Senior brother, stop it, you are the villain!

Chapter 221 Entering the Battlefield

Long Yan was an Immortal Emperor in his previous life.

Yes, he was the kind of Immortal Emperor who was so arrogant that he looked so arrogant wherever he went. In the end, he was beaten to death because of his arrogance.

But Long Yan never thought that he did anything wrong. After all, he was an Immortal Emperor, how could he be wrong?

What? You said that the people who beat him up were also Immortal Emperors?

Please! Can Immortal Emperors be the same? In Long Yan's eyes, other Immortal Emperors are just stronger ants!

Long Yan thought so, and his usual behavior also followed this idea. So to be honest, it was not unfair for him to be beaten to death.

But now, he was reborn!

Although he was reborn in a place where the spiritual energy was not so rich, and it was suspected that there was something wrong with the way of heaven, so that he could not break through to the highest realm of the True Immortal, but he was indeed reborn!

From the moment of rebirth, Long Yan secretly swore:

"I, Emperor Yan, will come back!"

As an arrogant Immortal Emperor, Long Yan naturally looked down on sects like Qiankun Palace. But in this world, there seems to be no better secret realm than Qiankun Palace, so he, Long Yan, reluctantly came here to take a look!

Before entering Qiankun Palace, he looked at other cultivators with contempt. In his opinion, all the opportunities in Qiankun Palace belong to him. What are these ants? Are they worthy of competing with him? Ridiculous!

If anyone dares to compete with him for opportunities, then he doesn't mind using his own strength to teach the other party a lesson!

It's just that the tuition for this lesson is a bit expensive!

Just after the white light flashed, Long Yan found himself teleported to a small world. And in this small world, there stood a sky full of gods and demons, looking at him indifferently.

Long Yan snorted coldly and smiled contemptuously.

What's there to fear about a mere god and demon?

Here comes the sword!

So Long Yan rushed up.

Then... Long Yan was beaten violently.

Especially miserable.

What made Long Yan even more angry was that there was only one person among the gods and demons in the sky, and he was the weakest one!

This made Long Yan so angry that he vomited blood.

This is outrageous! Do you know who you are facing? It is my great Yan Emperor! The Yan Emperor who shocked the nine heavens and eighteen wastelands, who has never been seen before and will never be seen again, and who is the only one in heaven and earth!

How dare you look down on me like this?

You are courting death!

Long Yan roared, trying his best to kill the other party. However, what made him extremely depressed was that no matter what means he used, the other party easily took it, and then beat him up again.

Long Yan was abused for a total of two hours.

During these two hours, Long Yan kept standing up and rushing towards the other party, and was constantly knocked away by a punch. Later, he began to doubt his life.

What a wicked place this is! How could there be someone who could defeat my great Yan Emperor!

It's too unreasonable!

What made him most depressed was that the other party had no expression on his face, but he clearly saw contempt in his eyes!

This is outrageous!

After being teleported out, Long Yan still had a dull look in his eyes, unable to come back to his senses, and muttered: "Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! How could I lose?"

This is a common bad habit among immortal emperors like Long Yan. When he is powerful, he thinks that everything he does is right. Killing is right, looking down on people is right, and robbing people's property is still right.

But on the other hand, if he is abused by someone stronger than him, he can't bear it and thinks that the other party is looking for death. And his resistance is not wrong, because the other party dares to look down on him!

Double standards are played by this kind of people. Because the characteristic of the immortal emperor is to impose his will on everyone. What he says is right, it is right. What others say is wrong. He says that the weak are the prey of the strong, and the strong are respected. In fact, his moral values ​​have nothing to do with strength.

He is just simply self-centered.

That is what we often say, giant baby.

Because he was abused in the illusion, Long Yan now doubted his life a little, and he had nowhere to vent his anger. But he didn't want others to see that he was defeated, so he could only endure it.

But that face was so stinky.

After most of the people returned, Long Yan didn't wait and led them directly into the Qiankun Palace.

The formations inside and outside the Qiankun Palace were complicated and changeable, and it was easy to go the wrong way if you were not careful. All the teams that came here to explore the secret realm brought at least one person who was proficient in formations. They were cautious all the way, walking on thin ice, and they had to stop and count with their fingers almost every step they took. Therefore, most people wandered at the door of the Qiankun Palace for a long time, and for a while they couldn't get in.

Seeing this, Long Yan snorted coldly, and his face unconsciously showed contempt. He strode in directly, not taking the formations of the Qiankun Palace seriously at all.

"It's just a 28-star formation, how difficult is it? Let me break it!"

As an Immortal Emperor, the 28-star formation was naturally not difficult for him, so he rushed in with everyone confidently. At the beginning, it was very smooth, and the Red Lotus Holy Land became the first team to successfully enter the Qiankun Palace. But not long after entering the Qiankun Palace, Long Yan felt something was wrong.

Strange! It should be the place of the Seven Stars of the Azure Dragon, how come it became the Seven Stars of the White Tiger?

Long Yan counted with his fingers, and then smiled contemptuously. It's just the positive and negative 28-star formation, what's the difficulty?

So he walked again according to the method of breaking the positive and negative 28-star formation. But this time, after just a few steps, he found something wrong.

How come the Seven Stars of the Vermillion Bird suddenly appeared again? !

Even though Long Yan was always arrogant, he had to admit that he might have really made a mistake this time.

He calculated for a long time and frowned at the seemingly flat road in front of him, which was actually full of murderous intentions.

As the saying goes, those who are involved are confused, while those who are on the sidelines can see clearly. If he was outside the formation, it would not be difficult for him to figure out what the formation was. But he was too arrogant and had seen the Seven Stars of the Blue Dragon as the 28 Constellations Formation. It was not until this time that he remembered that there were many variations of the 28 Constellations Formation!

Not to mention the positive and negative variations, there are also three more commonly used variations: the Four Symbols, the Five Elements, and the Six Combinations. The Four Symbols Variation combines the alternating changes of the Sun, the Shaoyang, the Taiyin, and the Shaoyin, so that the 28 Constellations Formation undergoes regular periodic changes. The Five Elements Variation combines the central Huanglin with the Three Enclosures, and varies the formation based on the principle of the five elements' mutual generation and restraint. As for the Liuhe Transformation Array, it has been mentioned in the previous article, so I will not discuss it here.

In addition to these three common ones, there are many uncommon ones, such as the Ten Heavenly Stems Transformation Array, the Twelve Earthly Branches Transformation Array, the Twenty-Four Solar Terms Transformation Array, the Thirty-Six Heavenly Gangs Transformation Array, and so on. The Ten Heavenly Stems and the Twelve Earthly Branches are transformation arrays based on arithmetic, the Twenty-Four Solar Terms are transformation arrays based on the calendar, and the Thirty-Six Heavenly Gangs involve numerology. These transformation arrays are extremely complicated and rare in the world. In order to avoid the array setter being trapped in it, it is even necessary to draw a special array diagram to find the correct path.

A drop of cold sweat dripped from Long Yan's forehead involuntarily.

At this point, he had to admit that he underestimated the foundation of the Qiankun Palace.

However, as the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor, he would definitely not admit it. He pretended to be contemptuous and said, "It's just a transformation array of the Twenty-Eight Constellations Array. Do you think you can trap me?"

The disciples of the Red Lotus Holy Land around him immediately seized the opportunity to flatter. There is no way. This gentleman is too vindictive and kills people at every turn. In the past year, for the sake of their own lives, the disciples of the Red Lotus Holy Land have learned a set of flattering skills, praising Long Yan to the point of being in a trance.

Flattery may be useless, but not flattering will definitely bring bad luck.

Long Yan counted on his fingers for a long time and calculated several possible changes. However, to be sure, he still needs to test it. So he pointed at a disciple and ordered: "You, take twelve steps to the Wuwang position!"

The disciple's face froze. He subconsciously looked around, but found that all his fellow disciples involuntarily avoided his gaze, obviously unwilling to have anything to do with him at this time.

He felt bitter in his heart, but he could only follow Long Yan's instructions and take twelve steps to the Wuwang position.

Twelve steps were reached in a moment. He closed his eyes and waited for an accident to happen.

Is it a mechanism? Or a trap?

But after waiting for a long time, there was no movement at all.

He was overjoyed and was about to speak. As soon as he turned his head, the expression on his face froze.

There was only mist around him, and no figure could be seen.

In the eyes of others, the disciple disappeared just after he took five or six steps. They were shocked and subconsciously turned their heads to look at Long Yan, but saw Long Yan said nonchalantly: "It seems that this road is not right, so we have to try another way."

The disciple has been completely lost in the formation and will never be able to get out. However, Long Yan didn't care about it at all.

How could a great Immortal Emperor care about the lives of ants?

He pointed at someone casually: "You, take nine steps to Dayouwei."

After several attempts and consuming several disciples, Long Yan finally found the right way and determined that the formation under his feet was the third formation in the Liuhe Transformation Formation. His confidence suddenly soared, and he smiled contemptuously: "The Qiankun Palace is just like this. Do you want to trap me like this?"

As he said, he stepped forward.

After confirming the formation, the road ahead was easy for him. In just a moment, he led everyone to the first hall.

Looking at the gate that was more than ten feet high in front of him, he said contemptuously: "This kind of gate also wants to stop me?"

As he said, he slapped it with one palm.

The heavy door collapsed under his palm. The disciples of the Red Lotus Holy Land, who had just walked out of the maze and were still in shock, flattered again.

At the same time, I prayed in my heart: "Sir, please don't pick me next time you pick someone!"

At this time, Long Yan did not notice that behind him, a young man was observing him from a distance, with a solemn look on his face.

A moment later, when Long Yan and others entered the hall, the young man seemed to be talking to himself and said: "System, is this the next sign-in point?"

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