After Ye Chen got the "Red Dragon Sword", he returned to Taiweizong excitedly the next day. I didn't expect that I just went down the mountain to relax, but I got the sword back so easily!

Although I felt sorry for Deng Ying for stealing the sword from Linglong Pavilion, Ye Chen didn't feel too guilty in his heart. At least he helped Deng Ying once, and stealing this sword was considered as ending the favor. In short, Ye Chen didn't feel that he owed Deng Ying anything.

After returning to the mountain, Ye Chen unexpectedly discovered that neither the senior sister nor the third senior sister were on the mountain, and many disciples of Nagato and the second branch were also missing. Ye Chen was confused and asked someone to ask about the situation.

However, since Ye Chen challenged Feng Shao at the canonization ceremony, almost everyone in the sect has been deeply dissatisfied with him. It was only because he was concerned about the identities of his three true successors that he held back. But just because they can avoid provocation doesn't mean they can still answer Ye Chen's questions. So after Ye Chen asked around, everyone just responded to him indifferently: "I don't know."

Of course they really don't know.

These three words made Ye Chen so angry that he couldn't help but feel angry.

Finally, Ye Chen found the second senior sister Li Qingying who was meditating and practicing in the Jingxin Hall. Although Li Qingying was not among the disciples who came down from the mountain, she knew that Feng Shao was leading people to do business. Over the years since he became a disciple, Feng Shao would always lead some disciples down the mountain to do work from time to time. Each time, he would return with a full load, and the Taiwei Sect would further improve in strength.

After Li Qingying explained the situation, he was a little confused. Junior brother, why are you asking about this?

Little did he know that Ye Chen had already begun to make his own plans in his heart at this time.

He naturally knew that Feng Shao had something very important to do every time he took people down the mountain. Although it is unclear where Feng Shao obtained these intelligence materials, it is obvious that what Feng Shao found were rare opportunities. But because of this, Ye Chen couldn't help but secretly scolded Feng Shao for being such a fool.

There is such a good opportunity, why not keep it secretly for yourself? If you have to drag so many people along, isn't this giving your own opportunities to others? Isn't this stupid?

So when Ye Chen heard that Feng Shao was taking people down the mountain again, Ye Chen immediately realized that this was a rare opportunity.

A great opportunity to grab an opportunity.

Thinking of this, he didn't care to say goodbye to his senior sister. He took out the "Red Dragon Sword", stood up with the sword in a flash, and flew away through the air.

Li Qingying looked at Ye Chen's retreating back and wondered: When did the junior brother get the Red Dragon Sword back?


Bi Fangyuan is located to the south of Taiwei Sect, and it takes Yujian Flying at least three days to reach it. Although Ye Chen only knew a general direction, since he was flying with a sword, who would fly around a curve? It must be flying in a straight line, heading straight to the destination!

Because he had to take care of his junior brothers and sisters with lower cultivation levels, Feng Shao did not try his best. But Ye Chen was flying alone, so he could fly as fast as he wanted. Not long after, Ye Chen saw the figures of a group of senior brothers and sisters from a distance, so he slowed down and followed them from a distance.

Since he wanted to seize the opportunity, he couldn't appear openly in front of everyone.

Ye Chen was quite careful along the way, trying to hide his energy as much as possible. He has outstanding qualifications, and his level is not too far behind Feng Shao, and he is even higher than others. Therefore, along the way, Feng Shao and others were not aware of it at all.

Before I knew it, the three-day journey had passed.

Bifangyuan is located in the south of Chongyang Mountain, with a radius of hundreds of miles and is scorching hot.

When they were still dozens of kilometers away from Bifangyuan, everyone felt the rolling heat wave blowing against their faces, and their hair seemed to be blown into curls by the blazing wind.

Feng Shao noticed that many people could no longer resist the heat wave, and immediately ordered everyone to land.

After everyone landed, Feng Shao said: "Everyone, take out the fire-preventing pill now, and then form a formation. I will walk in the front, and Junior Sister Lu will walk in the end. The distance between everyone should not exceed three feet. If anyone feels that he must not insist, Stop, don’t hold on, shout out immediately, do you hear me clearly?”

"Listen clearly!" everyone shouted in unison.

Feng Shao nodded: "Then take the fire-preventing pill quickly!"

After everyone heard this, they immediately took out the fire-preventing pill and drank it without hesitation. Lu Qingyuan couldn't help but wonder in her heart when she saw her senior sisters and brothers obeying Feng Shao's words. She really couldn't figure out what was so charming about Senior Brother Feng that made so many people believe in him unconditionally?

"Junior sister Lu, don't be stunned, you should also take the fire-proofing pill!" Feng Shao reminded him when he saw that Lu Qingyuan didn't move for a while.

Lu Qingyuan came to her senses and said quickly: "Oh, okay."

After everyone took the fire-preventing pill, Feng Shao directed everyone to form a natural formation. After the formation was formed, a thin and substantial barrier covered everyone, and the originally blazing heat wave suddenly became less uncomfortable.

Then Feng Shao gave an order, and everyone began to march towards Bi Fangyuan.

Ye Chen, who saw this scene from a distance, couldn't help but open his eyes wide.

Are you kidding me? This is Bi Fangyuan! Bi Fangyuan is one of the top ten forbidden places! Not long after he entered the path of spiritual practice, Ye Chen heard others mention that each of the ten forbidden areas could not be entered at will. If you accidentally go in, you will be seriously injured and dying, or your soul will be scattered!

Bifangyuan is not the most dangerous among the ten forbidden areas, but it is definitely not that easy to enter. Even if you look at it from dozens of miles away, you can see the blazing flames rising into the sky, as if it is not a plain, but an extremely huge fire pit!

Ye Chen really wants to follow and seize the opportunity, but...

Feeling the scorching heat that can almost make people oily, Ye Chen retreated.

It seems that he can only wait outside for them to come out.

With the ancient books and Tianhua Jade Slips corroborating each other, Feng Shao determined that the source of Bifang's flames is hidden under the Bifang wood.

But because of this, Feng Shao couldn't help but have doubts in his heart.

Bifangyuan has existed for at least thousands of years, and the most eye-catching among them is the Bifang wood. If the Bifang's flames are really hidden under the roots of the Bifang wood, then why has no one dug it out for thousands of years?

After some speculation, Feng Shao believes that there are three possibilities.

First, most people do not think there are any natural treasures in Bifangyuan, so no one is interested in exploring here.

Second, the temptation of Bifang's flames is not enough to make monks willing to risk being burned to death to explore.

Third, there are unknown dangers hidden in Bifangyuan.

Among the above three possibilities, Feng Shao believes that the third possibility is the greatest, so he is now extremely careful, while supporting the shield, he tries to expand his perception range as much as possible.

On the hot and cracked ground, flames continue to pour out from the cracks in the earth. In some places, the flames are even several meters high, covering the sky and the sun, dazzling and blinding. The surrounding air is dry and hot, making people feel as if they are being baked on a fire, which is extremely uncomfortable.

The fire-proof pill can only ensure that they will not be harmed by the flames, but it cannot immunize them from the burning sensation felt in the body.

Although it is very difficult, no one in the team complains.

A group of ten people walked slowly in the Bifang Plain for a full hour before Feng Shao saw a dark and inconspicuous dead tree in the distance.

"Brother Feng, is that our target?" Han Biyun, who also noticed the dead tree, couldn't help asking.

Feng Shao nodded slowly: "Be careful on the road ahead, I'm not sure what will happen. If there is danger, save your life first!"

Everyone responded in unison, and then followed Feng Shao in the direction of the Bifang tree.

In the huge Bifang Plain, the lonely Bifang tree looks very abrupt. But in fact, the Bifang tree is not tall, at most about two meters. The dry trunk and bare branches make it look as if it has been dead for many years. What surprised Feng Shao and others even more was that as they gradually approached the Bifang tree, the temperature of the air seemed to be gradually decreasing.

This made everyone feel refreshed.

But Feng Shao and Lu Qingyuan subconsciously raised their vigilance. For some reason, they always felt that things would not go so smoothly.

Just when they were about 200 meters away from the Bifang tree, a bright light seemed to flash on the dark trunk of the Bifang tree. Feng Shao's heart suddenly beat violently and he shouted, "Danger! Defend the front!"

The training in the past few days made everyone put the shield of the Tiancheng formation in front of them as soon as they heard Feng Shao's order. The next moment, everyone saw the dark Bifang wood faded in color and burst into a dazzling light. A raging flame suddenly rose out of thin air, turning the entire Bifang wood into a burning torch!


A sharp cry sounded, and the surging wind swept towards them with a flame as hot as the sun.

For a moment, the earth cracked and the mountains shook.

Feng Shao, who was at the forefront, bore the most of the flame attack. He tried his best to block the raging flames and relieved most of the pressure for his junior brothers and sisters behind him. Then, he looked at the place where the Bifang tree should have been, and saw a bright and dazzling one-legged crane, whose outline could only be vaguely seen, stretching its neck and crying sharply.


Feng Shao immediately understood what happened.

The Bifang tree was actually the shadow of an adult Bifang!

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