"Master, what are we doing here?"

Walking on the street, Feng Lingxue looked at Feng Shao who was walking beside him with curiosity, and couldn't help but ask.

Just after noon, Feng Shao found Feng Lingxue and said he wanted to see her for something. Feng Lingxue originally thought that Feng Shao was going to test her homework, and she felt really nervous. However, unexpectedly, Feng Shao took her directly to the small town closest to Xincheng.

This small town is not as grand as the new town, but it has a lot more fireworks, and is much livelier than the deserted look of the new town. Walking on the street, Feng Lingxue's mood became a lot brighter due to the loneliness during this period.

But she was still curious as to why the Master suddenly brought her here.

Along the way, Feng Shao kept looking around, as if he was looking for something. But from Feng Shao's perspective, what value could the small things on the stall have?

Hearing Feng Lingxue's question, Feng Shao did not look away. He just smiled lightly and said, "Xue'er, Master needs your help with something."

When Feng Lingxue heard this, she immediately became happy. Master actually has something to ask her for? Then she really needs to show off her performance!

So she asked with a smile as bright as a flower: "Then what can my disciple do to help Master?"

Feng Shao did not answer directly, but asked: "Xue'er, have you been very close to your master's wife in recent times?"

Feng Lingxue blinked: "It's very close! Master's wife taught me a lot of things! Why did Master suddenly talk about this?"

Feng Shao's expression became a little embarrassed: "Um... Xue'er, actually, Master, although I have a beautiful fiancée like your Master, I actually have no experience in communicating with girls, and I don't know much about it either. Girls’ preferences. You and your master usually have the best relationship, so Master would like to ask you what kind of gift would make your master the happiest?”

The smile on Feng Lingxue's face suddenly froze.

She raised her lips and asked in a slightly stiff tone: "Master, do you want to give me a gift?"

Feng Shao nodded solemnly and added: "You don't know yet, right? Today is your master's wife's birthday."

"That's it..." Feng Lingxue lowered her head, wondering what she was thinking.

After a while, Feng Lingxue raised her head and asked softly: "Master, I have a question for you."

Feng Shao nodded: "You say."

Feng Lingxue pursed her lips and said, "What is Master's wife like in Master's heart?"

Feng Shao thought for a while, and a soft look appeared on his face: "Your master wife, sometimes she is really childish, like a little girl who has not grown up. Sometimes I even wonder when she will mature. What? But thinking about her mature appearance, I suddenly felt that she is actually quite good now, carefree. If she has any difficulties or troubles, I will solve them for her, and she can just continue to be carefree. Just think about it!”

Feng Lingxue forced a smile: "It seems that the master wants to raise his wife as a daughter!"

Feng Shao said calmly: "Your wife has been saying that she wants to marry me since she was eight years old. At that time, I only thought she was talking about children and didn't take it seriously, but unexpectedly we actually got engaged. From eight to sixteen "Sui, your mistress has been waiting for me for eight years. Your mistress is devoted to me, so I can't let her down, so I must try my best to pamper her."

"Then... will Master have other Taoist companions in the future?"

Feng Shao laughed and said: "I am lucky to have you as my wife, so how can I get Long Wangshu? If I have thoughts about other women again, I will be sorry for your deep love for me!"

"That's it..." Feng Lingxue murmured.

"By the way, Xue'er, why do you suddenly ask about this?" Feng Shao asked strangely.

But Feng Lingxue laughed: "It's nothing, it's just that my disciple suddenly envied Master's wife! No matter whether Master's wife is childish or not, she is always pampered by Master, and only her. If it were me, I would be given everything. I don’t want to change it!”

Feng Shao turned to look at Feng Lingxue, suppressed the smile on his face, and said seriously: "Xue'er, you are my disciple, so there are some truths that I should explain to you clearly as a teacher. In this world, everyone has It is the same for both men and women who long for a unique status. Although your wife is the little princess of Yunjian Pavilion, apart from your status, there is actually no difference between you. It’s just that in my eyes. Unique and irreplaceable. One day, you will also meet the person who is willing to hold you in the palm of his hand, do everything he can to pamper you, and treat you as one of a kind."

Feng Lingxue stared at Feng Shao blankly, feeling confused for a moment.

Did it turn out that Master actually knew about it all along?

At this point, Feng Shao suddenly laughed. He patted Feng Lingxue's little head and said softly: "Xue'er, you are almost fourteen years old. In the countryside, you should be talking about your husband's age. But in my teacher's eyes, you are still just a Child. You will misunderstand some things, such as the feeling of dependence, as a certain emotion. But when you grow up, will you think that your current thoughts are too naive?

After all, Feng Shao was a senior brother who had brought up an entire sect's disciples. How could he not understand the throbbing in the hearts of teenagers when they reach the age of first love? So in fact, very early on, Feng Shao noticed Feng Lingxue's feelings for him that went beyond the affection between master and disciple.

Feng Shao could also understand Feng Lingxue's special emotions. But he didn't think Feng Lingxue's emotion was love. It would be more appropriate to say it was dependence.

Think about it, a girl who is struggling to survive with her younger brother in a difficult situation finally gets help from others in despair. How can it not be fascinating to feel that sudden dependence?

But if you say this is love, that's not necessarily true. Feng Lingxue has been mistaking this kind of gratitude and dependence for love, which has led to her gradually falling into emotional confusion. So what Feng Shao has to do now is to let Feng Lingxue come out.

But for this kind of thing, it is better to block it than to open it up. Feng Shao couldn't just cut off Feng Lingxue's thoughts as soon as he came up. That kind of simple and crude response would only lead Feng Lingxue into a dead end. Therefore, he had to guide Feng Lingxue carefully and guide Feng Lingxue correctly in the way of someone who has experienced it.

Sure enough, after some guidance from Feng Shao, Feng Lingxue was thoughtful, and it seemed that she was seriously thinking about her feelings for her master.

But just when Feng Shao felt that his enlightenment should have an effect, Feng Lingxue suddenly said: "So, Master has always treated his disciple as his daughter?"

"Uh... That's actually true." Feng Shao was stunned for a moment and then replied.

"But the master is doting on the master as his daughter. So, in the eyes of the master, the disciple and the master are actually the same?" Feng Lingxue then asked.

Feng Shao: "..."

I still can’t explain this clearly!

Feng Shao suddenly felt dizzy. Does this count as digging your own hole and jumping out of it?

Seeing Feng Shao's speechless look, Feng Lingxue suddenly burst into laughter and said, "Master, I already understand what I mean. In fact, now that I think about it, I can become Master's disciple." , I have been lucky enough for three lifetimes, and I really can’t ask for anything more. If I can be treated by Master as my daughter, then it will be considered a blessing for my disciple!”

Having said this, Feng Lingxue bowed deeply to Feng Shao and said, "Thank you, Master, for your enlightenment!"

Feng Shao breathed a sigh of relief and said with a look of relief, "It's good if you can figure it out."

After Feng Shao's enlightenment, Feng Lingxue suddenly became much more cheerful, and the previous vague feeling of alienation disappeared in an instant. She took Feng Shao's arm and said with a smile: "Since today is Master's wife's birthday, Master must choose a good gift for Master!"

In fact, it was not Feng Shao who taught Feng Lingxue the most, but Lin Xiaoran. This girl, who was only two years older than Feng Lingxue, taught Feng Lingxue almost all the cultivation knowledge she knew, and Feng Lingxue benefited a lot. At this time, Feng Lingxue thought that Lin Xiaoran taught her so openly, but she in turn had feelings for her master that she shouldn't have. This made Feng Lingxue feel particularly guilty, and she became more determined to do so in the future. Be nice to your mistress!

Better than Master!

At this time, Feng Shao was completely unaware that Feng Lingxue had quietly turned towards Lin Xiaoran.

Feng Lingxue and Lin Xiaoran are not much different in age, and they usually get along a lot, so their preferences are more or less similar. With Feng Lingxue's help, Feng Shao finally chose a birthday gift for Lin Xiaoran.

A beautifully shaped jade hairpin.

Of course, the jade hairpin that Feng Shao chose was definitely not ordinary. It was a jade hairpin that was obtained from a Tianhua jade slip found on a street stall. This jade hairpin can protect its owner from a full-strength blow from a powerful person of a greater realm than himself, and it can be used repeatedly. It only needs a cooling time of twelve hours. It can be called an excellent life-saving magic weapon.

Feng Shao, who picked up a circle of treasures at Sansheng Pagoda, was not short of money. He generously gave the vendor ten thousand taels of silver, which moved the vendor to tears and almost knelt down to Feng Shao on the spot.

After buying the jade hairpin, Feng Shao and Feng Lingxue returned to the new city.

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