Senior brother, stop it, you are the villain!

Chapter 227: Wangshu Palace Master

The battle between the sons of luck is of course a big scene. And they have another characteristic when fighting, that is... they like to hurt innocent people.

Therefore, many monks who happened to come here were affected by the fight between the two. Some lucky ones were only slightly injured. And some unlucky ones simply died.

However, Long Yan and Song Jue didn't care much about this.

The battle between the two was large, and the consumption was naturally not small. Before long, most of the true essence of the two was consumed, and the movements gradually slowed down. After fighting for a while, Long Yan gradually gained the upper hand, while Song Jue became more and more unsustainable, and his spear moves became sluggish.

Long Yan noticed this situation and unconsciously showed a grim smile on his face. He was a great Immortal Emperor, and he had never suffered such a big loss. An ant that could hurt him, naturally could not be let go easily.

But after killing this ant, he could humiliate it at will.

So he grinned and said, "Ant, this day next year will be your death sacrifice. Do you have any last words to say?"

Song Jue gritted his teeth and said, "I... I'm talking to your mother!"

At this time, Song Jue didn't plan to hold back. With a casual move, he took a magic weapon in the system space in his hand. It was a small exquisite tower, delicate and small. Song Jue threw the exquisite tower at Long Yan and shouted, "Suppress him for me!"

Under Song Jue's command, the exquisite tower suddenly swelled and turned into a seven-story tower in an instant. Then, the tower smashed down on Long Yan fiercely!

Long Yan's face changed, and he clenched his left fist without thinking. A bright red ring shone on the middle finger of his left hand. He punched the exquisite tower, and a huge red fist hit the exquisite tower fiercely!


After a loud bang, the exquisite tower was hit hard. But before Long Yan could catch his breath, he saw a figure rushing towards him as fast as lightning!

The next moment, Long Yan felt a chill in his chest. He looked down in astonishment, only to see a long spear stuck in his chest.

At the same time, Song Jue's cold voice rang in his ears: "You are hard to kill!"

After that, Song Jue pulled out the long spear, and blood spurted out of Long Yan's chest.

In a trance, Long Yan seemed to see the scene of his previous life looking down on the world and slaughtering tens of thousands of people. At that time, he was majestic and glorious. The people he killed were not people to him, but just ants.

No matter how many ants he killed, he didn't need to have any psychological burden. So how high-spirited he was at that time!

Even if he was besieged to death and forced to reincarnate into this world, he never doubted that he would return to the fairyland sooner or later and take revenge on those who besieged him!

But... why is this result different from what he imagined?

He subconsciously looked in the direction of the disciples of the Red Lotus Holy Land. He thought they would definitely come to save him, but to his surprise, he saw that the disciples of the Red Lotus Holy Land did not show panic on their faces, but... satisfaction?

"In the next life, remember not to be so arrogant again."

At the last moment when his consciousness dissipated, Long Yan only heard this sentence.

Watching Long Yan's body fall to the ground, Song Jue breathed a sigh of relief.

Long Yan was the most difficult enemy he had ever met. If it were normal, Song Jue would definitely not want to fight with such a person, after all, the risk was too great and there was no benefit.

But who told Long Yan to make trouble for no reason?

He was not a soft persimmon, could he let Long Yan pinch him like this?

So Long Yan's end was more or less his own fault.

He cast his eyes on the people of the Red Lotus Holy Land again, but before he could speak, one of the Red Lotus Holy Land disciples said, "You can leave on your own. We don't intend to avenge him."

Song Jue looked at him in surprise, and then looked at the others, but saw that everyone showed an expression of approval.

Tsk tsk, this guy is really a failure in life.

Song Jue didn't say much nonsense, put away his spear, came to the sea of ​​red spider lilies, and asked the system in his mind: "Dog system, how should I go next?"

[Ding! Red spider lilies have a hallucinogenic effect. It is easy to get lost in it if you walk in rashly. But as long as the host follows the path indicated by the system, he will not be affected by the illusion. 】

Then, a blue route map appeared in Song Jue's vision. Song Jue did not hesitate, stepped forward, and walked into the sea of ​​flowers.


In the center of Qiankun Palace is the central hub of Qiankun Palace. The three palaces of Xihe, Wangshu and Xuanji and the three halls of Taiwei, Ziwei and Tianshi each formed a triangle, interlaced with each other, and finally formed a huge hexagram.

In the center of the hexagram is a vast pool of water with a radius of 100 meters. The pool was filled with mist, rolling and boiling on one side, and cold and chilly on the other. The water flow alternated, cold and warm, and constantly changed with the passage of time.

Suddenly, with a "splash", a figure emerged from the pool, gasping for breath.

After a long time, the figure's breathing gradually stabilized. He looked up and looked around, with a look of confusion on his face.

Where... is this place?

"Are you awake?"

A voice suddenly sounded in his ear, startling him. He hurriedly looked in the direction of the voice, but saw a vague figure standing by the pool looking at him.

The figure's face was blurry and the voice was unclear, but from the other person's figure, it could be vaguely seen that it was a woman.

He frowned and asked, "Junior Tang Fei, may I know your name?"

The woman said lightly, "You can call me 'Palace Master Wangshu'."

"Palace Master Wangshu?" Tang Fei was shocked. "You are the legendary one, one of the three palace masters of Qiankun Palace?"

The woman nodded.

Tang Fei was about to speak, but heard the woman say, "If you have any questions, ask them after you come up!"

"Yes, senior."

Tang Fei struggled to climb up the shore, and was about to use his power to evaporate the water on his body, but he unexpectedly found that his whole body was dry and refreshed, and there was no water on him at all. Not only that, he also found that his cultivation had returned to the state of transformation, and the damaged foundation in his body had been completely repaired.

At this time, he felt the vast true essence like a river flowing continuously in his meridians for a long time, which made him feel full of strength. The previous feeling of weakness has now been swept away.

Tang Fei had dreamed of restoring his cultivation countless times, and now that his wish had suddenly come true, he felt as if he was in a dream.

But why did his foundation and cultivation suddenly return?

Speaking of which, he was fighting with the disciples of Ziqing Holy Land when he suddenly felt a flash of white light in front of his eyes. Then, he felt groggy, as if in a dream or in the clouds. When he woke up again, he was in the pool.

So, his foundation and cultivation were restored by this pool? Then who instructed all this? Was it the woman in front of him who claimed to be the master of Wangshu Palace?

I think it should be so.

Tang Fei was surprised and happy, and he knelt down to the woman and said, "Thank you for helping me restore my foundation. I have no way to repay you for your kindness. If you have any orders, I will obey them."

He has always been a person who knows how to repay his gratitude. Now that I have received such a great favor, I should repay it with all my strength.

The woman said calmly: "I am repairing your foundation for you, and I do have something to ask for, but you also have the right to refuse. When you think it through, it will be too late to agree to me."

Tang Fei shook his head: "A drop of water should be repaid with a spring, not to mention that the senior's action is like a rebirth for me, how can I refuse?"

The woman said: "If it were someone else, it would be so. But you are not an ordinary person. Even if I don't help you repair your foundation, there will be other opportunities to help you repair it. So you don't have to take my help to heart."

Hearing this, Tang Fei couldn't help but ask curiously: "What do you mean?"

The woman said: "Do you know that you are a person favored by heaven?"

Next, the woman revealed Tang Fei's identity as the son of luck without hiding anything. Tang Fei was dumbfounded, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

So everything he experienced was destined?

Tang Fei was stunned and silent, only to hear the woman continue to say: "As a son of destiny, you are born with the favor of heaven. But my Qiankun Palace has been going against heaven since the day it was founded. I shouldn't have helped you, but the world is changing, and there are always some things that have to be done. And I helped you this time, because I want you to help someone go against heaven."

Tang Fei fell into silence.

But the woman was quite patient, just waiting aside, not urging.

For most cultivators, going against heaven is a heavy topic. And those who always talk about going against heaven, most of them are dead, and the few who are alive are actually the darlings of heaven. What they call "going against heaven" is essentially still following the arrangement of heaven.

Just like Long Yan, who shouts every day that he wants to go against heaven. Little did he know that if it weren't for the intervention of heaven, he would have died long ago, and he couldn't even enter reincarnation. And what he called going against heaven is just another way of saying that he controls his own destiny.

The real rebellion against heaven is to truly go against the way of heaven, and will be punished by heaven at any time.

Just like Qiankun Palace.

As a son of destiny, Tang Fei will sooner or later achieve great things as long as he follows his own destiny step by step. After all, this is the script arranged for him by heaven. But if he gets on the pirate ship of the Lord of Wangshu Palace and goes against the way of heaven, then let alone achieving great things, it will be good to leave a whole body in the future.

So under normal circumstances, as long as there is no problem with the brain, no one will choose to go against heaven.


Tang Fei raised his head and asked the woman: "May I ask, senior, why do you want to go against heaven?"

The woman sighed and said faintly: "Because the way of heaven is gradually becoming the 'way of man'. When He completely becomes the way of man, then everyone in the world will become His pawns..."

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