi Xuan felt as if his whole body was burned by flames, and he trembled with pain. However, under Feng Shao's suppression, he had no power to resist and could only let Feng Shao do what he wanted. Gradually, he felt that something was gradually disappearing from his mind. He suddenly realized that it was the system.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but show fear on his face.

This Feng Shao, can really take away his system? !

Soon, he knew the answer to this question.

In Feng Shao's perception, he could see that the black gas mass was dissolved and absorbed by the white light bit by bit. As the black gas mass decreased, Feng Shao saw a small blue light spot hidden under the black gas mass. The blue light spot flickered, as if it had life. Not only that, he also felt a hint of fear from it. Feng Shao suddenly realized that this blue light spot was most likely the body of the system.

Feng Shao smiled unconsciously and put more strength on his hands.

The blue light spot was pulled out of Chi Xuan's mind by the Tianhua Jade Slip with a "whoosh" and sank into the Tianhua Jade Slip. At the same time as the system left his body, Chi Xuan suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and a thought kept echoing in his mind:

"It's over!"

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