Deng Jingyun's words surprised many people, and they couldn't recover for a while.

Those who knew him better suspected that Deng Jingyun had been possessed.

In fact, among Lin Xiaoran's many admirers, Deng Jingyun was one of them, and he was the one with more sincerity. He was one of the few admirers who actually took practical action to propose marriage. It is said that he sent a long list of gifts to Yunjian Pavilion as a betrothal gift to marry Lin Xiaoran.

But the result was that Lin Fengtian didn't even look at the gift list and returned it directly, and Deng Jingyun's proposal was also politely declined.

This matter was considered a widely spread news in Dongzhou at that time. After all, Deng Jingyun was an outstanding figure among those who proposed marriage. But even such a figure was rejected by Lin Fengtian, which made many people wonder if Lin Fengtian didn't want to marry his daughter at all.

Before today's banquet, many people thought that Deng Jingyun would either not come or come to slap Feng Shao in the face. But who would have thought that this guy would congratulate Feng Shao and Lin Xiaoran right away, as if he was not the one who proposed marriage before.

Many people looked at each other with puzzled expressions, not knowing what Deng Jingyun was up to.

Guan Shuo thought about it for a while, and immediately understood, laughing softly: "This Deng Jingyun, he really knows the current situation as always!"

Fang Yiming also said: "Indeed. Deng Jingyun often seems to do things without any rules, but in fact he has his own deep meaning. He did this this time, obviously because he found that this marriage contract was not something he could shake. In this case, he simply changed his mindset from pleasing Yunjian Pavilion to pleasing Yunjian Pavilion's son-in-law. As the young city lord of Qianyun City, if he can build a good relationship with Yunjian Pavilion through Feng Shao, it will be beneficial to the development of Qianyun City."

Guan Shuo nodded in agreement.

As Guan Shuo and Fang Yiming guessed, Deng Jingyun came here to build a good relationship with Feng Shao.

As the weakest of the five super first-class forces, Yunjian Pavilion is also the object of flattery by many people. And because of its short establishment time, it is much easier to flatter Yunjian Pavilion than to flatter the three holy places and Longhua Temple. Therefore, since the day when Yunjian Pavilion established its super first-class status, people have been trying to get closer to Yunjian Pavilion in various ways.

Among various ways, marrying the little princess of Yunjian Pavilion is undoubtedly the most effective. Not only that, but also a beautiful lady with peerless appearance can be obtained. Who can resist such temptation?

So Deng Jingyun asked Yunjian Pavilion to marry Lin Xiaoran.

Deng Jingyun asked to marry Lin Xiaoran for the purpose of getting the support of Yunjian Pavilion, but he had already decided that if he could really marry Lin Xiaoran, he would no longer be polite to other women. But he did this not because of deep affection, but because he knew that only by treating Lin Xiaoran wholeheartedly could he get the unreserved support of Yunjian Pavilion.

He is such a calculating person.

However, Guan Shuo and Fang Yiming would not look down on such a calculating person, but they would not have deep contact with him. After all, being too calculating means that interests come first in everything. People get along for the sake of interests, and when the interests are gone, they will part. If you have a deep friendship with such a person, it is inevitable that he will stab you in the back for greater interests in the future.

Deng Jingyun's high-profile appearance attracted great attention from the whole city, and this was exactly what he wanted. He chose to bring more than a dozen carriages to bring the gifts that could obviously be brought with storage rings, which was also to show his pomp. And he chose to appear in the middle of the banquet, and this timing was just right.

It can be said that everything was calculated by him, except for one thing---

The uninvited guest Feng Wanqing.

Feng Wanqing had long regarded Lin Xiaoran as her son's woman. At this time, Feng Shao hugged Lin Xiaoran, which had already made her murderous. And now a young man who came out of nowhere actually publicly expressed his support for the marriage between Feng Shao and Lin Xiaoran. Doesn't this mean that he didn't take her seriously at all?

She looked at Deng Jingyun with an indifferent expression and said coldly: "Who is talking nonsense here?!"

As she said that, Feng Wanqing stretched out her hand to Deng Jingyun from a distance.

Deng Jingyun, who was originally smiling, suddenly changed his face and flew into the air without thinking. Almost at the same time as he flew up, several carriages behind him were squeezed by a huge force that came from nowhere. All he heard was a scream from the pack horses, and the next moment they turned into a bloody mess under the pressure of the huge force, and a puff of blood mist filled the entire street.

Deng Jingyun looked at what was happening below him, his face full of doubts. He looked up at Feng Wanqing, bowed and saluted: "I am Deng Jingyun, I don't know why the senior suddenly took action?"

Feng Wanqing sneered: "You kid made a loud noise right when you came up, and this saint girl was unhappy, so I took action to punish you, is there a problem?"

Deng Jingyun couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. Is this woman mentally ill? Is she going to kill people for this reason? But although he was indignant, he was very rational and did not refute. After all, refuting a woman who was unreasonable and had super strong fighting ability was no different from seeking death.

He always knew the situation, and immediately smiled and said, "Senior, you are right. I am abrupt. Please don't blame me!"

Seeing this, the onlookers all admired Deng Jingyun's flexibility. Feng Wanqing also looked at Deng Jingyun in surprise and nodded secretly.

After all, it is not shameful to admit defeat in front of someone who is much stronger than you.

Feng Wanqing returned her gaze to Feng Shao again and sneered: "Boy, even if someone helped you just now, how many times can that person help you? You must also know that things like just now will never happen again. Second time?"

Feng Wanqing's expectation was good. Just now Youtong used the realm of transformation to forcefully influence the true energy of a powerful person in the realm of transcending tribulation, and he had already put in all his strength. However, this method can only be used once in a short period of time, and if used again, it will be counterattacked by the true energy.

On the other hand, Feng Wanqing, although she was injured in the fight just now, it was only a flesh wound, and it did not have much impact on her own strength.

Feng Shao said in a calm tone: "Senior, please don't bother. Since Ran'er is a junior Taoist priest, there is absolutely no way we can use her as a bet. If senior wants to take action, just do it."

Everyone was surprised when they heard this.

In their opinion, a powerful master like Feng Wanqing in the Tribulation Realm is simply not comparable to a golden elixir monk like Feng Shao. Now that Feng Wanqing is willing to let her son take action, this undoubtedly reduces the difficulty for Feng Shao. But why is Feng Shao so stubborn, and just because he "doesn't want to bet on Taoist companions" as a reason, he refuses this suggestion that has more advantages than disadvantages for him?

Lin Xiaoran was moved, but couldn't help but said eagerly: "Brother Shao, you don't have to be like this, I..."

Before Lin Xiaoran could finish speaking, Feng Shao shook his head and said: "Ran'er, no need to say more. Once I have made a decision, I will not change it. You are my lover, and you are the one who will accompany me for the rest of my life. , how could I use you as a bet?"

Seeing Feng Shao's unwillingness to compromise even to death, Feng Wanqing had no idea for a moment.

The reason why she risked the world's disapproval to marry Chen Ye's father was out of "true love". She believed that she was following her inner wishes, so even if she was severely punished by her master for this, she had no regrets.

Later, she gained power and controlled the entire Baihua Valley. The first thing she did was to come to Dongzhou to find her true love. Just because she heard that all the geniuses of Dongzhou were gathered in Qingdi City, she came directly to Qingdi City because she loved her son so much.

For someone like her who was willing to give up her status for love, Feng Shao's behavior deeply touched her. Just thinking of her son's wish, she hardened her heart again and said coldly: "What a pair of crazy men and resentful women. Little girl, you don't know if I kill your lover, what will you do?"

Lin Xiaoran said angrily: "You old woman is so unreasonable! In Baihua Valley, do you really think that I, Yunjian Pavilion, are afraid of you?! If you know what is going on, then retreat quickly. Otherwise, if my husband is even a little bit damaged, in the future, I, the Thirteenth Hall of Yunjian, have arrived in Central Continent and will destroy your Baihua Valley!"

Lin Xiaoran's sharp words made Feng Wanqing stunned for a moment. But then she became furious and shouted: "I will kill him today. Let's see how you, Yunjian Pavilion, destroy my Baihua Valley!"

After saying that, Feng Wanqing was about to take action when she heard a melodious voice coming from far away:

"If you dare to attack him, then you will never get back alive today."

When Feng Wanqing heard this, she couldn't help but said angrily: "Who is it? Why don't you show up and see him?"

After a moment, a chuckle sounded. Feng Wanqing only felt a blur of flowers in front of her eyes, and a moon-white sword light came towards her. Feng Wanqing was horrified in her heart and was about to evade, but then she remembered that if she evaded like this, the Baihua Valley disciples behind her would inevitably suffer. When she had no choice but to grit her teeth, she stood with her palms side by side, and clusters of petals flew out from the flower pattern that seemed to be used as decoration on her body. In an instant, a flower wall was erected in front of her.

Then there was a "bang" sound, and a huge force came from the flower wall. Feng Wanqing's face suddenly turned pale as if she had been hit hard, and a mouthful of blood surged into her throat. Fortunately, although she was seriously injured internally, she was able to block the blow.

She forcefully swallowed the mouthful of blood, gritted her teeth and yelled: "What kind of ability is it to hide one's head and show one's tail?"

But the other party sneered and said, "Then what kind of ability do you think you can use to bully the small?"

Feng Wanqing's face was cold: "If you have the courage, you might as well show up to see me. If you don't have the courage, then retreat quickly. I, Baihua Valley, am not someone to be trifled with. I advise you not to make any mistakes!"

After a moment of silence, the other party sneered: "In that case, let's meet you!"

In a moment, Feng Wanqing saw a young woman suddenly appear in front of her eyes. I saw that the woman was wearing a goose-yellow dress, and her unworldly face seemed to be smiling but not smiling. But what attracted her attention more were the two knives in the opponent's hands.

A short sword in the left hand and a long sword in the right hand.

Feng Wanqing quickly recalled some masters of swordsmanship in Dongzhou who were good at using double swords. After a moment, a name suddenly popped up in her mind, which made her startled and said in a voiceless voice: "Are you the Leng Yue Sword Emperor, Leng Lingyue?"

"Yes, it's me." Leng Lingyue looked at Feng Wanqing, half-smiling but not smiling, "Saint Maiden of Hundred Flowers, you attack people from Yunjian Pavilion without permission, but have you thought about how to die later?"

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