At the moment when the restriction was broken, not only Di Yu sensed it, but also Shura, who was preparing to do his best to resist Li Huotian.

It roared and rushed here with big strides. Di Yu was startled and rushed out of the restriction without hesitation, grabbed Feng Shao, turned into a stream of light, and fled to the horizon.

In an instant, Shura rushed to the breach. However, the breach was too small for him, and he couldn't get out at all. Seeing the figures of Di Yu and Feng Shao disappear in front of him, Shura was shocked and angry, roaring and slapping the restriction.

"Damn ants! Ants!"

The fire cloud in the sky became brighter.

At this time, a raging fire had already burned in the valley. Even though the Nine Heavens Lihuo had not yet fallen, the high temperature caused by the fire cloud had already ignited the entire mountain forest. The wailing of various beasts and birds continued to echo in the valley. Feng Shao just lowered his head and saw countless beasts with flames on their bodies running desperately.

Suddenly, the scene in front of him was bright. It turned out that the birds flying in the air that covered the sky and the sun suddenly caught fire without fire. The flames spread to half of the sky in an instant, and countless birds fell like meteors, further increasing the fire in the forest.

It must be said that the flying speed of the Taiqing Realm is much faster than that of the Huashen Realm and Jindan Realm. However, in an instant, Feng Shao saw a silver stream of light from a distance and hurriedly shouted: "Senior Di, that's Ran'er and the others!"

Di Yu nodded and quickly approached Lin Xiaoran and others.

Di Yu was flying at full speed, and his power was extraordinary. From a distance, Lin Xiaoran and Han Biyun felt a strong breath approaching them quickly. Before they looked back, they suddenly felt their bodies lighten, and the whole person flew forward involuntarily, and the speed was much faster than before.

Lin Xiaoran looked up and immediately exclaimed in surprise: "Aunt Di! Brother Shao really rescued you!"

Di Yu just said "hmm" lightly, and continued to fly forward without distraction.

While several people fled quickly, the entire Blood Demon Sect was facing a catastrophe.

In the empty Blood Demon Sect, hundreds of buildings spontaneously burned without fire, and some flames even came out of the stone out of thin air. Thick smoke billowed, flames blazed, and the Blood Demon Sect's more than 300 years of foundation, hundreds of buildings, were engulfed in the sea of ​​fire and destroyed.

But obviously, no one cares about these now.

The valley directly below the fire cloud is now completely submerged in flames. Hundreds of bodies of Blood Demon Sect disciples turned into ashes in the flames.

A six-armed giant more than ten meters tall roared in the flames. It looked at the fire cloud in the sky unwillingly, but saw that there was a raging flame brewing in the fire cloud, and the most yang and fierce breath swept down, burning its whole body.


After a loud bang, the fire cloud suddenly shone. The light at that moment illuminated the sky for thousands of miles around!

At the same time, the rolling flames finally poured down from the fire cloud like a waterfall!

Under the vast power of heaven, a roar resounding through the sky can be faintly heard:

"Damn the way of heaven! Our clan will return!"

The pouring of flames marked that Lihuotian had been fully formed.

At this time, if you look from a very far place, you can see a pillar of fire that is shining with dazzling light. Countless monks who are paying attention to this side are all horrified when they see this scene. Lihuotian has not appeared in the world for ten thousand years, and no one in the world today has ever seen such a power of heaven and earth. The raging fire that could burn almost everything in the world not only swept through the Snake Tooth Mountain, but also swept through the hearts of the monks.

From this moment on, countless monks regained their awe of the world in their hearts.

As Lihuotian raged, the fire clouds in the sky began to expand rapidly, and the rolling heat waves quickly spread to the surrounding areas. However, in the blink of an eye, the mountains and forests within a radius of 100 miles were all on fire, and countless creatures turned into smoke and dust amid wailing.

Di Yu, Feng Shao and Han Biyun had more experience, so they didn't mind seeing this scene. However, the young Lin Xiaoran was frightened and turned pale, and shouted in horror: "What on earth is this? Will we die here?"

Feng Shao hugged her and comforted her softly: "Don't be afraid, Ran'er. This is Lihuotian, one of the ten forbidden areas. We have flown very far now, and Lihuotian can't hurt us."

Hearing Feng Shao's comfort, Lin Xiaoran felt a little relieved, but his face was still a little pale.

Feng Shao also had a teleportation token in his hand, which could teleport hundreds of miles away immediately. However, the token could only teleport one person at a time, and the direction and distance were random. If used rashly, it might not only fail to escape from danger, but also fall into a worse situation. Therefore, Feng Shao would never use it unless it was a life-and-death situation and he had no other options.

So whether everyone could escape now depended entirely on how fast Di Yu could fly with everyone.

Fortunately, due to the invasion of the heat wave, a strong wind was constantly coming from behind. With the help of the strong wind, Di Yu's speed increased again.

Di Yu flew for half an hour. It was not until he felt that the surrounding temperature had returned to normal that Di Yu led everyone to stop on a mountain.

At this time, everyone was already six or seven hundred miles away from the valley.

Looking around, Snake Tooth Mountain had turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the fire cloud in the sky had expanded to dozens of miles in radius. Lin Xiaoran huddled tightly in Feng Shao's arms, looking at the pillar of fire that reached the sky with fear, and murmured, "Is this Li Huo Tian? I've only heard others mention it before, but I never knew that Li Huo Tian is so terrifying!"

Feng Shao sighed: "After all, it is the most terrifying place among the ten forbidden areas. I am afraid that not many things in this world can withstand such a fierce flame."

After all, it is the Nine Heavens Fire!

It is still so big!

Feng Shao even suspected that the entire Snake Tooth Mountain might be burned to the ground!

"But at least that big guy from the Shura clan should be completely burned to ashes this time, and there is no way to revive it!"


The Fire Sky lasted for about half an hour before gradually dissipating. Before dawn, the fire cloud in the sky completely disappeared.

This is also quite consistent with the description in the book.

Although the Fire Sky disappeared, the fire on the Snake Tooth Mountain was still burning. The billowing smoke covered the sky and the sun, and even hundreds of miles away, the choking smell of smoke could be clearly smelled.

During this period, Feng Shao and others had been resting on the top of the mountain.

Di Yu's face was pale from the moment he fell off the top of the mountain, and he has only just recovered a little blood color until now.

Previously, Di Yu lost a lot of blood and energy due to the influence of the blood sacrifice formation. Although Feng Shao and others appeared in time to prevent her from being drained of blood and energy by the blood sacrifice formation, the loss was still great. Later, she fought fiercely with Shura for a while, and her true energy was also consumed a lot. Later, Di Yu relied entirely on a fierce force to lead everyone to escape.

When landing on the top of the mountain, the true energy in Di Yu's body was almost dry, and he had to meditate here to regulate his breath, while Lin Xiaoran and others were beside Di Yu to protect him.

When the sky was slightly bright, Han Biyun suddenly ran to Feng Shao and shouted anxiously: "Brother Feng, the head master seems to be dying!"

Feng Shao was startled and hurriedly followed Han Biyun to Qing Yangzi.

Looking at Qing Yangzi, who was wrinkled and looked like a dried corpse, Feng Shao's expression was very complicated. He could clearly feel that Qing Yangzi's blood and energy were almost completely dry, and he was very tenacious to be able to survive until now. It's just that the blood and energy have been depleted to such an extent that there is no possibility of recovery. No elixir could replenish his lost blood and energy. At the moment, Qingyangzi was just barely surviving.

I didn't expect that the next meeting after a few months would be the last.

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