Senior brother, stop it, you are the villain!

Chapter 164 Blood Sacrifice Formation

After arriving at the temporary residence arranged by the Blood Demon Sect, Di Yu coldly snorted at Feng Shao: "You stinky brat, you dare to bury me, right? Do you believe that I will break your leg?"

Feng Shao quickly apologized: "Senior Di, don't blame me. Just now, the junior just obeyed the authority when it was urgent. Please don't be the same as the junior."

Lin Xiaoran took Di Yu's arm and said coquettishly: "Aunt Di, brother Shao, there is no other way! Don't be angry!"

Di Yu glanced at Feng Shao with an unkind expression, and said angrily: "If Ran'er hadn't interceded for you, I would have to teach you a lesson!"

After saying that, Di Yu walked away with a puff of his sleeves.

Feng Shaoze and Lin Xiaoran looked at each other and smiled.

Han Biyun couldn't help but said worriedly to Feng Shao: "Senior Brother Feng, I see that the Blood Demon Ancestor really seems to have exceeded the life limit, what should we do now?"

The ancestor of the Blood Demon didn't look like he was about to die, but rather seemed to be rejuvenated. This made Han Biyun subconsciously think that the Blood Demon Ancestor had made a breakthrough, which made her confused. This was also the reason why she had not spoken much just now.

Speaking of this, Feng Shao shook his head and his expression suddenly became solemn: "I'm afraid this matter is not that simple."

Han Biyun and Lin Xiaoran both looked at Feng Shao in confusion.

Feng Shao stood up, looked at the chief helmsman of the Blood Demon Sect outside the door, and muttered: "The Blood Demon Ancestor does look like he has made a breakthrough. But after entering the mountain gate, did you smell the smell that permeated the whole place? The bloody aura of the Blood Demon Sect?”

Hearing this, Lin Xiaoran nodded thoughtfully: "I always thought it was just that the air in the Blood Demon Sect was not very good, but after hearing what Brother Shao said, it seems that there is indeed a smell of blood."

Han Biyun was startled, and then asked: "Senior Brother Feng, do you mean to say that the Blood Demon Ancestor used a forbidden technique to restore his longevity?"

Feng Shao said in a deep voice: "I'm not sure, but Senior Di should have gone to verify it. If the Blood Demon Ancestor really does this, then Senior Di will also take action."

When Lin Xiaoran and Han Biyun heard this, their expressions changed.

If Di Yu needs to take action, then things may be a bit troublesome.

The "forbidden arts" that Han Biyun refers to are certain evil arts that are not tolerated by the world, such as sacrificing living people. The reason why the demonic sect is not tolerated by the righteous way is because this kind of evil magic is commonly found in the demonic sect.

However, under normal circumstances, the Demonic Sect would not easily use this kind of evil spell, because it means that they are touching the sensitive nerves of the Righteous Sect.

In normal times, although there are constant conflicts between the righteous and the evil, and there are casualties from time to time, real head-on conflicts are actually very few. Although the Zhengdao Sect takes exorcism and rectification as its mission, it still needs to give priority to the development of the sect. If the sect cannot develop, what's the use of being full of righteousness? Therefore, many times, the righteous sect will try to avoid a full-scale conflict with the demonic sect.

As for local conflicts, just treat them as military training, nothing serious.

With the tacit understanding of both parties, the probability of a full-scale war is actually very slim. No one would start a fight without being absolutely sure of eating the opponent in one bite. Therefore, the good and evil sides have been maintaining a delicate balance, and there has not been a scene of millions of corpses and blood flowing on oars.

However, there is a premise for this balance, that is, no one should cross the bottom line.

It's okay to say that the Demonic Sect has basically no bottom line. From some aspects, in fact, the Demonic Sect does not care much about what the Righteous Sect has done. Generally, it is the Righteous Sect that seeks trouble, while the Demonic Sect mainly responds to challenges.

But why is this happening? The reason is very simple, that is, the Demonic Sect always crosses the bottom line of the Righteous Sect!

for example:

If a righteous person slaughters an entire village, as long as he is not a demonic person, then in the eyes of the demonic sect, it is considered a normal operation. Furthermore, his village has nothing to do with him, so he can't be nosy.

But it would be different if the demons massacred an entire village! In the eyes of the Zhengdao Sect, you are killing innocent people indiscriminately! As the right path, we must act on behalf of Heaven and punish you!

Maybe at this time, some people think that the evil way is sincere and the righteous way is hypocritical. In fact, this is not the case at all. The reason why there is such a difference between the two is that the righteous path has a moral perspective, while the evil path does not have a moral perspective. Although life is as insignificant as an ant to a monk, human emotions cannot be completely ignored. When a person's compassion is completely lost, he will naturally not feel that the life and death of others have anything to do with it.

Just like in today's world, from time to time someone denies the existence of the Holocaust, but it arouses our indignation. Even if we have not experienced that catastrophe, we cannot tolerate this kind of behavior that regards human life as trivial.

This is the difference between good and evil.

Therefore, the behavior of demons regardless of the right path is not sincerity, but that they have no moral concepts at all. Words like being brave enough to do justice are distant legends to them.

Having said that, although the Blood Demon Sect is a demonic sect, as long as the behavior is too outrageous, the righteous way doesn't care much about it. But if this blood demon ancestor engages in blood sacrifice in order to extend his life, it will be equivalent to lighting a fuse!

Everyone gets it and kills it!

Feng Shao had read many classics and understood the characteristics of this kind of blood sacrifice. In order to extend the life of a cultivator like the Blood Demon Ancestor who was in the God Transformation Realm, at least tens of thousands of civilians had to be sacrificed. If the Blood Demon Sect really did this, then Yunjian Pavilion, as a member of the righteous path, could not sit idly by. Therefore, if this was confirmed, Di Yu would have to do it himself and destroy the entire Blood Demon Sect.


That night, a disciple came to the Blood Demon Ancestor's residence and gently knocked on the door.

After a moment, the Blood Demon Ancestor's voice came from inside: "Come in!"

The disciple opened the door, saluted respectfully to the Blood Demon Ancestor, and said: "Master, the formation is ready and can be started at any time."

The Blood Demon Ancestor narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled: "Oh? Then did Feng Shao and others notice anything unusual?"

"Reporting to the Master, no."

"Very good!" The Blood Demon Ancestor's face showed fanaticism, with madness and joy in his tone, "God really helps me! At this critical moment, a cultivator of Taiqing Realm was sent to me! Since he is here, don't leave!"

"But..." The disciple hesitated, "Master, will we anger Yunjian Pavilion by doing this?"

The Blood Demon Ancestor pretended to be surprised and asked: "Oh? Why do you say that?"

The disciple thought: Isn't this asking without knowing the answer?

He said, "Master, it is rumored that Di Yu is one of the elders of Yunjian Pavilion, and Lin Xiaoran is the only daughter of the master of Yunjian Pavilion. If they die here, there is no reason for Yunjian Pavilion to sit idly by, right?"

The Blood Demon Ancestor nodded: "Yes, you are right, they will not sit idly by."

The disciple asked anxiously: "But if Yunjian Pavilion is angered, won't the sect be in great trouble?"

The Blood Demon Ancestor smiled and said, "You are right, it will indeed bring great disaster to the sect. The destruction of the whole family should be the lightest, right?"

The disciple looked at the Blood Demon Ancestor, dumbfounded. He had a bold guess in his heart, but the guess was too terrible, let alone saying it out loud, he didn't even dare to think about it.

But then, the Blood Demon Ancestor said out the thought in his heart that he dared not say or think: "But whether the Blood Demon Sect is destroyed or not, what does it have to do with me?"

The disciple felt cold in his heart.

But before he could say anything, the Blood Demon Ancestor suddenly stretched out his hand, and the disciple immediately flew towards the Blood Demon Ancestor, and was then grabbed by the neck by the Blood Demon Ancestor.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you. In fact, you are also part of this formation!"

These were the last words the disciple heard.

With a "click", the disciple's consciousness fell into darkness.

The Blood Demon Ancestor threw the corpse in his hand to the ground and strode out of the door. He looked at the stars and the moon, and a smug smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

In fact, he has been preparing for this blood sacrifice formation for three years.

Three years ago, he left the world's sight in the name of closing the death gate. Behind the scenes, he secretly instructed the disciples of the sect to collect the materials needed for the blood sacrifice formation and build a blood sacrifice formation in the entire Blood Demon Sect.

The Blood Demon Ancestor knew that with his qualifications, it was impossible to complete the "Blood Demon Sutra". So from the beginning, his plan was not to use cultivation to improve his realm and prolong his life.

His original plan was to use the entire Blood Demon Sect's disciples as blood sacrifice materials, absorb their blood and qi, and improve his own cultivation. Although the Blood Demon Sect has fewer people, they are all cultivators, and there are even three in the Transformation Realm. With so many people contributing blood and qi, it is enough for him to break through to the Hedao Realm.

Some time ago, the Blood Demon Sect conspired to attack Taiwei Mountain, and the Blood Demon Ancestor also knew about it. For him, this is a great opportunity, so he took advantage of the three elders leaving the sect to set up the entire blood sacrifice formation. Next, he only needs to wait for Weng Jiao and others to come back with the Blood Demon Sect disciples and the captives of Taiwei Sect, and he can start the blood sacrifice formation and extend his life!

But what he never expected was that Weng Jiao and others would all be trapped in Taiwei Sect!

This disappointed the Blood Demon Ancestor, and he had no choice but to find some civilians from the surrounding villages and towns to make up the number.

But not long after, new changes occurred one after another.

The first change was that Qing Yangzi actually came over.

How could the Blood Demon Ancestor, who had just recovered his strength temporarily by absorbing some civilian blood, be polite to Qing Yangzi? He took Qing Yangzi down on the spot.

Then, he suddenly had an idea and thought that maybe he could use Taiwei Sect disciples to supplement the blood sacrifice formation, so he wrote a letter and sent it to Taiwei Mountain.

Then, the second change happened. There was actually a Taiqing Realm master coming from Taiwei Sect!

This is a great supplement!

The moment the Blood Demon Ancestor saw Di Yu, he almost laughed out loud.

If you don't take what God gives, you will suffer the consequences. Since God has sent people here, why should you be polite?

So the Blood Demon Ancestor decided to start the blood sacrifice formation tonight!

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